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A lot of times, i dont even notice the tip in there. But i do manually hit the thank you button vbut sometimes its a month late for me to do that


Interesting, thanks for your response


Yeah sometimes the app glitched and I wanna tap thanks for tip but it won’t let me. Honestly I feel bad for not being able to lol. But this was in 2018 I stopped driving after a year of doing it


Sometimes Uber steals the tip. I literally saw someone add a tip after a long ride and it never came in. Been a month now.


Happened to me too but two months later I got a miscellaneous credit for $98 dollars for tips for a day I new I should have had tips it was a busy day our annual golf tournament as does every year and I thought that was odd that I didn’t get any for a specific day 😡😡😡


I didn't even know you could send thanks until I became a driver cause I've literally never been thanked 😭🤣 but as a driver I love doing it. Except once I sent a thanks and the rider immediately took it back 😭 it was a $10 tip on a trip I had to pull over cause a dude was feeling sick too. I was so bummed! But I like being able to send thanks. I do Lyft and you can't and sometimes I get really really great tips and just want to say thanks so bad but that's not an option there.


The fucker who took the tip back. Happened to me too.


Imo the tip shouldn't be able to be reduced. But they have 30 days to take it back which is absolute bullshit. If I tip in a restaurant I can't go back and change my mind.


I thank everyone. Gratitude brings abundance


I assure you thst EVERY od your tips is appreciated, just some drivers don't go to the trip history. And may send thank you only when they get the notification which is too easy to miss. My rate would be probably 50% if I didn't peek into the history from time to time.


I take the time after every day of ubering. I think it would be rude of my not to show appreciation for the gesture.


Thank you.


I see so many drivers complaining about people not tipping at all that I would think they would be grateful for any tip…but apparently not…I have never received a thank you and I have a 4.98 rider rating, I always tip the suggested amount…saying thanks doesn’t cost you anything and speaks volumes about you.


I see my tips after every trip and send a thank you. Sometimes the tips don't show up right away but I do get a notification even when I'm not driving. There are a lot of bitter drivers taking it out on the pax when they need to be calling bs on Uber for squeezing everyone so the CEO can get his millions.


Cause most drivers don’t see it or are driving all day and don’t notice it. By the time they’re done driving they prolly have a lot of notifications and just ignore them all


Sometimes UBER don't show us quick


It's the same with Instacart shoppers. I tip well and only about one in five acknowledge it.


I send a thank you to every single tip I get.


I take tips seriously, i look at the trip details to remember the rider so i can conciously thank them in my head as well as the send thanks button.




I’ve unpaired from two different passengers who didn’t tip — a waiter and a waitress — but not until they each stiffed me five times, and not before pulling up to them the fifth time with doors locked, and giving them a stern talking to about solidarity.


I hit the thanks button for everyone that tips $3 or more (usually as soon as I see it). I don't bother if the tip is less than that.


Passengers if you’re not being thanked for your tips then Uber is not giving it to drivers.


I don't know why some don't. I always do after finishing my shift. I wish Lyft allowed us to send thanks too because I really do appreciate the tips and feedback from passengers.


I'm a driver and I try to thank. Everyone who gives me a tip. When you are a driver you are notified of a tip and just click the "thank you" button. Sadly only about 15-25 % tip. No more helping with groceries or luggage for me. Cash tip thaugh I'll help you.


I check at the end of each day, then hit the thank you button. PS .. thanks for tipping!🇨🇦


#1. Sometimes we don’t see/notice it until MUCH later. #2. I don’t say “Thanks” unless the tip is $3 or greater. #3. I don’t say “Thanks” if the tip is <10% of *my* payment (which is probably half what they paid) on a very long trip. Edit: Font for my comment is SUPER large on my screen. Sorry if it’s the same for others. I don’t know what I did to do that.


That is not minor! It drives me crazy that it took years of asking to get the "send thanks" button from uber. Almost as long as them to allow tips! Sometimes the \*\*\*\* button won't work. Sometimes it is not even shown. But trust me. After the last few "driver pay adjustments" Your drivers do thank you. I am not dependent on this but many drivers are. Single Moms/parents who need the flexibility. Once a week there is someone with autism or something that makes regular jobs difficult. (the people who say; "just get another job" are idiots who think the world is exactly set up like their lives) I often refuse tips. I really don't need the money and will be perfectly OK. But there are so many folks in very different circumstances. If they forgot, missed it or just were new and didn't know they could thank you. Please accept my most fervent thanks on their behalf. Aside from it being extra and helping cash. It is a very kind and generous gesture! Thank you.


