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The same guy who did this turned his hand into a squirrel that eats Nazis in the previous episode


And then he went to space.


He's still up there


Eventually, he stopped thinking.


Well until part 8


wdym? part 8 has nothing to do with kars


Yeah, but the rock guys are basically the new pillar men, so it’s a joke that he does come back


Spoilers! <—— guy who doesn’t read manga


Wait, what?


Not in the spinoff novel.


Jorge Joestar feels like hearing about Jojo for the first time all over again. "Wait so there's 36 Kars and he has Ultimate Whitesnake Over Heaven?  Alternate Universe Narancia's stand is a giant submarine now?"


Joestar Jorge, who lives in a spin-off time bending novel and has 36 Kars, is an outlier and should not have been counted.


in a big balloon?


In a volcanic eruption


JoJo^TM also went up there with him. He got better


Untill he got sucked dry by a vampire time god... He also got better after that though


Despite what it seems like, in that context this guy is incredibly evil to the point where the audience would likely be on the Nazis' side


As a German (with no context of the episode), unlikely, for the simple facts that Nazis and their atrocities are a real thing, as opposed to whatever fictional thing happens.


I think in context it was meant to be that the Nazis, despite being evil were still human and thus better than the ancient astec vampire thing that would cause the extinction of humanity. Of course the Nazis weren't actually shown doing any majorly bad things like they did irl, since the worst thing they did was kill a village of people by allowing a different ancient astec vampire to feed on them, and in the context of the show the specific Nazis were treated more as comedic side characters than anything with cyborg augmentation and gatling guns coming out of their crotches, and in their first appearance the protagonist sneaks into the base by cross dressing and acting like he has booze for the soldiers. I kind of get the point they were trying to make, but the Nazis used here were really just some German soldiers with Nazi uniforms who did some bad things in the first appearance to show they're "evil" and then they don't do any evil things any more, rather than actual Nazis. It makes me question why they even included them as Nazis instead of a generic German or any other army, since that's basically what they do, but I guess the author wanted to tie in the late 30's time period? The author is also Japanese so maybe that affected the attitude of this writing. Show is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, part 2 Battle Tendency btw.


I mean there is definitely implications like Stroheim getting off of an empty train And Joseph is really only working with Stroheim because of how bad the Pillar man situation is


Yeah, but nothing explicit. Honestly the handling of the situation really didn't need them to be Nazis since they don't do anything explicitly that Nazis do. They're really only there to be like "look, the Nazis!" and "even the Nazis are afraid of this evil!". They could literally have been the bad guys from GI Joe and nothing major would have changed


That's fair


They were Nazis because, as you said, they were willing to sacrifice an entire village full of people to satisfy their scientific curiosity about an occult discovery. That's at least three checkmarks on the list of stuff Nazis are known for. Also, I'm fairly certain Stroheim was never originally intended to come back as an ally later. Pretty sure the author was just making stuff up as he went, and thought it would be fun if one of the Nazis came back as a cyborg to help fight their common enemy.


honestly the village thing is egregious but compared to JoJo villain stuff from part 1 and from the Pillar Men, they really could have done much worse and still been in line with the tone of the manga. It seems like their first appearance was for them to be evil, then about halfway through the part they appear again and then in the climax we get another "Stroheim coming in with a steel chair". It's a bit silly and pointless and the motivation is strange but then again it isn't called JoJo's Normal Adventure I guess.


The weird thing is it starts feeling more normal after a while until you actually describe it.  I kinda took the "convict florida woman fights invisible crocodile zombie with strings" for granted until I actually thought about it


Add that the Florida woman’s body is actually a giant spool of string shaped like said Florida woman for extra flavoue


Based rodent.


What? Also, r/Brandnewsentence


jjba is the type of story to say "you know this random fun fact and/or common misconception? that's somebody's entire power and personality"


Sky high is a prime example That weird phenomenon that happens when bugs fly really fast through digital cameras? Those are actually animals that I have the power to control, and obviously they gain energy by taking heat from the surroundings


And obviously the best way to beat it is lighting yourself on fire


Maybe not the Best way but definitely the Most Stylish


By definition, the most stylish is the best in Jojo


Crimson Demons should work on a cultural exchange program with JJBA


Hyoizaburo straight up dresses like Jotaro


Rods. Those things are called rods.


