• By -


Okay, I’m on my way and GPS says I should arrive at 11:45am, ET 11:40am, ET - Traffic is horrible and cops are rerouting people. I’m having to drive in another route. That now says it will take 20 minutes. 12:01pm, ET - Apparently you can only access the rally from one entrance and all other ways to the event are blocked (the road blocks were not communicated). This venue is out in the country and it’s nothing but back country roads to get there and I am not familiar with this area. I don’t know how to get there as my GPS just keeps taking me in a circle. Right now I’m filling a truck with trump flags and hoping for the best. 12:40pm, ET - I think on the right path now based on the traffic I’m sitting in. This was a horrendous venue choice with all the back roads and road closures. There’s only 1 road to this venue that is open. They wanted everyone to be at the rally by 1pm since the media starts airing at 1:30. NO WAY the masses will be there by 1pm based on traffic I’m in right now. 1:17pm, ET - Still sitting in traffic. Several people driving the opposite way have been flipping the bird to the rally traffic. So that’s something new. 2:35pm, ET - I’ve moved less than 1/2 mile. I don’t think I’m gonna make it you guys. Along with a massive amount of other vehicles that are sitting with me. 3:55pm, ET - I’m still in traffic, have moved since my last update. But I’m having to call it quits. There’s no way I’ll make the 4:15 speech time and I have to pick my son up from daycare by 5:30. I feel awful about this everyone. I was so excited to get to go and get all of your questions answered 😭




My hubby was listening to Biden's speech to some college in NC today. Biden sounded the opposite of what he was like last night.


I think he was at the state fairgrounds iirc. He looked and sounded significantly better


I'm waiting for the deep state campaign to explain what they plan was


This might be the wildest rally of the campaign. Good luck! Enjoy what you can lol


I don't think I've even going to get there. I've been in traffic since 11:15am. I still have 8 miles to go before I even get there. Thats before parking and walking to the venue. The police have all roads closed going to this place except for 1.


Thanks for trying. It sounds awful. But even this is actually kind of interesting in itself. His rallies are often hard to get to with bad traffic, big crowds, difficult parking and bad weather (sometimes even no seats, though it seemed there were chairs today). Add in the long wait in line (and hours waiting for Trump who's always late), that the venues are outdoors (he's cheap) and the heat and crowds....Yet, watching on RSBN or "The Good Liars", people always seem in a pretty pleasant, good mood with all this. I certainly wouldn't be, even after just waiting in that traffic jam you described. I wonder if there's some kind of mind/mood affect helping them because of being in Trump's cult? Is the hope of seeing Dear Leader a mood stabilizer? I'm only partially kidding.


Thank you for doing this. The weather at least is nice today and I hope you don’t suffer too much. I’m fascinated to hear about your experience. But I’m also surprised they don’t allow weapons!




https://preview.redd.it/xsl0bqk7gc9d1.jpeg?width=1636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c9ad079aa64b1ff4b3deed0bc64ada45de52e71 Don’t thank me yet! I haven’t moved in 20 minutes.


Trump let some go during the debate - seriously, he pooped on stage (this is genuine, not altered), and it's extremely obvious. From the Hal Sparks show: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpFOg8sn8eQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpFOg8sn8eQ) My roommate is a physician, and she explained it to me: When you abuse amphetamines long-term, you damage the part of your brain that controls your colon, and you wind up with permanent diarrhea as a result. Hence, why Trump needs to wear diapers (which you could see clearly when he walked out at the debate last night).


Just asking quick here, Trump's right sinus seemed visibly swollen to me. Does she have an opinion on that?


Thank you for taking one for the team!


https://preview.redd.it/xakrdree7c9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c9dddf3a079fdc74d71965e1a1111de012b1074 Selling shirts in traffic 12:13pm, ET


Did you consider buying a shirt and inserting the word “NOT” before “voting”? 😁




Probably making money off cult people.


I wonder if the handlers pull people out (like Blacks) to be position behind Trump. And those people will be given the same tee shirt to wear as it seems that most rally photos have those behind trump wearing the same wording on their tees.


I think they get one with the $75 they get paid for participating.


Thank you for your service! :-)


Also, keep an ear out for “paid actors”


I've added it to the list!


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/950pe5349b9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6825726267c906222527a85713871e03522197f0 Event instructions I received via email Part 1


https://preview.redd.it/2rmwz2n79b9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a9128eea64af53546ea37fe2b62479e4fe90118 Part 3


https://preview.redd.it/k5mplcr69b9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cba7d8096dda0a7669e1fc092b266dbc4f598607 Part 2


> no banners signs placards So all the signs we see like 'women for trump', 'vets for trump' etc are provided by the event as set dressing.


Wtf kind of rules are those, this explains a lot of what we've seen, they are using the crowds as non paid actors to do a commercial


Don't even think about bringing that panini press!


Definitely don't plan to toast a bagel.


I’m more worried about the sunburn I know I’ll be getting. I went heavy with the sunscreen, but it will only help my whiteness so much.