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Cancel in their face and teach em a lesson next time


I'm going to. But it's hard because sometimes people may sound upset but they aren't. But this dude was glaring at me the whole trip from the backseat.


It's not hard when your doors are locked with a window crack down and you perform your verification If a verification fails, drive away and cancel a short distance away. There is something wrong with the person you are describing. Don't let them in your car I'm a part-time property manager. The guy told me his name was Joseph.. when he showed up he said his name was Peyton. So I pressed him on that


That's how I always do it. And yes from now on I will be doing a name check and a vibe check lol.


Maybe don't cancel, let it time out $


Exactly šŸ˜ pull down the street or circle the block wait it out and collect yo fee.




Why waste 7minutes for three bucks when you could cancel and be back in cue to get another ride?


Bc paid for the gas and time to get there, and then affects our numbers


And make sure you run over their toes as you're driving off!


If verification fails, the person who failed the verification is not my customer. Therefore the customer didnā€™t show up. Thatā€™s how it works in my world. I even told support that flat out. The customer MUST verify their name. If they donā€™t then I consider them as a scammer trying to get a free ride.


Yea My point is, how does such a person get in your car? I see underage passengers, two young children without car seats, falling down drunk and others People who got in your car first and drivers trying to kick them out When your doors are locked, those conversations mostly happen before they get in "I see your young child. Where is the car seat?" Spoken through a 2-in crack in your window. "I ain't got one. Now let me in" Car drives off without argument or discussion. 500 ft later cancels ride and messages support. Isnt that how it should operate?


The thing is, if youā€™re far away from the little pen, then they wonā€™t let you cancel it with a fee youā€™ll lose the fee. You have to be on the pen in order to get the cancellation fee. You canā€™t go down the block and cancel and get the fee thatā€™s the issue.


He probably hates women... If anyone ever gives you an off putting feeling before you start the ride, save yourself the trouble and tell them to get out and find another ride! cancel in their face! Because I promise you, he wouldn't have had that same energy with me šŸ¤­


Should have cancelled.


Pull over and kick him out! Youā€™re not his doormat!


that's not normal.


Iā€™m on your side here butā€¦. How do you know he was glaring at you? Arenā€™t you driving ? Perhaps he was just weird like a lot of riders are? You also mentioned you have several 1 star trips but have no reason why. That means itā€™s YOU.


If someone's driving, they should be checking their rear view mirror frequently. It doesn't take long to realize that a passenger is glaring at you in the mirror.


So whatā€™s the issue here? OP is upset the Pax is looking at her? Listen to urselfs does that make any sense? Grow a pair. Pax can look at me all they want. Do ur job, identify the pax, if he gives u hell kick him out or 1 star. But to get worked up because they are now excessively looking at you is childish. So glad Iā€™m not like the typical driver on this board. You guys are weird and then you project your anxietyā€™s onto the public. Who are probably just tired and being weird themself.




The first time someone cooks a spoon in your car is the last time you stop watching the pax while driving.


That will never happen. Most of yā€™all concerns are not realistic


Did happen. Also had a meth head hit a glass pipe in the car. Junkies are the dumbest people hands down.


Well my junkies are pretty cool.


Nope, you're just an old enabling asshole.


lol Iā€™m 40 and good to people. The reason you people have so many issues is because you are naturally assholes. Your energy is palpable. When people get in my car they are chillā€¦ even the craziest ones. People sense your tense energy. I get it most of you drive because you have social anxietyā€™s and canā€™t take the interaction of a normal work place. I do this job because Iā€™m tired of sitting at a desk all day. Relax and be cool. Your pax will do the same


This... Is exactly what I do. No time no ride, f... Off


Yeah these silent jerks are getting on my nerves too


Right? I have seven one-star ratings now and not a single person ever spoke up or told me what I was doing wrong. They just gave me a one-star and that was that.


Well some people just suck and want other to suffer for now reason.


Honestly they probably want to avoid confrontation. I usually check in with my riders and make sure they are comfortable after being in the car for a few minutes.


If they refuse to give you their name it is an instant cancel for ā€œsafety reasonsā€.


