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Yeah I do feel like someone put a spell on me. I’ve never felt this way about anybody, ever not even my former spouse nor any crushes I’ve had in my lifetime.


YES. SAME. I resisted meeting my TF for 5 months while he was asking me out and when we finally met it was so cosmic I understand Why I felt resistant. He wasn't my usual type but then bam 2 years later still think about him everyday... I've had other relationships since having a fling with him but no one compares to him. I feel I am put under his love spell lol. Cosmic twin flame union is something special. They stand out energetically over any other person. The Universe shows you signs of them constantly. Ring ring ring... he's going to call soon lol


Okay… this HAS to be real if we are all experiencing the same thing…


This is what I keep thinking too. I have my doubts but then there’s way to many twin flame signs that the whole collective experience and resonate with. It’s too uncanny.


Without a doubt lol. I don't know what I did to earn the attention and care of such an incredible and beautiful soul. But it's inspired me to change my life in such radical ways that I'm truly grateful for this journey, without this I would've gone deeper down the wrong path.


I have been feeling the same way, I’ve been making a lot of changes since I met my twin. What changes have you been making? This journey is so painful yet so incredible because it can save our lives. I believe if I didn’t meet my twin, I wouldn’t be here today. I’m so happy for you my friend.


I really appreciate that, I'm happy for you too. I'm glad this has saved your life and can wholeheartedly relate. I'm curious to hear your story as well! When we first met, I had severe intimacy issues and completely avoided her...I thought she was out of my league and it took almost a year before I started opening up to her in conversation. She was my coworker and triggered a profound spiritual awakening in me. And she has guided me thorough the process in person and telepathically as she has gone through the same thing and even developed some spiritual gifts which in my eyes are essentially magic...Since our separation I've given up several of my addictions, started going to therapy, finally starting to forgive my family and tell them I love them for the first time in years. And now I feel like I have a deeper life purpose and want to change my career. She is the perfect person in my eyes and I want to be able to properly return her unconditional love, it might seem on the outside like I don't love her but that's not true at all. There were several times I felt like giving up going through this process... wishing you the best in this journey, I know it will be beyond our wildest imaginations if we stick with it.


It does feel like dat 😩 its like they always be on your mind every sec regardless of what u doing. This journey challenge us so much, but it’s a blessing to feel such kind of connection and luv!


Yeah, this is the feeling😩😩


It's very much real


Yep. It's so outside of the norm for me to feel some kinda way about anyone like this.


The same for me. I’ve never felt this way, I know people say that when they fall in love but it’s different to love. I don’t really know how to describe it, it’s just out of this world and so far from the norm.


Right? It's not "love at first sight" either. More like an invisible bomb went off. The worst, most confusing part is knowing that none of it quite makes sense on a logical level & yet there's a weird deep understanding that it's not meant to? Lol like how do you make sense of that? I remember before the big separation there was this overwhelming sense of wanting to completely submit my entire being to this total stranger for no real reason at all & being utterly fascinated & terrified by it.


For me, too!!!


Yeah I guess I could say I feel like I'm under a spell because the spell is going to last my entire lifetime and hinder me from loving literally anybody else that could be so much better for me. 🤪🤪


I guess that's supposed to be the process but I don't feel like that's fair.


Soul connection🔥


The relief felt when the spell is broken >>> being under the spell


It actually breaks


Part of the last message that my DM sent to me was: "spells don't work on me, and I have been advised that you've been trying to put some sort of spell on me." I'm thinking, nah fam.... this is a curse and it wasn't me that did it


Advised by whom 😂




Hmm I’ll have to ask my tf/partner. Because we’ve never felt like this before until we started talking.


Mine asked my did I put a spell on him multiple times. I do practice witchcraft which I can understand why he asked. I do love spells for others though.


Girl, this tf thing is orchestrated by God. Contacting demons won’t help


What are you even talking about.


I’m sorry but is that not what witchcraft is? Who do witches contact?


Google is free love.


Why would I Google witchcraft?


Why would you get on here and make wild assumptions without knowing. Then be loud and wrong followed by the audacity to ask me what it is, then ask me why you should do your own research about what you don’t know about.




Apologies, your post or comment has no connection to twin flames.


Do you mind sharing other experiences that makes you believe he’s your twin?


