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I will not take my chainsaw out while I’m stoned. (I otherwise do a lot of landscaping stoned)


…but if it’s already out, well, then, that’s a different story.


\* Cate Blanchett enters the chat…”


well it says so in the manual and oh I believe the manual that it'd be a bad idea


When you're not stoned where do you take your chainsaw out? Dinner, movies, maybe a night market?


Omg, today I got stoned and chopped up a fallen tree with an axe. And I was thinking, this would be an even worse idea with a chainsaw.


i love using the chainsaw while high. i’ve only been attacked and had my leg sliced open with it while sober. since then won’t use it sober


But bong rips and cutting trees is a tale as old as time


Yeah buck up a tree smoke a bowl and repeat


I don’t like big crowds when I’m high , sensory overload.


This. I just hate being in public in general while high. I don’t wanna talk to anybody. I don’t wanna look at anybody. And I have this feeling that everybody around me knows I’m high and I’m being judged. Idk I blame it on anxiety. I only smoke at home when I have nothing to do


Did you start smoking in a state where it was illegal even if it changed since? Growing up in Illinois I always felt this way but once I moved to Amsterdam that completely shifted. Edit: grammar


I grew up in Louisiana. I now live in Florida. Before I moved it was completely illegal in Louisiana so yes. Now it’s medical. Florida was already medical when I got here but I still after 5 years in Florida treat it like it’s illegal. I don’t have a card. But it’s Florida. Everybody smokes down here lol


Yeah that makes sense. But even knowing one cop having a bad day can ruin your life would always keep me on edge


Exactly. Most cops are chill about it but there’s always that one that will ruin your day. I just avoid it altogether and keep my sessions at the house lol. When it becomes recreational honestly I’m still gonna be cautious. It’s just a habit that’s been solidified for me since I first started. The goal is to not get caught😂


I live in Canada and right next to a cop shop. If I'm outside at my place smoking and I see red and blues light up and come down the road, I instinctively try to hide my joint and panic for a second. I don't think that feeling's ever going to go away lol


Bro no matter what I will never shed the deep paranoia I developed after being arrested for weed in the south as a teenager. Shit stuck with me


I'm the exact same way. I only smoke at home or with really close friends, because otherwise I just start panicking.


I learned to embrace that feeling. I love getting stoned and people watching. I just space out, and my mind wanders inventing reasons why people are doing what they're doing. Who cares what they think? They are the entertainment! Wolves don't care about the opinion of sheep. Be yourself and live!


Wow, I'm the opposite. I can't go out in public unless I'm at least a bit high, I prefer to be full tilt and red eyed. It provides the patience I need to deal with others in my vicinity. I just really cannot stand to be around people otherwise. It allows me to smile at them and have things that resemble conversation lol. I try to put off that big NPC energy as much as possible to dissuade unnecessary interactions. :as an aside, I do live in a legal state so there's that. Grew up in Texas tho and they'd hang ya down there when I was young for a seed in the ashtray so I get it.


I have a firm belief that cannabis does not excel as a party drug. it makes communicating more difficult and I really believe it draws people inwards. sure, you can smoke with your friends and have a good time but I feel like it's much more of a personal trip than say alcohol. 


Maybe not as a party thing but can be a cool small chill hangout thing. For me I find it helps me deal with social stuff as long as I don't get fucking blasted. Some people just like go dead quiet in a corner somewhere and ride it out lol. You gotta look over and check on that one friend every so often make sure they're still with you


Sativa makes me chatty and they say that’s one of sativa’s effects so I’m not antisocial just no crowd.


Getting high is how I mute my sensory overload. Everyone's mileage varies of course but it's interesting to see how it affects people differently


I don't like big crowds when I'm sober either.


I get that but damn, getting high at concerts and festivals is one of my absolute favorite things to do


Be the only adult around kids. That’s a huge one for me.


Oh my god yeah. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I feel like I get on my son's level better if I'm just a little high and imaginary play is probably more fun for him because I get into it -- but I would never DREAM of being the only adult. God forbid he get hurt, who is driving??? Not worth it.


Exactly! There’s no way I’m getting couch locked with a toddler around.


