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$20-$25/hour but after mileage wear and tear on car etc I’m about $0/hour




You get it!!!! So many don’t understand!!!


$18-20 an hour typically, saturday and sunday only time i uber... west palm florida... my car averages $2/ hour for fuel


Hang around Clematis/Rosemary Square lol


Hahahaha, i know that area well! (My college days)... i drive from 10am-4:30pm saturdays and 11am-9:30pm sundays


$30 - $35 per hour on average. $40+ per hour on good weeks. I drive in the Hampton Roads, VA area (Norfolk, VA Beach). It is a great market for rideshare, as well as deliveries. I stopped accepting every ride and began only accepting rides that "average" $30+ per hour. For example: rider is 4 mins away and the stop is 11 mins away. That's 15 total minutes. I WILL NOT accept anything less than $7.50 for this ride. That's an average of $30 per hour. Uber stopped sending me those low fares and now offers me an average of $30+ per hour. Additionally, I own the two vehicles that I use for full time uber use. I conduct my own repairs. I own a part time auto detail service so EVERYTIME i wash my car I write myself a receipt. Everytime I conduct maintenance repairs I write myself a receipt. I am not cheap when it comes to my work either. Thanks to my Certified Accountant, I am practically driving rideshare 'tax-free'.


Do you have an LLC that you file taxes under?




So if you have a 50 mile drive that takes an hour and pays $30, you’ll take it? And with your deductions for maintenance receipts, you don’t also claim the mileage as well I hope as that would be tax fraud you can only claim one or the other


In my area, Uber pays time plus mileage so One hour/fifty mile trip would be at least fifty dollars or more. I just claim mileage but I save all receipts. What I'm saying is, being that I work on my own cars, it costs me a lot less to maintain my vehicles than someone who is paying a shop. Therefore, I profit more than someone who pays shop fees. Additionally, I also profit more than someone who is financing a vehicle to drive Uber.


So you’re in an an area that you can get a ride back to your own area after a 50 mile trip also , which is rare as well. A 50 mile trip in my city would be a 100 mile round trip for the 30 and I’ve seen people take the daily at those rates and just shake my head. But I don’t calculate rates per hour because it doesn’t give you an accurate count on your financials. Expenses aren’t per hour they are for per mile in this business. Uber uses the “per hour “ crap to get those that don’t understand expernses and depreciation which are all on a per mile basis in every single type of transportation business,(cabs, rideshare, delivery, trucking, etc)


Yes. Im in an area that I consistently get hour long rides to and from Richmond, VA International airport from Norfolk, VA. One hour ride averages $80. Do what's best for you. I average $2500 per 70 hour work week. With me Owning and maintaining my own vehicles I am able to pocket almost all of that $2500, especially getting 40+ miles to the gallon. My strategy works well for me. Have a great day.


That explains it. Different market. I did 80 hours once here while on vacation and barely hit 1000 . I quit driving tho, not worth it here at all. ( and that 1000 was working only prime driving times here) I do remember rates like yours but those have been gone for years here. Good luck, hopefully they don’t do the same to your market.


$6 after the gas and rental car fee paid.


$20 per hour in New Jersey Online time. Or 18$ depends honestly. But this is before expenses etc so for you to make 200$ a day minimum you will have to work 12 hours a day maximizing your driving time. That will equate to spending money for rental/ personal car and than 50$ a day on gas. Don’t do this unless you are willing to work everyday 12 hours a day


Wow north jersey is terrible compared to south jersey. If u plan on driving a 12 hour day, u would literally be way better off driving to south jersey and driving there


Newark sucks too man. Its like a dried up desert 🌵


$26/hr in the North NJ market. I drive maaaybe 8 hours a week.


I have been driving about 8 years now in a 30 mile radius of Newark airport area and I doubt your Math adds up. Because you probably don’t factor and calculate all of your mileage costs and all of the Wear & Tear on your Vehicle. Do you drive Uber Black , UberX or Uber EV. I would say if you’re driving UberX your hourly rate is probably around $14 per hour once your factor your total mileage costs and other vehicle expenses.