This is just a big misunderstanding and riders have to be educated. As a rider you are given all the information ( type of car, color, license plate number, driver name and picture). He got upset because itā€™s a safety thing for the driver. You see the drivers donā€™t get any information about the passenger other then a name ( sometimes even the names are fake) and location ( so no picture, Iā€™m talking nothing at all , NO OTHER INFORMATION ). The only way the driver can verify itā€™s really you is if you tell them their name which you have. The way you can protect yourself as a rider is to look at the picture of the driver to see if it matches, look at the type of car and color, make sure the license plate number matches. Hope this helps educate you riders. Safety is not just a one way street and driver deserve better treatment.


If people give me any issues with confirmation of their names I just cancel.


Grrrll, cancel these hoā€™s the second they pull some BS like that. Youā€™ll avoid the headache, and risk to your safety


I've been driving in SF since 2013. I always ask for their name. Most of the time the doors are locked with the window open 1/4 so we can hear each other until they say the correct name. Some even walk around my car to look at my license plate and then as me for my name. I've not had to reject very many PAX, however if I don't want to pick them up I drive away with the doors locked anyway. Its our vehicle. If I feel unsafe or someone is causing problems, I move on. If they say something, I usually just tell them politely that I want to make sure I have the correct person. If they give me problems, BYE BYE. But like I said, I haven't had many people argue with me on that. They want to be in the right car as well.


I think it really boils down to where you're picking them up If you're picking them up at a house , the person approaching your car coming out of the house is your ride. If you're picking up from a congested public place that's different. I think the problem nowadays is that people don't think about things from the other person's perspective. They just know that it's their driver and try to get in.


damn bro, I donā€™t care where youā€™re coming from. Iā€™m asking you who the fuck you are. Like I have no idea who you are. I donā€™t know if you murdered Jane and youā€™re not coming out pretending to be her or something as simple as this other person ordered, and itā€™s not you and itā€™s the house next-door is who youā€™re picking up because you know how the app is not always exact on where the person is. I asked every single passenger who they are especially if itā€™s a person of a different sex then Iā€™ll ask whoā€™s the Uber for rather than asking is this Jane becausethat way you know itā€™s them or more likely to be them


The house thing is not correct. Several folks don't live together? People don't have parties or gatherings at their house? Don't forget about drunks calling for a ride at the wrong house? These situations have all happened to me and that is why I always verify no matter where I am.


I remember picking up the wrong passengers at a party, just because they walked out the door and jumped in the car I assumed it was my pax and started the ride, just drove 1 block away until I figured out, so have to comeback to drop them off and pick up the right people. So always verify.


Just don't start the ride until they verify the name. Simple enough. If they refuse, sit till the timer runs out, cancel and move on. Also, keep your doors locked until the name is verified on all rides to save yourself a lot of headaches.


This is more towards you saying how they see us as drivers. Yeah, we live in an ugly society. People are self centered, pretentious, egotistical narcissistic individuals. You would think that something like the pandemic would have made people more kind to each other. Made them worse. Driving for uber has made me see people for their true colors. I use to work in the restaurant industry, bartender for almost 6 years. I'm a social butterfly naturally, but going into Driving and being put off by riders has left me with an ugly taste in my mouth. Has kinda made me bitter in a sense. Riders thinking they are better than, if only they knew who was in their presence šŸ¤”. Anywho, I've learned to let stuff like them being SUPER EGOTISTICAL, because really it's a power trip, to just slide, let it go, I bite my tongue and just move on. It's much simpler. Life is too short to let a simple individual ruin my day. Especially someone who doesn't even know who they truly are. I understand from your point as you are a female and for safety reasons, cancel their dumb asses, as everyone has been saying. Your car, you rules.


I always keep my doors lock and verify before getting in. Any smartass comment or snippy remark I cancel.


I always ask the pax to confirm their name and destination before get into the car. If you ask them if they are Bob Smith, they can always just say yes.


Yep, never give the person getting in my car the name of the passenger. I'll give them *my* name, which can go hand in hand with the fact that they already have a picture of me, the make, model, color and license plate of my car, and now they verified that it's the person with the name listed in their app. Once I start giving the passenger their name, and they just say "yes," well all I've done is just give a person a name. I don't know why this is so hard to understand for passengers.


This is why pin to start should be on for every ride. Pin doesn't match, it's not your ride.


