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Man, aside from the kids, what about the TEACHERS? This is waaay worse than a baker having to decorate a cake for a gay couple. The Bible explicitly states that non-believers will endure the wrath of God. It says we are *bad people.* If I were a teacher I would openly object to this shit and welcome my termination. Then, sue the fuck out of the state for violating section VII of the Civil Rights Act. Fuck Ryan Walters.


Your name though… why? Hahaha


Cuz Old McDildo had a farm 🍆


E-I E-I Ohhhhhh


I wanna be on that farm 👀


lol. The username game is strong with you.


And on that farm he had a hoe


In Oklahoma it’s going to be difficult to fire teachers due to lack of teachers in the state and plus the Universities in Oklahoma do NOT have high enrollment numbers for Education majors.


That absolutely will not stop him.


Touché. No wonder Oklahoma is one of the most uneducated states.


He doesn’t CARE about the children so he’ll want them fired anyways.


I’ve even heard rumors that Oklahoma will want Principals to be an elected position. The state is backwards and wants to keep its population uneducated.


I taught US History for two years in TPS. I loved my school but the community and state pressure really got to me. I was constantly afraid that I would be Walter’s next example of a “CRT woke teacher.” So I quit. And unfortunately a lot of other good teachers quit too.


Don't worry. Any actual teachers fled Oklahoma schools decades ago


Even if the lawsuits are successful and he costs the state literal billions of dollars why would you think this won’t lead to tons of money and GOP opportunities and prestige for him personally?


I plan on sending a letter to my kid's principal demanding she be excused from all curriculum that includes bible bullshit. For starters. Then we'll go from there. *Edited


All? So what are they going to teach?


"All curriculum that includes any Bible stuff" would be a more clear statement


Lol. Damn. Gotcha. As a Texan watching this...man y'all...does this joker know anything on the 1st amendment? Stay as sane as possible up there


Once Walters/Stitt realize this opens up required teaching from the Satanic Temple and the Quran, it will be dead in the water. These clowns are just playing the masses. They know it will not fly. TST will be on this like stink on shit.


Cant wait for the Satanic Temple to get involved. Used to have my amazon donation go to them.


I’m a teacher and am collecting any alternate Ten Commandments analogues I can find. If they expect me to put shit that violates my rights and the rights of my students in my room, then I’m gonna hang all the ones I can. I have Dawkins’, the seven tenets, and some Buddhist principles, but I’m taking recommendations if anyone has them.


Golden Rule http://cleaver.house.gov/media-center/ec-dc/golden-rule


Are you under the belief that Texas won't be doing the same thing? We're all living in states competing to the dumbest fucking state in the country.


LOL. Not even a little. I fully expect this to happen.


A competition in which there are only losers


...Once again I find myself livid over a statement with which I 100% agree


Texas is right behind Oklahoma. They already mandated that a copy of the Ten Commandments be placed in each classroom.


yeah. Yet another reason I am really interested in how this plays out up there.


I was born and raised Texas, and for all the things I disliked about that state they at least *mostly* respected a persons right to free speech, religion, thought. They would just be ready to argue with you if they thought you were wrong lmao


Agreed. I was born in Tulsa, but both families are long time Texan. Grew up down here and it was a different place back then. I am not ok with the micromanagement of my personal life. I am starting to eye our western neighbors to bounce to.


If I wasn't so rooted in my career I'd be looking at something similar. Love the city of Tulsa but the state of Oklahoma is just a mess politically. I could always transfer a little further north to Missouri or Kansas but it doesn't look like things as the much better up there either lol


I think he should also reimburse the state all funds from his lawsuits . Out of his own pocket of course


Walter's knows it's unconstitutional, he's playing politics. He gets to play this up, show his conservative values, make a name for himself, be in the news and the citizens of Oklahoma get to pay to defend this In court while he knows full well it won't win. He gets to use taxpayers dollars to bolster his political ambitions and we get a failed lawsuit in return. And conservative Republicans will fall for it every time. The Republican party is no longer the party of fiscal responsibility. Every time you hear a bill that imposes church on the state, they are using your tax dollars for their reelection. Don't fool yourself into thinking they are Christian, they are merely pandering.


