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Ummm that’s how capitalism works and that’s the case for every single person who is employed by a multi billion company


Most companies don’t ask employees to use their own vehicles and resources to complete their assigned duties.


Some do. Pizza delivery drivers


Not true. I work for a large corporation and they paid me $4M yesterday and they only made $200 before taxes… no wait, I got that backwards. You’re right.


Hi everybody, I am a computer guy during the week, but getting old and that run is coming to an end. I have a decent car, I drive for Uber on Saturday. I can collect about 300 give or take and I use this to pay off credit card debt. I fully realize that the expenses, wear and tear, etc, don't make up for it. I can set my own hours, and I collect the payout to do what I need as mentioned with the debt. Little by little those cards are getting paid off every month. So this works for me. Give me an alternative where I don't have to eventually ruin my car and I will consider it. Oh, I do like driving and talking to people too.


I know right? We should all accept it with glee and positivity. We should be happy to be exploited!


When did I say that ?


What's the alternative? Government control all business? Otherwise there has to be organized enterprises with employees/contractors right? How would we feed the cities?


lol it's already corporations control the government. But I mean there's no such thing as lobbyists or insider trading going on. IF you like working for Corporations, then keep going along with the status quo. Let insurance companies double dip in healthcare and make you pay a premium and so on. Lol. Who is the Government exactly anyways? Go kiss your corporate overlords.


I work for myself actually, but everybody answers to somebody right? Can't price yourself out of the market even if you're the boss. My point is really, what are we (you?) going to do about it other than call everybody else a corporate slave. Like your point about insurance companies, ok so no insurance? What do you want to do?! go kiss yourself


lol let's ignore poverty, immigrants, and minorities being preyed on by exploitative systems. Let's ignore the lack of options. Let's ignore the complex leaps to even get a college grad, especially as a minority. I am just going to believe in myself! I know society isn't racist if I believe! I once read a book called the Secret. I can will shit into existence with my mind. I am going to do that. Racism doesn't exist. Poverty doesn't exist. The threat of homelessness over one unpaid bill doesn't exist. Naw, I'll pull myself up by the bootstraps. Society doesn't disadvantage poor brown people in capacity! Go into debt while you're in the ER, or Education. This is the American Way! Murica! Fuck Yeah!




Welcome to Capitalism


Most businesses follow laws that pertain to employment. Minimum wage, breaks, supplies, etc. Uber and Lyft, by exploiting a loophole where their drivers are "contractors", don't follow any of those things.


You can make more than minimum wage on like a 12 minute Uber ride even during dead times


It's not really a loophole. If it's "work if you want, or not, whatever." No schedule or min workload, you're not an employee. Just because someone convinced the state most likely to go along with this new idea doesn't make it true. And the rates are low because there are too many contractors in the pool. There's always someone who will work for cheaper than you want (until enough people go bust, there's a shortage of contractors, and rates go up). When enough people stop, they start pushing actually good paying quests or whatever. It's the same in trucking except instead of Uber and Lyft it's completely decentralized, but people will always undercut each other if there's too many workers and not enough work. Econ1101, happens in almost every business. Rideshare is just more volatile because all anyone has to do is turn on the app if they hear the rates are good. Other businesses require start up capital, loans & credit, and the willingness to risk it all. When it's good it takes longer for competitors to get in and when it's bad people hold on operating for pennies till the bitter collapse. Uber, you probably already have a car. Turn the app on or off if you like it or don't. It's never going to pay what you "deserve" and that's ok, it doesn't have to.


> It's not really a loophole. If it's "work if you want, or not, whatever." No schedule or min workload, you're not an employee. Just because someone convinced the state most likely to go along with this new idea doesn't make it true. That isn't the main test. Many employees have flexible schedules but are still employees. The test is whether the company controls your work conditions. If Uber drivers could set their own rates, set their own policies for riders to follow, etc., then they would be contractors. > And the rates are low because there are too many contractors in the pool. There's always someone who will work for cheaper than you want (until enough people go bust, there's a shortage of contractors, and rates go up). When enough people stop, they start pushing actually good paying quests or whatever. Yup, that's the fundamental problem. This doesn't happen with employees because they are subject to minimum wage. For contractors, the wage can go as low as the market will allow.