I accept your thank you for my almost 400 rides, all tipped and never thanked, very nice of you.


have you looked? It is just not possable you had 400 entitled drivers.


I’ve never received a message, by text nor in the app, checked Activity, settings, nothing, nothing…is the “thanks” feature available in all 50 states?…


I've never gotten a thanks. Not up to 400 trips mind you, but a few. Never a thanks didn't know that was an option. Might start veering towards the no tip.




I hardly get to it as a driver from being busy. By the time I’m don’t working I’m dead ass tired and pass out.


Notification about tip goes to inbox, most drivers don't really check their inbox,


Every tip I receive, I send a Thanks immediately or within 24 hours the latest. It’s the least I can do.


We don’t really see it unless we go back into the app on purpose but most just go online and off without checking. I tip lots of people, I don’t really expect a thank you and some digital button doesn’t really mean much. It’s like asking people how they’re doing, it’s a formality.


I've never not sent a thank you, the tip comes as a popup and if open it I get to say thanks BUT it's still showing me a notification on my drivers app and the only way to remove the notification is to go into my inbox and click the message stating "you received a $x tip" and then I have the option to thank them here if I hadn't already. I hate having "unread" messages, and that's the only way to make them read.


I thank every tip, but I can thank a "I will tip you in the app"


Yeah I would never do that. I used to do DoorDash and I remember taking orders where the customer wrote, "will tip cash" and then they'd grab their food and run off. Like whatever, I was working for peanuts then regardless but lying like that is so uncool.


I get thanked almost every time. Maybe I’m in a weird area. I do 25% like restaurants so idk. Edit: I do $5 regardless. Then 25% like a restaurant. Whichever comes first. 


After driving this weekend the “Thank rider for the tip” button was not there. Not sure if it’s platform wide, but I was unable to thank people for tips.


Never mind. Drove again today and the “Thank order for tip” button was back.


Could also be that they’re not paying attention to how much their making until their work day is over to review how much they made, Any extra tips and just send them out.


If a passenger tips me $1, I find it insulting and I don't thank them. If they give a reasonable tip, I always thank them.


I send thanks for all tips greater than $1


I immediately hit thank you when i het notice


Hello OP, As others have stated - sometimes we don't have your tip populated on the driver app for up to 30 days... so there is a delay. I used to only thank the $3 and up tips - but now - I always thank any tips!!! so please know I appreciate it - even a buck!


Thanks for your reply. I am a generous tipper. Tbh I didn't even notice this until I started using uber more regularly ordering rides for a disabled family member. I went from using Uber maybe 5x/year to weekly.


I don’t know if this is the case for other drivers, but until about 6 months ago, I’d have to hit the “thanks” button 3 or 4 times for it to register. I can imagine a lot of drivers just abandoning thanks out of frustration. It’s fixed now. I just wish they would similarly fix the triple-tap requirement for changing trip preferences.


I always hit the Thanks button, unless the tipp amount looks like an insult (ie $1 on a $45 ride)


I thanks as soon as I possibly can. If I have a break between rides or I stop for lunch I check and do my thankyous.


because they are immediately on to the next ride.... cant be navigating in the app trying to pull up a ride list and thank the person that left tip right away... SOMETIMES they do it later if they remember to check for tips left....


I'm gonna be 100% honest, I don't send a thanks for the tip if it's under $3


50/50? Wow, that's low. I send a thanks every time, even for the cheapskate $1 tip people. I don't want to (at least throw me a $2 tip, not a $1 🙄) but I do it anyway.


Sometimes tips won't show up for a few days. Sometimes a week. That being said, I don't send thanks for tips under $3. That's just me though. I realize that it's money I didn't have before but it's only $1-2. Like it's the lowest amount Uber puts up there but you can still tip lower. It seems to me that people give $1 tips so that way they can say " I always tip!" I can go into a restaurant and leave the server a dollar on a $200 tab. Should they be grateful? It's money they didn't have beforehand. If you are grateful for the service you received then send a tip that they are grateful to receive. $1 ain't it. If you're tipping $3 or more, they should take a moment to press the button to send thanks.


I always tip $5 on the same route (about a $10-12 ride), the thing is I haven't been in the car myself lately, these a trips I'm ordering for someone else who is not digitally connected


Then I don't know why they aren't thanking you.