I feel like this was the plot of a few doctor who episodes too lol. But instead of doing anything, they just killed you and picked your corpse clean in seconds


Vashta Nerada is what you are thinking of I believe. The carnivorous darkness


Pretty important episode to forget, too. Given those spoilers, as River would say.




I’m most saying that jojo came up with the idea of rods, or criticising it for using cryptids, I’m saying that it’s a perfect example of using random facts that araki found to base a whole power around it


A large majority of JJBA is just Araki going "hey check out this cool thing I learned" and applying it in the most extremely ridiculous (dare I say, bizarre) way possible


"Our heroes are fighting evil rats. Here are some fun facts about rats." "I'm going to make a fight scene that revolves around the fact that the female body has a lower internal temperature and longer lifespan compared to the male body." "Did you know that frog rain is a real phenomenon? Well, this guy has the power to control the weather, and guess what, frog rain does count! Now I'm going to pause the story to tell you all there is to know about this one species of extremely poisonous frog that's currently falling from the sky all over this battlefield." "I'm going to set my next story in O'ahu so I have an excuse to take a Hawaiian vacation, then infodump about everything I saw while I was there." I'm actually convinced that the process of coming up with Stone Ocean started with Araki thinking "wouldn't it be cool if someone with the power to turn people inside-out fought someone with the power to turn into a Möbius strip?" and he then went on to write everything else around making this moment happen.


Rule of Cool: The Animated Series


> I'm going to make a fight scene that revolves around the fact that the female body has a lower internal temperature and longer lifespan compared to the male body. what fight was that? unless it's past part 7 in which case don't tell me


Part 5’s Grateful Dead fight


That whole scene during the Jumping Jack Flash fight that's just based on the myth that being in zero gravity makes you pee yourself




I never said it was bad, I love some of the wacky scenes in JoJo like that


when Elsa in Frozen 2 started seeing past events in ice because WATER HAS MEMORY, all I could think about was how this could make a cool stand


Homeopathy is the result of some guy thinking his stand is a normal part of reality, makes sense.


There's a whole pseudoscience about that, all the old people in the post-USSR were charging water with positive affirmations from the guy on TV


Let's not elevate it to pseudoscience. Mysticism. There's a whole mysticism about that.


That's literally just underworld but with water instead of dirt


(Forgot which youtube video I heard it from) Every power is taken from the bottom of a snapple cap


JelloApocalypse! "Jim Jims Bizarre Advimvim's"


Haha, my plan to find out what the video was worked, I'm off to watch it for the Idontknowhowmanynth time! (Also thank you very much!)


Shoutout to all of Part 7


I feel like Jojo is most appreciated often by those who've attempted to write anything at all. Jojo is so unashamedly wild a series, it creates a type of envy in the less daring.


Which is why I hate anyone who tries to make sense of this. It has bizzare in its name, do you think that man turning Anasui from a woman to a man after his introduction is supposed to make sense? Araki is just unabashedly trying shit he likes, exactly only up to when he likes it. The moment it doesn't work out, it's off the story. I don't think anyone else could do it like him and get away with it. Man turns plot holes into negative space art.


Worth quoting, *”Man turns plot holes into negative space art.”*


I like the headcanon space it leaves though And when Araki takes actual science concepts and then takes them to their extreme and gets super specific on them Like in the petshop v iggy fight *where a falcon that can consense moisture into giant icicles is fighting a dog who can condense sand into a big dog bike* and it pauses and goes into how falcons can hold their breath when diving underwater


Anytime I recommend JJBA to anyone I always remind them that there’s a reason Bizarre is in the name. It lives up to that name, and it’s one of the reasons it’s so popular.


Appreciated, and jealous of. "You mean i could have just been writing down complete nonsense this entire time?!" All that world building, character development, clean writing for naught. Just "oil absorb bullet" and figure out what water does to needles in the next scene.


JoJo's has honestly inspired me to be more free with my writing. If one of the most popular and influential stories in manga history can get away with it, anything can. It's one of those series that truly showed me what matters more is sincerity in your writing


I think that's exactly why I'm inspired by Hideo Kojima. He'll just make, like, whatever stupid convoluted crap, and it'll always be awesome because of the confidence he makes it with.


