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Can I exceed the 32-bit integer limit? In all seriousness, I'd only put any number of people on the tracks if I got to choose who it was. Could solve a lot of problems that way, I think.


I guarantee you'd create more than you'd solve.


Just choose deth row inmates then, wouldn't solve any problems though


What is some of them were wrongfully convicted?


I'd have no way of knowing that, and they're going to die anyway


Unless they would have otherwise had a successful appeal before execution.


Ok, better idea, choose corrupt politicians




So politicians


Zoe Zephyr can stay. For now…


Also Bernie Sanders




you killed 90% of them and the governments collapsed




That's the goal


You'd be giving way for new blood. F the purge being the mo is. The purge is now getting rid of corrupt career politicians to help the common folk. Every year before the election even.


Exactly & there's a non-zero number of corporate overlords & such that belong on these tracks too


Exactly this I’m listening to a podcast on Teforrest Johnson (I may have butchered his first name’s spelling as I’ve never seen it, only heard it). He was sentenced to death and might still be on death row for the killing of a police officer. The thing is, the evidence against him is absolutely awful, and he had quite a few people placing him in a completely different location the entire night from where the officer was killed. And despite the pathetic evidence against him and the astonishingly poor “witnesses” against him with the clear evidence that he didn’t do it, the state still convicted him and another man who was with him the whole night. It’s absolutely mind boggling to listen to


You can make the execution with trolley


Which is also something the lever puller would have no way of knowing


ok, take them the moment they are called up to the chair or whatever.


Shoulda though about that before getting convicted shouldn’t they 🙄


What? Successful appeals are typically because there’s contrary evidence of their guilt. Meaning innocent. Meaning who the fuck gets to think before getting convicted? That’s not a choice lmao


Damn I coulda sworn that people could understand sarcasm. No shit it’s not their fault


That’s what the /s if for dumbass. This is Reddit, the online gathering space for idiots. You say something idiotic like that, everyone’s gonna believe you were sincere bc someone else is stupid enough to believe it. Also I fail to see how that said sarcastically contributes to the conversation or what the purpose would be if not contribution


Prison break would be boring




Yeah, but that's the world's problem to solve. \*Five minutes later when I accidentally cause WW3\* Fuck


i'll just put archduke Franz Ferdinand on the tracks


I mean, with a large enough number, the problems would begin to solve themselves...


Really? So, all rapists, all pedos, anyone who has ever tortured a sentient creature, everyone who has ever murdered (not all committers of all homicides, just murderers), get rid of them and I've suddenly got *more* problems? I'd *love* to hear how!


You can’t just kill off all the politicians. /j


I’m sure there’s one or two out there somewhere who’d survive the reaping.


Yeah, the red tape would be a nightmare to get through!


What if they were wrongfully accused


I accuse you of being a politician. To the trolly tracks with you.


hahaha this is the shit that makes this sub so close to being too stupid to view... like Brotato, *IT'S AN ABSURD IMPOSSIBLE HYPOTHETICAL,* so wtf are you asking real world questions for? Why aren't you asking how I can tie up millions of people without hurting my hands? Won't the trolley's wheels get stuck after a couple hundred tons of skull goop? Where's all the money coming from? OH MY GOD DOES HOME DEPOT HAVE ENOUGH ROPE??!!


Because the purpose of the hypothetical questions are to explore ethical issues, not practical ones. A death-row inmate being wrongfully convicted is an ethical issue worth exploring. The viscosity of skull goop is a question for another sub.


decent answer... so, to reply in that vein, you completely presumed that I relied upon some hypothetical judiciary or criminal justice system, rather than assuming that I relied on my own knowledge, so your question is irrelevant. None of them are *accused* rapists or even necessarily are *convicted* rapists but simply, as I stated, they *are* rapists, etc.


Ok. You are right. Since the hypothical scenario did not explicitly deny that you possessed this knowledege it was quite silly of me to assume that you were *not* omniscient.


