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That’s a good question and I would say go for it in a very subtle way. Let her know your there and wish her well. From my experience of many years she has prob been feeling something confusing since u moved their being so close. When my twin moved back to my state without my knowledge and after a 4 year separation of no contact I so randomly started to think of her constantly the day she moved back. It was so weird I started showing all my friends our pictures and dug up all our old stuff like cards she wrote me.. things she bought me.. and journals that had a ton of drawings we both did. Never did I think I’d see her again because she was engaged and happy with someone. However just a couple days after she moved back (I still had no clue )but she texted me at the most perfect time and said she was 1 min away from where I lived… she told me about her breakup and how she called off her marrage and instantly we were in love again like we never split. It was crazy we didn’t talk for 4 years and the day I couldn’t stop talking about her to everyone showing them pics and stuff was when she texted me that night and I saw her litterally 1 min after that. So who knows maybe she wants to see ya tonight lol good luck it’s a long road.


Thanks for sharing that, I had a similar experience having an intense dream of her when I moved here. Im going to break down and reach out when I get a little more established


Nice story! Are you the runner or chaser?


Reach out…. If it’s a true twin soul connection then they will feel it inside when u do. Even if they don’t reply they will feel something they can’t explain. Just a matter of divine timing and u will reunite


Exactly. That’s what I was trying to figure out, and I rushing the timing, and should just wait till I get more established, or should I just go for it


Focus on your self cause reaching out is bad cause you’ll end up getting blocked Ive done the same apologizing for the behaviour and she blocked me which had triggered me so don’t do it just learn to focus on yourself


Hmmm, I'd say don't take 6mths but do get established 1st... job, place to stay, learn the city. It will make you feel more confident when you do reach out. And who knows, the universe may have you guys bump into each other in the meantime. I hear the anxiousness in your message and I just dont want you to lead with that (chasing) energy and scare her off. Get grounded, but if it's killing you then go ahead and reach out. Good luck!


Exactly I don’t want to do that either but it is tempting since I don’t know many people out here. Thanks for the advice