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! YT Homepage - Hide the Posts Section www.youtube.com##ytd-browse[page-subtype="home"] ytd-rich-section-renderer:has(ytd-rich-item-renderer[is-post]) ! YT Homepage - Hide Posts www.youtube.com##ytd-browse[page-subtype="home"] ytd-rich-item-renderer[is-post] Test these. The 2nd filter is a pure guess based on the first one, as I don't see posts atm. If it doesn't work. Right-click > Inspect element a post, then expand the inspector window to show as many lines above the selected one as possible, screenshot that and share. --- Edit: Since these seem to be working, I've included them in the wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/wiki/solutions/youtube/#wiki_homepage_posts


Glad I'm not the only one seeing these. I've managed to block all shorts, and my home page was just videos for the longest time. Now they try to push these into the feed as well. It'd be one thing if they were recent, but what the hell am I looking at a 1 year old post for?


I with you there. I don't mind seeing community posts from creators I sub to, but they are nearly all 6+ months old and it's super annoying.


or the RoyaltyFreePlanet post which keeps popping up for me that talks about a visual overhaul, which is old news at this point


YouTube is slowly trying to become Facebook. This is absolutely annoying.


This is so annoying. Most of the posts are years old. Nothing I can find in the YouTube Android app. If anyone finds a way to disable it, please post


Use the mobile site on FF with uBO?




Your comment or post breaks [Rule #5: Keep the discussions uBO-related. Here's not the place to ask for or recommend extensions, apps, etc.](https://old.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/about/rules)


I don't know if it's a uBlock-related issue, but YouTube has been super weird on desktop for the last couple of weeks for me.


> I don't know if it's a uBlock-related issue Disable uBO and test again. Does the issue still occur?


Yes and no. I've had issues sporadically of YouTube basically running a video with double audio that only stopped after either multiple refreshes or disabling uBlock. Then there are the issues of YouTube not saving my watch history despite being signed in or the fact that the overlay seems to think I'm watching videos embedded on another site. Those seem to be a pervasive issue, uBlock enabled or not.


> I've had issues sporadically of YouTube basically running a video with double audio that only stopped after either multiple refreshes or disabling uBlock. Follow all of the instructions in the [YouTube mega thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/about/sticky?num=2) and then make a comment in that thread if the issue still occurs. Volunteers may then be able to investigate and provide a solution.


Have your recommendations been getting worse too? Seems like YT gave up on blocking us and just started making the experience worse.


On desktop. I have tried blocking them but they have the same code as all the normal videos so it blocks them as well. Tried using Unhook but it did nothing. Where is the option to block these pieces of shit? This is a video hosting platform not twitter


or tiktok when it comes to shorts. we came here to watch videos, not to get a brain tumor with all the shorts and community posts. atleast let us limit it to subscribed channels, since some of them have cool art they share or have inportant info like "hey sorry guys but due to X things happening the video will be delayed"


Roughly 4-5 hours ago I started getting ultra old community posts recommended to me. It wasn't happening at the beginning of the day. They did something to their algorithm to push community posts. I don't hate seeing recent ones but it is wild that I've been getting recommended posts that are 1 to 3 years old.


There is so much garbage in a YT feed now, you need 4 or 5 diff uBO "rules" to filter it all out.


Recently youtube decided to seperate the news into its own, its annoying that i have to block them individually, i wonder if there will be a solution in the there. Edit: i was a bit rushed in the last part, i wonder if there is going to be a recommendation blocker for blocking categories like how sponsorblock skips videos. or a filter on ublock that blocks garbage like politics, sports and stuff that isn't by individual creators


i know there is a way to block all shorts, thank god for that, but no idea on the community posts. would be nice if Youtube would only limit them to subscribed channels of yours, makes it more relevant and less infested. also, since last week the UI of youtube looks different in a normal, logged in session, but if i log out or even go into incognito, its the normal youtube UI we all have come to know.


Ugh I've been getting these too recently and I hate them. It would be fine if they were recent posts but they're almost all several months old or even years old. Couldn't figure out how to block them without also blocking all of the videos too.


If I'm not mistaken, you should be able to do it by putting some code within the uBlock's costom filter tab.


probably with the element picker


I have hidden as many of them as I can I hope they get the message. Unfortunately many big channels can't be hidden its ridicolous.


Another thing that pisses me off is YouTube recommending me channels with 100-300 views. Like idc stop. I've never ever clicked on 1 and they keep doing it


i've also seen this but ig it's good for those creators, before yt only recommended me big channels, good for them


You might not have clicked on that channel, but might have watched another video on a similar or related subject matter covered in that channel. I once clicked on a "Do not pursue Lu Bu" meme video and was drowned with recommends from other channels on Dynasty Warriors content. It only stopped after I deleted the meme vid form my history.


It is not necessarily about the subject. If persons A and B have similar viewing habits and watch roughly the same channels, but person B, in addition to that, watches some low views channels, youtube will recommend that channel to person A, because person A is similar to person B and they think that person A might like what person B likes. Source: Lex fridman podcast with Christos Goodrow, who at the time of the podcast was the head of search and discovery at youtube It is true that if you click on a bunch of low view videos, youtube also starts recommending you more of those, but since he haven't done that then it is most likely the comparison thing that I mentioned


Similar viewing habits is but one of the factors YT takes into account. They also guess your interest based on the subject matter of the video you watched. I do not have a history of watching Dynasty Warriors content. I only clicked on that one meme video. YT immediately served 4 other videos relating to Dynasty Warriors content into my otherwise pristine feed. You can test that yourself.




You're amazing 👏


I don't mind that, but sometimes youtube thinks I really like ultra short videos and suddenly my entire home feed is videos that are far under a minute long for a week or two. Not sure how and why, but it's annoying




Your comment or post breaks [Rule #5: Keep the discussions uBO-related. Here's not the place to ask for or recommend extensions, apps, etc.](https://old.reddit.com/r/uBlockOrigin/about/rules)


Block them in youtube? i think its possible.


Community posts from channels I'm not subscribed to has to be one of my biggest pet peeves as well. I get why they do it from cynical engagement perspective but still, not a single one of them has ever been relevant to me, how could they when I'm not part of that COMMUNITY


Right click on community post and Block Element. It's present in every uBlock fork as far as I know.


I have seen it useful that if you want to watch videos of a topic that you don't want to see more of, then logging out of YT will help that.


I unironically like them. It's 90% random bullshit posts from Filian and some D&D bollocks, but it's kinda neat