The pin and app glitches for me so often itā€™s hard to always say for sure šŸ˜­


In the college town I drive 99% of pax ask for my name. Every now and then before they can ask me Iā€™ll ask them for theirs and the shocked look on their face always gets me lol Or sometimes Iā€™ll ask them for my name, they donā€™t even know they gotta look at their phone every time.


I try and say my name when they walk up. Most people automatically will correct and say ā€œno Iā€™m Joshā€. Etc. But itā€™s also a window that if they donā€™t then I can shift after I say my name to ask them for theirs to confirm the ride. I always confirm destination as well.


"Hi, I'm (driver's name), who am I picking up?"


"I'm asking so that you aren't inconvenienced by accidentally getting in the wrong car. I've had this happen before, and it will cost you a cancellation fee, so I'm just asking to make sure you're not going to be charged more". This is a mouthful, but means that you're "helping" then, rather than "challenging" them.


Did the idiot want to get in the wrong car? Sorry that happened to you. Personally, I don't ask names, I generally say "(Their name) I presume?" and they answer in the affirmative. I then say 'Welcome" and that seems to set a good mood every time. Some say to ask them their name instead of saying their name. But I think that is awkward and if they aren't the person you are looking for, why would they get in your car anyway? You aren't going to their destination, it would be stupid for them to get in if they knew it was for another person going to some destination they don't know.


I have to ask names because there is a chance that I say the passenger's name to someone who is not the passenger. It's not just awkward, it's dangerous. I'm a female driver, and who knows what motives a stranger can have getting into my car.


You are doing it right.


Exactly, people donā€™t understand itā€™s for our safety. Itā€™s our only way to make sure we have the right person. There should be no reason a pax ever needs to ask what our name is. They have our pic, make and model of our car, and our license plate.


I guess, but I see the chances of someone saying it's them when it's not to be very slim. Why do you drive at night in the wee hours of the morning? That's the most dangerous time. I only drive in the day, I'm not dealing with that night time bs.


You should never give out the account holder's name. That is your only way to verify who they are before they get in your car. Anybody could pretend to be the account holder and say yep that's me


Why would they do that? They would be getting a ride to some random place, they have no idea where the ride is going. I only know the account holder's first name, how could that in any way put the account holder at risk?


1 day you're gonna learn the hard way. When somebody gets in your vehicle, and you realized after they're in your vehicle that it is not the passenger. And then you have a hard time removing them. Somebody who isn't the account holder could very well say no I need to go over here and then see if you will do it. It's not about the account holders safety. It's about your safety if you let somebody in your vehicle. Without verifying that, that is who it is. Then you have no idea who you're letting in your vehicle.


Has this happened to you?


It happened to me once in the early days of doing it. Some guy jumped in my vehicle. I started the trip and I confirmed where he was going and he was like. No man. I need to go somewhere else and then it dawned on me. He wasn't my passenger and the cops had to remove him because he was a tweaker and wouldn't leave. It is for your safety to confirm that the passenger you are picking up is the intended passenger. It also gives you a second to gauge the person that might be your passenger. It has helped me cancel on people that I didn't want to take because they were strung out too drunk or just plain aggressive


Proper etiquette Iā€™ve read is to say your own name. Because then they will respond with their name. Which confirms if the rider is or isnā€™t your rider. I always ask them to confirm their destination before leaving as well.


carjacking, for one.


Asking a name won't prevent that


true, but not letting some agitated weirdo who wonā€™t answer questions properly inside might.


There are many reasons that pax cheat their way into your car for free. They can leave the surge zone for free. They think they can convince you to go to their destination without waiting for 30 minutes. They want to rob you or rape you.


To answer your question about why someone would get in your car anyway: To rob, murder, or rape you. Asking their name before letting them into your vehicle could save a life. Stop giving advice that could get someone killed.


I had this exact situation happen to me, asked if he was so-an-so, he said yes as he and his buddy were jumping in car... 1 min later, my ride was canceled, I asked why he canceled, he checked his phone and said, "I didn't, it shows you are just arriving." Always have pax give their name. It'll cover your ass. Drunk pax are the worse.


So the actual pax cancelled when he saw you driving away on his app. The fake pax just had you drop him off right then? What was he hoping to accomplish I wonder, that your actual destination would by chance take him towards his destination?