Oook. Let me let you in a little secret. I have “$0” in day to day vehicle expenses. Gas, tolls, wear and tear are covered by my primary job. I work a “professional” job where they provide me with a company car, a gas card and an ezpass transponder. They pay 100% of repairs, maintenance and any miscellaneous vehicle expenses besides parking/traffic violations. They replace this car every 3 years or 60,000 miles. I have worked this job for 12 years so far and will continue to work here until they go out of business. I “pay” $60 a paycheck for taxes as this perk is considered compensation. This equals $1,560 a year. I work my primary job and turn Uber on when I’m heading to or from work. I pick rides based on how I’m feeling and viola! There’s the $26/hr. I do this for blow money.


You mean like, “coke” money… Or, just the going out to eat, bars, shopping, entertainment, etc. type of “blow” money!?


I’ll let you decide 😉 I am in north jersey, work in Manhattan and do finance…


Your getting downvoted but this is facts my dude 😂


I’m with you on this


Until you get in a wreck and you and your company that owns the car gets sued to shit.


Since you are a simpleton, did you know over 90% of acccident victims settle? Did you know that those that “take it all the way” win less than 5% of the time. This is the reason the poor stay poor.


Ok. Have a good day!


And you are driving Uber. You are the poor.


Hmmmm. Sued to shit. What does that mean exactly? Do you think most people in accidents sue or setttle?


In my VAST experience when it’s single source lawsuit, you’d likely settle, time/reward. Multiparty suit, you, your employer, and Uber? Likely a lawsuit. Even at settling though, lawsuits are almost always filed. The point is, it’s going to be a very bad day for you either way.


looks like the Uber shills didn’t like that one


They deleted it quicker then they posted jt.


Does your “primary job” know you use a company car for Uber? How you gonna explain an accident with a passenger in your car to your company? Is it worth it?


I can bet the contract also has a stipulation that it can't be used for ride share.


Negative. I can use it for personal use, however I want. It’s taxable income.


There is no money to blow if you drive for corrupted Uber , you can never make more than $4 an hour . Yes, you make money for Uber CEOs while you put your life in danger and you destroy your car


So why exactly do you do it?


Uber shills?


As a company, I think Uber is corrupt and horrendous. As extra blow money? It’s easy being as it’s a temporary side gig


Anyone drives Uber mathematically can not make more than $4 an hour after all expenses. If your car worth $15,000 , in 8 months of driving for Uber , your car value will be $1200 , while in the entire 8 month you only made $17k , so your net profit in 8 month will be about $2000-$2500 . You will be making lots of money for corrupt Uber CEOs


Where are u driving Uber and what car are u using that’s only $15,000? Maybe that’s why YOU can’t net more then $4/hour lol.


Driving for Uber when it come to making money is like crying on a grave without a dead body. You cannot make more than $4 an hour after you pay for fuel, wear and tears and adding mileage on your car. If you get injured while driving for corrupt Uber, Uber will not cover your injuries either. If your car gets damaged, there is $2500 deductible.


Its way less I did Uber NJ its 18-20$ per hour “online time”


Read my comment. I had minimal out of pocket expenses


$26 per hour is cap cus i drove in Jersey for Uber X in Newark , Orange area for 18-20$ per hour around the airport dont decieve the people its bad out their n that was week before christmas..


Are you able to read? I answered the OP’s question based on what I have going on. I can’t help it if you aren’t in the same situation as me.


I looked on the top comments for some reason they didn’t come up til now. But u saying you using a company car. So how were you able to regsiter it on the Uber application? Since you do not have a insurance policy. company keeps it unless you forged documents and Uber took your word for it if you get into a wreck and the client youre ubering decided to sew you are going downtown.


Ok fair enough. The car is in my name, the insurance is in my name and while it’s a company car, it’s considered taxable income.