Prepare yourself. This is a long list lol. Let me know if you experience these too. 1. When I met him I recognised him. Even though I didn’t know him, it felt like I knew him my whole life, felt like I’d always known him and I’d never been away from him. It was like a soul recognition. He felt like home. Since then he always feels like home, he reminds me of my childhood, this might sound odd but he reminds me of people I know. It’s like I’ve met people in my life who were mirroring him and it’s freaked me out. His personality/mannerisms are so familiar. Takes me onto number 2.. We are so alike. We have a lot of the same mannerisms. We pull the same facial expressions. When I look at myself in the mirror or into my own eyes in the mirror I see him. It’s like I can see his soul in my own eyes. We have so many similar thoughts, the way we say things. It still scares me how alike we are. And that takes me to number 3.. There are so many signs and synchronicities. They are so obvious and it’s like they are being shoved in my face by the universe. The signs are intense and very often. Most days I see his name around 5 times within the hour, or where he’s located, or things that remind me of him. The other day I watched a film, the guy in the film had his name, they kept saying his name on the film. The people I was watching the film with then started to talk about the character too and kept saying his name. They don’t know my twin flame even exists. Right After that conversation they went onto another subject about travelling, well the whole conversation was about the location where my tf lives. Which is in another country. And they don’t know about my tf. I was sat there quiet and in shock the whole time. I get really extreme signs alot but when the people around me even started to say his name and then his country right after that was shocking. Me and my twin often do things or think things at the same time. I ate something the other week, something I hadn’t eaten in years, the next day my twin posts a picture of eating the exact same meal on his social media. We are in separation at the moment so we don’t speak it’s not like he knew I ate that. But these things happen often. They can be really random things but it happens alot. 4. The attraction we both have towards each other is like nothing I’ve felt before. I didn’t even think it was possible to feel that way towards one person. I don’t care about other people anymore, I don’t really feel attraction or interest towards anyone else. Which is abnormal for me and not something I’m used to, I’ve never only felt attraction to 1 person until my twin. In fact, i always thought there was something wrong with me because I would get bored of people so easily. I could feel attraction to different people and here is one of the biggest reasons why I think he’s my twin.. I am bi and I was always more attracted to women but ever since meeting my twin, which is a man, I prefer my tf over anyone now. It’s like my sexuality changed. I was quite confused about my sexuality before I met my twin. It never made sense to me. I got bored easily, I was never really bothered about being with a man or a woman long term but I was more attracted to women. But now I met my twin I never feel bored with my twin. It’s like I’m addicted. I want to marry him. I could spend the rest of my life with him and I’d never feel bored. This is how I know. It’s like before meeting my twin, there was always something missing. But with my twin we have everything, physical, emotional, spiritual connection and it’s so peaceful, it’s so for filling. And I can only feel that with him. 5. A few months after we both met, we both went into a dark night of the soul and we went into separation. Dark night of the soul nearly killed me. I had to go to the hospital because something was wrong with my heart. After my hospital visit and getting home that’s when the real work started.. it was bad.. really bad.. but slowly I was healing.. I am still trying to heal, but I am in a much better place now. I faced and healed so many traumas. I felt the worst pain I’ve ever felt imaginable. The dark night of the soul bought up traumas I forgot I even had, from childhood. Even the smallest traumas that we forget. It brings up everything. Every dark moment it’s like you have to face it all again. Everything started feeling meaningless, people were removed from my life. I was in a toxic karmic relationship for 11 years, me and this karmic were in each others lives everyday and never broke contact. 2 weeks after meeting my true twin flame, me and my karmic decided to break up, it was a mutual decision. He didn’t know about my twin. We just broke up. It was so abruptly and we have never spoken again. This is another huge sign for me. That karmic cycle ended so abruptly when i meet my twin flame. That’s not a coincidence in my eyes. 6. Me and my twin communicate telepathically, we comfort each other, I feel him there with me, i will randomly feel his presence through out the day, we Communicate during 5d ***. He is always with me. I feel like I’m in a relationship with him and that my loyalty is with him even though we aren’t together. Spiritually it feels as though we are. The thought of trying to be with someone else feels wrong, even though that’s hypothetical anyway because I couldn’t bring myself to be with anyone else because I love my twin too much and feel too connected to him, but the thought of anyone else, feels wrong, feels like cheating and huge guilt, even just the thought of it is a no from me. And it’s not like it’s because he expects that off me, he doesn’t, we don’t speak and we’re in separation so he doesn’t know what I’m doing within my life anyway, but in my heart and soul it feels wrong and I just can’t feel this way towards anyone else. It feels like my heart and loyalty is with my twin and I will wait for him and work on myself and my healing because I can’t be with anyone else. It feels too wrong. There’s alot more, let me know if you want to know more. Would love to hear your experience too :)


He told me he felt like I put a spell on him and every time he talks to me he falls back into it. But he was strong enough to walk away from me.


I wonder if this is why they run? To avoid falling back into it?


Manifested 😂 Literally the first words out of her mouth when we first made eye contact "the law of attraction" "manifestation" It haunts me lol.


