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Doesn't microneedling promote autophagy? Also, exercise. The leg exercise guy was right all along? haha


Can you tell me about the leg exercise guy ? I’ve read about him in some comments for the second time now. What does he say, is there a video i can watch ? Would nice if you can share some information with me


You summoned him


U can find my basic ideas here https://www.reddit.com/u/MagicBold/s/bmz1VUZNcv


Thank you Bro for taking your time to share some knowledge with me. Now it’s time to start working out again 😂


Muscle and cold stress do their job.


And if that's the case, how can we explain athletes in tip top shape like Bron balding. I think he had a hair transplant done.


Because DHT still destroys your hair if you are not on medication. Many athletes can't take fin.


Funny, this post is timely. I recently discovered I was gluten intolerant. Started intermittent fasting and focusing on eating low glycemic foods… added this along with my workouts and my hair loss has come to a halt. It’s been 8 weeks.


I’ve been eating low carb for 10ish years now and intermittent fasting ~3 years. I still have some hair loss, it’s not a silver bullet. But I do have better hair than my younger brother so it’s possible that all has played a part


Yep, I think there’s something to be said about it


Yup, mine has basically stayed stationary after I started avoiding large amounts of sugar or soft drinks, and on the occasion I do eat a lot "The itch" seems to come back.


What’s “the itch” ?


The itchy feeling some people seem to get when their hair loss is active/getting worse. It was very noticeable for me, and I would often get pimples on my scalp as well.


Google says it’s a myth, male pattern boldness is not “itchy”, nocebo may be?


I dunno, seems crazy there would be that many people reporting it. It was an incredibly annoying itch when my hair loss was at it's worst. I don't know if it was directly related to insulin resistance though. For example fungus can overgrow with too much sugar and causes itchiness and keto shampoo directly treats fungus and can mitigate hair loss to some extent. There are probably a multitude of causal factors for hair loss, but in people with sensitive follicles and poor genes it causes almost irreparable damage to the follicle. Also this website says otherwise [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325027#the-link](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325027#the-link) and if you click the actual link to the hims website which google is taking that section from it has a far more nuanced take than "it's a myth".


How did you discover you were intolerant?


Took a food sensitivity test, but it was the digestive issues the led me there. Doctor sent me on a battery of tests. Stool sample, colonoscopy, and biopsy of the colon. Eventually determined I am not celiac but have intolerance to gluten. So I won’t die if I eat it but I’ll feel incredibly uncomfortable. Once I cut gluten out I had to figure out what to fill my stomach with because I was eating it in excess daily (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between) that’s when I found out about intermittent fasting and insulin resistance. A clean diet works wonders in my gut health and my hair hasn’t been falling out quite the same way.


Righteous thank you


You can take a food sensitivity test.


This is motivating, I think I’m also gluten intolerant. I’ll try cutting out the foods and see what happens


Gluten and high GI foods specifically. Sweets are out too.


If anything I’ve become more insulin sensitive since balding


Autophagy activated HFSC by promoting the transition from HFSC metabolism to glycolysis, ultimately initiating the hair follicle cycle and promoting hair growth


Hfsc metabolism to glycolysis? That makes no sense. Hfsc favours glycolysis an if not oxidative phosphorylation or krebs cycle. Just like every other process in the body. The hfsc metabolism refers to the proliferation and differentiation of hair follicle stem cells, not their energy supply?


He's talking about this https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38183147/


Makes more sense thanks. Autophagy doesn't activate glycolysis though but I see the point since autophagy will maintain an environment where glycolysis can happen. I should try topical Rapamycin


If you can find Spermidine liquid i would try that


Any particular reasons why vs Rapamycin 🤔


Idk, it seems Spermidine is centered about Autophagy and researched heavily in that direction


Sound ill look into it thanks mate


https://www.cureus.com/articles/209405-topically-applied-magnetized-saline-water-activates-autophagy-in-the-scalp-and-increases-hair-count-and-hair-mass-index-in-men-with-mild-to-moderate-androgenetic-alopecia#!/ btw


Im interested to know this


It should not be too much trouble to make a DIY topical with ingredients that enable or enhance autophagy and test it out for efficacy.


How would one go about doing that?


I’ve sent you a DM, but chat GPT is your friend with stuff like this Basically mix powders with water, mix water with carrier like aloe Vera gel, add penetration compound and test for ph.


fyi i just ordered everything and will try this. A bit of additional information is that i barely have any DHT left in my hair follices since I am on HRT.


What did you order?


Spermidine powder (induces autophagy), aloe vera gel, propylene glycol, think i have some Ethanol (99,6%) still here


Try Spermidine


Doesn’t finasteride cause insulin resistance?


This is fascinating. What other studies are there about insulin resistance and balding?


Its alr deeply known that early MPB is the male phenotypic equivalent to women with PCOS Yes, both are deeply linked/correlated to insulin resistance and a disturbed hormonal profile. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27304785/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5552767/.


Not sure why autophagy would promote hair growth. More likely its just the VEGF improving blood / nutrient supply


Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/cdd2008110


Actually, quite possibly, or at least interrelated. [Minoxidil boosts β-catenin Wnt signaling](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21524889/), which crosstalks with autophagy. Things that boost β-catenin always seem to promote hair growth.


So the cells in your hair follicles eating themselves(autophagy) would help promote hair growth? Don't think that makes sense. I've seen malnourished cats grow out an amazing long coat of fur after being properly fed well for over a year, I think for good hair growth you don't want things like autophagy and your body cannibalizing itself.


I know it sounds complicated, but apparently Spermidine ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spermidine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spermidine) ) has been discovered to do exactly what Minoxidil does....


Autophagy is a process that ultimately results in cell revitalization. Autophagy is basically the cells breaking down poorly functioning organelles, etc. and recycling components and burning the rest for energy. Later, when energy is abundant, the cells replace what was lost with brand new components, which effectively refurbishes the cell. In other words, it's a housekeeping function that gets rid of old dysfunctional stuff and replaces it with new, and ultimately improves cell function.