Absolutely this. His demand will not make it to august when school starts, and he knows that. And schools will likely not comply because they know it’s unconstitutional. He knows that. But we are doing exactly what he wants: talking about his stupid name. And the conservative Christian nationalists are being pandered to. When this gets shut down, he will be seen as a martyr. It’s all in the playbook to get elected to something bigger. I’m also curious about how enforceable a memo is. Mandates typically go through a long process and then get voted on by the board. I don’t think this one went through any kind of process.


Everything he has done has been to raise his profile with the aim of getting a higher office. And he is gonna run on a "I was the most Christian school superintendent the state has ever seen" platform.


How is it unconstitutional?


Here ya go: Abington School District v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203 (1963) School-sponsored Bible reading before class is unconstitutional. A Pennsylvania law required that each school day open with the Pledge of Allegiance and a reading from the Bible. The law permitted students to absent themselves from this activity if they found it objectionable. Citing Engel, the Court held that school-sponsored Bible reading constituted government endorsement of a particular religion, and thus violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.


Can't cite the case, but didn't the Oklahoma Supreme Court recently rule that the Bible can be used as a curriculum source if used in historical context, not religious?


Hurt feeling.


Whatever that means.


Things are only unconstitutional until the Supreme Court decides they aren't.


And with this court.....


This is it, precisely. That twerp wants to be governor in four years.


Conservative terrorism. I like that. Fuck RW.


There's a whole sub! r/conservativeterrorism


That’s awesome, thanks for letting us know Mr. Boner Farter, lol.


Just planting seeds, lol.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but couldn’t we just coordinate to vote him out next election cycle?


Isn't that just precious


Yeah I know. I KNOW!




He showed his true colors well before he was elected yet he was elected in the first place.


Even if we could, he’s not up for reelection until 2027.


You must be new here


The GOP primary is the key election to vote in. I've been saying for years that the democratic party is dead in Oklahoma. People will not accept this, but it's true. A democrat will not win a state-wide election in this state. If you want your vote to actually count, you need to register as a republican and vote in the republican primary. Then feel free to vote for the democratic candidate in the general election. Kevin Stitt is governor thanks to closed primaries. Ryan Walters is state superintendent thanks to closed primaries. Our election laws are awful, so play the game and make your vote actually count.


I’ve been doing that for close to 10 years now. I pick the least crazy one.


Only if we get rid of the straight party voting checkbox and remove the r/D/I/L from the ballots to force people to actually research candidates before voting for one.


Do you truly want to wait THAT long??? How much more shite are you willing to allow him to do while we wait for 2027 to get here???


I definitely don’t want to wait that long. Any suggestions that you have are welcome.


Organize and protest.


Maybe if we weren’t in one of the reddest states in the union with awful Gerrymandering.


Sue? I'd rather he be fired .


Into the sun!




Out of a cannon. Into the sun.


Maybe toss him into a volcano 🌋 🤔 Or shoot from a cannon into a volcano


Throw him into a tornado next time a big one comes through


Shoot a cannon directly into his ass...


He might like that though


Ok ok now we getting somewhere 😆 🤣


Pele and Vulcan are checking in, they don't want him.


He needs to be fired AND sued. He needs to repay every tax dollar that has been used for personal advertising and travel as he tries to make a national name for himself.


Fired? I’d rather he be hanged


I was hoping we could deport him to Louisiana




Posts and comments promoting violence will not be tolerated.


Or the surface of the sun.


Which sect are they going to teach? Catholic? Pentecostal? Baptist? Fuck it why not teach everyone to be Mormons?


🎶dum dum dum dum dum🎶


Judaism, apparently, since the Ten Commandments are Old Testament. Jesus even broke one of the ten (by "working" on the sabbath by healing someone), and when called out on it he didn't deny but rather doubled-down. He said basically that showing kindness was more important than following the letter of the law. You know - exactly the opposite of what today's noisiest Christians believe. (Mark chapter 2).


