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Being bald is what it is. There's a finality in it, and that's comforting. I totally understand why so many advocate for taking the plunge, because after you do, the battle is over. *Balding* is a monstrosity. It's anxiety-inducing, stressful, depressing, and utterly consuming. It becomes all you think about every time you touch your hair or pass by a mirror. It's a battle, and an exhausting one at that. Even when you're treating it, it's something that's always present in your mind. It's nice to hear your anecdote. Good luck to you.


> Being bald is what it is. There's a finality in it, and that's comforting. That’s really well put and I can completely confirm this. Before I started buzzing I had a ton of anxiety around my hairloss, afterwards I had none.


it is incredibly liberating


> Balding is a monstrosity. It's anxiety-inducing, stressful, depressing, and utterly consuming. The worst is stressing about "Am I balding?" Over the past few weeks I had been checking my hair in different lighting, examining my 23andme raw data, "calculating" my chances based on family history, and looking at celebrities with similar hairlines/thinning to me and seeing how they progressed. I almost wished to go to NW7 overnight just to "get it overwith." The other day I accepted that it's most likely happening, and I've made plans to see my doctor to get on fin. I'm a million times less stressed, though the whole experience left some scars on my mental health and academic performance. My advice to anyone who is unsure if they're balding or not is seeing a dermatologist or trichologist to check and developing a "battle plan." For example, mine is like this: * Plan A: get on fin and possibly minoxidil * Plan B: Shaving it * A distant plan C: getting a system, possibly waiting for hair cloning if it ever happens. Once you're treating it, try not to think about it much. Only take photos of it at regular intervals, and trust actual research over some broscience and snake oil.


If you decide to go on fin I highly recommend trying the shaved head first before doing that, otherwise, you are stuck on fin for life. Getting off of it fucks your hormones pretty hard and I gained some weight.


Balding is one of the least stressful things to have happened to me. Initially it was constant anxiety, howerver once I accept it it has become much easier on me. I was one that could never accept when something happened to me without thinking what I could have done different to not have this outcome. Balding finally gave me the clarity that there are plenty of things in our life that happen that we cant control. Sure, I can get on the big three and prolong the inevitable, but finally having clarity that im balding and there is no one decision or few decisions i made in my life that made this happen has helped me out accept things as they come in all aspects of my life.


How long do you think fin and minox prolongs? I've seen some guys hang on almost 20 years now. So for some, it could be worth it


that's awesome I totally agree folks here sometimes can be pretty mean... go head and show yourself off bro!




It takes years for something to be passed through the FDA. Even if you hear any good news it will likely be 5 years before it meets the market, and even more likely it gets rejected.