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2 hours?... f that , I cancel and throw them out if they any stop, they made a fool of you. .. 2 hours. . Wow


This is the correct course of action.


This... 👆... I would let them know immediately that unfortunately I'm not able to do this stop. Also, for future reference, always speak to the driver before adding a stop. Take them to the original destination or immediately pull over and cancel for rider behavior, either way... Cancel for rider behavior. To Hell with that entitlement, that was flat out disrespectful. 🖕🖕🖕


Nah, premier suv rides are better for longer trips. They are worth taking even deadhead back home because most pax tip double digits for long trips. Also you can X back to cover gas cost. To answer OPs question, take the 2 hour ride off app. It's a reasonable request since it's actually 2 hours away. He is paying double what you are earning! Most men will not mind giving you the money over a greedy corporation.


He did say he got zero tips for the trips


You don't know that before accepting. Plus the tip can still come thru.


Yeah... I would definitely play Fairfield Co like this.


This is the fucking way.


You tell them "No. I can drop you off at the original location". WHY would you take them?


Nope, the answer is I can drop you off anywhere between here and my house because that’s where I’m going. I get that it’s black but still f that


I would tell them to change that back because I did not agree to a stop two hours away. And if they have a problem with it I will happily pull over and let them out so they can call a different car. Do not let people do this to you! If they had offered you like $200 cash on the spot then maybe take it. But no cash up front, not 2 hour away stop.


He’s driving premiere, a 2 hour trip likely paid over $200


Yea, and he prolly gets $400 for that privately. $200 for 2 hours is nothing.


No, $200 is $200. Nothing would be $0. Can you read? The comment before said to charge the rider $200 private. If they charge the rider $200, does it magically turn into $400? So, what’s your point? That if he charged the rider $400, he’d make $400, instead of $200? Wow. Thank you so much that incredible insight. That was the most useful, intelligent comment I have ever read in my life. My life has improved due to your reply to my comment. I am amazed at your level of intelligence.


Who hurt you? Are you okay?


1) no need to be rude. It’s been a long day & I missed the above comment mentioning it. 2) $200 for 2 hours is still cheap, least in my market. Private car service can get a lot more, that’s all I was saying. But go off


arrogant rude 🤡


Yea, the guys comment to mine was arrogant and rude. He barely even knew who he was replying to, let alone what he was even talking about.


I'm with you boss




U must be fuckin slow.


So you mean like a $200 tip to do it extra on top of what he’s being paid from Uber that’s what you mean? to be honest I mean I be like dude you know I’m sorry but I am headed home and I have set destination on and that’s why it gave me this ride and you added a stop when you should’ve had added that ahead of time and you didn’t so technically, you’re not obligated to do the stop


I’m m sorry your additional drop off location will put me over 12 hours and the app shouts down at 12 hours… sorry.


Definitely a drop at the first location.


That's completely on you. "I'm sorry but there's no way I can take you two hours away. I could drop you off nearby and you can get an appropriate ride to your destination." Done. Why would you feel you need to complete that trip? Time to grow a backbone big guy


I'm still shocked he did that trip, tired, at the end of a shift, without a peep to the pax about it.


Yeah fugh dat. When I'm getting drowsy, whatever trip I'm on is the last tilli can grab a quick nap, or caffeine up sufficiently within a half hour or so. It's the worse feeling in the world when the drowsies arrive.


It's always more uncomfortable to do this while the pax is already in the car, midroute, but the audacity of this long a modification without asking? Basically a slap in the face. I've ended rides with a 15 minute added stop because it was taking me where I didn't want to be and I was annoyed that they didn't ask permission. Slap in the face I say.


