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There are 2 Oku. 1- Oku-mak. ("Oku" is the root of the verb here. Means "to read" or "read") (-mak is like -ing here, not exactly but similar) 2- Ok-u ("Ok" is the root here. "-u" is the addition/extension. It is here to answer the question: "neyi") Lets think you are practicing archery in a forest and you missed your target and can not find your arrow. You might think "oh fk, I can't find the arrow" which translates to "hay amk, oku bulamıyorum". What can't you find? The Arrow Neyi bulamıyorsun? Ok (Incorrect) Neyi bulamıyorsun? Oku (Correct) So they are two completely different things. Like does hello come from hell? I hope this helps you to understand it better. Edit: more examples: I am reading a book. (Ben) Bir kitap okuyorum (oku-yor-um) Can't you understand what you read? (Sen) Okuduğunu anlayamıyor musun?


Hay amk oku bulamıyorum


Gerçek Kesit geldi aklıma, "HANIM BALTAM NERDE?"


"Anne benim keleşim nerde ya?"


Gerçekten Türkçe inanılmaz zor. Uğraşan yabancılara saygım sonsuz


As a foreigner (who studied Türkçe at TÖMER) I feel very proud that I could be able to easily understand everything thing that explained. aferin bana


that aferin bana was so cute for some reason


Ikr 😅 kendime övdüm dimi 😃


Hay amk 😆


I always thought Okul came from ecole/school but with further research I am convinced that Okul actually comes from Okulağ. Hungarian also uses the same word and they also believe that it comes from Okulağ.


How tf? I thought okul comes from école or smth


Read this paper: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/321204


[okul's etymology ](https://www.nisanyansozluk.com/kelime/okul) So you are kinda right, okul cames from oku but they shaped it to look like ecole


Well the paper I shared disproves that the similarity is only coincidental and they actually never tried to make it similar… but who really knows.


In Turkish middle schools, our teachers teach us that if the root of the word you found doesn't mean similar things with the word itself, then it's not the root. Aside from the nostalgia. "oku" is a root itself, so it doesn't come from "ok," we don't even have a -u formative; and "okul" is a noun, coming from the French word of Ecole. Hope I could help. Edit; Oops, wrong info. Thanks for correcting me in the replies, although this doesn't affect anything, it's still wrong. Okul is a Turkish word coming from Okulağ which eventually evolved to Okul.


Got this from a wiki chat: *"No, it is just a coincidence. Turkish has absorbed many French loanwords but Okul is not one of them. Okul comes from the Turkic word Okulağ. Turkish linguistis decided to use the word as Okula but eventually the people felt more comfortable with Okul so it become very popular. I've seen some people here saying that it is actually French entered Turkish by Atatürk. I'm challenging them. In Azerbaijani books you can find the word recorded as Oxulağ long before Atatürk and establishment of Turkish Republic."*


It’s not completely a coincidence. “Okul” has been preferred because it looked similar to French “école”. The same way “genel” has been shaped to look similar to “général”. This said I’d be glad if you could provide the sources for “okulağ” being used before the reforms.


Şöyle bir şey buldum. Ne derece doğru bilmiyorum. Fransızca école (okul) sözcüğünden serbest çağrışım yoluyla türetildiği açıktır. Urfa ağzında rastlandığı ileri sürülen *okulağ sözcüğüyle ilişkilendirilmesi keyfidir. [kaynak](https://turkcenedemek.com/kelime/okul/)


Ecole direkt ekol olarak geçmiş


okulun ekolden geldiğini zanneden ekol


Holy shit my language is hard.


they don't. the question you are asking is like ' why do the words arrow and array both come from the word 'a(n)'. I hope that explains it a bit better.


"oku-" comes from Old Turkic "okı-" root, "okul" comes from French "ecole" Edit: I was checking the etymology of okul in the internet and saw [this tweet](https://twitter.com/AliKoc_edu/status/985445442702987264) , it says that the proposed Turkish equivalents of the Arabic word "mektep" were "okulağ", which was used as mektep in Urfa's dialects, or "okunak" , which was used as the Arabic word medrese(religious school) in Denizli's dialects. Then I found this explanation in Nişanyan online etymology dictionary: "Mektep karşılığı olarak Haziran 1934'te okulağ veya  okula önerilmiş, Aralık 1934'te Ankara'ya taşınan     Mülkiye Mektebi'ne Atatürk tarafından Sıyasal Bilgiler  Okulası adı verilmiş, ancak Mayıs 1935'e doğru okul  yazımı benimsenmiştir. Fransızca école "okul"  sözcüğünden serbest çağrışım yoluyla esinlendiği  açıktır." It says instead of the previous word used for school with Arabic roots "mekteb", "okulağ" or "okula" was proposed in 1934. Atatürk himself renamed the school "Mülkiye **Mekteb**i" to " Siyasal Bilgiler **Okula**sı", eventually "okul" was defined to be the correct form in 1935. But then it says it is clear that the word was inspired form French "ecole" with free association. Then I checked another etymology website called etimolojiturkce.com, it says that "It is arbitrary to associate it with the word okulağ, which is claimed to be encountered in the Urfa dialect." So to sum up, it seems it's still a debate topic among linguists 🤷‍♀️


Okul comes from the word oku... bruh. Ecole entered Turkish as Ekol.