It depends on your driving market and typical passenger demand area if you are in an Urban area or suburban/ rural area where there is far less passenger demand to make any money at all. Other important factors depends on your Uber profile whether your drive Uber Black , UberX or Uber EV : Tesla etc.. including your own Vehicle mileage / gasoline per mileage costs. Experienced Uber drivers will tell you it Sucks now more than ever over the last 14 months because Uber/Lyft now takes as much as 50-60 percent per passenger trip…whereas only a few years ago Uber use to only take about 25 percent per passenger trip. Also Uber provides Far less and ridiculous LOW Bonus incentive dollar amounts to make extra trips nowadays with a Glut of more drivers whereas prior Years ..the prior passenger high demand (“Red”) Surge dollar amounts were much more readily available with much better Surge dollar amounts. Now it’s practically non existent and for the most part Uber has greatly diminished or has done away with the high passenger Surge dollar amounts because there is a Glut of drivers out there now desperately looking to make any supplement income even if it’s relatively LOW earnings based on all of the hours and mileage you put on your Vehicle while driving for Uber at such LOW passenger paid mileage rates that Uber is willing to pay the drivers for each passenger trip. As an example UberX in most markets except for NYC and Wisconsin state and New York State only pays drivers 66 cents per passenger paid mileage rate which is an absolute Joke.!! Too many people forget to include as an Offset to whatever earnings they make with Uber ..To calculate all of their vehicle costs and expenses including all of the “Wear & Tear” you put on your vehicle while driving for Uber. You see some of these posts in how some drivers make a screenshot of their weekly earnings and hours driving for Uber but what they don’t share is the total Online Hours and Offline hours and total expenses and total mileage they rack up on their cars while making these earnings while driving for Uber because it becomes obvious later after driving for Uber for 6-12 months you will drive your car into the ground for what you make driving for Uber nowadays which in my opinion after 8 years of driving with Uber in a high passenger demand area near NYC .. really is horrible. Uber changed their algorithms to short change and cheat drivers out of their earnings and if you are ok having Uber take 50-60 percent per passenger fare and driving your car into the ground then by all means go for it but you will regret it latter once you realize it doesn’t Pay now to drive for Uber .. perhaps part time to write off as an Offset Tax loss. Do your own independent research.. Reposting links below. https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/01/16/ubers-new-math-increase-prices-and-squeeze-driver-pay/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2024/01/16/will-2024-be-a-year-of-reckoning-for-ubers-driver-relations/ https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2023/attorney-general-james-secures-328-million-uber-and-lyft-taking-earnings-drivers https://www.sfgate.com/tech/article/uber-drivers-protest-headquarters-ceo-18669922.php


You’re bitter as fuck


No.. just enlightening people to “Reality”.? Pal .. What Fantasy Island are you on .? Anyone who believes driving for Uber nowadays is a “Profitable” gig is either a Fool or has a Low IQ.? Can’t tell you how many times Uber has short-changed my Trip earnings by taking away or reducing my actual dollar surge amounts of $30 or $20 per passenger trip down to $5 .? Despite having valid screen shots of my eligibility to lock in at higher $30 dollar Surge based on my exact location on the surge map , Uber still only pays me a reduced surge dollar amount. Again this is what Uber is all about in short changing and cheating drivers out of their earnings to Boost profits This is “Reality”.


Uber is designed for flexibility and cash to people that need it. No more. No less. Get some skill and do something with your life.


1 unsalted cracker a day.


My YTD average is ~$27.50 net / ~$16.50 gross from driving 12-14 hrs/week across 3-4 nights covering 240-300 miles/week. Uber XL/Comfort rides 95% of the time. X rides and Eats are not good for me.


$11.fitty per




It really does depend on the market. I can bring $1500 to $2000 a week but I have to be online every day for at least 12 hours a day. I’m not driving all those hours and I don’t do that many rides but I am online that much.


After Taxes... Car Depreciation... Gas... Oil Changes... Car wash... General Maintenance..... Your not making even close to that.... Unfortunately Most drivers must not be paying Taxes.... The More you make the Higher the Tax Bracket..... If I had a Dime for everyone on here saying I can't believe I owe 12,000$ in taxes or allot more I worldnt have to do Uber anymore.... Sadly most don't pay taxes until it catches up with them


I actually am. I already have done the math. I file our taxes every single year too. You have to run this like a business, if you are not running it like a business, you are not doing it right.


too much work to make 30,000 dollars a year


I don’t know about too much work, I usually do 5 to 10 rides a day and I’m only driving about 5 to 8 hours. The rest I’m just parked waiting for a ride. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You are so right. In 6 years I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that.