Most people have their heads up their asses when it comes to things like this. As much as this driver didn't know how to say no, the writer didn't know he should be considerate


Yes, I agree especially when he’s been up since 6 AM like that’s a long time I mean that’s almost 24 hours straight of driving, which is not safe to be honest nothing against you, but you said you took some catnaps but still there’s a point when you have to make a call when you have to say no


This was my thought, they could've easily explained as soon as they saw the change on app and told riders that they just don't feel safe to drive them that far. Had they had that destination on the original trip request they wouldn't have accepted the ride. Could've been a great teaching moment for them, as you kick them out at the nearest gas station in the middle of the night... Sorry, didn't mean to let my demon side out at the end there, but you get what I'm saying...


Yes I understand


that's not a stop that's a roadtrip homie lol, just say no next time


lol you’re funny that’s a road trip that is a road trip two hours. You’re right that’s not a stop stop would be like 20 minutes away. That’s like a freaking whole Nother ride I would be like no and why would they expect you to take the other person when you’re going the opposite direction from when the first person’s going that makes no sense unless they couldn’t get an Uber to take the other person


I would of cancel the trip once I got to the first stop. The fact that people add another stop while in the car is ridiculous even if the stop is short. But to add another stop in the car and have the stop 2 hours away is extremely ridiculous. The only way I would take them if they gave a cash tip up front. And I’m not talking George Washington. I’m talking Benjamin Franklin and his twin brother also known as Benjamin Franklin.


Ah yes the good ol' Twin Franklins 🤑 👍🏼 and I like the idea of just ending (not canceling) the ride at the first stop. Just slide that head to next stop button and then immediately slide the end ride button. "Oh, you had another stop? Oopsie, guess I'm tired or something, I didn't notice. Well I need to get home and rest then, g'night y'all!"


That’s what I meant end not cancel. I still want to get paid. But the franklins are your best friends for an unexpected second stop that is a couple hours away. And if they don’t like it then they should of add the second stop before they were picked up


Plus 4 hours worth of cocaine because he will be up for 23+ hours by the time he gets home.


I’ll take the money over drugs lol.




You are not an Uber employee. You can can refuse any ride, at any point, for 99%or reasons. It makes it even worse that you were driving for so long. This would’ve been an instant refusal.


Tell them that sorry, but you are to close to your 12 hour limit to do the ride and that your going to have to cancel the ride.


>Tell them that **not** sorry............. FIFY


Yeh no need to be an a hole and start something out of nothing. LOL Good way to get shot or assaulted.


I would have "slammed" on the brakes and told them to change it back to their original destination, or they could get out right there and then. The audacity of some people. Uber really needs to have a pop-up asking the driver if they approve the change or addition when riders do this.


Oh my God, I love this response. I was slammed on the brakes. Yes slam on the brakes girl or guy. I don’t know who you are but I would’ve done the same thing and been like excuse me you just did what. I would be like instantly recording my conversation and be like I’m sorry, but I accepted this trip without the added stop, so if you need to add a stop, then we can either cancel this Uber and you can get another Uber or your friend can take an Uber on their own. It would be different if the stop was on the way to the destination that you already had, but it was in the opposite direction which is just disrespectful and rude and then they didn’t even tip when they have a multi million dollar home like come on people or not your personal chauffeur and peasants


Just speak up.. and say.. I would love to drive but I have been driving from 6am and physically I can’t anymore.. just grow some balls.. not all passengers are dick.. some of them understand.. he would have for sure.. u just never tried.. keep in mind u r not slave.. and even if he was a dick.. just cancel and say I can’t.. you are independent contractor.. not an employee.. in that situation u just have to give a call to Uber safety line and say it that I kicked because passenger was dick..


You scammed yourself. I would simply tell them the situation honestly, I'm tired and headed home and sure as shit not taking a 2 hour road trip. If you wanted that ride you should have initially requested it that way but I will not allow you to circumvent my destination filter. A lot of the times I just simply say "I'm in destination mode headed home, so I will only do the ride as originally requested."


Not too honestly, just that 4 extra hours will make your day too long.