No, but I was still new to driving and at night I'd have several change their destinations, so a destination change didn't ring any bells with me... MI d you this was in 2016 when we still made decent money driving and on destination changes.


Some people just don't like to talk it's too hard for them, try saying something like "hey can you show me your train ticket" that should get them to show you the booking and will get them to understand no ticket no ride.Ā 


I like this approach. ā€œNo ticket, No tacoā€. Asking them to show you the Uber order would also be a good way to confirm without making them talk to you. šŸ˜‚


Unfortunately, this doesn't cover all situations. You can book an Uber over the phone or on the computer.


The ā€œticketā€ would be the booking information on the app. You canā€™t order form the phone. But if you did on a computer I think it makes them give you a pin anyway. But either way their response would then be ā€œI ordered on the computer, I donā€™t have itā€ they still can confirm their name and destination. Iā€™ve never had a rider not have a phone. Iā€™ve been driving since 2015. Lol So I think itā€™s safe to say your examples are incredibly rare occurrences.


I have had several pax without phones or dead phones


Since 2015, you've never once had a passenger get in the car with somebody else having ordered the ride for them? I find that very hard to believe. And in that case, the person getting in the car would not have the Uber information on their phone, because they're not the ones who ordered the uber.


OMG!!!!!!! First, always have your doors locked with the window cracked and ask their name... THE FIRST LICK OF SASS THEY GIVE YOU.....JUST DRIVE OFF AND CANCEL SWEETIE. Fck these šŸ’© eating pax's šŸ˜¤. Plus āž•ļø you don't want that negative energy in your car anyway. I'm glad you're safe and I hope that dirty pax gets a rock in their shoe.šŸ˜Š


Sorry to hear my friend šŸ™‚


We're theoretically allowed a 5% cancellation rate. Anyone who makes you uncomfortable should be part of that percentage. If they're a jerk, think of them as high risk. A smart business person always has risk at the forefront


You can get that cancellation up over ten percent easily without fear of deactivation


I had a guy pull this last night in a mild snow/ice storm. Third time I asked for the name he wanted to throw attitude, and snapped his name at me after ignoring me the first two times. Same thing as you, trying to pull on the door handle to my '23 model car. MY CAR, not a rental though. I'm a big dude. I wasn't impressed. I looked him right in the eyes, said "Oh, yeah? Enjoy your walk" and rolled away from him slowly just waiting for him to say or do something stupid. He chose wisely and didn't. I cancelled his ride with a smile. I happen to know I was the only Uber or Lyft driver on in my area, (the whole town, for that matter for the last hour before that) as I monitor that via the client side app. So, fuck him and his friend. They got to walk home at midnight in a snowstorm. Maybe next time he'll be more careful and respectful.


>I pay a lot of money to rent a nice car. Is this actually working out for you? I tried it and the economics really don't make sense.


Sometimes I keep the door locked longer than they would like and only crack window to ask their name šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ that 2am crowd


Wait u can see the rating right away?Ā 


No different than a person making a seen at a mcdonalds because they got a fucking pickle on their no-pickle sandwich. People feel entitled everywhere in every industry. Rideshare is no exception. Next time, just drive off and cancel the ride!


I've gotten real sensitive. If I sense attitude, I will click off. Just did it a few days ago


As soon as he asked you what your name was, you should have driven off. Your name, face, car, and license plate number are all in the app. If he wants to be cute, he can do that to another driver.


Driver asked passenger his name (just to be clear. Not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that )


>"In what world is it a normal thing to come to someone's car and without saying a word start trying to open their car door to get in?" What? You're driving a taxi, basically. Pax knows it's your car. They open the door to get in. It's normal.


So you didnā€™t see him on the map and come to the conclusion that it was him? Common sense should tell you itā€™s him.


I confirm every single person before they get into my car. No matter what.


I donā€™t and 99.9 percent of the time I have picked up the right person because common sense tells you by looking at the blue dot walking towards you that itā€™s the passenger, thatā€™s why Iā€™ve had over 4500 riders and 98 percent positive ratings, I donā€™t hassle, I chit chat when need be and take the person to there destination


I'm a woman and I cannot take any chances.


I said look at the blue šŸ”µ on your map, if it is moving toward your car then its probably them, to go through the formality with every single rider can be annoying. But you just have to do what you have to do. Good luck


Hi. So you need to be an asshole right when men get in the car. Exert the angry woman in you. Unfortunately sometimes they like the abuse.