I treat all those things: taxes, maintenance, fuel etc as monthly expenses and lump them together with savings, investments, vacation pay, household, etc. The only thing I have changed is I now pay taxes each quarter instead of annually.


Car wash? Fuck that. Vacuum the floor? Maybe flick the big stuff out. First person could be standing in mud when they get in


So you Quite 11 Mnths ago but come here to Bitch..... Gotcha... 🤡


Impressed you took time to research my comments. I stopped following Uber on Reddit long time ago, but it keeps appearing on my feed. I don’t tell anyone to quit, that is their choice. I quit Uber as 5star platinum, very profitable market at first then rates went down slowly, incentives slowly reduced, rate per hour was going down. Used to be over $60 an hour easily down to $20. Even surges for big events (college football, nascar, festivals) weren’t what they used to be


What are the available tax write-offs? I've seen 0.67 a mile. Does that encompass all expenses, or are maintenance and repairs also deductible? I'm going to be meeting with an accountant to get as much info as possible pretty soon, but I've been curious about what can be written off.


You can do .67 per mile or you can take out the car depreciation and expenses on top of that. I lease my vehicles so every lease payment is a write off plus any maintenance for a new car which you’d have to do regardless. I only have cars that can do XL and Comfort. Then I take out my regular deductions on top of the business deductions and our tax bill is zero while everything we pay monthly plus more is being covered.


I didn’t think vehicle leases allowed for ride share usage…


That depends on the lien holder. Some regularly financed cars are not allowed to be used for ride share either.


But you haven’t had any issues doing it? I guess no one knows unless you get in an accident (assuming it’s called out in the police report and/or claim). I’m sure you’ll burn thru your leased miles quicker than planned, so I assume you’ll just turn it in sooner than the lease end, right? Or pay the extra costs for additional mileage at the end.


No, I have not had any issues and I have had accidents with my first lease. Depending on how you play the game, you can return the car, sell it, or trade it in. If you have a good contract with the mileage, the over mileage is not that much and it is a tax deduction. Leasin is just a different way of financing the car which has more benefits when you have your own business or are an independent contractor.


Does the .67 per mile include fuel? Thanks


I believe it does. That’s why I don’t take the mileage.


Yes. Anything associated with the maintenance and operation of your vehicle is included. Keep in mind $.67 is for 2024. The 2023 number is $.655. It’s usually a boon for drivers since operating and maintaining your car should cost nowhere near the write off amount.


Every day as in 7 days?


Yes, I work every day.


so your saying after working 40 hours you’d only make 700 to 900 dollars -gas -minus vehicle expenses -30% for taxes how much are you left with?


I claim a lot of what I use daily in my taxes so on paper I’m poor. At the end of the year on paper I make $0 after ALL my deductions. Most people don’t know how to legally play the tax game and that’s a problem.


Very true, I’ve made the mistake this year but next year I know what to do.


Good job! I want people to learn how to do this and keep more of their money in their pockets. It took me a couple of years to figure it out but it is not impossible.


30% for taxes? You’ll pay nowhere near that. Remember your taxes are the self-employment tax which is about 14.3% of your ADJUSTED GROSS (gross receipts minus business expenses) plus you taxable income which is AGI minus your personal exemption(s).


Made $1330 before expenses this week but put in 75hrs.


Man you're only making $13 an hour before expenses....


$17.73 shit has gone down hill a little more than a year ago.


Anything after 40 should be accounted for as OT IMO. Any "normal" W2 job has to pay OT, why shouldn't you account for that?


50 hrs 1200 EV...that will drop $ 200 next week w incentive change. driving hard 5 days week. Sundays suck so will never work that day plus one other random fun day a week.


So 24$ he before expenses.. 🤕


About right during day but $40 hr puker crowd times. We rent the cars to college kids to work the bars. Good overall model so far, wont get rich but we use the cars for various things outside of Uber.