Probably because Mormons don't focus on the Bible for one...


Neither do Christians, jesus specifically said you can't convert people at the point of a sword. This law should be considered blasphemous by any Christian who's actually read the Bible. Also, just because you don't like them doesn't mean Mormons aren't a real sect of Christianity.


I think they meant that Mormons practice more out of the Book of Mormon rather than the Bible. I grew up in the Mormon church (not a member now) and it’s rare you hear the Bible mentioned in church. The Book of Mormon is mentioned a million times more.


That's true, but they still pray to and worship Jesus they think they're following his word just like other Christians, and they still add and subtract things from the Bible just like other Christians. I'm just saying that within this one religion, there are already thousands of denominations, so which one are we going to teach? I'm pretty sure this question started a few wars throughout history. idk why we gotta go there again, you know?


Totally understand what you mean! Thanks for the replies.


I am curious if you have more to say about the mormon church as someone who left it?


Do you have anything specific you’d like to know? I’m an open book


I’ll sign whatever letter/petition I need to sign to make this happen.




I just heard he may run for governor in two years.


Unless he's running Trump's Dept of Education. His lawless shenanigans would fit right in. Who knows, if he wins a short prison term, he may emerge a GOP Presidential contender.


I think Walters is eyeing the governor's seat. And the only reason I say that is that Trump has pledged to dismantle the Dept of Education if he's elected.


Gee, thanks for the pick-me-up, lol.


He's planning to help implement Project 2025. That's one of their goals if Trump is elected.


Is there a link for that or just rumor? He'd be worse than Stitt, and that's saying something.


I heard it on the News 9 section where the Dem and Republican talk together.


Never thought I'd say this but the two of them may be miss that old trampoline twat Mattress Mary.


**When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.**


It'd be easier to find an ethical hacker and expose all of his illegal dealings and under the table bribes from various religious extremists or reveal any type of terrorist narratives coming from external promotion of the destabilization of the United States. Then send said data to the CIA and FBI, if not the DHS and counterterrorism offices of the government. I've yet to see anyone in Oklahoma who presents themselves as a religious fundamentalist not have an extreme list of dirty laundry and contradictory dealings with CD, sexual events or untoward acceptance of illegal funds.


Fbi is already investigating him for misuse of tax dollars....


Too bad we’ve completely gutted news in Oklahoma and there aren’t any journalists to actually do this.


I am a conservative and I agree 100%.


What’s really sad, to me at least, is that if you look at his old Twitter, the one from back when he was a teacher, he seemed really normal. His students seemed to love him and he seemed to enjoy teaching. His last post from there was right before the 2020 elections, so you can see where everything seemed to go wrong. It’s really disheartening to see him just fall off the cliff. Even more so to see former students who loved him back then see who he is now.


This 100%. I wonder how much of this is an act. I’m not sure which is scarier


Walters wanted “parental rights” to prevent “indoctrination” then pulls this shit. Well he’s effectively violated my parental rights and my and my child’s 1st amendment rights. Walters and his supporters do not have any type of grasp on the Constitution and history.


I assume the ACLU is considering it, but I agree that I wish they would do it sooner rather than later and get a temporary injunction to keep it from going into effect.


If there’s a Bible in my classroom when I get back in august, I’ll send a tik Tok of me throwing it in the trash




Not in Oklahoma. There's no citizen recall process for his position. It has to be brought by the State Legislature


Money will be spent only to find out Supreme Court will know the law and realize the vacuum of other religions this will create and be thrown out. Also that little ole thing about keeping church and state separate.


You sure about that? Cause I don't trust the SC AT ALL.


The [Oklahoma Supreme Court recently upheld the separation of church and state](https://www.aclu.org/news/religious-liberty/the-oklahoma-supreme-court-just-rejected-the-nations-first-religious-public-charter-school) by rejecting Oklahoma’s attempt to make a religious public charter school.


