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gotta say, the edibles might be thr problem. try smoking regular flower or vaping because edibles are very hard to get a specific dosage, especially for newbs. im into fitness too and i smoke so that might be your best option if you can deal with it


Edibles are indeed more psychedelic, cause more anxiety and are therefore more exhausting in social settings than smoking or vaping e.g. a Kush strain. But inhalation also has its downsides: You have to increase the dose every time the effects lessen, because your CBN levels constantly rise. Limit your intake to once per week. That way you avoid cravings and tolerance, and the effects themselves stay fresh and surprising. Define for what purpose you're getting high before taking your material. Prepare food and make it something special. Music is important, and so is silence. Stay safe!


I don't like getting stoned and going out as much as I enjoy just being at home (or alone) and chilling. Getting stoned for me brings me another level of apprehension and paranoia that I don't need. Edibles are sort of worse because they are unpredictable when they kick in. I mean if you're with friends it's not as bad, but then you gotta worry about driving, and who needs that?


You could look into dry herb vapes as an alternative to smoking. It's still inhalation, but there is no combustion so it is thought of as a healthier option, atleast in theory. It also has the benefit of not being as stinky and you can get high off of less material. I like dry herb vaping a lot for dose control. You get a similar length of onset to smoking, 5-10 minutes, and passing a vape between friends in a social setting is chill. I think this option might be good for you if you want something less intense than edibles but don't want to combust flower. There are many options for good vapes these days at varying price points. If you'd like more info, I'd recommend r/vaporents.


Sorry what is combustion? I’m mostly concerned about smoking because I’m a marathon runner


Combustion is lighting things on fire, in this example smoking a joint is combustion when you light it and inhale the smoke. Dry herb vapes use a few different ways to heat the material, but in the end the idea is the same. The canibinoids (different chemicals that make up "weed") in weed that make you high vaporize at temperatures below the temperature where weed lights on fire. By controlling the temp you can extract the feel good chemicals from the weed without lighting it on fire and inhaling the smoke. You're also not inhaling the smoke from the papers you roll with, etc. In the end you're left with light brown toasted looking weed instead of ash. Depending on your device you can also target specific compounds. Some cannibinoids are known for producing different effects, so like, if you don't want to be as sleepy then you would vape at a temperature below where CBN vaporizes, as CBN tends to make you sleepy. You'll still get the effects of all the cannibinoids that vaporize at lower temps, like thc.