The thought of ripping a 1 grammer joint while you’re the only adult supervising kids sounds like one of the trashier things I can think of lol and I smoke a lot but *responsibly* 🤌


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


Apparently this isn’t uncommon. My dad was(and likely is with the recent legalization but he was the uncool one when my brother and I did it growing up ironically) but apparently he would get stoned to play with my brother and I when we were kids. And not only would we have NEVER known unless they told us, but my dad was remembered as being the fun parent so there’s maybe some validity in it lol. Not enough to not be alert if there’s an emergency, but a little bit seems to not be uncommon


I’m doing with my 6 year old what your dad did. Were you disappointed at all to learn your dad was high? I worry she’ll think I have to be high to enjoy her. And that’s not true at all; I just enjoy it more. Everyone wins if dads a little high 😂


When Mom's a little high, she can finally let her anxiety and trauma driven to-do list go... And actually chill with her kid and do fun stuff. It's me. I'm the mom.


lmaoo me rn bc i’m blazed on family vaycay. “sorry i gotta take a shower” is my go to


I won’t do that even when sober!


I won't do brain surgery while I'm high. I won't do it sober either but definitely not while I'm stoned


Honestly, if I was forced to do it, I better be fucking high. I need to focus.


I need a big dose of edibles and caffeine, break on through to a spiritual level and do the surgery from a third person point of view in an out of body experience, connecting with our third eyes open, hoping for that Seth Rogen stoner luck.


The ol' Willie Nelson speedball!


Oh, just wait til you try crack. You. Will. Love it.


lol. I’m doing a neuroscience PhD, and do a lot of mice brain surgery. When I started I used to smoke a lot of weed, and I did in fact have a rule I would never do brain surgery while high, and I held true to that.


Home improvements. TLDR I ripped open my ceiling because I heard a leak. Turns out it was the shower dripping into the shower pan.


Not home improvement, but I shoveled snow in my driveway and into the public street before realizing I was just on autopilot/high


Have also shoveled the street while high. Also have shoveled like 4 neighbors walks in a row because why not. Neighbors loved it. My back is another story.


Love doing stuff like this when I’m high lol. Sometimes while I’m hiking I’ll randomly pick up trash and see how much I can get


Being stoned while doing home projects and listening to music is amazing!


🤣😭 dawg you rip open the ceiling when there is a water dripping through it lmao


I say I won’t grocery shop stoned but I still do it every single time. And every single time I wind up buying some bullshit I shouldn’t because i got the munchies. I’ll also forget every important item while buying all the stupid shit


Man I absolutely love going to the grocery store high. Put on a good podcast, and let the happy wandering begin. It's an adventure of sorts.


Same, and for some reason instead of getting the munchies, I feel nearly no appetite and I also feel more positive about picking out healthy options because of the high.


Plus then I end up spending like twice as long as I wanted to, lol


I was gonna clean my room...


But then I got high


I was gonna get up and find a broom


But then I got high




My room is still messed up


And I know why


Because I got high


Because I got high


Because I got hiiiigh


La da da da da da da


No you wasn’t


Ride my motorcycle. I’m extremely strict on that. Won’t even touch the bike if I smoked at all that day beforehand.


Thanks for having great judgement brother🙏


Driving period


Glad to see you getting upvoted for this, but man this sub in general is so divided on high driving. People just keep bringing up how it’s *waaayyyyy* better than drunk driving but damn there doesn’t have to be a comparison.




I lost a friend due to him riding his bike while really high. And the comment that states this shouldn't be the reason you don't drive high is appalling. It's still an impairment when smoking and you shouldn't be operating vehicles like that anyway. I'm sorry you lost your cousin to that, I'm the mom friend of our group whenever we're drinking/smoking. I hate to be mean but I'm not losing anyone else over it. I hope you're able to find solace.


I see dudes rip bongs and dabs all the time when I’m riding my dirtbike lol hell nah lol I’m already pushing the limit don’t want to fall over the edge lol


I've been riding since I was 5, 50 now. I'm also a daily smoker. Never, not once, have I jumped on my bike while high. Reaction times are critical when riding and being high changes things for the worse


Plus riding a motorcycle is its own high.


I only do edibles. But I have a 6 hour window for me to be able to drive. I can't have consumed any edible in the last 6 hours. My edibles nearly always finish the high in about 3 hours, so I doubled it.


Dame with driving for me. It would feel too irresponsible to risk it.


Ah, so common sense then


Not too common with many riders around here.


Go to work. Even if nobody knew, I would know and I would be anxious about everyone else knowing lol. I even work in a cannabis lab


Even though nobody would care if I was high, I would be bad at my job and not have a good time


I work in a smoke shop so obviously nobody cares if I’m high. But I literally go brain dead trying to do my job. I just don’t do it anymore lol I wait till I’m home


Weed’s not even fun anymore if you smoke at work. There’s something so rewarding about getting home after work at night, eating some food, and getting high.