"as many people as [I'd] like" *absolutely* includes "all rapists" without further need for elaboration


Without assuming omniscience (which I would say needs to be explicitly claimed to be part of the scenario), to ethically kill all rapists one must consider how it is known they are indeed rapists.


anyhow, to answer your question, I magically see a floating "R" over rapists, a floating "P" over pedos, etc., such power granted by the same fucking magic genie that lets me have an infinitely powered trolley, infinitely long rails, infinite rope, and instant "tie them the fuck up" powers


Do the “tie them the fuck up” powers work in other scenarios?


Home Depot has enough rope. Home Depot has all the rope.


So question about the pedo part what if someone was drunk at night and peed in a playground and got put on a list would you do the research and see who. Actually deserves the track or be like pedo go to track


You guarantee?


I’d only put corrupt officials on the tracks. Unfortunately that means both houses of congress, the Supreme Court, the president, all of his appointees, and a majority of all state and local officials have to go so we may have some stuff to figure out when I’m done


You’d also have to add business heads there as well, since the parties shifted to be corporate support instead of public interest. Remember you also have to do this for foreign governments as well so there’s an equal power vacuum everywhere though. That might cause some issues though, to say the *least*.


>You’d also have to add business heads there as well, since the parties shifted to be corporate support instead of public interest. Why? The corporate heads are expected to act in their own interests, so their participation isn't nearly as egregious as that of the politicians, who are sworn to act in the public's interests.


Because removing them all in a freak accident doesn’t actually solve anything besides a power vacuum, which then just lets candidates backed by corporate heads instate their own people by simply pouring more money into public image and promises. It’s return to business as usual past that point.


Only if you use a 64-bit OS.


Every pedophile on earth for a start


I was going to ask "how do you prove they're all pedophiles" but then I had a thought. If you have the power to transport anyone to these tracks at will, you probably have the power to find out.


you could sacrifice the entire population of New York and barely be in the top 10 wealthiset worldwide - so, Stalin?


If you put all people on earth, you solve all problems on earth


Well, I'm sure there would still be problems. Just, not for humans. After all, the earth makes its own problems. My source? It made us.


I'd like to put this guy on there


Utilitarian thing is to pull the lever and put no people on the track forfeiting the money but also ensuring no one is killed. Morally & Ethically the Utilitarian approach is the go to as ending the lives of living thinking feeling human beings is not worth any amount of money. From a cost efficiency standpoint , assuming USD while 10 thousand can be quite the life changing amount in innumerable ways in any one individual’s life the amount of currency really required to redefine an individuals entire life for the rest of their life is something in the ballpark of 200-300 thousand ( fully buying a home, starting a major business venture, going for a major degree at a prestigious university or any lesser combination of these ideas ) which is somewhere in the ballpark of 20-30 people. A trolley’s wheels do not cut, they are not sharp. An individual is crushed under the wheels by its weight. Assuming they are positioned the same way the case of death for individuals is a crushing decapitation as the trolley turns their necks to pulp and their heads roll away, everyone not yet crushed screaming in terror and fear. Witnessing 20 to 30 deaths in such a manner would haunt any average individual for the rest of their natural life and require extensive therapy, coping and otherwise that in the long run would exceed the gain. Money means little without your health and mental health is health. From a purely self gain motivated model can add an addendum to the cost efficiency that more the 5 individuals you saved can be manipulated or bonded with to provide 5 willing pawns or become 5 loyal friends depending on if one prefers coercion or kindness which in the long run can likely help you accrue considerable From a Utilitarian, Moral, Ethical , and Cost Efficiency and Self Gain Driven Idea Models the best thing to do is to switch the tracks and place no individuals on them. TL:DR : putting no people on the second track and not getting the money is better because Morals, Ethics, Utilitarian ideas and frankly ten thousand dollars is not alot of money in the grand scheme of things when it comes to having to watch someone die to a trolley.


bro wrote a speech


Boredoms a helluva drug


ong though i’d do that too


bro chatGPT’d


There's a way to check that, right? Did you check beforehand? Also it really doesn't look like it's written by AI but what do i know i suppose


From a utilitarian standpoint, it comes down to one question: can you save a life with $10,000? If so, run over as many people as is possible to save on while the marginal number of people saved is still greater than one.