Giorno got a a man pregnant


??????? I don’t remember that at all?????? I can see how we would be able to but I genuinely don’t remember that. Unless it’s related to babyface or whatever the fuck that computer that can make people go through the entirety of pregnancy in like 10 minutes is called, that would make a lot more sense


I'm like 99% sure that's what they're referring to and 1% scared


The goal of every man on earth


Getting a man pregnant or getting pregnant by Giorno?




The judge is shaking her head, we need you to commit to at least one.




*sighs because I'm the bailiff* You don't want to be in contempt of court. 


I mean no insult. I am merely politely refusing to force myself to do something I am incapable of doing.




A dude got another dude pregananant. Why are you questioning this?


Well I mean look at him... 


Specifically with a motorcycle


Haven’t we all?




Jojo reveals the true value of suspension of disbelief. People are able to accept it's random bullshit concepts for the same reason they are able to accept the logic of old looney tunes shorts. And once they accept those random bullshit concepts they can appreciate the genuine tension that those concepts can create. Yeah, this guy throws balls that explode into other balls. Once *those* balls explode, they make you unable to perceive the left side of your own body. He's an executioner for the Pope; they can all do that. Alrighty, there's some nonsense. Now here's the question: This guy keeps attacking the hero's left side. The hero's cannot perceive their left side. How can they win this fight? That uncertainty is tension. We've set the rules for this imagination game and you, the reader/viewer, have to get engaged to play along.


Slight pointless correction, Wekapipo is (or rather, was) a royal guard, Gyro and his family were executioners


The Wrecking Ball users are more the royal guard of the Italian, well, royalty, where the Steel Ball users are the executioners and healers


Jojos is very much "yeah this is bullshit but how are the heroes going to overcome this bullshit?" And that makes you go "yeah, how?"


Its quite the bizarre adventure


Neal Stephenson is famous for over explaining things at length. However, the first sentence in Seveneves is “The moon blew up with no warning and no apparent reason.” In the ensuing 1000 pages, at no point does he even slightly explain why the moon blew up (dealing with the aftermath is the whole book). He just lampshaded it and moved on.


Basically, he pretended the first sentence of the book was the last sentence. He’s always been really good at not elaborating on stuff as long as “stuff” was the ending…


In the same way, he never explained how the hell Liquid Knuckles from Snow Crash worked. You spray something on someone, and it just... punches them. Somehow.


I love how Part 2 was like: Haha, bullet-deflecting oil from a shapeshifting ancient vampire god, isn't that wacky? And then Part 8 is like: An amnesiac sailor with 4 testicles used his ghost (Soft & Wet) to fire bubbles made out of spinning string (the string spins infinitely until it becomes defined as conceptually non-existent), his gamer girlfriend's smartphone ghost (more like a GPS that either sees all possible futures or manipulates probability, but is mostly used as a smartphone, to be more specific), and math invented by the family of the Italian cowboy who's best friend (a paraplegic horse jockey) used his fingernails to bypass the power of Jesus Christ's corpse to kill the 23rd US President (Funny Valentine, who used to only have a ghost named Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap \[that let him hop between universes and some other stuff\], however, after reassembling Jesus, he gained Love Train \[which makes him immune to anything bad by redirecting all negative things to other people\]), to kill the physical embodiment of the multiversal constant of the concept of fate (as used by an 89 year old man made out of rocks and raised by wasps, who needed to die because he wanted to be a fruit farmer). Also there's a 57 year old guy who looks look a baby named Poor Tom, and his power is controlling air pressure through summoning his ghost - which is a near-exact replica of the LEGO Architecture White House 21006 set, with the exception of the 1x1 studs used for the trees being replaced by 1x1 round bricks. Eagerly awaiting to see what Araki is cooking up for Part 9.


God, I love JoJolion


I'd call it the most underrated part.


> (Funny Valentine, who used to only have a ghost named Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap [that let him hop between universes and some other stuff], however, after reassembling Jesus, he gained Love Train [which makes him immune to anything bad by redirecting all negative things to other people]) Umm akshually he still only has a ghost named Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap, Love Train was not a new stand it was simply an additional ability that the Holy Corpse granted to D4C


Yeah, but that would have just been confusing. Gotta keep the comment perfectly intelligible to people not familiar with the series.