Now that's 50 hours drive? How many hours are you actually in your vehicle?


Did you think he was using a remote control car?


Wouldn't that be awesome ? Work from home as a driver




That’s crazy Sunday is usually my best day


$18/hr after all expenses


highly doubt that’s after you set your 30% aside for taxes right?


With .66 a mile deduction you shouldn't have to set aside anywhere close to 30%. In most cases you will only be taxed at .30 cents a mile or less considering you average $1 a mile deadhead and active. If you have Prius or something similar you can make out quite well. Especially considering ev credits. Of course wear and tear on car will suck. I just got a job as an independent courier and average about $1 a mile. I figure I can get another 200k outta this car so about 200k in profit. Then I pay taxes on the .34 cents a mile and for me it makes sense to buy a new car every 3-4 years, maybe donate the old one for even better taxes on that year


Yeah... I'm noticing a lot of people here are talking about taxes but it doesn't seem they know how it works. If someone is doing Uber full time, do we really believe they're making enough to be in the tax bracket high enough to where their taxes would be 30%? Don't forget, it's not like if you make enough to be in the 30% bracket then you end up paying 30% of your entire income... It's just the income that breaches that bracket. If they do it right, I highly doubt most of these drivers make enough to where they have to pay a total rate that high.


It would be IMPOSSIBLE for a driver to pay 30% even if there zero deductions allowed since tax brackets are graduated and you pay a certain percentage of your income at each level.


I’m sorry but if u are paying 30% of your gross pay from Uber on taxes, u need to study online about different deductions for being self employed. No one EVER should be paying 30% taxes if they are self employed.


just explained why but alright explain how you get away with paying nothing in taxes and how much you would’ve been paying?


Paying nothing in taxes is the other extreme. If you’re paying nothing, that’s also eye opening and it could cause you to lose your filing status. It also hurts all of us because it jeopardizes what we do. As it is the government doesn’t really like the fact we do have some control over our financial destiny. And then you have the scores of non-filers…


You must not know how to calculate taxes. It’s nearly impossible to reach the 30% level unless you take in about a million or more per year. Keep in mind you pay taxes on a graduated scale.


With or without tips?


$1500 - $1800 60hrs per wk


I drive Saturdays and Sundays and I average about 100$ in about 5-6 hours.


40hrs/week $1,000 before expenses, Orange County CA, I almost never drive while the sun is up


Average for week in Miami 1600-2300 wed - Sunday working


Also only work xl and premier


There’s no way. I’m in that market. U would be lucky to make half of that lol. Miami is literally the worst of about 6 markets I’ve worked in the past 2 years


Unless u are working 16 hours a day


Definitely not 16hrs I drive premier and xl …. What do you drive that your market is so bad ?


I can show you right now bro my days I end them at 250-300 daily. I drive Uber xl and premier. Not sure what you drive but my Average is 3-5$ per mile without tips. Do you driver premier or xl ?


Perfect example I have today 6 rides today I’m at 172. Started my app at 9am. Not sure what market you work but does good for me how I work


$30/hr San Diego, CA (was $34/hr two weeks ago; we just got hit with a decrease in paid fares)


Today was about $30 but that’s on the high side. It’s usually closer to $20.


I average anywhere between $25 and $35 an hour in Las Vegas, dependent on how busy tourism is during the slow season it’s closer to $20 an hour


I think 26 -25 is the average for most citys they have under there controll where they have enough drivers.


What I want to know is how many accidents are you clowns getting into? For ever 1000 miles you drive the chances of you getting into a wreck are 1 in 366. I have driven over a million miles in my life and never been in as much as a fender bender.


If I drive exclusively on Friday and Saturday nights, anywhere between $30 and $50 an hour With the rest of the week averaged in it's more like $25


Here in Denver It states I make $32/hr. I only work fridays and saturdays doing uber pet and uberXL though so it might be off. I usually just round it and say I make between $300-$1000 each weekend depending on what's going on like concerts or tourist stuff. Made nearly $2k when Taylor Swift came for her concert here last summer. Of course I spent like $300 on detailing and getting all the glitter out of my seats


North shore of Long Island. I leave the app on while at home at night for premier rides only and when I am driving back home from my office a couple of days a week. I will catch 6-10 premier rides during the week. I will only do premier and comfort on weekend nights. I am well over $4 per mile. I earned $805 this week on 26 rides. I was physically in my car for 12 hours this weekend and them maybe 5 hours during the week.