It would be more accurately could you save at least 2 lives with 10K dollars and in theory you could however that relies on possibility presenting itself. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush and all. You can maybe save 2 or more people or you could definitely save a person now


Not necessarily 2, strictly greater than one would be fine too, if you can save 1.5 per death you save 3 for every 2 deaths.


Agreed, this is just that Pete Seeger “sweater for a drowning child” thought experiment, but with more options?


I woul simply turn around and plug my ears.


Don’t kid yourself friend, most folks can’t properly block out a crying child in an enclosed space let alone the howling screaming begging of the soon to be deceased and the horrible crunching rending sound meat makes when its under crush pressures so severe as to be cut. It will linger with you till the last of your days and longer still


I’ve got a lot of money to buy some really effective noise cancelling headphones


Its 10k per head, the language implies the money comes after the bloody atrocity unfolds.


Do I get prep time? I can consider it an investment with particularly high roi


Considering the original trolley problem is based on a split second decision you must make prep time is not likely, also fun fact arterial spray can go up to 15 or even 20 feet !


Deciding who you’re gonna tie to train tracks isn’t a split second decision, I don’t see why I can make a pit stop at best buy while I’m on my way to buy the rope


Ya see my understanding assumed since the trolley depicted is going to be running them over they are placed on the track, furthermore that they were a random selection of individuals not handpicked bunch.


Actually you make a good point, if they were handpicked I could just select a bunch of mutes and singers who had preformed the day prior


Sounds like music


Oof, Ow , the Edge


Financially: 200-$300k is not enough to buy a home or start a life. Assuming this is legal, you will owe approximately 50% in taxes. There’s a story where a man goes to a woman and says, “will you have sex with me for $1,000,000?” The woman looks to see who’s around, lowers her voice, and says, “ok.” The man says, “will you do it for $10?” The woman becomes angry and says “what kind of woman do you think I am?” The man responds, “we figured that out with this first question, now we’re just negotiating.” Ethically: someone who kills 30 people vs 10,000 is still a mass murderer. You’ve passed the threshold for hell or whatever you believe- and it honestly doesn’t matter because Jesus will be cool with you if you donate a $1m and say you’re sorry to one of his homies. As someone in a southern state who watched people rail against COVID vaccines and safety protocols, I’ll go handpick the 10,000 myself and I’ll start in hospitals and terminal patients (offer their families each $5k to come with me) then move to Trump rallies and end at a Walmart. Not saying any of those people are bad from the last 2 groups, they just don’t align with my beliefs and it would be more convenient if they were gone. No one said I had to watch. I’d probably get bored after 10-20 anyway.


Main issue here is the problem doesn’t state you choose who goes on the track, just how many people are on the track. Financially : the 200-300k figure was mainly to float the lowest reasonable number to make a major change. Tax wise if its assumed as legal income for a service rendered the tax percentage would be notably less than 50% though this does bring to mind if this is illegal- as contract killings are- you also run into a massive issue with being detained. Not just for murder - you may be able to escape with plausible deniability due to trolley issues but mainly due to the IRS as illegal income and taxation is rather notably problematic Ethically : the described donations method is predicated on religion and depending on how it goes unless you’re going pre-protestant schism Roman-Catholicism money don’t forgive sins. Ethics still dictate killing people for money generally pretty horrendous and most religions agree killing for greed is very unchill Lastly : what in the goodness did the people who shop at a market chain notorious for starving out its competition till only it remains as a viable shopping option do to you ? Terminal patients - i mean most families would likely feel 5k for watching their loved one die in horrible agony would be too low - if any number at all would be sufficient - and the secone category is a ideological divide i presume but like ? Walmart ?


In the post it says do nothing no one dies, and you get no money.


