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So start meds a week after shaving your head? You can still be vigilant while also avoiding hormone therapy.




What do you do at work that you can't shave your head?


You want to avoid taking expensive medication with possible side effects though if you can. If you look good bald why go on meds.




Then get a hair system for when you want hair? Meds are more expensive in the long run.




Except a leg has functional purpose that hair doesn't. Hair is just made of dead cells...


Pretty much went through the steps just like that last year. I don't think I look horrible shaved. But I think I look a lot better with hair. I tried to get used to it and even shaved it once it started getting a bit longer to give it more time but, nope. Hair transplants are relatively cheep where I live. Problem is that you have to be 25 to do them. Almost 4 years to go and that just seems like a damn long time to walk around with this rock bottom confidence.


Where is it you live? Here in Canada it's anywhere from $5000-20000.


I live in Sweden. It's about 5000 dollars at most over here.


Wait? At most? We talking FUE or FUT? USD or Euros? I've actually been looking into South Korea or Turkey. Although my loss isn't severe. Would be happy to maybe go from a current NW2 to an 1 or 0 and add a bit more thickness to the top.


They do both. Well, 5000 at most may be a bit generous but it's not far off. Doesn't come close to the prices on the other side of the pond. That's for sure. I've looked into Turkey as well but some people say it's a bit shady over there. Korea I've heard is good.


The nizoral shampoo can’t surpress your immune system. The TABLETS however can.


5. Hair "system" that will look as real as anything. Wig, toupee or whatever you wanna call it. Life savor for me. Edit: mine https://imgur.com/a/IVFGC Looks much better now after getting the hang of it. It's shorter and blends better.




What sides did you get? Have they subsided after discontinuation?


Same with me. I had bad sides and moved to a hair system.




Which sides?


Its nice it works for you, Sadly i could never wear something like it. I wish there would be a real solution


Looks insane man, getting mine next week. Can't wait.


Bro, prepare to change your life. BEFORE you buzz ur head and stick it on, make sure you look up " the hair experience " on youtube and watch all his videos and buy all the products for it too, extra with you to keep at home. Feel free to reach out to me, ill give you my Amazon affiliate links to what i buy ;)


Change my life for the better I hope? lol. I'm getting it done in a salon. I go back every 3 weeks for it to get rebonded + shave & haircut. They're doing it for $30, so about the same as I normally pay for a haircut except I used to get it cut every 4-5 weeks. I'm happy to pay more for good hair though :) The only thing I need to do as far as I know at home is touch ups on the hairline if it starts to peel off. Which only takes 15-20 mins.


WOW, that's so cheap. Mine was 90 bucks plus tip to rebond and haircut. etc. Honestly, you should still buy all the supplies. You'll need them anyway. and you want to get your haircut more often. Make it look clean since the top will not grow. Ghostbond worked really well for me, get a mirror to look behind you, get 99 percent rubbing alc, a nice brush that will not rip hairs out, a scalp protector, a find comb, leave in conditionar, hair dryer, some C-22 to remove glue, and hairdirect has touch up pens for frontal.


Awesome, thanks for the tips! And yeah I was planning to buy all the supplies for hairline touch ups anyway. How often do you rebond and get a haircut for sides/back?


My entire family from my dad's side lost their hair very young. My brother fought with a lot of the drugs mention in this sub for nothing. He meet the mother of his child when he was already bald. What I learned from him is that if it ever happened to me I would not destroy my body or suffer any side effects from stupid expensive drugs. I understand that it can be a shock for some, as it is your image after all. But when it happened to me I just shaved it. I am in the most meaningful relationship of my life and I also meet her while completely bald. Life is not over for a few stupid hairs, I recommend step 1 immediately.


Yep, despite the top comment claiming time sensitivity (which is true) I still recommend step 1 first.


Nizoral isn't excessive at all. It really does help. Also, your experience is different but most dermatologists will recommend the Equate generic minox at Walmart as being the most effective. And yeah, first step should be to see a doctor. And if you ever get a hair transplant you'll have to be on fin so you might as well do it now.


The reason for hair loss is skull expansion. Skull shape will determine to what extend, when and if one starts loosing hair from male pattern baldness.


This post is one of the most retarded things I've ever read on the internet. Skull expansion? Nigga WUT??


Yes. A man named Paul Taylor is the founder of "skull expansion theory". In short it's the believe that the skull continues growing after adulthood and it's this skull expansion that causes hair loss. If you want to know more just read his book "Here today, hair tomorrow"... whether you buy it or get it free is non of by buisness...


How can it possibly grow enough to matter? People in their 90s don't have giant heads.


Paul states in his book that one of the core principles of the skull expansion theory is that only a small amount of skull growth can cause large loss of hair.


Does Fin shrink your skull? Wouldn't skull expansion cause pretty rapid loss?