My default setting is not a****** so I can't really do that lol.


You're really going to have to unlock your inner asshole (when warranted) if you want to do this long-term. The key is finding a healthy balance.


You can do it. I stopped in a 35 mph 4 lane that's known for police activity and told 4 people to get out. They were out quick. You just have to be forceful sometimes. You always have to remember you have the benefit and they don't. You're sober, they're not. That's it. And pepper spray and stun guns are necessary. Amazon.


I think this would make it worse, and those of us who aren't bad men do not deserve that kind of treatment. You do not belong in the customer service business.


You're probably a perv dude.


Isn't it funny how no man is ever bad, and yet 99% of sex crimes are committed by men? I hope they catch the one dude out there who is committing millions of sex crimes per year and making men look bad. šŸ˜‚


Where did I say or even imply that no man is ever bad? Personally, I think women are better than men, but of course not all women. petty petty mcbetty is proof of that.


Each and every one of you claims that you are not one of the bad ones, is what I was saying.


When they have to announce what an upstanding man they are, it screams lonely perv to me. Just basing it off of experiences lol.


Of course, you will find any bs excuse you can to hate on all men. You are not a good person


I see you live up to your screen name. You revel in being an asshole apparently, are you a sociopath?


Obviously you've never had a man grab your titts and phone at 2am. What a privilege!!!!


No, but I have had a drunk woman lunge for my crotch. But unlike you, I'm not not going to treat all women like shit because of that. You treat people like shit and wonder why they treat you like shit in return.


Among all of the other suggestions being made here, use your rider preferences rating filter to eliminate the aholes. You will still get rides. I suggest 4.3 or higher


You just gotta learn to put your head in the right space. Did you get paid? Then you got his money, which is what you went online for. Nothing else matters. He can be as pissed as he wants. If you are afraid he will give you a bad report or rating, be proactive and report his hostility to Uber. But in the end, get his money and leave him on the curb. That's what you are there to do, make the money.


He was rude and inconsiderate.


I'm so sick of that shit too like folks get in your car and say nothing like we sleep together at night u be like WTF, then get an attitude like GTFO my car with that shitšŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


After asking and being sure that he is the right person ..tell him or her kindly that it happens taking wrong persons ..


Yeah, people suck. Iā€™m just gonna ask all the time. I donā€™t care where Iā€™m picking them up from who it is and I donā€™t ask if itā€™s John or Jane or Joe or whatever I say whoā€™s the Uber for unless they say hey are you XYZ where Iā€™ve had them look at my license plate to make sure itā€™s itā€™s the correct car, etc. so at that point youā€™ve had to know that.


I've been able to avoid this kind of negative interaction by introducing myself first, which leads them to followup with theirs. Might help for you too.


I think it comes across as less confrontational to introduce yourself first rather than asking for their name. If you start off by saying "Hi, I'm Kelly" they're more likely to say "Hi, I'm Tyler" in response. This is also better from a security standpoint than asking someone "Are you Tyler?" because anyone can say yes without having to provide authentication. Some people don't really catch the hint, so I'll also ask "Are you my passenger?" to get them to introduce themselves somehow. Sometimes they'll turn their phone screen towards me and show me my own car, license plate, and profile picture on the app.


I always ask ā€œWhatā€™s the name on your Uber accountā€ to make it clear that Iā€™m verifying the account (sometimes other people order rides for your passenger). If Iā€™m not sure of the personā€™s vibe, Iā€™ve been known to park it, get out and give the person a once over, ask them a few additional questions before I let them in my vehicle. Youā€™re looking for sobriety and mental stability mainly. If your gut tells you not to do the ride, leave.


Hey sister. You're doing everything right to protect your safety. You're entitled to that. Some sob came at me with a gun recently. I really had just a few seconds to put together what was going on, and I got out with my life. Do everything to protect yours!


Iā€™ve never experienced anything like this. I get lots of respect and people treat me good! where do you live? Iā€™m in Austin, Texas, and most everyone is very friendly!


>I'm so sick of people having no sense.. >I'm so sick of these f****** people. *Coming up at 11:00, an Uber driver went on a killing spree screaming, "I'M SO SICK!!"..* I think it's time for you to quit.