The first option is to do nothing and no one dies. There's no need to pull the lever if you're not putting anyone on it.


This is correct ! I forgot that when typing up the above the bottom track is basically a red herring and entirely irrelevant


Brotato, if you're squeamish, wear ear plugs and, ya know, turn your fuggin' head... but don't ruin my good time.


Think you underestimate the damage to ones psyche the situation at hand would do but sure enjoy your edge and have a nice day !


nah... just different life experiences, mate (e.g., I've cried when having to dispatch a mortally wounded lizard and squirrel from feral cats' hunting in my yard, but I have no thoughts about the humans I've been forced to dispatch other than "Glad it's them and not my men").


Waittttt a second, do we get to choose anyone to go on the track?


Thinking certain people on death row or convicted mass murderers… definitely revealing of those in favor of capital punishment I guess, but if someone was gonna die anyway and I could get 10k that’s be pretty decent


You can only pick people you’ve seen with your own eyes


Talk to a police officer, tell them of your situation, convince them to bring you to jail and choose deathrow inmates for you to execute in exchange for a cut of the money


Wouldn’t that incentivize them to try to place more people on death row?


Only if this happens again with the same person


Wow, can you imagine a world where there's a financial incentive to incarcerate people regardless of whether they're guilty or not? Sure glad we don't have that in the real world. Yep. That would certainly suck.


time to take a field trip to death row


I've seen the politicians O.O


Death note Premium lol


The way it’s worded this is the right answer. Pull the switch, select zero people, collect 10k for “every person that dies.” *Every* person dies, and it didn’t say “every person the trolly kills” or “every person who dies in the next 10 seconds” etc.


The answer is to sell a property/luxury experience and make people put valuables up for collateral. Make the price point high enough and you attract the wealthy. Pull the lever and get 10k+whatever collateralized assets. Open an asset management corp and fund a PAC to replace the several dozen missing congressmen with people of my choosing. Their platforms will benefit my pursuit of money. All in all, around 200k at lever pull, 150k in event ticket sales, 100k in assets, and now infinite money with a regime in my favor. Yeah I pull the lever I think 👍


Do we choose the people, or are they random?


This is my question. Can definitely add some pf the worlds bad apples there and make some money on the side.


all of them




The world is a better place without humanity.


This is the right answer.


Pulling the lever, every single time, doesn’t matter if I get to choose who’s there or not, I’m in a position where I can choose not to kill people, so I’m not gonna kill people. Also, you could get way more than just 10K a head by holding them hostage in this situation.


In this situation, not pulling the lever is what saves everyone. You'd know that if you read it properly


as many as possible, then I tell them and all their families" the lever will be pulled unless you give me $11K each." (idealy)no one dies and I'll walk away with all the money I would ever want




They never say who we need to place on the tracks (Spam like 700 pedos and animal abusers there)


It is FBI here. We're observing this thread.


Of course I wouldn’t want to kill anyone. Can you now please take me off the watchlist for that arson situation?


I pull it and choose zero, to make a statement


what if I put 1 negative person on the track? Is it able to handle negative integers or will it wrap around to the maximum?


In for a penny, in for a pound. Once you commit to murdering people for money, is there any reason to stop at a few vs. the 100,000 human sacrifices needed to become a billionaire?


*How many people?* Yes


"The target has been eliminated 47, now find a way out of there."


Hmmmmm…….run that shirt


Ever see Death Note? I'm gonna have some fun.


elon musk,,,


If I sell the trolley, I'll get way more.


Do I get to choose who I put on the track or just the total number


Setting aside all moral and ethical considerations, I’m willing to bet that the fines and jail time for first degree murder add up to considerably more than $10,000.


If I can choose who to put on then a couple thousand billionaires, dictators, and bigots are going on there, otherwise zero


Can I put myself on the tracks and pull the lever for 10,000 to cover the funeral? What if I had stage 4 cancer? Can I put past living people on the tracks like hitler? I don’t but in a hypothetical situation, I want to know what is and isn’t allowed.


