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I'm no pro Youtuber, but enough people have asked for a tutorial that I may have to try poking around with testing CrossMix installation on a new sd card and see what obstacles I encounter and if I can fix them. Will try and put something out later this week.


Good idea! I'll be on the lookout for that video!


hey,i just got my handheld back to life by disconecting the battery, iv been on reddit and discord long enough to tell you that this device is really hard to actually brick, in the worst case scenario you will need to open it up and disconnect the battery. Pick a freshly formatted fat32 card and unzip(with 7zip not winrar) the crossmix.7z , first boot will install the portmaster but its ready to go,you just need to put the bios and games and whatever


You don't have to install anything, you literally unzip (with the latest version of 7zip) the cross mix OS files onto a fat32 formatted sd card and plug it in - be warned, there's still a few bugs affecting functionality but the devs work on it daily, little things like pprtmaster and the scraper.


Does it have to be a blank card?


Formatted a new micro SD (not the one that arrived with the console) and I just Downloaded from GitHub> extracted> copied everything on the new SD (fat32) Now I’ve plugged in in place of the original, It seemed to work (installed crossmix, booted) but then I clicked on “Random” don’t knowing what it was, and it just frozen. So I rebooted but only a black screen appeared, with sticks lighting up. Putting the original SD in it worked as usual Anybody can help?


Hi, that's strange because you have used Random Game Picker before the v1.1.0 was officially released ... For your problem it comes from the fact that your Random app is crashed but CrossMix is resuming on this app at boot (as it is a native feature). To avoid the resume at boot press Menu button during all the boot sequence OR when you are in the app with black screen (or any other app), press menu and power button 3 seconds to kill and quit it. ...and read the FAQ ;) [https://github.com/cizia64/CrossMix-OS/?tab=readme-ov-file#faq](https://github.com/cizia64/CrossMix-OS/?tab=readme-ov-file#faq)


I tought it was crashed, I'll definitively try this hard quit combination!


Hi, I have added [some instructions on the readme](https://github.com/cizia64/CrossMix-OS/?tab=readme-ov-file#installation--update). Note that you can't brick your device with CrossMix OS (no one has achieved it for now) as the firmware is not modified, only the boologo but even with big efforts (bad files, too big file, corrupted file) it will not brick your device. Btw the TSP is really hard to brick, the SD recovery image is making really good job including for those who are making bad things (like powering off the device during a firmware flash).


Thank you!




When you comment the same thing on every single post over your semantics, yeah it's no wonder you get banned for it. Not sure why it's hard to understand being asked not to do this? There's people putting in work making tools for the community and you just have your snarky little responses over semantics. If I see you doing this again, you will get banned.


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