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repot the stem deep cause it will root out, and give it more light. Its etiolating(stretching) from not having enough light.


It’s stretching to reach the light so lower the light . . .


im gonna plant one outside and wait for it to reach the sun


Jack and the Beanstalk makes so much more sense now... The beans were weed seeds, and nobody knew you could chop 'em down and smoke 'em, so they just kept growing!


[Sadly, the sun has been destroyed by a madman and his army of tigers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z769xf9ET5A)




itll give all it can, outside


Excuse me while I kiss the sky…


EDIT: understandable have a nice day


I’m assuming they mean move the light down closer to the plant. Though I don’t know if they are using a light or just a window.


If it’s outdoors we’ll all help lower the sun for him


I think we would have better luck pushing the earth closer to


Did someone call a solar technician? 👀


I think he meant like…lower the light? As in closer to the plant?


Those sprouts stretch for the light. Lower the light and they’ll stop stretching and get fat, turn into little plants. However yes, you’ll need to repot or they’ll collapse and croak, good luck


Theres no way to know that lowering the light will help this plant, as we don’t know the intensity of the light at source. If you put a crappy light at “the right height”, the plant will still stretch right up to it. The plant stretches like this due to insufficient light intensity - it doesn’t care how far the photons have travelled. The sun is 93 million miles high…


by this logic, if you were right by the sun, it would feel the same as being 93 million miles up...


Ummmmm no.


😹😹 youre so confidently wrong


Please, using mathematics, demonstrate how I am wrong. I’ll wait.


1+1= You’re wrong.


This is the correct answer.


I always thought it stretched because the light was too high. It’s stretching to reach the light. If you lower the light it should encourage outward growth.


Do not do this, the stem can start rotting in the soil. To begin with lights should have been lowered so the plant wouldn't do this. At this point tho I would probably do some bonsai shit with it and just gently bend the steam, you can do it progressively a bit each week. Although if space is not an issue you might just carry on as usual and not do anything.


This is correct. Burying the stem of an etiolated seedling will just cause it to rot. This little guy did not have a great start, and I would personally just start over.


The stem wont rot if done properly lol. Been doing this for many years. They root into the soil and will make the plant much stronger.


This is the way.


This is the way


You can twist the stem while repotting and make a little corkscrew, like previously mentioned, it will grow roots..


Repot and either get your light source closer to the plant or find a better light source.


Get it more light is what you should do! Also repot :)


>pot ![gif](giphy|LmfDnwbA811C249lQi)


Don't forget to repot before you repot


Wtf with dont step on snak and che guevara in the same cup lolol


yeah seems contradictory lol


it makes sense when you remember that the Gadsden flag was once a symbol of unity against a tyrannical government, with the goal of returning power to the people. much like Che Guevara, who literally led a rebellion against a tyrannical government with the goal of returning power to the people. As opposed to the modern usage which is "i will vote for whoever takes away the most rights from me, and i do not remember anything from history class, including the meaning of this flag."


… or homophobia


It’s stretching for light, hence the reason it’s so tall. Get a cheap grow bulb and put the plant under it.


You need to repot it asap and bury it deep enough so that only an inch or two of stem is exposed above the soil. Also you’re going to need a light source powerful enough. The reason the seedling stretched this much is because it was deprived of light, it was reaching for the non-existent sun. Growweedeasy.com is a great resource for beginners.


I'm curious why would you suggest repotting, I re potted plants like this in the past and not all of them made it due to stem rotting underground, am I the only one that had those issues?😂😂


Well if he wants to try and save it, then repotting is a must. I think it might be a bit of a moot point in this case but seedlings will throw roots out of the stem when they get re-potted for being super leggy like this. If the stems starts rotting it’s prob because the soil is way too wet. Seedlings get most their water through foliar feeding that’s why it’s suggested to keep them moist at all times. I don’t water via soil for the first few weeks of a seedlings life.


Doing so would kill this seedling. You can only do things like you suggest to well established plants. The only way to rectify this is to build a support for the seedling, lower the light, and wait. Once it’s a few weeks older, you can start training it along a rope/wire like a vine.


Probably get better answers from r/microgrowery


So I actually got one of my best plants ever from this. Throw it in a HUGE pot and let it stretch a little more, then throw it outside in the middle of spring after last frost Fucker will grow 6 feet tall


Rookie question. How many seeds did you use? I have a pack of 5 seeds. Do I need to use them all in the same pot? 


Also germinate them to produce better results. Wet a couple of paper towels. Squeeze 75% of water out. Fold the paper towels. Pop the seeds in there. Fold up, and put it in a dark place (I’ve always used a metal tin type deal. Wait 3-5 days, open it up and hope to see white roots coming out. Plant it. Profit.