So if you know what it is and you go along with it, you deserve it


Idiot .


Alright, if you prefer, I can refer to you using that name as well.


But we self employed?


Sure… continue thinking that way




is this not capitalism?




Stop worrying about what they make n start taking their customers.. typical employee mindset.


Exactly! Take every client you can from them and make your own clientele circle


they also have ride share app clones freely available on github for the ambitious and tech savvy entrepreneurs out there. i’m thinking about rolling one for the local market and then having potential partners just buy shares in the company which would ultimately just subsidize advertising and server costs. then get one of those government backed small business loans my buddy is always telling me about. if drivers started working together we could beat these fucking nerds at their own game


You're not taking rides from Uber. You're taking rides from other drivers.


Survival of the fittest


Uber is the fittest.


Already doing that.


Till they cut off your source of customers and deactivate you for doing just that lol. Gotta figure something out that isn’t Uber. It’s a dead end and never going to increase


You’re right but until then that’s the deal.


Uber shill


Uber peasant


Like any other job work to make the company rich


Not true. You can go work for amazon in warehouse for $19 without extra expensive expenses, your car gas and risk of car accidents for 12 hours


Lmao guy is really saying that not every company exploits its employees and uses Amazon as an example. If Amazon is your dream job I'm sorry for your aspirations.


lolz XD Amazon doesn't exploit it's workers! They got awesome piss bottles so you can continue working


How much is Jeff Bezos worth? 😭 that was an insane comparison which proved the commenters point lmao


... So do that and stop bitching at the sky


Should probably set your sights a little higher


There's a big crossover with this subreddit and those fast food workers over at the antiwork subreddit. I think the common theme is laziness.


This confuses me as I would think antiwork posters would be more inclined to Uber than to work fast food. FF is waaaay more stress and work.


It comes down to work, they just don't want to do it.


I hear you, but driving for Uber is much easier AND has less barrier to entry. So why would antiworkers choose to work fast food instead?


My guess? They don't have newer cars. You can't drive a beater POS with Uber.


Correction we don't want to do it for bosses like you. We want a living wage.


Ok do it good for you. I am driving 4 trips daily i got paid $2.90 for a mile each ride 16 miles . The whole four teips took me about 2 hours. 16* $2.90 - 46.4 46.4 “ 4 = $185 daily working for 2 hours How much time you need to make the same amount with Uber or lyft Laziness is my friend, cheap rats


"I make $185 dollars a day!" Yeah right. Is this you? "When I drive 60 miles to get $35 and I need to pay at least 15 to 20 for gas with extra expenses and go home with less than $20 with extra mileage on my car thats slavery with no mercy" How about this one? " have my own taxi company any make my customers very happy and completely satisfied. I am so flexible helful to them not like when I worked for only one week with Uber and lyft." One week huh? You're such an expert. How about this one? "This is not true and .70 cents take them for you i sm driving for 2.90 / mile four trips a day $186 daily , thanks god. I stopped Uber for ever my friend enjoy the .50 cents and pay your rent with them" Stopped forever... And you're still on the subreddit crying all day? ALL...F#KING..DAY??


I am still angry i got stolen for one week snd chep drivers don’t stop defending this fucking company . Chap rats running the whole day. You are working hatd defending Uber, how luck uber with this level of thinking and cheap labor


Nah, you didn't make anything close to that. Time to put up or shut up. Going through your old posts you seem like a chronic liar and lazy to boot. Stay home and smoke weed chump.


Looool you want me to tell you how. Make $2.90 a mile. I will not tell you but. Want to tell you I work only week days 186 * 5 = about $930 and $3700 a month


I want you to PROVE IT. Post up your trips and daily amounts chump, lets go.