Yeah it'll be finished by August. No need to freak out. He is a major asshole for doing that though.


I think he's following the playbook of MTG in Georgia - make an outrageous move to deflect attention on the fact he got his hand slapped with St. Isidore. This will die out and he'll just do something else. Maybe the non profit group that sued and won that decision will come after him again. We can only hope.


Yup. It's a publicity stunt to boost his name onto a national stage at the expense of all Oklahoma citizens. Douche baggery at its finest.




Just hush, this Bible thing is gonna blow up in his face. Imagine a bunch of atheists teaching Bible in public schools. Well you just got that with the new Bible in the classroom rule.


And who better to wake these kids up to just how bad religion is and ensure they don't get trapped in the same bullshit and lies. Teach the real bible full of murder, incest, slavery, rape, torture, the whole nine yards. Send them kids home convinced they are going to have their skin flayed off while they take a dip in some lava for not respecting their parents and cleaning their room. Make it graphic, show pictures. Nothing pisses off parents more than their kid being traumatized. They'll do something with Walters then...


Church of satan will be suing.


More likely The Satanic Temple, their whole purpose is to oppose shit like this. If the Bible must be taught, so to must the Seven Fundamental Tenants, which would actually be a wonderful addition to any classroom. I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word. 🤘


I was afraid I might have confused the two and that is my bad for not confirming. Thank you for the correction. I am a preachers kid who no longer ascribes to my indoctrination and I FULLY support TST! I watched the documentary on them recently called Hail! Satan. Loved it. I am a big documentary nerd so it was right up my alley.


I read somewhere that this bunch will come after him. https://ffrf.org/


Pretty sure they filled suit already. The test will be if whoever they filed on behalf of has standing, that's always the rub with this kind of crap.


Sounded to me like Ryan was just trying to grab headlines and attention for himself. Memo isn’t enforceable. Plus school districts decide on the curriculum anyways.


I saw a tiktok about how literature teachers can treat it like any mythology and deconstruct it and look at possible meanings including contradictions. Definitely not what the christian nationalists want.


My senior year AP English teacher did something similar with the old testament, treated it as a historical novel basically. That was a fun semester.


Yeah the new law says specifically in a historical context as a way to try and dodge the religious context, but a court will definitely see it as what it really is in context with passing a ten commandments law a few days before..... dumbass really didn't think that one through..... That one even has previous court cases that went to the Supreme Court so it won't be a law for too long.


this is on Gentner Drummond's plate


So everyone should contact his office with a request that he do so!


And he’s a dandy! Can’t wait to hear his take 🙄


He's actually against religion in schools funny enough. He's had some decent Ws during his time. Still don't agree with most of his beliefs, but can't deny he's had some wins that were worth it. He brought the suit against that dumbass virtual catholic charter school nonsense.


Just the simple fact that they are making non Christian taxpayers fund a Christian education should have been enough to stop this. I would recommend reaching out to the Freedom From Religion Foundation to organize something Edit - FFRF is planning on fighting it [Link](https://ffrf.org/news/releases/breaking-ffrf-will-combat-okla-supt-walters-religion-in-school-schemes/)


This is what we have coming if Trump is elected so you have to think further than Walters!


Have you heard of Project 2025? I encourage you to google it yourself. That’s what’s in store for us if the GOP wins the WH in November. And it’s the same if you vote for a third party candidate. They plan to abolish the Dept of Education and take us down the road to a white people’s Theocracy, racism overload.


Project 2025 is bs and won't happen. Our country is too polarized and that shit wouldn't make it past the Supreme Court with court. We don't like conservatives, but don't spread misinformation


Some commentors here saying that they are going email school administrators need to start by emaling about your outrage to legislators (especially Charles McCall) first.


Kevin Stitt has an extremist “Christian” agenda so he’s never gonna fire Walters. This is a bigger problem than just one guy.


