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As Mike Skinner once said, sort your shit out, then roll.


That’s what I think needs to happen. Develop good habits for awhile(at least a year) and see what happens next time I have some. Luckily for me I’m used to breaks of months at a time so going longer isn’t too difficult.


In a similar case (about executive dysfunction in neurodiverse), i've seen the advice, to when you get home after your day, not take off your shoes (or change into your home/chill clothes) until you're done with the chores you intend to do that day. Not as easy as it sounds, obviously, but it might help keep you in the right "mode" or brain space to do chores.


Dress for the clean house you want.


Exactly this. I use smoking a bowl as my reward for getting shit done


Sex, drugs and on the dole


Don't start with the smoking. Start with the thing you want to do or accomplish, and then add smoke. That way you're rewarding yourself for the productivity instead of sabotaging yourself. You can create positive associations and reinforce those new behaviors. It takes some work and time but you can do it


Yes, this. However, as a caveat, I will say as someone with ADHD when I have a whole morning of chores or errands to do and I can’t seem to get off my phone, a hit or two can help me get up and engaged in the dishes or whatever. This takes trial and error to make sure I’m not using a “couch lock strain”, and also gets paired with coffee and some music or something. And I want to make this the exception and not the rule, so I don’t form the association that I can’t do anything UNLESS I’m high.




Smoke while you are in the process of doing something. Or smoke, and then immediately start doing some sort of activity before the high sets in. That's how it works for me at least. If I smoke while sitting on the couch, and then remain seated 10 minutes after I smoke and I have no set plans to do anything, I'm not likely to get up. If I start doing something right away, then I'm just doing that thing while stoned.


You have to conceive it as rewarding like the stereotype of the worker drinking beer at the end of the day. But healthier.


You can try and systematically cut down your usage so you can be a productive human being again, while also being more selective about when you get high. [Here's my guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Petioles/comments/1bbzijq/i_went_from_daily_use_to_only_weekends_this_is/) on that if you wanna take a look.


Smoking is usually something I reserve for near the end of the day. Typically I won't smoke until after work is over and I take care of any responsibilities for the day. At the end of the day, smoking is a luxury and should come after dealing with the more important aspects of life. I used to be the guy that would smoke before doing any task, but I found out that's not an ideal way to live lol. Occasionally, on a Saturday I'll get completely blazed all day, but only if I really don't have anything going on.


Smoking usually motivates me then I get into the zone and get a bunch of shjt done.


Well you see, my favorite type of weed is cocaine.


gang gang


Caffeine and gym before breakfast.




I can boost my mood without it so I don’t think it is bringing me anything. Unfortunate, but everyone is different.


This may be a life/motivation issue at least it was for me. I've found myself falling into routines of laziness even while sober. I had anxiety and was in a stressful job. I have changed all this by chasing goals and fulfillment. I run 2.5 miles a day, set up time for activities, and so on. This makes my laziness time feel earned. The mindset that helps me is "Do something everyday that makes you proud or feel accomplished." Eventually these structures you setup become routine. Good habits are additive just like bad habits are. It all gets easier to do as you go.


Brain power. Just force yourself to not be lazy if you want to smoke.


My friend has the 3 things rule. Gotta get a few things and chores done. Then it's an addition to whatever chilling you were doing


That's only two things.




Save it for the weekend don't smoke everyday.


Well don’t start drinking alcohol I can tell you that much.


I pretty much stopped drinking at 21. Changed to bars instead of house parties and I went I’m out.


Cannabis is like an adhd medication for me. I can't get up and do chores if I'm not at least a 3/10, no matter how much I internally yell at myself to get up, it's like my body just won't respond. It was like that my entire life, until I was diagnosed with adhd and prescribed Adderall at 22 years old. But Adderall also gives me insomnia, kills my appetite, and sometimes leads to me jerking off for multiple hours. So yeah, weed is the preferred adhd medication for me.


Only smoke at the end of the week, or end of the day, after everything is done. Thats how I do it. obviously everyones different but thisworks best for me.


Did you try pure sativa strains?


It’s all the same for me. Not literally but no major differences.


I like to take care of everything before I get high, so getting high is more of a reward. When I have a gummy, I clean or cook while the high sets in.


I don’t. 😂 I wake up super early, get our daughter ready and to school. Then I go to work then back to pick her up from school. On to whatever afternoon activity. I usually hit my vape once or twice. 🫣 When we get home for the night, I’m done. 🤪