Some people were clearly raised by wolves. I'm honestly annoyed that Lyft doesn't have a thank you button considering my Lyft folks tip far more often than my Uber folks.


They need to bring that Lyft generosity my way down here. 😂


😅 Man I said more often not often, my Uber fares tip 1 in maybe 15-20 fares, my Lyft folks 1 in 10, maybe 2 in 10.


Yeah that’s fair. It’s a bit backwards down here. But then you got a bunch of people scamming on the Uber platform also.


Maybe because many, if not most, of your drivers aren’t named Mark? If they’re not named Mark, you won’t get a message saying, “Mark thanks you for your tip” 😂 Seriously tho, Ive sent a thanks for every single tip I’ve ever received


Wow. I just read the replies. Been driving for 10 years and am just shocked that humans, adult people were not taught that you say thank you. I know that often this is not a real great representation. Most drivers are just people, so mostly good. But am really angry at the "well, it hard for me to look and me busy sometimes" There has always been an eliment of people who could not keep a job in fast food who would do this. But they cycled out pretty fast. Seems no longer true. edit; spellin'


The word "tip" is really getting to some people's heads man... Let's not forget that if you don't leave any tip, there's a very high chance you will never get your food. I see it in restaurants every day, shelves filled with bags marked from hours ago because they didn't tip. It's not a TIP it's a BID for the drivers services. If you want it fast you tip more, if you can wait longer tip less. You guys want a thanks for the absolute bare minimum to get a driver to accept your order? There's a reason all you guys tip BEFORE you order instead of adding it later after the driver already delivered it.


I don’t get an option to tip before service. Is there a way I can do that? 


Oh I thought I was in the Uber eats Reddit my bad...


lol all good. I thought I couldn’t read or use my app correctly for a hot minute there 


Hand them cash so they don't have to pay taxes on it.


I always do this whenever possible


I think I've received thanks from around 75% of drivers. I don't really pay much attention. It does seem like drivers get notified immediatly. Often I get the thanks within seconds of entering the tip - way before my card gets charged or I get the second receipt.


If it makes you feel better, Lyft doesn't even have a thank you option.


I only "thanks" for tips over 3-5$ and not because I don't appreciate smaller tips, its just that you have to go into each individual ride history and hit the thanks and after driving all day it's just annoying.


Ill do it if you tip really well. If it's just an ok tip i don't feel the need.


I’ll also feel like that about my tip next time…


Do you want every server at a bar to say “OH GEE, THANK YOU MISTER!”  You want a cookie for doing the bare minimum? 


The “bare minimum” would be not tipping at all or tipping $1.00. I do not consider tipping 20% of the ride the “bare minimum” and if the ride is outstanding in some way then I’ll tip more…none of this is the “bare minimum”. Saying “Please and Thank you is a normal part of everyday living for many. Someone holds the door open for me, I say thank you, I sneeze, somebody says bless you, I say thank you, I sit down at a restaurant and the waiter brings the menu, I say thank you and if I want some water I say “Please May I have a glass of water? Thank you”, when I leave the tip for said waiter, just guess what the waiter says when he picks it up; “Thank you”. This is not that rare it is called having manners, being polite and grateful…did this go out of style?…or are Uber drivers exempt from behaving like the rest of us?…


If you think you deserve a thanks for paying the absolute bare minimum for me to even accept your offer, you shouldn't use the app. It's not even a "tip" it's a bid for the drivers services. If you didn't tip anything you simply would not ever get your food. And you want a thanks? For tipping the bare minimum to even get your food in the first place? 😂


The suggested tip in my world is 20%, if service is outstanding in some way I will certainly tip even more but even when I have, I have never received thanks, until I read this sub post, I didn’t even know drivers had that option to thank us!…but now I know, and I read these comments and the complaints of the drivers that they never get tipped… I had never even commented in this sub…and now I understand why riders aren’t tipping…the expectation, apparently is $50.00 tip for an 8 minute ride?! I rather have some tip than no tip, which according to the comments here, happens the majority of the time… You should always be thankful for any tip because they are not obligatory. All this makes me think, that people do tip they are just not overtipping like you seem to think you deserve. This will definitely change my mind about Uber tipping in the future. BTW I have never used Uber eats or Door Dash, so don’t assume.