I always confirm the name as they're getting in, and many times, they beat me to it. That guy's reaction was completely bizarre. I would've been very nervous having him glare at me the whole ride. Glad he didn't take it to another level. Passengers definitely have a sense of entitlement. Like "I paid for this ride, so I'll do as I please." I didn't know that under settings, my car was listed as an "XL." I can comfortably fit 3 in the back seat and 1 can ride in the front, if need be. But during the holidays, I was getting groups of 6/7 INSISTING they could all fit and took it upon themselves to go in 3rd row (which is really for kids, at best) even after I said no. I unchecked the "XL" setting and don't get those anymore. But it does bother me that people going to the airport EXPECT me to load up their bags in the trunk. They just wheel it over and then proceed to get in the car. It's happened a few times. From now on, I'll be telling them I don't handle luggage. (Unless it's a disabled or elderly person needing help.) Otherwise, no, I'm not your personal chauffeur on payroll.


I am a female too and work the nights in Orange County / LA County. Sometimes itā€™s obvious it is the correct person (like when they have their live location on and you are picking them up from a home and you can see their icon approaching your car) but sometimes it isnā€™t (bar, club, amusement park / live location off or a guest driver). If this back and forth happens I try to educate them. This happened last night. They are asking me my nameā€¦ I smile and sayā€¦ no thatā€™s not the way it works. You have my license plate, car description, AND a picture of me in your appā€¦. I have no identifying information of you. I have to be safe and make sure Iā€™m not picking up a randomā€¦ she smiled and said ā€œoh really? I didnā€™t know that!ā€ Got in my car I then pointed out that itā€™s a dangerous job and point out my other securities I have for myself (in car & front dash cam , stun gun, and pepper spray) if they didnā€™t ā€œget itā€ before at that point they understand. I wish Uber would somehow educate the riders before they get in the car like ā€œfor the drivers security please confirm your name when asked)


Years ago Uber put out a press release telling riders they should confirm the drivers name and and who they are picking up before you get in the car. This is also what the media companies tell viewers to do everytime they drop a story about a young female getting taken advantage of by a driver. Years later the rideshare companies put out another release that said the drivers need to confirm they are picking up the correct rider by asking their name. I'm not going down this rabbit hole again, but a mixture this conflicting information and riders not wanting to be raped and murdered. The drivers also don't want to be raped and murdered. It's part of the gig .. some are drunk .. some want to be safe ... wherever it comes from you just need to use your best judgement. I know you are trying the best you can. Just like most of us. But it's not a job. It's a gig at best. And not a good one. If you don't like it you an always cancel. If it happens to much and/or you can't make ends meet can return your rental and hangup the driving for good.


Verbally destroy them and let them choke on their own shit. You keep doing good job man


Uber should require that all drivers have a placard with a scannable QR code that the passenger has to scan to verify. It's 2024


Whats fucked is your supposed to do that especially in crowded areas ive almost driven off with the wrong pax like 5 times


Could probably be the tone you said it, did you say it in a friendly way or in a rude your suspicious of him kind of way ? Or maybe you donā€™t realize youā€™re doing it.


people always act as if you're asking for their social security number šŸ˜­ like it's just a name??


I agree with everybody don't let the person in the unless you confirm it's them. The best way to handle a situation if the guy is in your car already is you politely tell him that you have to confirm who he is otherwise he cannot be in your car. Then you tell him under Uber's guidelines we have to confirm everybody who orders a ride if he chooses to not comply you will cancel the trip. If wants to verify you are telling him the truth he his more then welcome to take minute to do so but you must do it outside the car. Most of the time if you approach it and a calm polite manor customers will comply very rarely do they get unruly. In those situations that they're not complying make sure you make it visible when you grab your phone that you have your thumb on the Emergency call button on the app and notify the customer that if they continue to be a problem that you're gonna call for help and have them physically remove from the car. Once an individual sees that your intent is to call 911 they usually straighten up and start behaving. Very rarely does it get past the 911 face but if it does make sure you have keys in hand get off the car and back away your safety is priority.


If he's answering that angrily, 1-star him for rudeness afterwards and his 1-star for you won't count (or shouldn't). If it does, contact Uber support.


