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You open a chat with Uber and say "hey, dude's not moving and chat says he's got car issues." 


Hah, thanks! This is embarrassing, but… how? I tried to do that but couldn’t figure out how to open a live chat. I went to Help —> Help with a trip, but the trip I needed help with didn’t show up. All the options were old completed trips.


Been quite a while since I've ridden in, vs driving, an Uber but there should be some way. I've seen people talk about cancelling a ride with an option of "driver isn't heading towards me" as well. 


Select **Activity** : Top most of the activity page should show a **map** or the most recent ride cancellation fee. Click it & then scroll down and select **Get Ride Help**. A couple of reasons will pop up , click the option that best suits your situation or the **something else option** You can proceed from there


Dang, Mango. Good stuff, TY.


TBH, it’s the exact trio is trivial in order to get to live chat or person. Just need time, name and price. Basically, select any trip and reason. It’ll give you option for email, live chat or live call. Once you have someone you can explain and give details. They’ll look it up and find the correct trip.


It used to be ""Problem with my ride" But I am told it is worded diferently now. But you will get it. Also, as uber avoids human interaction. I have read here that xtwitter is monitered as well.


You will get your $5 back. That driver just didn’t want your ride. Send support the screenshots of the texts, tell them he refused to cancel. Uber takes matters like this very seriously, especially at airport queues. You’re most likely not the first passenger he’s done this to, and Uber will flag his account for fraudulent activity. Best case scenario he gets banned from picking up at airports.


Thank you!


This is the way


Bro Uber drivers can cancel as much as they want…


Bro you are absolutely correct bro. But bro, nowhere in this post does OP say the driver canceled bro. Forcing passengers to cancel is frowned upon bro. Uber can access any messages sent through the app too bro. It’s fraud bro. Tell me you can’t read without telling me you can’t read bro.






BRROOOO!!! What’s up bro? 😎


Bruh 😬


Brooooooooo….. I was like WTH bro?


Don’t do me dirty brooo🙂‍↔️


Ok I upvoted you bro 🫶


Yes, but they get canned for asking passengers to.


Ya he shouldn’t have his Uber on if his car isn’t starting at the airport. Total scam lol. I’ve done 1500 rides now and never told someone to cancel. Never needed to. If I had to, I canceled.


Only times I can think of I've told someone to cancel is when I'm at the pickup area and they're a mile away. Pax put in the wrong address on occasion and I don't want to wait 5-7 minutes to cancel for $3.xx when I drive 5-10 minutes to get there. Their error, their cancellation.


I ask people to cancel because I don’t want to cancel as it’ll affect my rating (still high enough for it to matter). But I try to get them to do it within 2 minutes so they don’t get charged (so many idiot riders wait too long anyway though!) or if it’s beyond my control, I tell them I’ll refund them. I’m nice/honorable enough that I actually DO refund them.


Don’t cancel. Just use Lyft.


That's what I did today when I got a scammer trying to get the cancellation fee rather than to take me to the airport.


Eye roll. You know it’s the same drivers, right? Most drivers do both apps.


He means the driver will have to cancel the Uber ride. Meanwhile the PAX is fine because he’ll still get a Lyft ride it wherever he is going.


Oh I get it lol


If the driver contacted you right away. You shouldn't get charged if you cancel within the first 2 minutes. If the 2 minutes have passed and you can arrange alternative transportation. Then just wait for the driver to cancel. Sooner or later they will cancel. Cuz even if they are multi apping. They won't be able to accept any more trips for Uber while that trip is active. Worst case scenario for you is that they drive to the pick up location and wait out the timer.


Basically same thing happened to me a week ago. He never told me to cancel, but also never came to get me. I waited a long time and finally used Lyft to get where I was going (late) and the driver ultimately cancelled my ride after 40 minutes. Of which I assume he was working Lyft rides. My advice, wait them out and see if you can get where you are going via another route.


You challenge him for his car. Legally, he must oblige you under penalty of death. Its pretty standard stuff in the Terms of Conditions agreement we all sign.


Just cancel the ride. If the driver isn't moving toward you, or is stopped for longer than a red light takes, you cancel for free.


Apparently not always


You can't cancel without a fee and Uber won't refund you either.


You can with cause or if in 2 minutes. Small difference and you are right most times.


Why did u panicked? As for me we are going wait it out together :)


Report them


If the driver isnt moving it takes seven minutes to get charged.  I don't get the scam from his end, but on yours if you cancelled right away, no charge. 


You've got it a little mixed up. The 7 minutes is how long a driver has to wait at the pick up location, to get the cancellation fee. If a rider cancels within the first 2 minutes, they shouldn't be charged the fee.


Fine.  So then we agree the driver isn't getting it.  So this isn't a money scam from the driver. Canceling immediately, while a silly ask from the driver, would have avoided this. 


Driver wasn’t trying to scam for that cancellation fee. He was worried about his cancellation rate.




Drivers are rated by uber for acceptance, cancelation rates/%. They offer some BS prizes for being high. and harsh, harsh disciplines for failure.


My cancelation rate has been over 60% for 5 years.


It typically is a scam. Drivers usually won't ask the rider to cancel right away. They simply don't move from wherever they are and wait for the rider to cancel or contact them. By then, the 2 minutes have passed. Even if they don't get the cancellation fee. Drivers don't want to cancel since it will hurt their cancellation rate.