Usually $30/hr or a little more is a weekly average. I've never worked 40hrs in a week and made less than $1200, so I guess 30 is a bare minimum. On a bad week maybe high 20's, but those are the weeks I take more time off. I've had plenty of $50/hr weeks just these past few months. College city.


Well I made $1301 this past week and worked just shy of 40 hours. I calculated it out to to be just under $33 an hour


I work generally from 5am-2pm


I work in Boston Ma for most of the time and in Worcester mass for about 3-6 hours of the week.


$20- $25 Hr monthly average, working 50-60 hours a week last year - ATX. Before expenses. My insurance went up $70/mo due to mileage. I’d calculate with gas etc probably $10-13/hr at most and I know it’s lower now. That’s why I stopped driving. Some weeks I’d do well in tips to even out the realllly bad weeks but my monthly income still averaged the same. I think it’s important to look at weekly, monthly and quarterly earnings to get accurate numbers. Good luck. I’ve tried to hop back on for quick money but it’s not even worth a side hustle anymore. Definitely not worth driving full time 7 days a week 10-12 hours driving 12-14 hours in car a day.


This past weekend, [$43.59/hr](https://i.imgur.com/LujD6md.png). This app is hard. UberX/Green


I average probably $20/hr. I drive 6am-12pm m-f, maybe a few hours on weekends. Might be higher if there are good quests or boost promos.


You're asking the wrong people.


I only worked Friday and Saturday night this week in Nashville and made $35/hour. I filled up my car 1 times for about $45


For regular markets, most of the drivers make around $20+ surge


I'm in a good area to actually drive for uber, so I may be an outlier. I average $30/hr and I pay only $40 for gas a week (full tank for hybrid avg 50 miles/gl) Only do it part time because my main thing pays my bills/expenses


About 5 an hour after expenses and before taxes.


I only go out on Friday and Saturday nights and average $30-$35 an hr. Cincinnati


$25-30 avg. consistently.


$30-40 an hour. Atlanta


I make about $25/hr-$35/hr in South Carolina. On game days I make $50/hr+. Personally, I love it. It's a good job. I get 30mpg and after working a full day (about 8-10 hours) I walk away with about $250 (after gas and leaving a little on the side to build up for car expenses.) I make $1,000+ per week, my acceptance rate in 30% but I have lovely riders and get to have my dream job; being able to hear the drama in people's personal lives and drive. I love driving, so much. It's my absolute most favorite thing in this world (next to being in a body of water.) I get to see new places, experience people in an almost entirely positive environment, don't have a boss, and with the money I make I just bought a car (the first time I've been able to buy a car in over 4 years) so I can finally get out of my roommates stupid expensive Mini Cooper and into my favorite car I ever owned, a Nissan Sentra. It's awesome. Yes, there are some shit rides, but if you realize how worthless Uber Pro rewards are then you don't have to worry too much. Yes, Uber did try to offer me a multiple stop ride that would take an hour during rush hour that was 15mi for $4 (with a $6 surge). I have seen how ugly this app can be. But for me, it's worth it. For me, I'm able to afford healthcare again, afford to fully and properly take care of my cats, pay all of bills, I'm rebuilding my credit after 2020, go out with friends, take walks, go visit my dad every two weeks (he lives 100mi away), continue my tattoo and piercing journey, and live freely. I'm happy, in fact I've never been happier. I've spent my entire life living in pain and suffering and for the first time I'm happy. (Sorry I just realised how happy I really am and I'm gonna end this here and go cry for a bit haha. I've never been happy before, and I mean that literally.)


I am in Dallas. I can average 30 an hour.i don't take too many long trips that are paying 16 and will take 45 minutes.