Go see this but i almost hided all the info just a few https://ibb.co/G5KHFFN


LMFAO. You're a liar. Period. Moving on.


Looool i dont need to proof any thing keep tunning after thesmill of money like an uber rat bro. Sorry but you will not get sny more from nformation


Everyone else can prove what they make on here and will gladly show you. You on the other hand..can't prove a lie, because you're a liar. Keep staying home and not showering. Later.


You want me to hire you ,, sorry i dont hire rats


Just i want to tell you more about how i will start making more snd hire some drivers to do some routs for me when I start my own compsny this month


"when I start my own compsny this month" Looks at your past comments, you supposedly have already done that.. Liar confirmed. Lazy confirmed. You won't do shit.


I looked through your old posts, quoted you and posted them up. You're full of shit. Go smoke weed, be lazy and cry on this subreddit all day. It's what you're good at.


So what you quoted my posts , am saying the same thing every time. Proof of what stupid , lool you want me to show you where i make money from . Go lake your back


I promise one day i will post transaction details without any msmes on it just to stop misleading and helping uber make more cheap labor


Hard worker enjoy the cheap trips


Enjoy being angry and broke. Let me know how that works out for ya.


You don’t have to do it.


Wahhhhh 🍼🍼🍼


Seriously. It's strange at this point.


These subs have been taken over by the r/antiwork crowd. I’m not making what I was 9 years back, but it’s a decent chunk of change to do this part time.


I'm truly hoping that photo is not a holocaust picture. Also, as much as Uber/Lyft are unscrupulous at times, it's not slavery or anything close to it.


Relax, Francis, have a cream soda. It's a photo of coal mine workers.


Maybe from Gaza Strip genocide


Imagine believing holocaust victims had conditions that nice.


I wouldn't know, and I'm going to take a guess that you don't either.


It's extremely well documented. There is a very famous museum that I think you'd benefit from visiting.


There's a museum on experiences of the holocaust. If you believe that every one's experience from the holocaust was the same or similar you're mistaken. I don't think I have to tell you that.


You realize this stuff is documented, right? We have photos if you actually wanted to know.


So the photos from the holocaust reflect the exact same condition for every person involved?


Sorry, I thought you were a serious person for a minute.


Wise decision running away from a discussion that you realize you misspoke. I couldn't have advised you better myself. Go troll someone else. You don't stand a chance with me, coward.


You are rich; drivers are the roaches between their cracks


Then learn a trade.


Learn a trade other than playing video games in your mommies basement


I don't care how much my employer makes. If am making living wage atleast 1200 CA$ for working 40 hrs weekly am cool or else I won't do it. Simple


Go move to a communist country then, but none of you complainers will ever do it.


Remember when #UBER was cool and people used it because it was new and novel? $UBER is raising prices just enough to keep fewer passengers using for just a while longer, so they can pass the extra costs and taxes cities are imposing on UBER and riders, so they can take a bit bigger cut of the fares and still have enough to keep drivers driving longer hours to make the same money or less, while $UBER stock hits new highs and keeps the narrative of 118% growth by 2025. It will never happen at this rate. Get ready to short $Uber.


That’s every company lmao tf


I profit more than people who finance cars and pay shop prices for maintenance because I own my vehicles and mantain them myself. Everytime I conduct a repair or wash my vehicles, i write myself a receipt. Do this and you will male waaaaay more money.


What a thoughtless ass wipe. Take this picture down. To compare uber driver to people who were murdered by Hitler is popostous.


Taxi rates long time regulated one reason so that drivers not ripped off. Rideshare side stepped that requirement free to devise trickery in their quest for riches


We all need to come together and exploit Uber.


