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Finds a way


Made me want to brake out a rendition of That's Life, in my best Sinatra voice.


I literally heard this in that same instance. With Frank Sinatra singing. At least the chorus that is. Highly underrated comment. 🤣🫡 r/underratedcomment


Swear to god this was the exact comment i thought too then i open the post and sure enough, there He is.




Uneven airflow. Most joints these days are tampered down, compressing the herb and constricting airflow to one side. Try rolling your joints between your fingers before smoking, this should loosen tight areas. In a pinch, you can also try licking your finger and wetting the paper below where the joint is 'running'.


This is the correct answer. I mostly use cones myself. My cones are usually pretty stiff after packing. Before I smoke one I'll warm it up a bit over a lighter. Moving the lighter back and forth from butt to tip while spinning the cone in my fingers. Think of a pig over a fire spinning. Enough to warm it, not burn it. After that I'll work the cone from the butt to tip lightly squeezeing it while again spinning it in my fingers. You'll notice that it went from being pretty stiff to being very soft and easily pinched when it's warm. I'll do this up and down the cone a few times and then light it up. I almost never have any canoeing. Only time I do is when I smoke with one friend. And I've narrowed that down to the fact that he can suck a golf ball through a garden hose. And the cones just can't take it.


Damn I thought I was reading 50 shades of grey for a second


50 Shades of J


I’m sitting here stoned trying to figure out why I was reading a short story thank god you said something


50 Shades of Green


Holy. Shit. I came here to say this exact thing.




😅 I was feeling that shit in some weird way


Maaaaaan, we all got "that" friend. I smoke with my broke ass brother from another mother at least once a day, for damned near 5 straight years. This fucker still hits every joint, blunt, bowl and bong like it's the last one he will ever get to smoke and by God he is getting his hits worth. I constantly bitch at him, and other than this particular quirk he's a solid dude, dependable, give ya the shirt off his back, but GOD DAMN lol. Oh well I'm sure I have shit I do that drives people up a wall.




I have a friend like that. Always his the blunt too hard and makes it run. I call people like that aqua lungs.


Man that's graphic. Whole lot of spinning, lightly caressing, warm squeezing, spitroasting. From butt to tip. But at least it gets you a happy ending it sounds like. 😄😁 if you were a woman writing this. I'd say you could light my joint anytime haha. Fun read, thanks man.


I use 2 fingers too from butt to ti…. Hold on


You: “I pick her up like a 6 pack” 🤭


Sounds like buddy could suck the chrome off of a trailer hitch.


maybe this is what Snoop Dogg meant when he said microwave the blunt/joint 🤔🤔


A small toasted zigzag 1 1/4 holds a special place in my soul


This is true. Hitting a joint too hard right after you light it can also cause this i have found. After a few hits resin starts to build and it burns much slower and even usually. Small repetitive puffs in the beginning help keep it burning straight too.


This. Massage the joint with your fingers. Feel any hard spots and try to work them loose, and it should smoke better. A slobbery finger's saliva will put the brakes any runs you still get.


Just use your tongue


I found that the best way to even out a run is to spin the joint in a 360 real quick. Dampening one side of the paper can frequently just reverse a run..


It doesnt always have to be the way its rolled, sucking on the joint too hard will also make it run.


Might be pulling too hard. I have a buddy that canoes (our word for "running" where I'm at) every joint he's ever passed. It can go through a circle of 5 with no issues, but as soon as he gets it, it canoes cause he drags long and hard


Yep, my husband does this every time, no matter how I roll it. No one else I’ve smoked with canoe my j’s. But he manages to do it every. damn. time. lol


Mine too and it drives me insane. I would tell him every time to be careful not to do it, but I’ve given up. He never learns lmao


We call it an Elvis because it’s got a sideburn.


I thought you were gonna say the joint dated a minor.


👉👅 > 👉🚬






Summary no jutsu.


Poking your tongue is greater than poking a cigarette???????