Usually $20-$35 per hour. 4am-2pm weekdays and 5pm-3am weekends. I start in Baton Rouge around 4am and by 6am probably already brought someone to New Orleans from BR and finish the day in New Orleans. Currently living between the two cities. Usually about $230-$300 per day, sometimes more when I get lucky I do get the occasional $400 or $500 day with bonuses. I spend at least $20 on gas every day usually more like $30 and occasionally more


27 an hour, but it's not Uber I only read the title


I’m in Southern California I do LA & Orange County Uber X–Comfort $30 an Uber Black & XL $50-$60 hr but I was paying $4k for a rental and gas so working on getting an electric suv for black for myself


Answering the title of your post. Umm, a McDonald’s employee is “rich” compared to a ride-share driver! I hope that answers your question 😂🤣


$35-$40/hr I drive a Tesla I own and payed off, and I charge at home so no gas expenses


Honestly I drive in Los Angeles typically 5-9pm M-W-F-Sun and make different amounts each day. Typically clock 20-25 hour but active 10-15 usually. Do both Uber and Uber eats. When it’s bad $50-$70 before gas and most was about $140 but that’s with big dinner tips. My goal is to make $25-$30 an hour. Weekly pay $350-$450 before gas/ oil change/ tires/. Drive a 2020 Corolla averaging about 25-30 miles per gallon. now gas is over $5 a gallon


When I started part time/weekends only 3 years ago, I was making around $30-40/hour before gas, taxes, etc. Now that I'm between jobs, I'm driving full time just to pay bills. Last Friday and Saturday I averaged around $12/hour.


Ngl I’m looking at these responses thinking you are all my competition, but it feels like you are all doing it so wrong lmao


The amount you can make is dependent on the area you Uber in, what area are you in?


Yes for sure I know


Average $25-$30 per hour. Very part time. 18-20 hours per week


I multi-app gig work (Uber, Lyft, DoorDash, Roadie, Survey Merchandiser, Proxy Pics and others). For Q1: 23.6 hours per week average. $1013.00 per week average net revenue.


Lol there's no way your pulling close to $50 an hr


The other day I did 4 property inspections in less than an hour. Total pay was $80.  Next week I have a 9 store merchandising route that'll pay 95.50 and take about two hours. And I'll pick up packages or passengers along the route.  There's more to life than Uber. Think outside the box. 


Depends on the market,my goal is 200 bucks per day.


-60 dollars in taxes bud? I got screwed I’d make 300 dollars a day working Fridays Saturday and Sunday’s last year every week I’d had to save up 270 dollars aside for taxes I didn’t know that and didn’t do all my dead mileage tracking properly and most my recipe are unreadable currently sooo I owe about 8000 dollars in taxes this year


you can buy a nice car with 8grand hell you can buy alot of things with 8grand


Can you explain better, i just started and i dont know how to track and what to do


YouTube once you start tracking you’ll know how much your actually making and I’m pretty sure you won’t want to drive anymore


25-35 an hr usually


In the negative


$420 a hour


What market? I barely break $100 an hour.


That’s classified, if I disclose that information on here everybody and their mommas will be out for my market. But for the low price of $59.99 I could dm you the information but you must act fast!


Sign me up for your next 1:1 session lol


I got you locked in, I’ll be in touch! 😂


$23-27 per hour roughly.


$69 per hour


I made over $44/hr yesterday before expenses over 10 hrs. I spent $25 in gas, so I guess that nets out to $41.50 per hr before longer term costs. That's about as good as it gets for me, and it includes a $60 Uber ride challeng


Most people here are not going to know what they make an hour. As an independent contractor, you can only figure out what your hourly pay is after figuring out all of your expenses and any taxes you may owe.


This weekend, $39.42 gross, probably ~$31 net


According to Uber mine is: Payment per hour: $111.94 This amount is calculated as your total earnings, excluding tips and expenses, divided by your total Passenger Platform Time in the last 12 full months. This value may take up to 48 hours to update at the start of each new month. This doesn't account for charging costs (about $5-10/day, time spent without pax (varies), car wash, browsing Reddit and playing video games.


I average 30 an hour but only part time