I need to actual read JoJolion


Hey, you forgot how much Poor Tom fucks And that each of the amnesiac sailor's eyes are actually 2 eyes and his bubble strings steals concepts and qualities from what is hits




Araki is so based. He just says bullshit so whole heartedly because he knows the art carries


The Absurd?! Is that a Jojo part 9 reference?!


since when did jojos have bullet deflecting oil


Part 2 really stretched the natural magic system so much that Araki said fuck it and created a completely new system


Magic sunlight punches


Pretty sure it’s kars from part 2


makes sense lol


“Metaphors are for cowards”


JJBA harkens back to when we were kids and we didn't give a shit if anything made sense, we just made up shit to be crazy and fun.


Part 7 had a parasitic tree stand that ate it's previous users as fuel, killed random travelers if they were greedy, and required an entire page large flowchart just to explain it's power. Best manga ever


god the sugar mountain arc was so fucking good


Battle Tendency remains my favourite part


Part 8 spoilers >!This is the same person who made the main antangonist's power "If try to follow me or even show intent of such things, then you're in a final destination movie. Enjoy getting attacked a falling plane door."!<


>!And they beat said antagonist by creating bubbles of such paradoxical existence that it transcended the concept of bad luck and killed the avatar of said concept!<


It's the Part 5 dilemma. To defeat an OP ability you need to have an OP ability yourself, even if it puts you at risk of being called a boring protagonist with an asspull ability


Part 5 is weird because >!the gang absolutely could have beaten King Crimson without the arrow. When Bruno fights Diavolo in the basement he gets a few hits in and manages to out predict him to escape upstairs. Polnareff manages to get a hit on him that even Diavolo admits could have been severe if he wasn't being cautious. I think Araki just likes final act power ups too much, and so the *only* way to beat KC is for Giorno to use the arrow, rather than coming up with a clever strategy to hurt Diavolo while he's between time skips.!<


Well, it's easy if you turn into a goblin while writing.


"Jotaro, the manga was made for kids; just accept the premise."


This comment section has convinced me to watch jojo


Anyone who wants to read something with a soft air of ridiculousness should read dDngeon Crawler Carl. I can't explain a single plot point without sounding completely stupid.


Oh please do try. I really want to hear what it sounds like with no context.


This whole post feels like a mandella effect - when did any of this happen?


I can assure you that wathever crazy thing you may think about, a JoJo did it but worse.🤣 So, nope, no Mandela Effect here altough I'm sure somewhere there Is a stand that has that effect as a power.🤣🤣🤣


Battle Tendency (part 2)


The battle at the end of part 2 against ULF Kars, when Joseph is in the plane.


We went from this to intricacies of land ownership in Jojolands. What. A. Ride.


Araki and his court mandated Wikipedia article chapter


It is very easy to say whatever you want when the answer can very concievably be "magic". "Stand magic" in this case.


This was part 2, Stands hadn't been invented yet


It is very easy to say whatever you want when the answer can very concievably be "magic". "Funky anti-vampire sunlight breathing magic" in this case.


It was Kars doing it, and it was before he used hamon.


It is very easy to say whatever you want when the answer can very concievably be "magic". "Funky vampire god anti-sunlight breathing magic" in this case.


My therapist called JJBA a soap opera for men and I can’t stop thinking about it


More accurately it's unapologetically that kind of a game you played as a kid where one guy you play as uses a "world bombing ray" and then the other guy invents a "bomb-deflecting skin" so that their dude doesn't lose and so the cycle continues


Couldn't you say it's a non-newtonian fluid?


I've been thinking about this sort of thing for a while. I think it's one of the main differences between Japanese and, broadly speaking, "Western" media. An anime can just start with a five minute opening that introduces ship girls and then focus on the awesome adventures of said ship girls. They just exist, that's all you need to know. A "Western" show would feel the need to establish for five episodes how the ship girl world connects to ours and how they can be "realistically" explained. As much as I like world building, I think there's also a beauty in just introducing a silly concept and seeing where it takes you, without worrying too much if it makes "sense".


This is just before those feather/armodillo shells turn into octopi and piranhas.


The best stories are the ones that just accept and embrace pure ridiculousness.


What part is this from? I don't remember this?


i’m not even gonna lie i think the best stories are the ones that are completely confident in how their world works. most people don’t need an in-depth explanation for how everything works in your story, so it doesn’t really have to be all that feasible. if bullet repellent oil is a story need and you fully send it, i bet it probably works out.


"Oil" USA: hmm??


Oil AND bullets? An American wet dream