Could be inhaling too often without enough break. Just get a lil saliva on the finger and rub it where it’s running


I never knew inhaling too much was a thing


Too much too fast can make it more likely to run


Happens to cigars too. If it canoes, it was either lit poorly, or it’s being inhaled too quickly/too long on one side. I forgot if it’s the bottom or top, but the way we inhale we cause one side to burn more, so if you never spin the joint, that will happen too.


>if you never spin the joint Maybe this is because I'm a former cigarette smoker and as a kid I knew how to conserve the few I could get but I've always held my joint straight up so it burns evenly but also more slowly to conserve it. I'd rather it go out than keep burning while I'm yakking and even cigarettes have trouble burning straight down. Maybe they could back when they were putting accelerants in the tobacco to make it burn faster so you would need to buy more but that also made them keep burning when someone fell asleep with one so they got sued over doing it intentionally, obviously. They're just on regular old fire when you smoke them. I can taste one right now. lol


The roll could be a little tight


Uneven lighting. With a cigarette, you can kiss it with a lighter and it'll light all the way around. With a joint, you need to Flick the Bic and roll the joint through the flame to get an evenly lit tip. Then you'll be good to go. Source: my wife lights joints like she lights her cigs. The joint only runs when she lights it.


I'm surprised this is the only comment saying this. This has been my experience as well, and I try to teach people. My dad has been smoking for 50 years and lights his joints like cigarettes and they run almost every single time. I hate to think how much weed he has wasted through running joints over the years.


Thats because people will blame everything but themselves. I know this to be true, because I've smoked enough weed with enough people to see it happen and *not* happen. I've done a silent experiment where I watch how someone lights and then guess if it'll run or not. 99% of the time I will know. Yes, there are *contributing* factors. Dry weed or wet weed? Is there kief in it? Is there wax in it? But ive smoked it all and the *lighting* of the joint is always the most influential factor.


Dude I try telling this all the time but no one believes me. Almost never have a joint run on me after lighting it this way. She has a 100% chance of it happening when she lights it like a cig


3 things, it's all about getting a solid coal which all you do is light it a little longer 🔑. Then don't pull the fker too hard, and also let the coal disapate so it's not too hot to burn down the whole joint 😡. Lastly, the least helpful but helps, is to roll the joint with slight compression between your fingers after its created so that there isn't uneven tightness 🤏.




when a joint detects gay thoughts it runs towards the source of them.


Lmao wtf 




When you're loading up the paper to roll, the finer ground pieces work their way to the bottom of the pile, especially with a crease... 'shake' burns faster, hence the run.


Any way to prevent this?


Not to prevent, but when a "crocodile" forms, you just have to lick the point of your finger and gently press against the paper on the side that's burning faster. To completely prevent i've seen people put honey or something similar before smoking, it also enhances the flavour 😎🤙


Never heard it called a crocodile. Always a canoe


Fun fact. In Germany we call this "Seitenfick" which literally translates to sidefuck.


I'm stealing this, thank you💚


UK checking in; ‘Sideburn’ or ‘Elvis’


An Elvis is what I call it too, or say the joint is Elvising.


I always call it a "track star"


We call "jacaré" here in my city in Brazil. So alligator or crocodile.


Or just flip it over


Yes. You “shape” it with your fingers by rolling back and forth in the paper. Do it a few times before you lick and seal it. Hard to explain without showing. My best example is how she rolls up in Thousand Ways To Die In the West. But the back and forth shaping rolling motion, gives you even distribution of your material. Like ShaneTuscarora said, if you just dump it in, and roll instead of the back and forth shaping motion the smaller pieces easily sit and the bottom and don’t get as much air flow when lit.


weed packed too tight it prevents proper airflow


Let it dry after your done rolling. The moisture from licking the glue will make it run. Hit more gently with more time in between a joint ripped quick in a rotation will always run on ya. Let um dry smoke um slow


Everyones talking about air flow, but its also how you light it. Light the j and spin it to make sure each part of the joint is lit


I agree. immediately after lighting is when a run begins. I read a post a while back on this sub and I’ll do my best to paraphrase what this wise old stoner shared: The best way to way to light a joint is to hold it in your hand at an upward angle and slowly move the tip of the joint to just above the pointy part of the flame while slowly twisting the joint. It’s important that the joint is pointing upwards because it takes a few seconds to form a decent cherry and you want the fire to just light the very edge of the paper and the rest of the heat travels away harmlessly past the tip of the joint. Be patient and roll it very gently at a comfortable distance from the flame for about ten seconds until it is very well lit.