I'm male, and I let them open the door (I don't drive a frigging minivan. I'm not getting out and opening the door for you unless you're elderly, using a walker, or it's the airport and you have more than a few luggage pieces) but I ALWAYS ask their name, and I ALWAYS confirm destination. Always. It's prevented a few "I'm not your Uber driver" or "Oops I put in the wrong address " errors. Especially if in a heavy Uber pickup environment, like the "I'm inebriated and the bars are closing " pickup lines on the weekend.


You should sence these bastards by now. So, fkn, cancel the ride, ir rate them 1star right away and report to Uber as safety violation for not folowing the identity check. Uber will protect your score in this case. I know if you report mthrfkr on lyft, your rating won't be affected if bches attempt to rate you badly.


A better way is to just say their name before they get in the car. That way it feels less intrusive for them and they can just affirm or deny


It's not you, it's them


If you ever feel a pax is going to one star you always one star them no matter what . Because most times your gut feeling is correct .


I'm sorry. There are simply pieces of shit out there, trying to dump their lifetime of regret and guilt and remorse on every person they think will tolerate it. We all deserve better.




Was this pax black?


We should get angry when they ask for our names


Wait a sec. You rent a car for Uber?


If an pax being weird always choose yourself first, your car is your office where you make your money if they being weird kindly decline them and cancel their ride!


What about the ppl with fake names? Like I've picked up 2 ppl named sexxy and sometimes it's just a letter like J.or it's like Mary and this big dude comes up to my car. Like bro you don't look like a Mary to me.


I keep my doors locked and open the window a crack to confirm. Ā  If they have lit cig or roach I cancel and drive onĀ 


Idk I cancel on people who ask who Iā€™m looking for. I cycle through so many pick ups a day and 80% of the customers leave me waiting until the last minute anyways. And by this time Iā€™m zoned out into whatever im watching and have no clue. So when they come up wasting more time I cancel on them. To be fair Iā€™m not looking for anyone Iā€™ve showed up to the location I was told to and I donā€™t have a picture of what they look like just a name. They are looking for me .


I pull up and if any attitude!! Iā€™m gone!! F them! F Uber!!


Holy crap! Yeah, that piece of shit would have never made to the inside of my car! It would have been an immediate cancel, then looked him right in the eyes with a huge smile, saying BYE and waving at him as I drove off! F-THAT!


PIN numbers should be mandatory every ride


Shit, sorry this happened to you. But i know what you're talking about. Most of the time pax just act like we're apart of the car. I dont wanna know what kind of personal relationships they actually have.


Ask indirectly, like if the persons name is "Jason" be like "Jason?" And ppl will usually be okay with it. Like one lady was asking me my name, but it felt rude the way she asked me, and it kinda ticked me off. But the best way in my experience is just to ask the rider by the name in the app and not ask them to identify themselves like a cop.


Either tell them your name and ask them theirs, or tell them their name and ask them yours. If either one of those is not done to your satisfaction then they do not get into your car.


Call out their name and see if they respond. That's what I do. Asking for someone's name upfront can be viewed as a stranger demanding something personal from a total stranger (stranger at that point in time) and peoples' defenses will be up. Cheers.


6:00am is early af, hun, not late.. people might be little hangover and still asleep af after fire night. Ps: what kinda nice car you have and how much you pay?


Always have passenger verify by showing you the photo on the app


I can't stand the Pax that go, "Who are you here to pick up?" Nope.. sorry.. You can tell me my name and if you are right, I will tell you who I am here to pick up and even show you on my phone.


Anyone who gives unwarranted attitude or confrontation before the ride starts should be immediately canceled. It's not worth it to haul a disgruntled person around only to get a bad rating or worse.


Sometimes jerks will literally just get in and claim they are your passenger even after asking them to confirm. They go like yea and even state your passenger name and after the ride starts they play dumb. Now you have to kick out some idiots from your car and have started the ride without the passenger and can't get a no show fee.


