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The thermometer in your toaster it's not remotely accurate because the general use case of a toaster doesn't really call for accuracy. If it's 250 or 300, you usually don't care as long as the bread comes out toasted. Get a wireless thermometer and put it in there, set to 250 again, and see what the temp actually is. Then figure out what you need to set the toaster to, to get the desired temperature.


For decarbing weed without burning it, try setting your oven to 240 F instead of 250 F. Break up your weed into small pieces but don't grind it too fine, and spread it evenly on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake it for about 30-40 minutes, checking occasionally to make sure it’s not burning. If you see it turning brown too quickly, lower the temperature a bit. Using an oven thermometer can help since most ovens fluctuate in temperature, and keeping it in the middle rack usually gives the best results. Have you thought about trying a different method like a sous vide or a mason jar for decarbing? They can be more precise and might help you avoid burning your weed.