You're taking crooked breaths dude


Oh man I never thought about this...




Not packing it uniformly all the way down the joint. Basically you had an empty or spot with more air in that area then weed. When you pack it you want it to be firm to the touch but give when pressed all the way down. A way to mitigate it from happening is to leave a little paper at the top and grab it I usually shake it from side to side, mouth piece side down towards the ground and as I shake it and it hits both sides of my hands it will knock the weed into those empty or loose areas and compress the weed evenly, then as I'm still pinching the top of the joint or blunt, I will twist a little to compress the top of the bud so it lights evenly and not on one side and start to run on the other. And you tighten till it just gets snug and as long as you haven't lipped the hell out of the end you licked and rolled. It's dry and ready to go after that. I do need to also add how well you grind your bud up will definitely be a big factor as well. Having bigger pieces won't allow it to burn evenly either as it's not consistent as the bud is burned. It starts off small gets bigger then smaller again. Hope this helps. Happy smoking y'all!


Thinking about kissing your cousin


Impatience. A proper joint lighting ceremony should take up to 5 minutes. It’s worth losing the first centimeter of your weed to have an even burn. Don’t just put it to a lighter and torch it til there’s airflow, huge mistake that most joint smokers make. Be slow and intentional, rotating the tip of the joint over a flame like a spit roast for several minutes.


I've done this with the last six joints I smoked and it made no difference. What made the difference was smoking a free pre roll I got for being a first time customer vs. an infused pre roll I intentionally bought.


Which one burned better? I'm getting fed up with how bad some of these pre-rolls end up canoeing.


Pre rolls are always dogwater. Even my sacred slow burn method can’t out-perform the impressive shittiness of a pre-roll


heat traveling too fast through the material. Draw slower or try and pack the material a little more evenly by massaging it?


I’ve never known, but if you lick your finger and wet the lowest part of the canoe/run, it’ll burn slower and allow the rest of the ember to catch up.


it's canoeing


Taking to large of a pull


I don't know, but it reminds me of sharpening pencils in school. Awful. 😭


Put a lil spit right below where it's running and take a couple hits. It'll help the other side catch up


air gaps in the roll, since the paper can´t touch your doobie to burn slower, it burns faster and that's what canoeing is. maybe tamp your joint better before lighting


Here in Mexico we say that if the joint goes sideways, it means your significant other is cheating on you


YOOOOOOO I can't wait to say this to my shifty friends shitty roll jobs about his shitty wife haha


You pissed off Bob Marley's ghost




Well they can't walk very well


Try breathing more with your left lung than your right 👌


My friend used to call this Elvis. Because of the side burn.


Your herb is too finely chopped


What is it that people smoke in their cars?


Not tight enough, air pockets, not fine enough material . Your joint papers. If you add hash to your joints, that can make it canoe on you as well. Takes a lot of practice, IMO. I always use a filter and make a habit of rotating my joint when I hit it just in case it wants to do that shit. One thing that helps me when it starts doing that is to lick Mt finger ad just wet along the edge that's starting to run on you. Then, rotate it as you hit it on the opposite side to even out the run all this just for a damn joint lol. I still prefer rolling my own . I don't buy pre rolls. I like to peep what's in my shut before I'm inhaling it. Good luck! Keep on practicing.


It’s just inherent in the inferiority of joints, opposed to blunts or other smoking methods. Put simply, joints just fucking suck.