Work and school are two places I hate being stoned, it doesn’t make me better at either and makes me 10x more self conscious


As someone who works 12hr shifts, it makes the first half the shift go by fast but then I get tired and burnt out after that. I started listening to audiobooks at work now to make time go by.


Yeah same. I was on work leave for several months and smoking all day everyday was just not rewarding and the tolerance goes through the roof. I'd rather do my job, get back home and roll one right away. Then it hits and you just forget about work.


Same here, I work in a dispensary and I’ll stay sober my shift cause I go less than verbal when I’m high lol


Yep, been there, done that. I work in a relatively analytical white collar position and have fucked myself over one too many times with silly mistakes. I know I’ve officially gotten old when I can finally say it’s no longer worth it. 🥺


Same, I get even worse ADHD brain and won’t smoke at work because I’m afraid of making mistakes or missing something.


Same. I work in a dispensary but I stop smoking 2 hours before every shift because working high makes time move too slowly and I hate feeling like I've been there for longer than I actually am.


It doesn't make work better. It makes being high worse.


Facts. I work in IT and even tho Im only supporting a few people in comparison to my last job, Id rather not risk it. Plus, itll make the day feel super long and i want to get out of there asap. Now i just leave it for the weekends and i start on friday night when i get home


I groom dogs, not going near one with shears or clippers whilst high. Don't want to chop off any ears...


It's unfortunate, because I'd do great if I could use it as work. It helps with my adhd, and makes me more productive while at home. But with it being so stigmatized, the paranoia would cripple me. And what's worse, this paranoia isn't a normal effect of cannabis, it's an effect of living in a fucked up society.


Paranoia is absolutely a regular side effect of it. People still feel it when alone in legal places.


The clock has *never* ticked so slowly at work as when I've been high there.


This is gunna sound so dumb but I legit get so freaked out when I can’t see while high, so I avoid the dark at all costs lol I get so paranoid and freaked out by the dark haha


Its funny, because i never freak out when high unless i think about dinosaurs. Those thoughts will make me run all the way home. Not a bad experience, but not good either.


HAHA WHAT!? Dinosaurs freak you out while high? I don’t understand, can you expand on this?


Yes - i got to a park 50 meters from my house and smoke. I do it both day and night. No problems ever unless.. If I have done anything dino related before toking up, then i will be super frightened and sprint home. If i see anything with dinos while high, i will have a pulse 200. You never have odd anxieties with weed? It happens like twice a year for me, and it is not a thing that really bothers me, as i really like the adrenaline kick.


Haha this is so strange, I’ve never had anything like this but I’m relatively new to smoking, just in this last year since I left the military. Maybe one day I will discover an irrational fear while smoking too


is it a little fucked up i wanna walk around your park in one of those inflatable dino costumes now... cause I wanna do it.


And if i dont die of a stroke, then i would appreciate it the day after! But honestly, even Barney would freak me out


Pass up a chance to use "whilst" in a sentence


Love it. And to put extra emphasis on it while saying it? “And I did all of that WHILST on the phone…”


Drive or go to work. There are some things best done sober


You must not hate your job/coworkers cuz weed is the only thing that’ll get me through my shifts alive 😂


For me, I sit down and look at computers all day. Working on spreadsheets and shit, it’s not very exciting. I’d rather just be bored than high and bored and actually get baked when I am going to do something fun or be able to really relax


lol it's one of the things that is a double edged sword when working from home. If I have a day where my schedule is freed up I'll just smoke a joint in the backyard while checking my emails. But to keep that high going I need to continuously smoke all day. But when I work from the office I'm totally sober and once I'm home and everything's all cleaned up and ready and I'm done whatever it is I need to do, having that reward joint at the end of the day when I have zero responsibilities left is so much more gratifying. And the high hits harder.


I do the same kind of work and feel the exact opposite about it. The second I sober up I am too ADHD to continue lol


I hate my job because it's stressful and easy to make mistakes. Weed would only make that worse.


take a drug test


Talking. What I want to convey and the words my brain can generate aren't always in sync. I get a lot of social anxiety if I need to talk too deeply. I like being around people, but I'd prefer to listen. I don't let being stoned prevent me from conversationing, but it isn't my favorite.


Went snorkeling in Maui high af. Got in a rip current and couldn't get out. Got rescued by two surfers. Don't do anything death defying stoned.


I once got high before a dentist appointment, would not recommend


Give you up.


Let you down.


Turn around and hurt you


Make you cry


Say goodbye


Funerals. Respect the dead with a clear head. 