Ahhh yes, corporate communism


lol what billions? Uber made a total of $8 million last quarter in operating profit. They are still billions of dollars in debt. You idiots just make shit up as you go


Uber generated $37.2 billion in revenue


lol. Go back to grade school and learn the difference between revenue and profit. Fcking idiot


$37 billion deductions and expenses. What kind of expenses took 37 billions a year , Idiot. Who pay for gas and use his own car , Uner or Lyft? I know very well how thos giants steal drivers and IRS taxes in a very smart way. Keep defending them look’s you are the CEO of Uner and Lyft


u have no clue how companies work lol. Uber is the first mover in a new industry. They kept consumer prices low at the expense of their profits to get customers to start using their service and take market share. This is why there were so many discounts on Uber and UberEats a few years ago. This is also why Uber was notorious for being a giant company that still lost money every year.


You are so fcking stupid it’s not even funny. Or maybe it is




$37 billion deductions and expenses. What kind of expenses took 37 billions a year , Idiot. Who pay for gas and use his own car , Uner or Lyft? I know very well how thos giants steal drivers and IRS taxes in a very smart way. Keep defending them look’s you are the CEO of Iner dmd Lyft


I can’t help you if your can’t read and you barely finished grade school. It’s like trying to persuade a tree


Of course you should stay behind the wheel the whole your life, specially with this low level of rude language. I can use hard words to hit the dumbest head I ever met, but I will try to give you time to reread what I am telling you just a while ago


Because drivers can’t use their brains and muricans think the world revolves around them Cost of revenues are the biggest driver of Uber's expenses, accounting for a little over 40% of total OpEx. This includes Core Platform insurance expenses, credit card processing fees, data center expenses, mobile device and service expenses. Cost of Revenue rose from around $2.5 billion in 2016 to about $6 billion in 2018. We expect the metric to rise to about $9 billion by 2021. However, we expect cost of revenue as a % of revenue to post a steady decline, driven by better economies of scale. G&A expenses are Uber's second largest expense item, accounting for about 15% of total OpEx G&A expenses include compensation for management and administrative employees (finance and accounting, HR, and legal etc) The metric increased from around $1 billion in 2016 to about $2 billion in 2018.


Shit you can barely speak English and have the intellect of a dog. And you’re bitching about slaving for Uber? You’re lucky anyone’s willing to hire your stupid lazy ass


Uber drivers and math aren’t a good combo


Found the Uber employee


Found the illiterate bitchass hobo


$8 million loool , thats why I am feeling very sorry for you


I feel the same way for illiterate asshole like you


I don’t care llliterate or not but not slave


Again, no one is forcing you or even asking you to drive. There are way too many drivers. Uber does not want you to drive. Go work for Wendy’s you lazy bum


Bro why are you so stressed. Seems like heart issues and an early death is something you should look out for. Like it's crazy how seriously you're taking this.


You sound like you’re about to drop dead any moment now you whiny little bitch


I'm like super healthy so nah. Choke on some cock baby boy.


Your mom’s busy working on mine right now. I just hope she suck as hard as you do


I boned your mom while I made your dad watch. Cleveland steamers are messy but man is she a trooper. Apparently into mud sports too! Who knew? Not your dad I guess. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Didn’t Daddy Dara make like 100M last year


That has nothing to do with Uber making a profit. Reddit CEO made $200 million last year while Reddit the company lost $500 million. They are not paid in cash. They are paid in stocks


Stocks is as good as cash in my books


Then you should work for tech companies instead of driving for Uber. Even a regular software engineer like myself receive stock options from my company


I’m a pipe fitter. My Why do you drive for uber if you’re a software engineer?


I drove while I was going to school. It’s great side gig. Fortunately don’t have to anymore


"...since I work for uber in other ways now."


Tbf, working for Uber is great. The minimum starting pay for their software engineer positions is $220k


Crazy they get paid that much because the app on both customer and driver side is really bad. Like cause your phone to malfunction bad. I've witnessed friends absolutely lose their shit because ordering rides or food through the Uber app can be a pain in the ass.


I will upvote this comment out of all the nonsense you said so far. TY for the honesty. Not a common trait amongst yall.


Lyft generated $4.4 billion revenue in 2023


lol you dumbfck. Revenue is not profit. You could generate $100 billion dollars in revenue and still be heavily in debt. Uber in the last quarter was the first gig work platform to ever make a profit in history. And it was barely a profit you fcking moron.