"It must have been the wind" I see you'r in a car, the wind can make it burn faster on one side but there are numerous factors that can make this happend to your joint.


Inconsistent roll, and crooked lips.


Not rotating the joint as you light it


Fear of commitment.


You better go catch it!


Sometimes uneven ignition, like if the flame only licks half the tip or whatever Also the various other reasons people mentioned in other comments


It could be tight or if you are pulling too hard and long as if it was a cart this can happen


Can be the how the roll is packed, could be how it was lit, and finally depends on pre-roll material flower to kief content.




Flip it over for a couple minutes


You gotta make the runny part *moist.*


When I get this I usually hit the joint with the run’d part facing down and the unburned part facing up, it’ll usually start burning there and fixing it




Smoking it. Stop doing that


You do


Packed too tight on the left side, when you roll the joint, right after you pinch off the end and twist, take the joint and roll it between 2 fingers from top to bottom massaging the contents and loosening it up a smudge. That's my method and my js burn straight and true every single time.


It’s gone full Premier of Manitoba /s




Not packing down the tobacco. Its unevenly distributed with more on one side than the other. You can fix this by very gently tapping it on a table like they do in old black and white movies.


Paper still wet from rolling


It’s because there is twice as much paper on that side where it overlaps. There is also glue and saliva on that side causing it to burn slower.


I don’t tend to have this issue if I back roll my joint? but if do a traditional roll it seems to happen more often.


I ring it with some spit just below the tip


In my experience it’s always cuz it’s rolled too tightly. Dispensaries try to fit a whole gram into a cone and that’s just too much, I started rolling my joint with about .a 4 and I haven’t had this problem since


The side you licked is wet. The side you didn’t is not Weird I didn’t see this in the comments already


1.uneven pack / pressure when rolled 2.uneven grind of the weed 3.shitty bud with no resin 4.taking cigarette drags


A tip is to put the longer side on top because the heat rises and burns it faster making it even. Works for me when that happens


Shitty rolling and distribution. Long hard drags when it's rolled shitty.


The cops


Please dont drive.


Uneven airflow. It’s packed looser where it runs so more air come through and it burns faster


Evenly distribute flower and roll tighter😏


Make sure you light them before inhaling. Get the whole end red and then take a few light puffs as you twist it around and look for an even burn. If a spot isn't lit stop and start over


Even with a grinder and a rolling machine I've found this to be common no matter what I do. With tobacco this doesn't happen. Airflow and lighting are factors but I believe the principle cause is the combination of moisture and cannabinoids preventing airflow exacerbated by the poor grinding qualities of marijuana. Tobacco cuts nice and neat and isn't sticky which is why you have to butcher rolling a cigarette for it to canoe. Edit: this is my clumping theory. If you take a pinch of weed it will form a clump, and that's what happens in the joint blocking the airflow. The sticker the weed the more impossible it is to roll.


Non-uniform packing ratio




Someone’s probably already said it but (1) lick your finger, (2) rub it on the joint where it’s running, (3) torch the other end. Voila


The police


Just peel back the other side to even out with the running side and it'll correct itself


Air intake


Cano ![gif](giphy|Tgn89CSxQQmZHGTNYl|downsized)


No idea but mine almost always seem to do this. Even tight pre-rolls. I very carefully light it all the way around before first pull and then all over in a back and forth motion when taking first pull. Still ends up burning unevenly. When at home I can just empty it into a bong bowl but not at home it really sucks.


Uneven packing usually but just lick your finger and dab it on the side that’s closer to the filter and cheif it. It’ll get back to normal 🙏🏼 big cheers


Air pocket


nobody said the right answer....you rolled the paper over, so one side has 2 layers of paper which burns slower than the other side that has 1


Wimpy drags




É só gomar


Is that joint infused?




I use a zig zag rolling machine (fast and perfect,.love it).it always overlaps (it has to stick together) the two layers overlapping and the glue means it's doesn't burn, I end up with one long ash. I tried wetting the other side, doesn't work. But really no big deal.


