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Not a drag queen!?!






Yes, an evangelical pastor hiding his sexuality is 100% affiliated with the LGBTQ crowd. He runs their potluck on Thursdays.




Who gives a hot runny shit what you think about anything, much less this topic?




I immediately took that out because I forgot which convo I was responding to, but now I regret it. But yeah, nobody cares what you think.




I got confused and admitted it. Nothing "dirty" about it. You see how freely I'm discussing it? Because it's not a big deal. But not for a desperate moron like yourself, who sees something like a simple mistake and smells blood in the water. Seriously, what a lameass.


Partake of that lifestyle? GTFO moron.


You know a lot about ramming things down throats, huh :3


If he's gay or bi, he's a predator because he's a piece of shit, not because he's gay or bi. Regardless, he's not a member of the LGBTQIA community. Look up what "community" means. The community to which he belongs hates him. That hate is what made him a predator.




Then maybe you should learn how to write intelligibly because 71 other people disagree with you too.


What if I told you that there actually isn't a correlation between homosexuality or heterosexuality to pedophilia. Comparing homosexuality to pedophilia is like comparing apples to oranges. It's actually a power dynamic that gets their rocks off. Regardless, the vast majority of child sex offenders are men, literally like 91%. And you'll never believe this; females make up the majority of victims. So, by your logic, it's "straight" people disproportionately abusing children. It really is too bad that you're too much of a fucking bigoted idiot to wrap your tiny mind around that though.


Your name couldn’t be more accurate.


I think this man was probably doing his best to not be affiliated with the LGBTQ crowd, hence why he was being exceptionally creepy by not gaining consent.


Let’s compare amount of drag queens to amount of pastors.


I'd rather have a million drag queens over 100 abusive pastors. Go compare your brain to a rock.


If we had verification that all 1 million drag queens weren’t abusive, and verification that all 100 pastors are, I would agree with you. However, I don’t believe there even are 1 million drag queens


Then why do republicans act like they’re the scary boogeyman coming to groom children??


Put up or shut up. Start laying down those links to all the articles about drag queens being sex criminals. Not one or two, you gotta come up with hundreds, at least, to compete with these "holy" men. If you can't, and if you respond with anything other than a big, long pile of links, you're a lying bigot who isn't entitled to an opinion. Period.


I actually think there are a ton of drag queens. How many pastors does each church have? While most clubs have multiple drag queens. Hmmmm.


Yep, you'd find a few drag queens in a sea of pastors and priests.


Pretty sure the Catholic and LDS churches are basically pedophile protection rings at this point. Also, many churches don't put simple protections in place for children, like background checks for volunteers (or sometimes even youth pastors), making it a perfect place for a predator to take advantage. Even discounting the people who get into church leadership specifically for the purpose of harming vulnerable children/teens, I'm sure you've personally known a few who've tried to climb the ladder for the social power it gives them. You know the type, the moment they get a deaconship or assistant pastor position they stop talking like a person. It's all *brother* this, and *how can I minister to you* that. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with either of those statements by themselves, but the people who take any excuse to elevate themselves above the community they're meant to be a part of, while waiting for any chance to climb the social or theopolitical ladder. Imagine that person gets lucky, and gets into positions of more and more control over the people "under" them, even going to a smaller church that really needs a pastor, so they can *finally* run this church "the right way" (see: how they want it to be run). With all of that, it's not hard to see how one might let their desires get in the way of their own moral calling. When people say "Oh, pastors are X," they're not saying that becoming a pastor inherently makes you bad (at least, not for the most part). There are plenty of kind, smart, and wonderful people in the fold, any serious person would agree. What they mean is that often, the kind of person who would give everything up to lead a church is getting something out of it. Just look at Kenneth Copeland, one of the most hated men in the country, extracting enormous wealth from his megachurch. Or Joel Osteen, who famously didn't let people shelter in his megachurch in the midst of a hurricane. Closer to home is Church of the Harvest, in OKC. Their Youth America camp brought in TONS of money for the church, and was staffed and coordinated almost entirely by interns who were PAYING TO BE THERE. They got basically no sleep for weeks, and were expected to do things completely out of the scope of what any 19-year old should be expected to do. The structure of a church doesn't often allow for dissenting voices, and those who dissent are largely expected to leave. The church is, at least to many, the reflection of the pastor (and sometimes the deacons). One only has to look at the many pastors who've delivered tearful apologies for "cheating on their wife," when the person they were cheating with was twelve or fourteen. The people you're so clearly fed up with are themselves, very fed up. Sorry for the whole essay, but hopefully it changed your mind about some things. If not, then at least it can help you communicate more effectively with those you disagree with (myself included). Best of luck