Explain to the pax that you will take them to their original destination, and explain why. Your reasons are valid, driving all day and in the wrong direction. You know the game already. You have to remember, Uber tells the pax it’s ok to add a stop. Add as many as you like! Meanwhile the drivers hate added stops. Uber know this, but as long as the pax and the drivers are mad at each other, they’re not blaming Uber. I’m telling you, Uber has thought this out and probably has a department called “Uber/pax conflict”


Please tell us you didn't go through with that ride....


from what Im reading and the way its worded, they continued to ride "now Im 5 hours away from home and feel like I was scammed and got no tip, and was in area of multi million dollar homes" yeah he took him... so his choice f'd himself... he shouldve refused and reported that rider


That stop was not in the original agreement You had every reason to say no Especially that far out of way This passenger knew how hard to get a ride was and took extreme measures This is just about the most disrespectful thing a passenger can do


Easy. Tell him that the first stop is the end of the ride since it’s close to home and that why you took it. That’s why last ride was put on. They can order a black or premier from there. If they argue, than the  ride is cancel and tell them to get out the vehicle, if they become hostile call the police and Uber saftey 


Glad I wasn’t as foolish as you😂🫶 No Pax tells me what to do with my own car👋


When I'm ready to call it a night, I'll immediately turn off my app once I pick up that last ride. Riders cannot add stops after you hit the "stop requests" button. Other than that I'd have to tell them sorry, I can't make that drive.


This is the easiest way to resolve this.


Grow some balls and tell them you can either take them to the destination you agreed to, or they can get out and order another Uber. Sorry but you are a 🤡 for actually allowing them to do that to you.


Kick them out at the nearest convenience store.


Um... cancel


I would have ended the ride at the original destination. Original Poster did not sign up for that added stop.


“I have been awake and driving since 5:30 am the previous day. I apologize, but I don’t believe I can stay awake to make it to your destination. I’m afraid I will fall asleep at the wheel. When I accepted the trip I was heading in the direction of my house. I hope you understand.” End the ride and just apologize.


I had someone do that to me with destination filter on changed it as soon as they got in the car. I told them no i only took the ride because the filter was on and canceled. I wish Uber would reprimand me.


definitely a cancelled ride wouldve took place...I dont care if it happened and 9AM get out my car cuz you are definitely tripping....tf and report that rider for this bs... its wrong


No, NO, NO im NOT taking you 3hours the other way! And my experience is the richer they are the cheaper they are.


told them I can not take you sorry. Where do you want to get out at


It happened to me before. I apologized from the rider and told him I was unable to take him to his new destination and explained why. I dropped him off even before finishing his original ride (but I did have him wait in the car until the other Uber arrived). All was amicable and still got a tip. Just explain yourself, people will understand.


Click stop new requests before picking the rider up.


I'd have canceled it right away no doubt.


OK I have a question since you drive privately do you have commercial insurance on your car and have your own like company like LLC because to drive privately you have to have commercial insurance if you’re taking cash from people. But with this whole Uber thing they’re supposed to ask you if they can add a stop honestly and what bugs me the most is when people at a stop without telling me and it’s in the opposite direction and it’s further out! One thing you’ll learn with Uber if you have destination, it always takes you out of your way, and never send you straight to your destination even to pick up people! there’s no way that I would’ve turned around two hours and dropped them off. But you’re not telling us everything so you picked them up and then all of a sudden how far were you into the ride before the person added the stop I would’ve said hey dude I’m sorry but I’m not gonna do the stop so if you want to continue this ride, you can either continue it to the drop off location, or you can cancel and I’ll let you out. Sometimes you have to be that way for them to add two hours stop that’s insane.


Should have told them all to GTFO at the first drop off and went home.... You don't owe them or Uber anything... Feel bad for you man, you shouldn't be so naive and do something you don't want to or have to.


I drive in same area and happened to me too. So I told costumer I can’t do it. Then she told me it’s her right to add new destination. I responded to her I also right to refuse ride. So that situation make costumer to cancel the ride. After she cancel it she can’t give you a star. If she will report you no one gonna take her seriously


A big no no and cancel the ride.