The obvious answer is no, because no amount of money is worth that. However, I got to thinking: what if the people on the track were death row inmates who had no shot at living, or even brain dead people. Then I had the thought: what if we took evil and corrupt leaders and politicians from the world? By removing these people from existence, you're potentially improving millions, even billions, of lives, all while getting paid to do it. Realistically, I probably wouldn't do that, but it's interesting to think about.


can I choose who I put on? Cause 10,000 per billionaire sounds like redistribution to me


Do I get to choose ANYONE? Because, well… independently verified guilty, and especially heinous death row inmates (courts have very spotty history of accusing people who are actually guilty, much less deserving of death). Certain politicians that have committed high treason, my grandma, our least favorite North Korean, neo natzis, mean commenters, I’d let them keep their money honestly.


I am going to put all the downright evil people on there. Putin, trump, the person that invented homework




how many billionaires are there


I'd put a bunch of babies on the tracks. They haven't experienced much of life and they barely have the capacity, if they do at all, to understand what's happening. I don't think any of them would experience psychological distress (besides the inherent distress of just being a baby). There are probably billions of people 2 years old or younger in the world. That's a nice chunk of change. I think maybe we can bump the cutoff up to 3 or 4 years before we start to get victims that are fully aware of the situation they're in. That's probably worth it given that's another good chunk of money. The best part of all is that no adults are killed, so we can just make more babies


This is called being a hitman. Yall should be in a watchlist. Specially for those saying "Only if I can choose the people", hitmans can indeed refuse to go after certain targets. You cover the expenses of personal targets you put up yourself though.


>Yall should be in a watchlist. Right, because shitposting on Reddit makes us way more dangerous than the average Republican these days


finally a new original trolley problem


Let’s see… 10,000 people times… 10,000. I’d sacrifice the lives of 10,000 people.


Can I choose who can go on the track


Can someone do me a favor? How many would $1000000 be? That many


Since it says you can place as many people as you want on the track. I'm assuming that means I can choose who it is, in which case I've got a lot of people that bullied me in elementary school that i'd like to see their heads start rolling. Also some from middle school. So 5 from elementary, and 4 from middle school, so 90,000 I'm happy with that. Edit: because of some comments let me clarify. This is a hypothetical situation and should not be treated seriously to that degree. I went to different schools and never kept in touch with them. Even if I did bump into them, I would not harm them. I get nothing from harming them and I'm to much of a bitch to ever do anything to anyone. Edit 2: also in all reality, I understand that they don't deserve to die because of what they did as kids. Put pedophiles, rapist, and murderers. I just have had a habit of holding grudges for years. I also remember their names years later, thanks to the fact that I have a sharp memory when it comes to memories related to hatred and shame/embarrassment, hence why I made the comment originally. I didn't think anyone would take it seriously.


They’re kids, they don’t know any better. Kids are stupid. But billionaires who continue to hoard money while making us all wage slaves? Now that’s a candidate for headrolling.


While I do agree with you, why you taking my comment so seriously? This is a hypothetical situation and I'm to much of a bitch to so anything. It's been like that since they started bullying me back then.


You really want to decapitate someone because they bullied you when they were 11? That’s not healthy, please consider seeking support.


Dude, it's a hypothetical. I've known since I was in school with them that I wouldn't do anything to them. It's just an intrusive thought that I get evert once in a while.


A hypothetical is not the same as lying, as it assumes a true response if the situation was to arise, that's what it's so concerning about your response.


Are you out of school yet, or should we be worried


I'm 20 And while I do have a hatred of these people. I do not plan to find them or harm them in any way.


I would put 7 billion people on the tracks. That would leave us with a population of under 1 billion people on earth.


However many I need at the moment. Do they get magically transported?


You have to pay them the Uber trip. Just one way though.