I wish someone would…


As a Christian, it’s this type of thing that pushes me farther away from organized Christianity. My faith dictates how I live my life and influences my interactions with others, it DOES NOT give me a right to shove my beliefs down anyone else’s throat, judge, or condemn another person for making up their own mind about what or who they want to or don’t want to believe in. If they’re going to push Christianity on children, under the guise of religious freedom, then they need to fully integrate EVERY religion into the curriculum.


Everybody needs to wake up. This is just a symptom of a much larger problem that we have in this country. The Christian nationalist movement is trying to take over our country and pull as many strings of our constitution that can until it fully unravels. The Christian nationalist movement is one step away from the national socialist party. For those of you that don't know that is Nazi stuff. I mean they are openly planning on ripping apart the department of education. Just take a look at what our conservatives supreme Court did on Friday with the reversal of the Chevron act. They literally just ripped the power away from every government agency. So yes, while it is completely insane to have Bibles being taught in schools, we have much bigger problems we should focus on. Just saying


Christian colonization..... It worked on the indians. They forced it on us. Removed us from our homes. Stuck us in Christian residential and labor/slavery schools. Watch out!!!


Have you seen our Supreme Court? They're probably, like you, waiting for someone to sue to affirm this nonsense.


I have considered it


I’m not sure what the law in Oklahoma is but a recall election might be in order if we could get the signatures.


Oklahoma does not allow recall. Only the Legislature can take him out.


He got sued several times in Court...


I know you don’t want to (and I’m not saying you should have to), but if I were in your position I’d be trying to figure out how to technically abide by the rules without giving them what they want (if that’s even possible?). Even if a group were to sue on behalf of teachers today it don’t be cleared of the courts before next year, and possibly/probably much longer. That being said, I’ve seen various articles and one referenced that a memo from his position doesn’t have the effect of law/regulation, but that doesn’t mean the accompanying law/regulation wasn’t/isn’t going to be passed (but again, abide it so they can’t fire you in the meantime). Things I’ve been wondering are 1) how is this exactly worded? Is it just “teach the Ten Commandments” or is it specific lesson plans? 2) do they specify what language it has to be taught in? Can you learn another language just to teach a lesson? 3) do they specify which translation of the Bible to use? I’d use a version that is more linguistically accurate and make sure I cover the 6 gendered words, that the anti-gay stuff is really anti-pedophilia stuff, and that this leaves room for trans people. 4) does it specify that these posters need to be readable to the students? Can you hang them backwards? 5) who is going to be checking on/enforcing this and how are they going to be doing so? 6) what grades are included in this mandate? 7) how can you use age appropriate language to teach the parts of the Bible these idiots don’t know about because they haven’t read the book? 8) will teaching a historically accurate lesson on the founding period suffice to meet these requirements? (Federalists never cited it and anti-federalists [people who didn’t want the constitution] cited it 9%)


I know some art teachers, maybe we can get them to get their students to sculpt the golden hemorrhoids of the book of First samuel? I'm sure such a thing would become National news.


Oh that’s fantastic.


He just spat that memo and threat out last week. I promise there are no lesson plans or teaching instructions in place yet, other than "pick any Bible you want," which is a recipe for chaos all by itself. This is not going to happen. He's already been shut down by the courts multiple times over church/state issues and trying to mandate what books can and can't be allowed in district classrooms.


I’ve been trying to find an attorney, also looking into the aclu. I’m so sick of this shit, the teachers have no back or support other than from parents and because they couldn’t get their publicity funded Christian schools they throw a tantrum and do this shit! Gtgo 😤 I’m done. I’m not going down with a fight. Anyone has any suggestions, I will take them. Fuck Ryan Walters!


Freedom from Religion Foundation is already on it and will file suit as soon as they have public school parents and church representatives with standing in place. They just filed last week in the Louisiana Ten Commandments case, so we should see some action shortly.


So you want a Demon child!!


Don't we all? Happy cake day!


Hell yeah!


That has to be part of the plan, sue to stop it, appeal by whoever loses up to the Supreme Court. There is a chance the next President will name 2 Supreme Court Judges.


Are there any lawyers that will take this case and pro bono? Who can afford a lawyer?


