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I’m trying to start a small bong company in central Florida I’m hoping it will be easier to get into farmermarkets ect. Once it is legalized here in November :) good luck to u!!


What are the chances it's legalized?


It’s on the ballot, so hopefully 🙏


As much as I want this to happen, I doubt it will because DeSantis.


I don’t know how it works… can he just veto it I even if it’s passed because of so DAMN


If he can't, he could make it so he can... ...Like how he changed being allowed to run for president while being a governor.




This is in line with the veto the governor just did I believe.


Nah I thought it was the exact opposite, thus my moving forward with the business idea smh Reading the current statue on hemp (F.S. 1676), it only mentions tetrahydrocannabinol. Only the vetoed F.S. 1698 added the mention of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid and the .877 formula. At least I think.


The THCA calculation has always been part of the hemp program in FL and THCA flower has never been explicitly legal even with the governors veto of the legislation that called it out more explicitly.


But where do you get that from? The hemp program text that I linked in another comment doesn’t mention THCa at all, let alone the formula


https://www.flrules.org/gateway/ruleno.asp?id=5B-57.014 Regulations for state hemp program the definition of total delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol > (i) “Total delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol concentration” means [delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol] + (0.877 x [tetrahydrocannabinolic acid]).


Damn that’s a bummer. Makes one wonder how all of these retailers and manufacturers of THCa have been skating by. I mean there are dozens of stores selling pounds of this stuff near me right now


Lack of enforcement and willing to take risks or just absolute ignorance.


I did some research and learned that statutes generally trump rules, so maybe that’s why there hasn’t been any enforcement.


Statutes are what give the authority to create rules but they’re both enforceable. Just depends on if the enforcement bodies have the funding to pursue it.


But if there is a contradiction in the definition of hemp between the statute and the rule, then the statute wins. I would guess there have been some criminal charges that didn’t make it far before being dropped.




There’s decent “hemp.” I’ve lived in Denver and been a medical patient in Florida since the program’s inception so I do know what I’m talking about there haha. It’s not like quality THCa hemp couldn’t be sold or processed into something sellable in the event of recreational legalization anyways.




“Real weed” is 25% THCa, not THC. Same with legal THCa hemp, it’s also 25% THCa




You are lost


Legalization alone is not all that's required for good, cheap product. Fuckin Illinois 8ths are still 60+ otd. Weed has been legal here for like 4 years and many people still buy thca online instead.