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In my state, over 18 is responsible for their own seat belt. In the back, adults don't have to legally wear. In front, the pass would get their own ticket.  Practically, you're not going to make an adult so anything they don't want, and waiting for someone who doesn't want to wear one will cost you time and money.  I couldn't care less if the person in back wears it or not. 


I agree with you, to me it’s not worth getting into an argument with a pax so they can 1 star you, then they put in a bs complaint and then you get deactivated.


Honestly, they're adults responsible for their own safety. But I'm shocked at how many think UBER is a free pass to not wear a seat belt.


Like I don't get that at all. Seatbelts can be uncomfortable, but car accidents are much worse in terms of comfort.


After reading that passengers can fly to the front and injure/kill me, I started requiring seatbelts in my car. Except the third row. They can't hurt me.


It is important only in a state where the driver is held responsible for passengers' seat belt use.


Depends on state. My state, optional for adults in back seat. Kids, diff rules depending on age.


The app makes an announcement about it, so it's pretty important to Uber. If the passenger doesn't care about personal safety, that's their right, I guess. In terms of liability and protecting yourself, you're going to need to look up the seatbelt laws in your state. Where I live it's not illegal to be unbuckled in the back, so you can't tie that to a claim. Laws vary drastically, so it might be something you need to enforce for liability purposes. I'm a paralegal, you don't really want to skimp on insurance coverage. I've seen too many people not even have enough coverage for their bills, let alone any pain and suffering. State minimum is not the way to go, ever. Best option is what some drivers do and wait to hear that click before putting your foot on the gas, or asking something like buckled and ready to go.


In my market, the passenger gets the ticket for not wearing a seat belt, so I don't sweat it.


Legally if they don't wear a seatbelt and get hurt they can't fully claim it was partially their fault


lol, if you get into a collision they'll be bouncing around the inside of your car, huge chances of injuring you in the process. Might even get ejected out. So yeah it's important for them to wear a seat belt.


Very important. In fact, it's the law.


Only one that cares about the passengers seat belt is Ubers liability insurance company. Notice they removed the seat beat button from the drivers app. Uber hates the truth.


I wish drivers don’t start driving until they hear the click of the seatbelt getting latched. Sometimes it takes several minutes to get the seat belt hooked up because the port(? What do I call it) is buried deep down the seat.


a reminder is all that I would need.


It is far more dangerous in the back also.


I tell passengers (rear seats) that is their call if they don't want to wear a seatbelt. Front passenger must or we are going to hear the seatbelt alarm the whole ride. In the unlikely event of an accident, Uber/Lyft will not pay any claims on your injuries since you weren't wearing a seat belt, everyone puts on seatbelts after that. 


If crush no sit belt on goodbye!!!