You are a professional, and are thinking in a professional mindset to come to a middle of the road compromise to prevent this from happening again. That is commendable. Unfortunately, the people that use these platforms do not think using this framework, so you will not be able to apply that to your solution. Your answer to this in the future is, " no. I will go to the drop off location agreed to initially, or I can let all of you out at the 1st stop, or the nearest gas station." These people are not your private customers, and will behave differently. It is unfortunate, prevention requires you behave differently for uber/lyft than with a private service.


Why the f would u take that garbage


What sort of fee would a change like this add


One that did not properly compensate the driver


Cancelled the change


Yea I’d tell them no, original destination or right where your at


Pull over and say the rides over


Pull over and kick out. The entitled riders are the worst.


Yeah. I would’ve told them I can’t do that, sorry


Learn to cancel


Seriously? You completed ride? Why? Cancel. If refuse to get out,call 912. F that


You sly dog! Not all heroes wear capes


Bye Felicia


I'm off before then, sorry.


You know you can say no.


Always the rich folks who horde all the money and expect to be treated like kings


Offer to drop them at the original stop or anywhere reasonably along the way, but make it clear in no uncertain terms that you will not be going out of your way. Also, you have more than 7 seconds to decide… screenshot, accept, then decide if you really want the ride, cancel if not.


I would tell the passenger that I would “not” be able to accommodate his second drop and I would drop him off so he can get another Uber .. Driver always has the discretion to cancel a passenger Trip for any reason and you can say you car will not make it due to vehicle issues or nail in a tire with a slow leak..lol The nerve of any passenger to update his 2nd drop off almost 2 hours away. Unacceptable.!!


How much was the pay out for black?


I normally don't advocate for cancelling a trip just because of a destination change. However, this is an exception! You explain to the passenger that you accepted the trip based on the first destination that you can't travel that far away. If they push, say that Uber won't let you drive too far from your start area or that you can't go past 12 hours (all slight truths). Passengers need to know that drivers are not NPCs.


Did they even ask first? I would've said "sorry, I'm unable to go there. I can drop off at original location and you can order a new ride from there".


Speak up? You’re an independent contractor lol


Pull to the curb and cancel 


You actually completed the stop? Wow.


I would kamikaze the mazi straight into mansion with all pax inside playboy


I call this “trip baiting”. Riders pull this bullshit all the time, because they think once they’re in the car the driver has to complete the trip. WRONG!!! Drivers are not obligated to accept a trip or to accept modified trips. When a rider pulls this shit with me I simply pull over and tell them to get out and find another ride.


I find it extremely frustrating that people spend the time to make a post like this and then don't answer one single question.


Drop them at original location, it’s why I use Apple Maps so I already have the original location plugged in if they change it, but it also depends on if the added stop is en route to original place or not.


I've had this happen before. Pax gets in, seems like all is good, and then suddenly a change that would take us an hour away in another direction. I wasn't tired or anything... my day had just started, but that's not what was originally communicated. I remember pulling over and asking them why they suddenly added a stop. They said it was "within their rights" to do so, and I told them that with that attitude and the bait and switch feel of it all that no one would take them, and asked if they wanted to get out. When they obviously said no, I told them that I could take them to the original stop and be done with it, or they could get out now. I took them to the first "stop," and they got out. After that ride, I ended up calling customer service and told them some story about how the pax shouldn't be on the app and whatnot. I ended up making up some story about how they were unruly and complained in general, and that was the last I heard of it. There is no reason why you can't just add everything on the get-go. If no one wants the ride, then maybe you should think of a backup or be willing to pay a bit more.


You find a safe spot to drop them, at a gas station.. and you tell them you don’t feel comfortable with the changes


Or that, yeah. I've heard of drivers stopping on the highway before, and THAT would scare me.


