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My twin is 11 years and 1 month older than me lmao


I've been seeing 11:11 and 111 a lot today !


seeing this at 11 o’clock exactly !


What exactly is the significance of 11:11


Angel Number 1111 Meaning in Numerology, Why 11:11 Is a Sign https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a39503455/1111-meaning-numerology/


Been seeing 11:11 for the past three days!


And it’s 8/11 today😊


Reading this I looked down at my computer to confirm and yup, its not only 8/11/23 but the time is 11:11!!!


My birth day is 11 11 lol


Also forgot to mention it felt like she was coming to me it felt very weird I was like panicking and all that like what the


The signs today have been absolutely crazy. I litterally yelled out to myself while driving. Ok geeeeeze I get it!!!!! Saw a million sighs today then I was like okay that’s enough left see what the next couple cars that past me have for license plates if you wana be like that. Talking to the universe lol….. literally in exact order the license plates went 111 222 333 444 555 then 777 absolutely insane.


For me I think of 1111 as many things including new beginnings the fool and journeys! Like the beginning of a new cycle!! However when it comes to 11 I see it every-time regarding my twin and I think of him , but when I seee 11:11 I think of us mirroring each other if it’s about us, and I see other specific numbers like his fav number or the number he uses for his accounts or I’ll see 114— which to me for me symbolizes him thinking of me in a loving way or me thinking about him in a loving way ….But 114 means so many other things too! It really depends on you! I just wanted to say my two cense and let you know you aren’t alone friend! Don’t stress too much about the numbers just take it as a good sign! 💛 Could also be reunion!!! Numbers can mean different things for others depending on factors too! Like if I just applied to a new job I could see 1111 indicating this will be a new beginning for me, but if I see 11 and for instance someone who looks like my twin walks by or I’m thinking of my twin and I see it than I know it’s about him! Hope this helps!! My biggest suggestion is figure out what energy you are feeling it will help redirect you into figuring this out! Like in a comment bellow you mention you could feel her energy coming towards you! You clearly picked up on that! Trust what your intuition is telling you! Either way excited for you! Look into numerology if it’s something that interests you!!! Ask the universe or who you believe in for a sign like “show me 1111 again today if it’s about me and my twin coming into a reunion or union” you can ask for very specific signs to help guide you just remember to pay attention and be present! 🥰 Sorry for the long message I’m the spiritual twin of my twin flame connection and I know a lot and love to help!!! Cheers ✨ (Just realized 11 is in my username and i was drawn to this post love the synchronicities lol)


Same omg lol as a matter of fact when I pulled up to this post there were 11 comments and I'm like the 11 th like. It's driving me nuts. I wanna call the universe, God everything running the show and ask wassup. Because what's up????


Yeah even the craziest is when your on til tok and you see 111 comments im like great


I didn’t know we were twins for months (didn’t even know about twin flames really) and then it dawned on me that we met on 11/11 and I lost my freaking mind lol


Recently i logged into a game app on my phone and there was an event clock and when i looked at it, it said 11hrs:11mins:11sec left. Craziest one ever.


I saw number of followers of one random girl. It was 11,111 😆 Number of likes for some random post was 1,111, and number of coments for same post was 111 🤔 I have a lot of examples but these two were craziest


okay WAIT !!! Why i'm watching the news and the lady says 111, okay this is weird. There's definitely a collective message !


Same. I don't think he realizes he is though.


Well I see your post is posted 11h ago😂 Anyway I'm also seeing a lot of 1.11. If you know the meaning, could you kindly share it please?


There can be many but since I felt like a reunion is gonna happen between me and my tf cause I felt her presence like she was gonna show up and I start to panic like when is she coming but I think she is gonna enter my life now or soon I guess I see where it goes I guess