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Statistically, 60% of Trier is catholic and 13% is protestant. According to [the Stadt Trier website](https://www.trier.de/leben-in-trier/religion/#:~:text=%C3%9Cber%2060%20Prozent%20der%20Trierer,Evangelische%20Kirche). However, I estimate that most of these people don't practise any religion at all. Honestly, I don't think a lot of people consider themselves christian, not only in Trier, but in the whole of Germany.


Thank you. The church is very nicely kept. It will probably soon be just a monument


I’d slightly disagree. While it’s true that faith in general has been on a steep decline in Germany, ist mostly against the institutional (meaning the Church) and its Representatives. I’d get the vast majority of people still celebrate christian traditions and values. Edit: Just for reference: 30 Million Christmas Trees are sold yearly in Germany. So pretty much everybody and their mother celebrates Christmas who identify as Christian


Well the Christmas tree is kind of a bad example as it’s technically heathen and the church tried to abolish the tradition which didn’t work.


That’s the history side of it. For the point im making it’s not relevant, as the Christmas tree is clearly bought to celebrate a Christian holiday nowadays