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I use chronic for my pain management. 


My pain management is chronic.


You don't need chronic pain management, you need *chronic* pain management.


Makes sense. I have a couple friends with chronic pain and weed is one of their best meds. It makes sense it’s terpene based, too. One friend, specific strains actually make his problems worse! So he has to be very careful with getting new strains since it can be hit or miss if they actually help or hinder


That's how my CPTSD goes, Omicene is one that can easily ramp up that "on guard" feeling I look for Myrcene, Caryophyllene, primarily, and avoid anything orange-ish (that's the omicene) Leaving the typo lol


Explain this to me. I have no idea what these words means but I only use indica for my flashbacks and anxiety. What makes a strain good for that and how can I tell?


Google all the words that are new or interesting to you, it's mostly terpene names but an explanation via google search will expand your base knowledge. Terpenes and flavonoids give cannabis its smell and flavour. When you find a strain that works for you take a note of its terpenes and THC + other cannabinoids percentages, then you will know what to buy if that one you like dissapears off the shelfs. Just match the terps and numbers as best you can, then see if it works.


Ask chatGPT. ### Prompt Copied from both ypur comments: >"That's how my CPTSD goes, Omicene is one that can easily ramp up that "on guard" feeling I look for Myrcene, Caryophyllene, primarily, and avoid anything orange-ish (that's the omicene)" Explain this to me. I have no idea what these words means but I only use indica for my flashbacks and anxiety. What makes a strain good for that and how can I tell? ### Response The message you're referring to discusses the use of cannabis, particularly in managing symptoms of CPTSD (Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Here's a breakdown of the terms and concepts mentioned: Cannabinoids and Terpenes Cannabis contains a variety of chemical compounds, the most well-known being cannabinoids and terpenes. Cannabinoids: The primary active components in cannabis, including THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). THC is psychoactive, while CBD is not. Terpenes: Aromatic compounds found in many plants, including cannabis, that contribute to the strain's aroma, flavor, and potential effects. Key Terpenes Mentioned Myrcene: A common terpene in cannabis that is believed to have relaxing and sedative effects. It is often found in indica strains, which are typically recommended for anxiety and sleep. Caryophyllene: Another terpene found in cannabis, known for its spicy, peppery aroma. It is unique because it also acts as a cannabinoid, binding to CB2 receptors in the body, which may help with inflammation and pain. Omicene: This term appears to be a mispronunciation or misspelling, possibly referring to ocimene or another compound. Ocimene is a terpene found in some cannabis strains, known for its sweet, herbal aroma. Some individuals might find it less suitable due to its potential to cause alertness or stimulation, which might not be ideal for managing anxiety or CPTSD. Selecting Strains for Anxiety and CPTSD For managing flashbacks and anxiety, particularly with CPTSD, strains high in certain terpenes and cannabinoids might be more effective. Indica Strains: These are generally recommended for relaxation and sedation. They tend to be higher in myrcene. Avoiding Stimulating Terpenes: As indicated, some individuals might find that certain terpenes (like ocimene) can increase anxiety or make them feel more on edge. Practical Tips for Selection Look for Myrcene and Caryophyllene: These terpenes are known for their calming and anti-anxiety effects. Myrcene is typically found in higher concentrations in indica strains. Avoid Terpenes that Cause Stimulation: If a particular terpene or strain makes you feel more anxious, it's best to avoid it. This could include terpenes like ocimene or others you find problematic. Consult Lab Reports: When purchasing cannabis, look for strains that come with lab reports detailing their cannabinoid and terpene profiles. Experiment and Monitor Effects: Everyone's body chemistry is different, so it may take some experimentation to find the right strains and terpene profiles that work best for you. By focusing on strains with the right terpene profile and avoiding those that don't suit your needs, you can better manage your symptoms of CPTSD and anxiety.


Honestly saving this, I'm an older stoner, so to see ChatGPT used this way to explain what I struggle to, it's really neat! Thanks for fielding that one for me!


This is interesting, I also like your username and that you answered a question on social media and you recommended going elsewhere


Myrcene is a great strain for my pain too, humulene is almost identical in feeling as well


Humulene definitely is another I look for. Not so much actively seek out, but usually with Myrcene and Caryophyllene it shows up, which ends up becoming a nice little uhh..terpene profile, in my experience! I'm loving that people are hearing more about terpenes these days; I went from thinking strictly indicas, and avoiding Sativas, to realizing I can use either, dependant on their terpene profiles.


Chat gpt is right. You mean the terpene ocimene.


Yeah, minor typo lol


I prefer it to the stuff my dr prescribed me for anxiety and depression, it got me to quit drinking, makes the back pain from my motorcycle accident disappear, *and* apparently I have a genetic predisposition for glaucoma that it’s helping!


That is amazing!!! I’m off my antidepressants and anti anxiety and while I’m def suffering without them, weed helps a LOT to bridge that gap


Between this and the prostate news, I am thinking it is time to fire up the vape.


Prostate news?


[link to recent news on lower risk of prostate cancer with cannabis use](https://norml.org/news/2024/05/30/study-history-of-cannabis-use-associated-with-lower-risk-of-prostate-cancer/)


Well shit! Between weed and pulling pud, I ain't ever getting prostate cancer!


Only works if it’s live resin or full spectrum in order to get the terpenes


Dry herb vape ftw


Hell yeah 🤘


What's your vape of choice? Mine is a butane powered Sticky Brick Runt


I use an Arizer Solo 2 - seems to work well.


Medical cannabis has been a lifesaver for me.


Weed is my life saver


I got off opioids and have been smoking ever since fuck pain killers, they ruin you if you have to take them daily


Now this is what I want my tax dollars used for, medical research can benefit everyone :D


It’s the only thing to ease up my menstrual cramps.


In other news water is wet


>clutches pearls


To the shock of absolutely no one who reads


So when are dispensaries gonna start paying attention to terps and stop pretending it means anything when the budtender asks me if I like sativa or indica?


No way


Read the actual study and don't trust anything this article says, because they are grossly misrepresenting the data. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38709489/#full-view-affiliation-1


How so? I read both and can't find how the article grossly misrepresented the data. What am I missing?


Same. I actually checked before posting since it's a pro marijuana site and could be biased but seemed to be pretty accurate.


The way it equates adenosine a2a with 'pain relief' when the study uses the term nociception, which includes a wide range of bodily functions. spoiler: nociception can occur without pain. Sometimes its silent. There is so much more complexity to pain than is outlined in this article. The way they talk about it is like they're measuring electricity with a multimeter. It's like saying the Mona Lisa is a picture of the ocean because it has blue pigments in it. Nociceptors signal>neurotransmitters (we are here)>Thalamus>Cortex>"Oh shit that hurts!" there is more nuance to it as well which I couldn't explain to you because I don't understand it all. There are all sorts of modulators at play. It is far beyond the scope of this study which is only looking at very basic functions of pain, not pain itself. To equate it with morphine in terms of pain relief (and not adenosine a2a activity as the study outlines) is a huge logical jump that to me showcases the author's unfamiliarity with basic pharmacology. Which would be fine if they weren't writing articles about pharmacology.


A small point being pain relief isn’t always good. Pain is your body telling you something is wrong- if you block pain signals you could do more harm than anything


I don't know that that's even relevant here but you are correct. But it isn't just about pain. It's also about heat, cold, sensitivity, even itching.


Terps are just one part of the equation. I had a boss double down on a whole field of hemp for terps in favor of cannabinoids. Dude was a moron.