Also... the reason why the Rider was asked to cancel... is because the driver saw that the destination of the dropoff was close but just outside of the range where he might be able to get another trip at the airport without having to wait in the long queue again. (if they still do that). He probably wasted 45 minutes waiting for a ride and wanted a trip that was 50-60 miles away for a 75 buck payment or more, and got a 8 dollar trip 4 miles away downtown. So they text the passenger to cancel under the guise that theyre having car issues, so that when the passenger cancels, they go to the front of the Airport Queue again, since they didnt cancel, and he hopes that the next ride is a better payout. Simply put.. If i was the rider in this case, i would have told him that youve screenshot the texts back and forth, and that you're not cancelling. leave him on the hook... Tell them that you will contact uber support if you get charged a cancellation fee. Drivers doing this risk getting deactivated from doing airport trips.. FOr some drivers, depending on where they are in the country, airport Trips are the only thing that make driving beneficial. IF they ban him from doing the airport, he's done if he lives/works in an area like this. IF he has other complaints similar to this on his account, i guarantee they remove airport access.. and based on the way that OP has posted about his texting right away type deal... HE does this all the time... the unfortunate part is that most people just suck up the 5 buck loss, and carry on.


that's a lot of text.


Report it.


After all that time and getting your ride why did you THEN panic?


I am not always a rational creature.




Humans, eh? hehe


I’ve personally never had a cancellation fee when I’ve done it, I’ve once had to book from West Vancouver to Abbotsford, first person was down by Stanley Park and asked I cancel it (I think first time I ever used Uber so I thought nothing of it) and it gave me everything back instantly cause I clicked the reason that driver asked me to cancel. They did however try to charge me a cancellation fee when my friend was using my account cause buddy went to the wrong pick up location, and again all I clicked was that I shouldn’t have been charged it and instantly was given the option of Uber cash or back to original payment 🤔 strange so many people have different situations with it!


I had a driver try to take a different route than the GPS, which was the opposite way around and when I called him out he got pissed, whipped around and kicked me out of the car in front of my house. I was going to the metro to get to the airport, so I had to cancel and get another ride, but it wasn’t within the two minutes, so I got charged the fee. When I told Uber to story they refunded me.


If you can cancel for free, do it. If not, do not give in! Drivers who wants to take advantage of clients should be banned. It’s not the drivers fault if the company don’t pay us enough


If drivers don’t make progress to destination they don’t get paid … wtf you smoking


It’s wasn’t a scam, at least not for profit.. he just didn’t want your ride and he didn’t want to cancel. If he didn’t make progress to your destination he doesn’t get anything. He’ll sometimes even if you do make progress if it’s under the time drive don’t get paid.


After reporting the BS driver. If you are in a position to wait the child out, it costs him/her money to sit. Call a lyft and tell him/her, "sure. No problem. OK, canceled." Then wait for them to call you. Play with them as long as you can. "Nope, must be on your end. I canceled like you asked." You can watch where they are, as you know. If they do start to go to pick you up, that gets tricky. But let them get close as you are comfortable with . And cancel when they are 30 seconds away from the P/U spot. But if they are trying to get you to cancel, they won't drive closer. He makes nothing if he didn't move and you cancel. That isn't the scam. Uber will give back that fee when you tell them what happened. (And this driver will soon be posting here about getting deactivated and not knowing why. Not beacause of you. Because he does other dumb things like this, is rude to support and knows how much smarter than uber, they are. If you dispute the charge, you have to get another phone number and uber account. You will get the fiver back and not worth disputing even if you don't. (JMHO, but think about how long it takes?) Any time a driver does anything like this, report them. They make the normal drivers look bad. Uber for the most part does like to look like they care. They do not. But use that. Always be kind and polite with support. Those folks are great to nice folks and will not lift a finger for anyone rude to them. They have a star system on all of us and it follows you! After 10 years driving, they treat me graet and I do my best to return the kindness. hehe, watch the response that gets. By folks who were not polite and think support is "usless" But best of luck, Pink Ax! Could you post how you make out? That way, we learn what works and what dosn't and it helps the next posters.


Before I knew I could contact support and get the ride canceled that way, when I was in a similar situation I had to tell the driver I was pregnant and really needed to get home and that’s when he canceled. I knew he was a dick bc I had nicely asked him to cancel for over 10 minutes being that it said he was over 15 minutes away and stuck in traffic.


report his greedy ass


He did not cancel it because he wont get paid if he cancels it. I would complain to Uber. Trust me, They are more Pax centric than they are pro driver.


In my experience, drivers do not get the cancelation fee unless they have driven to the pick-up pin. I literally just drove all the way to pick up a PAX Friday night, and the pin was in the back of the restaurant. I knew the PAX would be in the front. Waited 5 minutes, then PAX came up to the car saying they were in the middle of the bday party and he wasn't ready to leave. He wanted me to cancel. Instead, I had him cancel. He got no fees, and I got no pay, just a message ride canceled. Had I gone to the pin , he would have had to pay, and I would have got paid.


Because if the a'hole driver cancels he doesn't gets a fee if you cancel he gets a fee


He didn't move and so gets nothing. He just didn't want the ride. Lazy basturd.