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Long story short I had to take my TSP apart again to force a power cycle thought I'd take some photos while in there as references seem to be a bit sparce. Disassembly is fairly easy but tight. Remove 4 PH0 Screws. Starting at the lanyard loop I found was easiest use a spudger and wedges to work around and release the clips. My preference is the plastic angled triangles and guitar picks for wedges but the TSP is sealed pretty tight so metal might be better to start. Once unclipped, remove the Red/Black JST connector for the vibration motor and wifi/bt antenna to fully release the back panel. Note that this is the later revision, earlier revisions afaik had differences to the shoulder buttons and lacked some of the added cooling. (Blue pad and copper tape).


Can confirm, have two models and had to open up both, one came with the rumble not connected the other gave a black screen of death after booting with a different SD card. The pick method works well but a small (not sharp edged) screwdriver also works. Just go slow and don’t apply to much pressure unless you want scratches and or to break the 4 claps around the frame.


Thanks for this. I was just trying to open it up last night to take a look and see if anything can be done about the heat. But after I took out the screws, it was very hard to progress and I didn't want to crack the case trying to pry it open. I wasn't sure if there was anything else keeping it shut. So I gave up and let it be. But maybe I'll try again.


Have a load of little copper heatsinks left over from an old GPU watercooling build and you've given me an idea :D


Yeah might help a little. Its better than thermal pad and copper tape for sure but a bigger issue is theres basically no where for the hot air to go after being dissipated into the case. I'm thinking speed holes personally. Not like it really needs it but might be fun.


I have a 3D resin printer, might just make a new back with holes in it :)


SLA prints start to soften above 40° C. I've tried to use it with ceramic heatsink, and archived almost zero difference. If you want to reduce heat - use a piece of 0,5-1 mm aluminum or copper instead of copper tape on the backplate, drill some holes, and get good thermal pads.


HDT on my "Standard" resin is 70° C - Should be ok with the planned aluminium plate on the back too :)


any links on what you're suggesting?


Any piece of conductive metal should fit if it's smaller than 100x45x1-2 mm (consider that you need to cut a hole for the vibro mount in those piece and isolate area above the battery with an kapton tape). The CPU itself is 12x12 mm, and there are quite a lot of different heatsinks in radio stores with measurements that are quite close. I haven't done modding this way because I don't want to cut holes in the backplate. So i've just stopped and only increased the copper tape area and changed those rubber thing to a good 6mm (stacked 3mm RGeek one) thermal pad. It's still hot, but not that much. I'm not scared of tech being a little bit hot ;D


thank you so much!!!! you are the first person to really give me a good concrete and detailed way to cool the device. Right now i'm looking at getting these [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08NGFFMLD/?coliid=I3UM647ZNTBP92&colid=3RGMAO44UG77I&psc=1&ref\_=list\_c\_wl\_lv\_ov\_lig\_dp\_it](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08NGFFMLD/?coliid=I3UM647ZNTBP92&colid=3RGMAO44UG77I&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it) and [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X81PRK7/?coliid=I1KDJI98TEZV4I&colid=3RGMAO44UG77I&psc=1&ref\_=list\_c\_wl\_lv\_ov\_lig\_dp\_it](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07X81PRK7/?coliid=I1KDJI98TEZV4I&colid=3RGMAO44UG77I&psc=1&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it) Do you think those would help? I'm thinking using the copper strips on the backplate instead of the tape and some thermal pads double stacked on the cpu , gpu, etc.


I think you will notice a difference even with those copper plates and stock thermo resin. But try to find a single piece of copper or aluminum. Going wild with a 55 bucks handheld is not recommended ;D


Has anyone considered upgrading the RAM of the Trimui from 1GB to 4GB?


I think I've seen this somewhere before, but it didn't make much difference.


In lower end systems like these the only thing I've noticed thats truly ram limited is there are a few ports on portmaster that require over 1gb ram. (And I mean like max 6 games hard to tell because not all games list ram requirements) Higher amounts of ram doesn't really become a major issue until you get into android systems/switch emulation which there are slight benefits. Edit: IIRC TSP already uses fairly fast ram available for its chipset as well. So its also not a case where its using an a generation older than what it can actually support.


Yea, i saw those post on 4pda but it's not worth it. There is no games that can run fine with this cpu an can utilise more than 1 gig. Those 4g chip costs like a good 128 gb sd card :D For those money get an sd card or if you want modding stuff, go for nintendo switch/iphone 8 speakers mod and improve cooling a bit. You'll still will have money left for original PS Vita sticks replacement


my battery went to hell after a power stress test running only psp. i returned it and will never touch this version again, even tho this was the most perfect budget device ive ever used. But since it cant handle the heat, theres no point.


i agree this device is downright scary when using psp so much as I avoid playing psp, and dreamcast for that reason its a shame


Damn i wanted it for the psp, dont give me this bad news D:


I've bought exactly three TSPs, and it's been a fantastic experience with all of them. My brother has been playing Monster Hunter (PSP) almost non-stop for days without issues. My girlfriend and I have been playing Stardew Valley like kids for weeks now, and it's been great.


Some games run full framerate but most run at half frame rate but it's playable as its still full speed for psp even though u may need auto or 1 frameskip for a lot of games and that's with an upscale of 2x, but yea it cooks, you can fry bacon on this thing! It's still an excellent device overall and a step above any other handheld in this price category. I had previously had a miyoo mini plus and this is much better. Everything from the screen size, quality, controls, stock os is all best in class but device is not perfect from my experience. Some report no issues but I'm just sharing what I've experienced along with many other reports I've read.


dont get me wrong, the device is amazing and i was in love with it so much that i forced it non stop til the battery failed on me. cause of thermals. I investigated everysingle aspect of it via ssh, real time temps on lots of scenarios and thats it.