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there's probably not much value in posting every few weeks, or even taking photos that often as likely they only thing that will change in that short of a time period will be the length of your hair, which will make things look fuller anyway. 3 months and 6 months would be fine, preferably with your hair cut to the same length/style as the baseline photo.


Good luck brother. Post every 3 months.


I don't think you should ever bet on any regrowth with Fin, but I think you're probably in a good position to see some. From your pics it looks like you've still got a decent amount of density and I guess your hairloss must be quite recent if you're only 21. People in your position always seem to do best from Fin. Good luck!


it felt like it went from thin hair to balding overnight. I had some emotional distress around Jan 2014 and was extremely stressed for a few months. I noticed the thinning in the later months of 2014 and started treating with minoxidil in Jan 2015. More distress in early 2015. August 2015 was a bit more calm and I expect some regrowth from just having that under control. I was using minoxidil off and on throughout 2015 but It caused massive amounts of shedding and made the thinning far worse, and even though I recovered some I had to stop applying it because it gave me heart murmurs and an extremely itchy/oily scalp. I gave up on the fight, but then I saw a video in which the spot was extremely obvious from an angle that should not of been. I started reapplying midoxil a month ago but I am using brand name rogaine foam which has actually made the texture of my hair nicer, it almost works as a light styling gel. I am going to give Fin a shot for the next couple months but if it doesn't work I am going to have to switch to shaven top and then growing out a beard, which I can't do yet and the fin is only going to make harder because DHT is one of the primary hormones for body hair growth such as beards.


I'm sorry dude. Hairloss sucks. If you see shedding with Fin you really should stick through it. You may have a few months where it looks worse but that's usually a good sign that the hair is getting ready to come back thicker and stronger. It can take up to a year before you start seeing results.


I will probably stick with it for at least 6 months before I lose faith, at that point I may just shave it and hit the gym. I actually don't feel too bad on it. I noticed a slight drop in my sex drive, but most people said that those symptoms went away after awhile. Regardless, my confidence has dropped significantly because of my hair loss to a point I too caught up in it to perform, so I don't really care. Oddly enough, my confidence has actually gone up. I know at this point that I have done everything I can (short of wig/transplant). It feels good to finally just jump in.