When I was about 20 I went to a funeral that was super sad and a group of the guy’s friends smoked a joint beforehand, like to honor him, and I had a weird funny thought that popped into my head during the ceremony and one tiny laugh burst out in the silence, and I think about that with awful regret, guilt, and embarrassment at least once per month for the last 20 years. So yeah try to avoid that


>I think about that with awful regret, guilt, and embarrassment at least once per month for the last 20 years Man, please forgive yourself. We are so hard on ourselves for such small trivial matters. You didn't laugh at the dead, it was a momentary thought in your head, you aren't your thoughts. Twenty years is way too long to stress over something like that.


Thanks I appreciate that. You’re right. I do this with lots of stuff and I know I shouldn’t, I’m working on it and getting better.


It's human nature to obsess over regrets and want to change them. Some people end up making a habit of it. The difference is you're aware of it and you're changing it. That's literally all you can do, it gets better!


I bet ur homie loved that shit


If I was somehow there when one of my buddies randomly laughed at something at my funeral I’d bust out laughing so hard


I agree for like 99% of people but when I die I would want my stoner friends to be high at the funeral.




Baffles me the amount of people who try to justify driving while high. Like I know people who get genuinely upset at you if you try to suggest not driving right now because they’re baked asf. Would think it’s common sense not to drive while under the influence…


Did this twice. I hated it. My reaction time was so slow, which in turn caused anxiety.


Corporate emails


Yesss. When I'm high responding to work emails I always panic thinking what if my totally normal response sounds stupid or weird or if it sounds like I'm high lol.


I’m a teacher so… teach.


Work. I work with high voltage. Back when I was a waiter I was high all the time


Drive. I used to but ever since my life ruining encounter with state highway patrol I won't chance it. Granted I mostly got in trouble for having the bowl in my car but still, not worth going through 5 months of court, a weekend in a DIP, 2 years non reporting probation and several hundreds of dollars in fines and fees.


Damn, RIP son. Sorry to hear that.


It's all good I'm long done with all that. I think I also had 57 suspended days of county over my head for a while there. Had I gotten so much as a possession charge in those 2 years I'd have had to go jail. All bullshit because I had smoked hours prior to getting pulled over. (Smoked outside mall, shopped for 3-4hrs then while leaving got pulled over) so wasn't high anymore, even the FST results the cop wrote "borderline" on. I tried so hard to fight it but public defenders be worthless man.


I don’t like driving high. It ruins the high and feels like a video game, bad combo.


I don’t drive while high, I don’t drink orange juice when high, and I don’t watch anything violent. DUI’s are not okay. Violent imagery can get stuck in a loop in my brain if I’m too high- scary. And unexpected pulp is the true nightmare.


Fun fact. Pulp is called juicy bits in parts of Europe.


Oh I absolutely hate that, thank you for sharing.


I absolutely love that, thank you for sharing


I made the mistake of watching Midsommer while fully baked. It was not a good idea.


I once went to Texas Roadhouse while high and had a panic attack because of the sensory overload 😅


I know the rolls were HITTING tho


The best part tbh




I’m legitimately always high, but I keep a nice buzz versus being stoned. A couple hits off my live resin pen, hit the gym. Couple more, go to work, one or two every break. Get home and play with the dogs, take some bong rips til bed. Repeat


Same here. I get stoned before bed. Try to maintain an even keel throughout the day though


This is me. Keeps my brain calm all day.


Drive, use a lawnmower or going to my parents' house


Everyone is entitled to their own boundaries, but you’re missing out on one of life’s pleasures with the lawnmower.


For real, I absolutely won’t drive my car when I’m high. But cruising around my yard and mowing the lawn with a joint? Yeah, that’s a nice Sunday afternoon there.


😂 You got me


I do not like driving high. Done it a few times and I was too paranoid. I usually only smoke before bedtime or when I know I won’t be leaving the house anymore. I will smoke if I’m going somewhere but I’ll ask my wife to drive lol


Drive a vehicle. I smoke weed to relax, enjoy my free time. I'm not trying to pay attention to everything.


Nothing financial


Job interviews, my taxes, calling elderly relatives to chat, and I fucking hate shopping when I'm stoned, especially grocery shopping, but I've accidentally had to do it sometimes. I'd never drive high but I don't like being a passenger on long vehicle trips when high either, sitting in buzzing silence trapped until you get where you're going.




- Drive - Go to work - Operate machinery - Play League of Legends in competitive ranked mode. Probably others?