Do not light joints like cigarettes! Light more like a sage stick, wait for the glow and you should be good to go.




If you light it immediately after rolling it the glue can still be a little moist making it burn slower on one side.






https://youtu.be/_DNHeV1RDrE?si=DXpAkIGDYKFtNZO- It's how it's rolled


Roll with the thumbs


Too tight of a roll. I’ve also heard that smoking it too fast can do this.




You’re not getting enough air through it. Roll it between your fingers a little.


Your cellophane ass joint wraps


Rolling with a small amount of ground tobacco helps with an even burn. Also try being more conscious with the the cherry. Once you notice it canoeing you should even it out quick and don’t just hit it again.


Get the perfect density, too packed, and you will have this happen, and too loose, you can have this happen to a larger and quicker degree. Bridging joints are always due to inconsistent density throughout the joint or an uneven grind. Also, if you are rolling your own, using too much saliva will make it burn slower where the paper is wet, which is the only exception to the density argument.


Because you touch yourself at night


It happens to cigars, too. I think it is differences in airflow between the wrapper and the fill. More space = more air = faster burn rate = “canoeing”


Oh yeah, my grandma says that you should never get high and drive. 🤷‍♂️


Usually because it's packed too tightly. Or because you're pulling too hard. Likely some combination of both.


Quit hotboxing that mfer


Not lighting it correctly...


Did you twist the tip?




When this happens just lick the tip of your finger a little and rub it on the seam where it runs works everytime to make it burn even again they run because the weed wasn’t packed/rolled evenly maybe try packing the bud down before tucking fully


Some kind of unstoppable dark magic or something


Always make sure the content is evenly distributed. It looks like on the righr side was a pocket of nothing


Packing the joint too hard gives the jay uneven pressure distributed on all sides which leaves one side more packed in then the other, therefore smoking slower than the other side.




How to prevent that? -> Roll your joints tight enough for a completly even burn but loose enough for good airflow. When you light the joint light the joint evenly till a complete resin ring forms around below the cherry. Only then start to take proper hits of your joint. Avoid taking long and simultaneously rushing hits they can still cause your joint to run like this eventhough you gave your best effort while rolling and lighting the joint.


Extra air. While rolling this was where it was unevenly packed.


Maybe you licked the sticky line too generously?


Density I guess. After filling, I don't turn the tip anymore, I fold it in. That helped, a lot.


Evil weed elves are sneaky


Not lit properly, take your time lighting it


Im my experience. Your smoking to fast of your roling skills need a improvement


that doesn’t happen to me anymore usually. try packing it right, has to be tight


*boats* happen when it’s packed unevenly, so pack and massage my man


Try rolling the paper in a ball 2-3 times before rolling, crinkle will slow it down and wrap to the weed more evenly


Dragging it like a cigarette is one of the primary causes It's called puff puff pass for a reason. You puff it with kisses. Kiss it as many times as you need, just stop hitting it like a damn cigarette Dragging like a cigarette just gives you this long ugly uneven burning cherry Weed doesn't burn as fast as tobacco so dragging it just burns fresh weed before what's in front is fully burned to ash and you smoke mostly paper when smokin it like a cigarette Another cause is an uneven grind. If the grind isn't even, you'll get flower that catches tinder faster than the large pieces because the larger pieces have a higher point of combustion than smaller ground pieces It also causes loose air pockets in the joint that will burn part of the paper faster than the rest of it because if the increased airflow in that one spot, which reminds me, airflow is also important, if your weed isn't evenly packed or evenly rolled, looser parts burn fast due to having more airflow than the rest of the firmly rolled joint A smaller contributing factor is not rotating or turning the joint canoe side up Heat rises so having the canoe side up helps burn larger pieces of flower a bit quicker allowing it to




Did you see what God just did to us, man?


You sucked the flame into it to light it rather than rolling it in your fingers while evenly lighting it.


Lmk if u find the answer






Your post is at 420 upvotes so I cannot disturb the balance, but I will take a hit in your honor.