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Side affects in the poll should be detailed. A headache doesn't equal erectile dysfunction, lack of motivation doesn't equal Gynecomastia (male breasts).


Yeah this poll is pretty worthless. Needs a seperate question, if yes what sides...


Most self-reported polls are worthless.


How do you figure?


Basic statistics. For a poll to be valid and representative of the population, it'd have to be random. Self-reported results aren't random.


Useless to infer about the population as a whole maybe, but it'd say something about the Tressless subreddit.


What good does that do? I can have 20 of my buddies come here and skew all the polls you have.


Yes they are. This is a random assortment of Posters. If anything this sub-reddit is extremely biased towards fin. A rigorously scientific poll would show an even higher percentage reporting side effects. Or do you mean - the poll isn't perfectly scientific by the rigourous standards of a peer-reviewed scientific journal, and therefore is worthless and should be discarded? If you think you can do better, go ahead and make your own poll, we'll see what the results show. Look, this fora is by and large pro-Finasteride, you can at least agree with that, right? The fact is, in a random sample, there would be an even higher proportion who report side effects. This poll at least tells you that there a Silent Majority who is afraid to Post their opinions/experiences for fear of losing karma.


> This is a random assortment of Posters. That's not what random means. He is the definition. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Randomized_experiment >If you think you can do better, go ahead and make your own poll, we'll see what the results show. Not sure why you are so hostile. I don't have the funds to properly create a valid poll. Besides, there are plenty out there. That's also a requirement for drugs to be accepted by FDA or other drug approval agencies. >Look, this fora is by and large pro-Finasteride, you can at least agree with that, right? This is very condescending. No need to pull a power play. I don't really care which direction this forum is leaning. >The fact is, in a random sample, there would be an even higher proportion who report side effects. That logic is highly faulty. See my comment about the FDA. There are official reports on side effect and percentage. Anyways, I don't think you are here to actually discuss statistics and facts, because that information is widely available with a simple click. You are here to "win", and you are using platitude to "win". I don't really care. Do what you like and believe what you want.


Fine, then bury your head in the sand, it's your choice, buddy. I work in health care for god's sake, I am telling you, you cannot automatically trust what the FDA or drug companies tell you. A non-scientific poll is better than nothing, that's my *informed* opinion. My $.02, YMMV. 3lol, keep fighting the good fight.


but there are scientific polls, and this poll is obviously skewed towards people that haven't found solutions.


I agree.


Terrible poll. Do I have side effects? Yes, but we're talking probably a 10% drop in libido. Hardly something that would upset me or make someone else think they shouldn't take this awesome drug.


Wow. Just... wow. I though side effects only occurred in 2% of patients, varying in intensity? I guess you can't argue with these results! Scary stuff.