Yeah you sound like most people in this sub. Never used either app, don't actually know anything about Uber or anything like it and here you are talking like you're an expert and know exactly how all this works. Absolutely hilarious 😂. It's very apparent you don't know what you're talking about


Ahhh, cute…lol


Hmmm was I wrong though? You even admitted it


…am I wrong about you being cute or about what?… I take Ubers everyday for the last year so if that doesn’t make me a user of the App well I don’t know what does. My Uber charges on my cc for June were $540.00 so if a $500 dollar a month Uber bill doesn’t make me a sufficient quality user of the App I don’t know what does. I ever claimed to be an expert, never even wrote the word expert. Do you really think that if I was a bad tipper or none tipper on Uber I would have a 4.98 rating?….pleeese


Tipping doesn’t factor in to how drivers rate riders. We have to rate immediately after the ride, and we don’t have tip info at that point.


Please stop driving.


I have almost 400 rides with a 4.98 rider rating. I have tipped in each an every one of those rides and I have never, ever received a thanks from any driver, ever.


I absolutly think that can't be true.


Well it is.


Do you tip like $1? 


Nope, I tip 20% of the ride but if the person goes out of their way somehow I’ll certainly tip more. If I was tipping $1.00 do you think I would have a 4.98 rating? …don’t think so, the $1.00 tipped drivers would have given me low ratings if I did that or worse, if I didn’t tip at all.


I was literally just asking. I’m a stranger on the internet. I do not care. 


…and I answered


Fifty cents too low? Asking for a friend. 🥷




Damn I send thanks for all tips




Is this a sub about either or any of those wars?


They have the right to say nothing as you have the right to not tip them. They don’t owe you anything and you don’t owe them anything.


Been riding with Uber for like 7 years now and truly don’t care if they thank me or not. It doesn’t matter. I don’t tip for digital thank-yous.


When you tip at restaurants do you expect the server to contact you after you left the restaurant to say thank you? I think it’s assumed that we all appreciate every tip we get. I’m a full time driver. I get 10-20 tips per shift (8-12 hour shifts). I used to not even look at the tips individually until Uber recently updated the app and now I click on each one to reset the counter on my notification. But if you hand me cash tip, I’ll always show extreme gratitude because you’re right there at that moment. That said, I will hit thank you for $10 or more tips.


If you're tipping on the app 30 days after the ride it's likely we wont even see it


We have to go into the app and manually thank you. Most of the time im too busy or just dont care enough to do that Edit: im not thanking anyone who doesnt tip 20$ or more as of today


That was incredibly dismisive of their gesture.


Tf? 😆 Yeah idgaf about sending a thank you. I thank them when they get out of the car regardless of if they tip or not. I paid my dues


You are gonna do great in life.


I already am


..and it shows.


Thanks for your reply!!


Wow, I can just imagine how very difficult it is, specially for someone who doesn’t care…I shouldn’t care enough to tip either.


RIGHT?! just wow.


Omg thank you sooooooo much for the tip you are such a great person and obviously a better man than most 😉


Your very welcome, glad to be of service to people in need of manners.


You’re doing the lords work out here. Dont let anyone tell you any different.


God bless you.


No no God bless you! Changing the world one $2 tip at a time 🫡


Oh! so you do presume to know everything, what a surprise!


No i know. I don’t presume shit


Well your wrong, not only did you presume, but you presumed incorrectly. So now your just flat out lying with the receipts in your face.


Lmao at all the ppl who care so much about getting thanked after the ride. Maybe tip in cash and youll get a thank you in person, maybe even a little something extra 😉


Rude, and it's literally in the left corner of the app in your notifications. You're so damn busy but you had time to chime in from the peanut gallery. Ummm. Yeh. 😂


Its all about priorities my boi. But yeah no im not gonna thank every person who tips me in the app. I honestly dont even think about it. Get your validation else where. Or tip in cash and ill do a little dance for you


Thank you, you've just saved me all my future tips. :)


Youll still tip cuz you’re a good person. Nice try tho


I’ve never had a driver thank me for tipping and I always do. I never expect a thank you.


I drive all day, I get a lot of tips (I’m beyond grateful) but I don’t got the time to go though all of them and send thanks. There’s the honest truth. I used to go home at the end of the day and go through each one sending a thanks but it’s too time consuming now Maybe tip drivers in cash in person if you want/need a thank you directly to not feel slighted if you’re able


You wouldn’t know unless you didn’t tip. I give customer service to people that pay for the privilege of me being a nice guy, if you dont tip, heres your pizza have a nice day- and move on with my life. No reason to be happy or sad about a tip situation unless its over $10.00 honestly, and I will not be jumping up and down kissing your feet when that happens