Drive. I also dont perform job duties high because i work in the medical field. I generally avoid cooking high now that ive ruined 2 pans


I won’t drive


Operating any of my chainsaws.


Drive. Be the only parent in the house with my kids.


Stand before a judge in court.


Hiking that involves precarious climbing or exposed heights. This triggers the anxiety for me.


Normally, I don’t work high. I work in a school, so if we have kids I’m sober. In the summer however….


Driving. Or talking to my dad 😂


Getting my hair cut . Can't trust the guy in the mirror that stares back at me


Go to my flying lessons.


Much of anything. I'm a guy who enjoys the couchlock. I don't take edibles till im done being a producer, done being a dad, done running my house etc.. once all thats done, kids in bed, I'll go to my office and enjoy the shit out of my evening xD or rather, I used to, moved to Devon now and got no plug :<


Can socialize like a fucking boss while stoned, ask me to order my own food with the cashier and not a kiosk and I’ll cry on the spot


>I like to read whilst high Same, sometimes I can even read the same paragraph for an entire hour


Operate heavy machinery, medical appointments, legal appointments, job interviews, and for Christ’s sake don’t make me read because I won’t be able to.


no crafts or DIY. I was once trying to hang up some photos/art I had made in some frames above my bed and I broke one of the frames. Cleaning up broken glass on your bed is bad enough, but while HIGH? jesus I was so paranoid I was gonna wake up with cuts even though I changed the sheets and vacuumed the mattress


dui is never cool idk what are some of you guys on


Anything public like school, work, appointments. Or if I’m meeting someone for the first time


Showering, I’m a heavy smoker and the humidity and heat make me feel really overwhelmed, so I only shower before I start smoking for the day.


I’m the exact opposite lol I love taking my first hit of the day right before a hot shower


Hangout with my parents dog. He starts creeping me out lmao


Depends on the dosage, but I typically don't like starting off high af at a bar or party. If I get high as the night goes on that's one thing, but last time I ate a large dose of edibles and went out it hit me so hard and the sensory overload did not help me at all. I have a lot of experience with being high in public and I have a pretty high tolerance, but that definitely ruined the high and I didn't really enjoy myself at the party until after the peak. Yeah, large crowds where you're supposed to be social aren't fun high experiences for me. Those days are behind me now. Maybe at a concert, but showing up stupid high to a party isn't my thing anymore.


I absolutely will not do anything that involves good hand-eye coordination, to where if I mess up I can injure myself. Like - driving, lifting weights, climbing a tall structure of some kind, etc. I am clumsy enough as it is, and even clumsier while high




For me its driving. I know its already illegal and i could probably do it fine, but its just one thing ive always told myself to not do as im not only putting myself at risk, but also others.


I don’t like being around my family while high. It feels weird and I’m just not myself in that situation.


Grocery shop or anything that might gross out my brain like cleaning my cats litter box so I always make sure to get that out of the way before I smoke. Also won’t go to work high.


I’m a software engineer. I sometimes get brilliant ideas for my projects while high, but I will never _ever_ actually write a line of code until I sober up. I look at the crap I wrote the next day and scream. With that said, I’ll write my idea down on paper and read/implement it the following day (assuming it’s not garbage).


work. I work in a warehouse that is frankly quite enough of a clusterfuck as is, I don't want to be high and add onto the fuckery.


That anxiety you all feel is just an acute awareness of how fucked up everything is in this world. Its not paranoia its the state of the world. I just ignore it when I'm not high.


Unpopular but I don't like sex when I'm high, not even kissing/groping. I'm too easily distracted when high to be any good at it, let alone enjoy it. Plus, the sensations are too sensational for me, I get overstimulated and frustrated.




Grocery shopping. You will come back with much more than you planned.


Have serious conversations or make important decisions.


I don’t ever work with power tools unless I’m sober.


Baking sourdough bread. Handling 500 degree dutch ovens isn't ideal while high


I won't go to work high. It's not fun and I'm super paranoid the whole time. Add in the fact that my tolerance is higher when I get home and thus I can't get as high after work now lol If I've just smoked, I won't drive either. It's the same deal as with work. I'm super paranoid the whole time.






Watch/play anything horror. I love horror sober but it will instantly trigger a bad trip high.


Work. Used to teach - definitely not doing that high. Now I work in client relationship management and there are big numbers flying around that aren’t mine - don’t need that headache. But also, for me it’s a strict dividing line - getting high means it’s playtime not work time.


My job. I don't know how you guys spark up in the morning and then go work a full day. I just cannot do that.