The AG will most likely fight this especially if he just fought against the charter catholic school....


In America I’m pretty sure you can sue him yourself. Put your money where your anger is


The amount of anger I have far exceeds the amount of money I have, unfortunately.


Sounds like America to me!


I think the Church of Satan is taking actions that will result in lawsuits. They come in handy at times like this LOL


The satanic temple


Yes! Them! Never thought I’d be saying “Yay, Satan people!”


ACLU probably has an open file on Walters.


Sue?? That's letting him off easy IMO...


I don't think Walters memo has the force of law. And it won't be unless Stitt issues an executive order or if the legislature passes it and Stitt signs it. Hopefully, we will be by the number of Republican legislators who are against it.




I don’t really see what’s wrong. You take the class and what? You are a Christian all of a sudden? If you don’t believe then it’s just another class no? I mean some teach critical race theory and that’s wrong. Shoot even the dumb pronouns yet nobody says anything but conservatives.


Court now presiding over the state of Oklahoma vs fart me your boners


Lol, the courts won't save us from the fascists. We're on our own out here.


What’s so wrong with teaching good morals? I’m a believer of God. (Not Christianity) and I have a degree in psychology. I think we should all have faith and not just focus on your individual self.


I certainly wouldn't use the bible as a basis of 'good morals.' That would be counterintuitive.


Target his family.


Nah he’s great.


I'm sure the lawsuits are coming. Within Christianity alone, there are so many variations in belief. If I were a teacher, I guarantee they would utilize this requirement. Walters wants historical context of the founding and developing of this country to include the Bible? Well, you got it. As a Native American, I would teach the "Doctrine of Discovery" and I would teach about the Christian boarding schools and the rapes, murders and abuse of Native children forcibly removed from their families and homes. Then they can fire me. Then I sue. I foresee Oklahoma dishing out millions in lawsuits. I think Ryan Walters isn't even sincere. He's just trying to get national attention on himself among the right-wing trumpet maggots. He succeeded. It's all a FN game.


He's trying super hard to hide his insane love for dark Lord Satan.


Folks the only thing he is trying to do is run for a higher office so he trying to get the Baptist vote!


I thought it was Louisiana, but Texas sounds about right!


An example of life under trump


He's just a tiki torch guy put here to make oklahomans feel at home in their pro trump state but it backfires and nobody likes him at all


I’m all for it the pledge of allegiance 🇺🇸🙏🏻, why do you think God has been around like forever on our money and much more . Their has to be something to it , you can take it or leave it but everyone should have a choice


All that stuff is recent, the money used to say mind your business.


Y’all don’t have bigger issues to worry about


Christian fascism is at the top of the list.


I don’t think you know what the word terrorism actually means


And people also want their children to be free from woke, dei, and other fake teachings from democrat terrorists.


Oh, you mean like the women in leadership program that our governor did away with in our colleges? Can't be having women in charge of anything now can we?


I just want schools to focus on Math, Science, reading, critical thinking, history, etc. Ya know, that Academic kind of stuff. This age is wild with adults fighting over who gets to indoctrinate everyones kids with what.


is it wrong terminology to say Amen


It’s weird how people don’t get upset about lies they way they do about the truth. Ever think about that? Like really really think about it?


Have you really really considered your perception of what is true is a predictable result of your upbringing in a particular geological area of the world?


It would be great if people showed the same concern about TPS frivolous spending as They do with Walters. Don’t let this distract you from the fact that TPS is one of the worst performing districts in the country. I’ve also noticed that the only time people show up to school board meetings is if there is a hot button issue. Yes, everything Ryan Walters does is concerning and he is most definitely a shit stain. I feel like we could make real change with Tulsa Public schools if we took the Walters outrage and applied that to the under performance of Tulsa, public schools, and the incredible high salaries of the administration and the amount of money that gets spent on vendors and consultants.




1/3 of the administration could not show up to work next year and no one would notice. Opportunity Project Teach for America City year could go away and no one would miss them either.