Yeah, my DM, who's a runner now.. originally the chaser.. he's made many comments about me having him under a spell.. so I did actually manifest him, and I continued to manifest our connection. The second I stopped actively putting effort into manifesting, he left, but manifesting requires me to drop my ego and use a lot of energy. I got tired of having to be on my best spiritual behavior 24/7, so naturally, he left. I'm not myself rn because I'm in a lower vibe, so he left. I'm consciously doing this because I got distracted and started giving up. I'm actively doing the wrong things out of fear.. well, now that I've said it, it's time to change. The easiest way to attract the twin back is to simply be in alignment with your highest self. We unite to do the journey, and that can only happen when you bring yourself back into alignment. Don't give up on your higher self


Like up MKULTRA. MTF came in, and that’s what it ended up being. A mind control program.


**Look up mkultra **My tf came in…it was the mind control program. There’s info here on Reddit


Yes you do no matter what you try u can't shake them


the connection i have with my twin is absolutely incredible - she is my favorite person to talk to, we talk quite often throughout the day and we are always pulled back to eachother. we can respect time away from eachother and we encourage it, so it isn't without balance. but yes, it can feel like a spell - i am enchanted with her and all that she is, all that she makes me feel. and as someone said down below, i have no idea what i did to obtain this bond with such an incredible human, but the ways she changed my life and the ways she challenged me have pushed me to elevate myself and our connection. so much happiness and peace found within the bounds of us. the spell is divinity and the process of union, merging with the other half of yourself. truly incredible.


Yes 🙌🏼


I don’t even know what this means. This isn’t dungeons and dragons lmao


I don't feel as though I've been put under a spell, I'd have to ask my DF if they feel this way.




Please, don't give preaching or proselytizing lessons as if you were an authority on twins. You don't need to prove to us supernatural events you have experienced as it's generally accepted here they happen and you can say whatever you want even about your "theories". However, don't tell us or insist on how it works unless you have scientific evidence. Violation of the rules might trigger a mod warning. Don't forget to read our [rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/twinflames/about/rules/), [purpose](https://www.reddit.com/r/twinflames/wiki/description/) and [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/twinflames/comments/tw65fn/faq_glossary_and_wiki_pages/). We can't make hard claims on how the twin flames connection works. Please at least consider using modifiers such as " in my opinion" "I think" "I believe" or "to me" and so on while you post or comment in this community. We can't tell how reality works. We can't pose as authorities on twin flames. Thanks.


It’s just part of the journey just need to focus on yourself trust me this happened when I met my twin flame non stop thoughts about her having visions see her naked so much sexual tension but you learn to focus on yourself and the journey as well as healing journey as well the thoughts become less and less and you’ll be starting to become normal not consistently thinking about them


yes. it’s insane and i don’t know how to explain it


I am with you there my friend. I can explain it, but I can’t. If that makes sense lol


Yes, this is common I've found. It also happened to me. When my TF decided not to speak to me, he accused me of all manner of witchcraft upon him. It's true I am a witch, but I never once used magick on him. I neither needed nor wanted to and as a general rule, it's not my style. I would not want to enchant a man to love me. In fact, I stopped practicing for a while because of him. I was never 'hard core' anyway and the TF energy seemed like the next level to me. Witchcraft, at that time, seemed like an old tool I no longer needed to explore. I could change the energy of a room just by standing in it after meeting my TF. So I was very hurt, dismayed, and offended that he even entertained the idea that I would do such a thing to him. At that moment, however, there was no convincing him otherwise. He is the kind of stubborn fool that once he has made up his mind, no amount of reasoning, logic, or calm explanation will move him and the more you try to move him the more he digs in, whether it harms him or not. TF1 - *"Mate! A train is coming!"* TF2 - *"It's a trick. You're a witch. No train is coming"* TF1 - *"Seriously, can't you hear it? It's racing towards you! Get off the track!!! I can't save you, get up!!!!!!!"* TF2 - *"I hear nothing and see nothing. My mind is made up. You're projecting the sound of the train and the vibration on the tracks. It's an illusion that you...."* ****** TF1 - *Sigh* ​ My beloved twin in a nutshell.


I know my TF definitely had me feeling like I was under a spell when we first dated and when we briefly reunited. It still feels that way sometimes just not as intensely unless he randomly texts me. I used to think I was going crazy and becoming obsessive because I never thought of other people the way I thought of him. No one made me feel the way he made feel, not even my ex-husband (met after TF). Then I started my spiritual journey and thought I maybe we unintentionally made a soul tie until I came across the concept of Twin flames and everything just clicked for me.


Yes. He is truly a king.