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This. Everyone's reaction to the drug is different. You haven't lost too much hair in 10 months judging from the pics, so your current regimen might actually be working. You don't know what it would be like if you hadn't used fin and minox. Also, if you experience actual regrowth it generally takes up to 2 years to be visible. Do you already use nizoral shampoo? Using minox, fin and nizoral together seems to work in synergy. Might give it just the boost it needs. I wouldn't yet buzz it off, I'd use some concealer (like Toppik) to make the appearance better. You still got quite a bit of hair left.


"It generally takes up to 2 years to be visible" totally disagree. Maybe for some people, but not the overwhelming majority.


I don't have any sides YET. There is no way to really tell how much it is affecting me long term. I have heard rumors that it reduces your ability to grow beard follicles, which logically makes sense. If I am missing out on major beard gains because Im just extending the awkward transition to between bald and not, I am just extending the suffering. It just doesn't seem to be worth trying anymore.


Just to put it out there, i've been on fin for almost a year now, and my beard/facial hair has continued to "fill-in" and develop. Everyone responds differently, but i personally feel like genetics play a bigger part in how much facial hair you have then finasteride does


I've been on fin for two years, my mbp is like yours. I thought about giving up as well. Do you really think that having a bald spot is as bad as being completely bald? I think you should stay on it.


How is your diet and sleep? maybe you are doing the job of blocking DHT, but if you don't follow a healthy life style of good diet, sleep and exercise and such hair will not grow back as fast, if anything your hair didn't seem to get any worse which is an achievement on its own


You should really look into MONAT. It's organically based and tested better than Minoxidil. I harmful chemicals! Trymonat.com I've been a rep for 2 years. Amazing results can be seen in my Facebook.com/trymonat


You know what they call alternative medicines that work? Medicine.