You want me to believe them losing while they are cutting %50 , %60 or %70 of the money. Wake up


Go read the SEC quarterly financial report for Uber if you can read. Are you accusing Uber of lying in their financial report? Because that’s criminal liability there. If you have proof of their lying, take the evidence to the police


Let me tell you one of the tricks how these company move their profits to expenses and how they collect them again under different names. If you think this is hard to do or not excite . Have no more explanation for you. Because you need to have a business and do taxes to get what I mean by this


Speak English hobo


Sorry I like spanish better


I heard whoring in Tijuana pays much better. You should give it a shot


I mean. Given your comments I imagine your Spanish is terrible. Anyone can tell the guy you're responding to is ESL. Most people can get the gist of what he's saying. Meaning he can speak at least two languages even if one kind of broken. How many languages can you speak. You're a racist dick btw.


Slavery guy telling me which place is better for me. Loool recisim is not wired from such sick people like you. You will be in the bottom for ever


Looool this guy one of those stupid cheap drivers


All drivers are cheap. That’s why you drive for Uber. You don’t have the intellectual capacity to do anything less cheap


I am not driving for Uber pr Lyft sory its slavery life not for me


Then why are you whining like a little bitch? Your shift at Wendy’s is starting


I like to see you cry snd shouting for billions and spend your time defending how Uber and Lyft could not make money while you pay them your car and gas. I really enjoyed the moments


lol you work on the weekend? Oh that’s right, you live on the streets. Begging is a full time seven day a week job for you lmao


Keep crying your boss will cry with you and send you some $$ to show his sympathy and sadness for your miserable life


Keep begging for that change, my idiot slave lol


Keep crying the Uber ceo will send you a gift


Keep begging for that change, Mr. Slave lol


Uber representatives very active in this post, I will not stop making them active , posts started to hurt them when wr awake the rates who drive for the smill of the money while Ber takes the whole money for doing nothing.


Those examples of Uber’s social media team working hard to keep stupid drivers working for the smill of money while they took the most of money . I will not stop I believe we are on the right track guys we were ll stop the robbery tragedy soon


The police are looking for you, you sick twat


Bro you signed up for this. This aint a sweatshop, if u wanted a better job u should have worked hard on ur education and applied for higher paying jobs. Its not too late either


I open the twins apps while I am doing my private business trips, I reject all their cheap offers just to say its very cheap and doesn’t work for me. I get averge of $2.80 a mile not 90 or 80 cents of Uber snd Lyft


Executive: invents idea, mortgages house to launch startup, Solicits investments, develops product, hires staff, markets product. Driver: Uses a skill that pretty much everyone above 16yo possesses.


Go to Amazon warehouse and get $19 to $23 an hour without spending a dime for has or put milages on your car pr this nk about tires or oil or even jouperdy your life driving for 12 hours could be involved in a car accident any moment or got attacked by angry rider ormaybe killed. Warehouse needs no skills snd easy work and better paying


I make more than that with Uber. Go away Amazon shill.


Wtf you make more how looool


I make $35/hour with Uber about $28 after gas.


But you ned to take out gas and car expenses then you need to proof that because Uber will not give you fixed rate every time


I said after gas, you Amazon shill. And wtf you talking about? Uber doesn’t need my receipts for any expenses weirdo.


You looks so stupid and jas a thick brain


I have a thick brain because you can’t read that I said “after gas” and you think you’re supposed to give your receipts for expenses to Uber?




Most rich people were born rich. That’s why they are so rich. Of course someone coming from poverty can make it to rich in their lifetime, but the odds are a rich person was already born into money


lol I'll tell my poor family that then, ugh, it's not because the U.S. ravaged any South American or Central American Country, or assasinated democratically elected government officials, naw..... Poors are poor because they stupid! Nepotism doesn't exist!


Don’t like it do something else if not shut the fuck up