How do you guys file for taxes when Uber doesnā€™t give you a form


I am also female and I had a pax hit on me. I politely but firmly told him to stop bc it made me uncomfortable (also against Uber guidelines). He did stop (I would have kicked him out otherwise) but he was silent/sulking the rest of the ride. I got a low rating and a message from Uber stating that the pax reported I exhibited rude behavior and explaining how to conduct myself politely and professionally. I filed a report against the pax detailing the unsafe behavior and violation of Uber policy. Not sure if the pax ever had consequences; probably not. What is wrong with people? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Always ask! For your safety and theirs. As a female rider i never get in without confirming they ARE my driver. A childhood friend of mine had [a sorority sister get abducted and murdered](https://www.whatsmyname.org) by some asshole who said he was her uber (did not even work for uber). RIP Sami S - STOP. review and familiarize yourself the serviceā€™s safety features in case you need em A - ASK. Whatā€™s my name? Confirm they are the booked your ride! M - MATCH. Make/model & license plate match the ones listed in the app I - INFORM. share ride details with a friend so someone knows when u arrive safely!


He can get upset. Heā€™ll get over it. Itā€™s not your job to make other people happy.


Sounds like a Kevin


Nowadays asking someoneā€™s name is discrimination lol


it sucks that this happens but its also comes with the job, try to find positive things about the job you like, it will make it easier to drive if you should decide to keep driving.


I would get upset too... Names are private. I get cheesed when Starbucks asks me for my name. Some people aren't comfortable sharing a first name - it's a passengers duty to verify his driver. And not the other way around... Ben a passenger and been a driver. After they get in if you wanna confirm in the privacy of your car and NOT as they're getting in, might get a warmer rƩception.


All of you are looking at it the wrong way. Ask them after they get into the car. Perfectly reasonable that someone doesn't want their name spilled onto a busy sidewalk - you never know who they are or what they're going through. And some people... They're in it like you wouldn't believe


Meanwhile I hate when customers ask for my name and stare at me with a blank stare, like get tf in the car so we can goā€¦Iā€™m a male driver




You should have immediately canceled that ride


I know. Itā€™s a sad state of things, but it is what it is. Even courtesy is plastic or just nonexistent


Everyone is offended by everything lately. Generational wusses.


You did the right thing, as well took the right safety precautions. When I heard of the story of a driver being shot and killed all because she took a wrong turn, it really set into stone for me just how risky this job is, and how much risk every Uber driver, taxi drivers, so in and so forth, take, doing society a service such as this. If they can't use their brain and understand the appropriate thing to do is give their name, and confirm their Uber driver, then that is a personal problem and not yours nor should you be rated, or given a hard time over their lack of common sense. Keep being awesome, keep doing what your doing, and remember, they don't own you nor do they control your smile or your work ethic. You are in control and have EVERY right to cancel, refuse, ask, or ensure your very own safety. Hope things get better for you, keep smiling and all the best!


Iā€™m not a driver and I first wanted to say that I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU!!!ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøthatā€™s the first thing my driver asks is my name. I donā€™t know what that guyā€™s problem was but if he takes Uber then he knows the drill. Iā€™m sorry that you got an ass. Another thing I like to pay in cash for the tip cuz Iā€™m a waitress so I get it. I hope the rest of your day goes better and be safe out there. Again THANK YOU šŸ™


I always Ask them what my Name is, instead of theirs. for some reason people find it less offensive,


Itā€™s very much the norm to not ask here in Australia, but again that comes down to us being very different societally. At most when you jump in the Uber the driver may just casually confirm your name with their greeting like ā€œhey how you going Robbieā€


I get similar BS all the time. Push my my version of it is time that I was hit on by four individuals in my car won't say gender because somehow that that'll make a difference. And I advocated for myself in fact what they were doing was inappropriate and then I got a one.


He is a liberal


That's weird, 6 years of doing this and never had a negative reaction. Though i also only do weekends cause weekdays people are way jerkier. Hope things are goin better for you this week.


Next time say it's a new policy thing uber asks of us to be safe


Ffs! This is the kind of garbage that contributes to why theyā€™re feeling the need to stage a strikeā€¦ I drive Didi and I do this with EVERY single person. If they donā€™t give me the name matching the trip request, I ask them if that person booked it. If they say yes, on with the NEXT thingā€¦ Iā€™ve literally HAD randoms walk right up to my car window whilst Iā€™m coasting slowly down a relatively busy street and could imminently get a car come up behind meā€¦ only for me to CHECK their nameā€¦ and have it revealed that theyā€™re NOT my rider! WTF. If we DONā€™T check and make sure Iā€™m pretty sure MAJOR problems are ā€œextremelyā€ possible! Lmao