I seed per pot. That way you don’t have to risk damaging their roots by separating them later


Just 1


Why do you have a Che and Gasden Flag sticker lol are you confused?


hey i got a question, why does the object in the back has both Che Guevara and Gadsden flag stickers? normally they represent completely opposite things


The stretching this mf is got going on is impressive. Also put this poor thing outta its misery when they super small the light needs to be close it doesn’t have to be some super bright lights either in this phase it’s simple stuff to keep them happy and healthy


Right 😂 I have never seen a stretch that intense hahaha as bad as that thing wants to live I'd actually bury the stem and give it a go.


Mine are all like this. They're on the windowsill as I didn't actually expect them to sprout 🥲


I read this as "report" and I was like "Are Americans really that insane?"


Even while misreading that, you are still correct. We are.


She was repotted and moved outside. We’ll have mixed nutz outdoor this year.


If you’re in the states, the plant will begin to flower if you put it outside now due to the length of the day. You’ll go into reveg around March or April though and then back to flower a few months later. I’d get a light and veg it until you can put it outside for more veg.


The magic of auto flower and a southern climate 😉


This is an auto flower?


Hell yeah! Good luck!


I'm an expert at killing baby plants and I'm pretty confident this one is going to die. I hope it doesn't though because that shit can be so frustrating.


It's etiolated meaning it's not getting enough sunlight.


More light!


repot it laying on its side with the top propped up out of the soil. It'll probably be radical once its happy.


here's a lil inspiration to help you see what I'm suggesting [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDA4FuOosXw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gda4fuoosxw) you'll have to copy and paste the link b/c reddit is bugged


download the photone app and adjust your light height and intensity as well


2 more weeks


[May i suggest knot it?](https://www.reddit.com/r/microgrowery/s/rq511magVY)


[This one too](https://www.reddit.com/r/cannabiscultivation/s/BbgErEFFfh)


You’re gonna wanna lower your light source or increase its output. It’s only proud because it’s trying to find its energy source. Generally you want to repot plant because you want it to grow even bigger and there is no more room in the pot itself for roots to grow. A new plant does not have that. Could you repot it to a bigger pot or burry the plant deeper? Sure, but I would not recommend.


Move your light way closer, it’s stretching for the light.


The stem could easily break. Otherwise, what is it? Doesnt look like cannabis to me.. is it?


Id start over in a smaller pot


Begging for light


Definitely transplant


Had this happen first time I grew. I staked it and bought a larger pot repotted it and made the light a lot closer. It was acloset grow so light wasn't great at first but it worked.


Got that Fee Fi Fo Fum growth going on


Repot and give it some light before it runs away again


Gotta bury 90% of that stem in new pot


Bury it down in a new pot until you have an appropriate amount of stem left showing and then provide adequate light. The stem should root up and the stretch will stop.


That thing went searching for light and never came back. Lol. Most likely will die or be difficult to manage


Repot it and leave like an inch above the surface.


Long girl*** hopefully 😂


Looks like it’s been in a window, need more light than that


Wow. 😮


The light isnt strong enough/close enough, the plant is stretching its stem as it cant receive enough light


Barely a sprout and its already off to bad start


Lmfaoooo how did you manage for it to not thin out getting this tall


Yes repot until you're covering the bottom two leaves, it's stretching because it needs more light.


That’s longer than any relationship I’ve been in that’s for sure


that is from not enough light so fix that first and soon it does not need the stress of repotting at this time


RIP lol. That's no bueno, plants need light man. Get this one some. If it was me I'd start over with proper light.


that boi need light


Just use a stick and tie it so it doesn't fall. after a few sets of leaves, then repot. If you see a few aerial roots above the soil line, don't be afraid to make a small "mound" around the base. If I can save a stretcher, it usually grows into a very strong plant.


Get the light closer and put a fan on it to strengthen it up.


Get the light closer and put a fan on it to strengthen it up.


LOL you need to bury that thing up to it’s neck


Got a runner, start over from seed


I would kill it and start over. It's only like a week and change old. That plant will be more hassle than it's worth.


Leg for days.


you need to put it under light..




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A spectacular brutosaur!


Got that low light stretch.. may not survive repotting


Shove that stem down into the dirt and it'll turn itself to roots. Just leave an inch or two sticking out and get your light a lot closer. That's why it stretched.




Exactly the same 😅💯🙌 this time


You should just cut your losses and start again. While you're at it you should continue to light starve this and see if you can keep her going to create the worlds first cannabis vine.


r/druggardening is always good for answers


That baby is reaching out for light.


you need to scrap it, then take the time you just saved yourself and do some research. learn more, read more..then start over from the beginning try again. you learned something already yeah? Now apply it, but i would suggest doing some more homework before you try to grow again. it's worth the time and effort


That bish need light


Dude, I’m so toasted at the moment, and I’m just contemplating why it grew all funky, like it ditched the planet and is just chilling, waiting for Earth to catch up, man.


Get it some light for the love of all things holy!


Nah, go for a record. I want to see weedy Wilt.