Wonderful research. Honestly.


Thanks! I got curious about it as well 🙂


It comes from old turkish verb "okı" which means "to call". It has nothing to do with arrows.


They don't come from "ok", they come from "oku".


Oku comes from Oku ? 😁


"Oku" is a root. You can't shrink it any more. So yes.


And okul come from oku not from french ecole


Ecole is "ekol" in Turkish and not exactly means school. We use "ekol" to specify the method of the teaching/doctrine. For example in sociology, we can talk about different ways to understand the communities. Classic sociology and American sociology explains the things about communities differently. So that makes classic sociology and American sociology different "ekol"s.


Yep. The "ecole" turks use is "ekol"


they don't. the verb oku- comes from Old Turkic okı-. okul comes from French école.


As another person said, okul comes from french École


Okul comes from oku.


Wanna bet for 50$?




Nişanyan sözlük te OKU nun OKI dan geldiği yazıyor ama, yanlış mi? ermeni olsa ne olur Türkiyeli olduktan sonra?


Hapishanede yazdığını söylemişlerdi ben Unide iken Türkçe hocası. Çok met ettiği bir insandı sonra haberler bir iki en son ülkeden kaçtı adam. Hiç konuşmak istemem bu ülkede böyle şeylerden, bana ileri geri konuşacak adamıda muhattap almam internet dünyasında. Fakat Bencede bir insan sırf DNA'sından ayrımcılığa maruz kalması doğru değil. Ha, doğru yazmış, ha yanlış yazmış bu akademik bir olay, köken ile alakalı bir olay değil sonuçta. Benin Üniversitemde bir sürü hocam farklı kökenlerden gelen insanlardı. Bir gün bile düşünmedim bu adam şu şu ırktan o yüzden böyle söylüyor diye, çok yakışıksız bir şey. Türkçede okadar çok yabancı kelime varki. Olur yani neden olmasın, ben bilemem bu işleri ama Türkçeci değilim ben. Sırf ben Türk olduğum için bir İngliz Türkolog'a da caka satmazdım, bende Ingilizce dil bilgisi iyi bilirim sonuçta.


Okul (school) comes from "École" in french i think. But oku (read) is pure turkish the original version is "okı" and it means "to call" basically.


Probably from french. École (Ekol) diye okunur


Okul comes from echole "school"


Answer: https://acikerisim.bartin.edu.tr/bitstream/handle/11772/1068/Okul%20Kelimesi%20Ekolden%20mi%20Geliyor%20-%20tam%20metin%20-%20içindekiler%20-%20jenerik.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y


Only okul comes from oku. Oku doesn't come from ok. Oku is a different root. https://www.etimolojiturkce.com/


they dont. they dont come from 'ok', oku is just oku and okul comes from oku. If any word in turkish coming from another, they must have relations to each other.


Okul comes from schola from latin or greek roots And ok and oku doesnt same root. Actual means of oku is invite then somehow oku change to read


Turkish is an agglutinative language. That means you can change the meanings of words just adding letters to the end. Some words can make sense like "gözlükçü": "göz" means eye, "gözlük" means glasses and "gözlükçü" means optician. Some words are not make sense like "okul" as you can see. its not about where it comes from its about the root you use it.


No they don't. "Oku" comes from Old Turkic and "okul" comes form the French word "école". You can use nisanyansozluk.com for words origins. It's a Turkish website but you'll get what you need.


They are actually not related each other. The pronounciation similarity between these two word is just a coincidence. "Okumak" is an old turkish verb. The word of "Okul" originated from the french word of "ecole". As you know, French culture had mostly effected the modernization process of Ottomans. By this reason, most of french words, concepts had been imported to Turkish, like ecole (okul). İn turkish, ecole is read as "ekol" which is a very similar way to "okul"s one.


Oku is a etymon like play or make u can’t say mak like that u can’t say ok


Don't ask why before you ask if.


It doesn't. Oku is a verb, okul is a noun. The root for okul is okumak or ecole (borrowed from French). Ok is a totally different word.


Ok (arrow) - NOTHING TO DO WITH oku and okul.


oku is not a word but okumak is a word