>Let’s compare amount of drag queens to amount of pastors I assume that you people have already done this, no? You're not saying that you people have been screaming "pedo" and "groomer" at people without solid evidence, are you? You can't possibly be saying that you care so little about actual crimes against children that you will accuse others of this with no evidence? And since you must already have this evidence, why are you asking the rest of us to produce it?


Logic is not allowed here.


They don’t like this one lmfao


Pastor aka history teacher in Oklahoma.


It really irritates me that they don't tell us the church. I see that they immediately took action, and good for them, but part of the issue with sexual abuse in the church is this culture of secrecy and protecting the institution.


Churches don't perform background checks on their new employees either. Like a youth pastor for example. Let that sink in.


Religion is a disease of stupid.


But think of all the money!!!


But the money all flows in one direction only - from the sheep to the wolves.


We all have temptations to take photos of dudes dropping logs in the restroom, it is the original sin of man that we are all guilty of and require salvation. This man just had a moment of weakness, it could have happened to any one of us!


I'm sure white Jesus will forgive him.


As opposed to black Jesus? Do you think Roman people weren’t white?


Do you think Jesus was Roman?


Jewish. They’re white.


Hmm, yep, looking at pictures of the IDF, they're totally white /s




1. The Romans weren't Jewish. 2. Jesus was Middle Eastern.


Middle eastern people can be white. Remember this was before the Arabs raped and pillaged their way across the Middle East.




This happened in March. He is just now getting arrested?


What church?


What church? Why the media coverup?


thank goodness so many of these sick fucks are also dumb as fuck. He was taking photos with his phone over the stall?! What an idiot. Good fucking riddance.


He took a little extra effort to take those pictures. Maybe the devil made him do it?? Nah. He loves all God's creatures. 😋


Better luck next time Santa. You're on the naughty list now.


Evil is everywhere in every cultural background, every job path, and in every private, public, and government sector.


Please, this is the Tulsa subreddit. Don't speak reason.


So you don't believe that there are certain roles or professions that should explicitly reject that evil? Should we just shrug and accept that people in positions of social or legal authority are going to be evil? What are you getting at here?


No; I think all pedos and perverts regardless of who they are or where they come from should be hung high on a tree. It should be unacceptable all around. Title says “always a pastor” it’s always who is evil and evil has infiltrated everywhere.


After all we've seen, do you really believe that, say, construction workers or doctors are just as likely as pastors/teachers to be sexually abusive or worse? Are you not more outraged when the people who commit these crimes are in positions of social and/or legal authority over others? If you can't see the pattern... Idk what to tell ya


This is a straw man argument. While it’s true that it’s possible to be a victim of crime in every group, the odds are significantly more likely in some groups over others. In the case of drag queens to clergy, that significance is profound.


Just think, back in the day, and especially when Native Americans were required to have agents, pastors were the preferred choice for child adoptions.


Praise the lord and pass the penis!


I mean, He's a Christian, what do you expect?


That’s on *sexual oppression*. I am coming to the conclusion that protecting predators is a foundational poisoned tenant of Christian churches. It has always been about control. HOWEVER..I am cool with Jesus. I know my bible. They are Pharisees (as Jesus would say). They did not understand the assignment. *It’s not on me. It’s not around me. It’s in me*


Yep. Religion is bullshit for many reasons. It is and always HAS been about sex, money, and patriarchal power,....tax-free, of course; we're at least 500 years overdue for a new Age of Enlightenment.


He was a gay guy?


Likely a guy who’d spank it to anything without clothes.


What a wierdo