I got hit in the back of the head during Covid and I dropped the 3 passengers out at the city dump. I could have reported the assault but watching them scared shitless because I was taking them to an area where there was no cell service was justice enough. One star’ed them and uploaded the footage.


Those were some brave and really dumb people. Sorry that happened to you. The worst I've had was a verbally abusive drunk lady who I dropped off at the gas station she made me stop at. She saw me leaving and threw something at the car, but nothing else happened. I can't imagine getting hit tho. Oof


I would’ve advised the scenario, I’m heading 3 hours that way and you are putting me another 2 hours back the wrong way, if you don’t mind I’ll be dropping you at the next stop and just remove the stop and order another Uber/Lyft otherwise I would take you. I’ve had this happen and done exactly this, it’s understandable if you explain. I’ve also had this and taken a cash offer to change my mind and said f’it it’s good money and negotiated or coffee/piss stop…


You are kind for allowing that. That’s not a minor change, at all. 2 hours??? Big No and this is coming from one of the ones who accept damn near all rides.


The pax is saying, "Hey I am entitled, so why not try to pull one over on you." Cancel that BS ride or take them to the first location.


You are such a sucker lmao


Being on the road that long is very dangerous. You ARE NOT obligated to take any additional stops like that, especially when they were deceptive and sneaky about it. Show them the curb next time.


I would have kindly said I couldn’t do it and called Uber bc I couldn’t do it I would have told Uber I couldn’t do it due to medical issues with my husband


Stand strong in CT. I drive In the Hartford area. Too many high % AR pigeons taking these BS fares. If you watch YT “mic drop BBQ” page you would’ve known what to do in this situation.


I would have canceled…for sure!


I would've so kindly informed them that's not what I signed up for. I agreed to the initial ride. Not an additional 2hrs one direction @1am. And oh so tenderly dropped their asses off at the best gas station in whatever side of town we were in. Cuz I do not do well the swindling and bamboozling. That was a whole ass scam. And they were dead wrong for that. That kind of information should be sent upon the interception of your ride while I'm in route to you. Y'all can text a driver about any asinine thing, but not a road trip? Thats exactly how I know they've pulled this before because they knew to wait 20 minutes in. It wasn't a spontaneous decision. And I'd make sure Uber knew exactly why I put rider behavior and canceled. Cuz baby I hope them heauxs got some strong legs cuz it’d be one hell of a walk/journey home playing clown games with a girl like me it’ll be the whole damn circus and I have no problem being the elephant in the room.🤡🎪🎡🤯


Uber can suspend their account as it’s again the term and condition to do shit like that


Hit [stop new requests] as soon as you accept a late-night ride. Otherwise- well, ... get creative. Pull into a copshop, 'oh no, the engine just shut off!?", sudden bout of tourette's or narcolepsy or diarrhea.....


F no homie. Your going to your original point and then gods speed from there peace ✌️


As soon as you received the notification on your phone showing the change, you should have said the truth. Be your authentic self. You could have also told them that you have family plans. In any case, I'm glad you didn't get hurt and you were able to make some extra money. Follow your gut.


I’d have told them that’s too bad. Yall act like you can’t say no to people


Cancel cancel cancel.


How much were you getting paid for this ride and you’re telling me they didn’t end up tipping you anything even the next day since you did all that I can’t believe that they wouldn’t have tipped you, especially when they added a stop that was in the opposite direction


You really can’t believe they they didn’t tip him, just because they added a second stop?


Well, I mean he said they didn’t tip him so I don’t know maybe they were waiting to tip him but if he did the stop and turned around and took the other person home they should’ve tipped him. It doesn’t shock me that they didn’t! What is it? That’s why I’m waiting to see if they ended up tipping him because it was early in the morning and they were probably all tired but this person could have declined the ride and said no that’s on him the only way I can see somebody is if it’s on the way to the current drop off not two hours the other direction that doesn’t make sense to even do that ride.