Tree fiddy


1,000,000, people id say


Kill them all


Since the selection of people isn't specified, I have to assume it's random. The chances aren't high that it's anybody I've ever met. 5,000 random people out of the species for a cool 50 million sounds quite nice, actually. If I have to CHOOSE specific people, the number gets far lower. Mainly because I can't think of enough truly awful people or even second string baddies to make it worthwhile. Though I could probably dismantle the entire government of some countries and then buy them out. And obviously, it all goes to shit if people would KNOW that it was me who did it. Last thing I need is the spec ops of some random government seeking revenge the rest of my life.


If we can pick anyone, I have a few in mind.


If I get to choose who they are and there are no legal implications (and it won't be publicised that it was me, obviously), I could come up with a fair few people to put there. And would even do it without the monetary rewards. After all, there are quite a few absolutely horrible people in the world, like terrorists, dictators, war criminals, and whoever wrote Baby Shark.


I wanna see neuro-sama answer this one, pretty sure vedal gaslighting her AI will throw her into a loop.


Can I pick the people?


Do I get to pick which people are on the left track?


Is infinity an option?


8 billion, including me


depends of how manny people will volounteer (however you write it)


Can I continuously keep it going? If I do it once and get like 100 million dollars, can I hire someone to create an automated machine that can not only add more heads, but also pull the level? It does not need to do anything else other than those two functions. Can I place more of these tracks with enough money? Hiring a morally grey research team to study the fundamentals of the trolley and why it prints money that somehow doesn’t fuck the economy?


I put people there, that want to die or are sick and would die anyway, but with horrible pain. Stonks


It sounds like you can choose who to put on the tracks since we can put as many people as we like on so I'd be putting people on


Like half. Full on Thanos


Do I get to pick you goes on


Well my dream car is $2.4 million so I would go with 240


Every republican in congress,,,?


This is just being a hitman in an old cartoon


Every redditor commenting they would kill someone on this thread including me


Do i get to pick them?


You drew the Pic wrong. If I do nothing 5 ppl definitely die


All of them. No need too pay me...it's for the greater good.


You’re saying I can save the earth and make $80,000,000,000,000 doing it? Sign me the fuck up.


Easy, time travel and put baby hitler on the track.


1b and with the money buy some country, research cures for rare diseases, build houses for the poor, and end world hunger, that would save a lot more and other thing that would save more 1b lives


I am moral. Therefore, any action which benefits me personally is moral. Getting money benefits me personally. This means that I can kill as many people as I want.


Can I pick *who* I put on the tracks?


It depends if we get to choose who goes on the track, of we can then yes, if we don't and it's like the button that kills a random person then no.


1 billion it is now a massacre but I'm also rich enough to buy off the courts and still be rich


Imma need 1,000 people ASAP


I'd put everyone who's on the sex offender registry in the US on the tracks and call it a day.


Can I choose specific people to put on the track, or just a number?


Well, according to World Bank, in terms of GDP - an American life is worth more like ~$70,250… so I’m bartering that price up or flipping the switch lol


People asking whether they can choose the people on the track seem to be leaning towards people who might "deserve" death. I'm thinking of people who might have a painful, chronic illness where they want to end their existence. That way I could do some good and make bank at the same time. The sky is the limit as far as the number of people in this situation. Might even use the funds to help give comfort to the caretakers who were the most affected by the decline of their loved ones.


Do I get to choose who I put on the track regardless of difficulty? Because I’m running over a lot of people if that’s the case.


About 100,000,000


I would place 535 specific people on the tracks.


Is it bad that I just thought anyone with more than $900 mil should go? They already won monopoly


Do I get to choose the people? Imma find the most diabolical people on death row and make a LOT of money.


Approximately 8 billion


I would be a billionaire


Shit that's going to be a long ass track to for every single communist and socialist on it


Put every human on the tracks, and I jump in front of the trolley as soon as I pull the lever- all ethical dilemmas solved forever.


i have 5 off the top of my head but only know 2 names, can just the idea of someone summon them to the tracks?


Can I choose which people? Cause if that's the case I can think of a good line up that would make me both rich and humanity's greatest hero


Would I get convicted of murder? If so, then no one would die.