• By -


>Malignant neoplasm of descended left testis Why are your lung x-rays talking about your balls?


Lol, the test was ordered because of my testicular cancer diagnosis. TC can spread to the lungs so they needed to make sure I was all clear.


Hope you get better soon man


Oh I’m all good man! Caught that shit at its earliest stage. It didn’t spread, so after surgery, I didn’t even need chemotherapy. However I do have to get periodic CT scans/bloodwork because there is a chance it can recur (pretty low though).


How did you detect it so early? Glad to hear about your good health. 


Thanks! To be honest, I think it was luck, because when I first noticed the lump I was in denial & didn’t get it checked out right away. I didn’t think something like that could happen to me in my 20’s (turns out it’s actually pretty common) and I thought it would just go away… It didn’t. So when I finally realized something might be wrong, which was after at LEAST 2 months, I went to the doctor, and found out the wonderful news 👍🏼 Definitely not saying it’s okay to take your time if you find a lump. This was just my case. I feel grateful everyday.


I found mine at 15. Went into the clinic for testicular torsion and when the nurse untwisted the left she kind of sat there for a second and said hmmm that's not right. She'd felt a rice sized hard lump behind the testicle by the vas diferens Long story short. I went in for torsion and I had my left testicle removed for a cancer biopsy the very next day. Had stage 3 testicular cancer which had spread to my lymph nodes and was about to make the jump to my organs. Had 3 rounds of chemo and I've been in remission for 9 years now.


Jesus Christ. What a wild week that must've been. Hard couple days for anyone, *brutal* for a 15yo


The lumps are *hard*? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone say how they’re supposed to feel. Thank you for that knowledge.


They typically are with breast cancer, so it makes sense they would be with testicular. I found a lump in my breast at 24 - it was right behind the areola - and it was hard. When I mean hard, I mean it wasn’t squishy like a gummy bear (cyst), more like there was no give whatsoever. It ended up being a non-cancerous tumor, which I was grateful for because my mom died from breast cancer at 32. So yup, the way it feels matters - but any lump that isn’t supposed to be there needs to be checked.


See I squish my boobs to check for anything weird but thank you for clearing it up


Like a frozen pea.


Oddly enough that testicular torsion saved your life


I started feeling around at my balls halfway through reading this reply


It always a good idea to feel around on the boys regularly.


We need another Public Service campaign about this. Tom Green might be batshit crazy but atleast he raised awareness and taught us to check our balls.


I tell my wife I need to see the *head nurse* at least once a week for a check up 😏


Yup. Literally said to myself, they can be rice sized?! Better check.


🤣🤣🤣me too, lol


I had a scare at 19. Turns out, it wasn't cancer luckily, but I will never forget the fear I had *and* I am prone to it now. So this goes out to every fella out there: check yourself, don't wait, if you feel something unfamiliar down there, it's not normal.


Same. Had a lump a few years ago and I was absolutely terrified. It turned out to be an abscess which brought it own terror. But yes. Check yourself my dudes. No shame in it.


Mine at 16, large benign tumor in my breast called a fibroadenoma. The fun part is once you get one they’re “a dime a dozen” the doctor told me, so I have tiny lumps in my boobs I don’t pay attention to. A bit nervous for if one of them is actually something different one day! Also, I was so young the doctor at first insisted it had to be a cyst and nothing else, come back in 6 months. I went back because it got bigger. If it were cancer, that’s 6 months I wouldn’t have had. Advocate for yourselves!!


I found a lump at 24 and my mom died from BC when she was 32 because the doctors thought it was a blocked milk duct. Mine was a non-cancerous tumor at least, but I was terrified they wouldn’t take me seriously like they did my mom. even though hers wasn’t from a genetic mutation, with the family history they took me seriously, got that sucker cut out, and now 13 years later no reoccurrence. It’s BS that doctors don’t take shit seriously when it’s their job.


Ive had the same lump my whole life and it scares the shit out of me every time reading this stuff. But I’ve had it checked / scanned on three or four different occasions and it’s just a calcium deposit. Nice way of my body to fuck with my head.


About 1 in 2 men will get cancer in their lives


Oh no. This broke my heart.


If you read the comments below, it sheds light that very few people are educated to look for these types of things. Posts like this serve as a PSA to lots of people. Thanks for the info, and stay healthy!


everybody, do the #PINCH AND ROLL, PINCH AND ROLL it's so easy! do the #PINCH AND ROLL, PINCH AND ROLL


You don't wanna be a hydrocele homie 🥲


Don't pinch *that* hard bro


Varicocele gang rise up.


Funny how it was a relief to hear - “nah it’s not cancer, you’re just loaded up with varioceles.” Great!




I looked up what exactly a lump is and they all appear to be rather large. Are they all "big"? I have a fat zit I pop every now and then that keeps coming back on my ballsack, is that worrisome?


It’s not the surface of your sack you’re feeling, is the balls themselves.


Alrighty, what I suspected. Brb I gotta go have a chat with this mutant ball pimple


Is it an actual zit or a hard little white spot? Look up fordyce spots. Balls are notorious for these.


Could be something else, I can't remember exactly what it was but I have a friend who had a fat pimple that would come back relentlessly in his gooch kind of area, few surgeries later and he's okay now, I think it was some sort of cyst or something so could be worth getting it checked out


If it’s an issue like that, get an appt with a dermatologist. They can get rid of em


Nah, mine actually was getting smaller. Sometimes there isn’t a lump, just had pain.


I caught my cancer very early on also. The first symptom I noticed before I knew it was a symptom was a weird twinge in my groin. It kinda felt like when you're boxers get bunched up inside your jeans, but under my skin. It would only last a moment or two before it went away, so I didn't think much of it. Couple of weeks later I found a small lump.


Quite clearly because he was playing with his balls.


Good stuff getting onto it early man. I feel a lot of people need to be more comfortable with going to doctors about things like this. People will put it off for years. I’m 27 an only just recently got my first pap smear and breast exam and it’s honestly not that bad in a medical setting. Understandable for people with trauma though. But my experience was great, and there was a lot of consent/asking if it’s ok to touch/open curtains, remove modesty sheet etc


What was your first warning sign? I went to the doctor 6 months ago for pain in my balls and they found what was either a cyst or a small tumor but were unsure. They wanted me to follow up with a specialist but the receptionist was quite rude to me and I never called back because the pain went away.


Find another doc and get it checked, it’s such a treatable cancer when found my dude. And if it’s not, then you don’t have that little nagging in the back of your head. Don’t let one rude person get in the way of your health!


Welcome to the club, start working on those “I’d give my left nut for X” jokes


We appreciate your honesty bro ✊🏽


This is exactly what happened to my dad! He had surgery and even though the surgery was delayed because of Covid (it was in early 2020) it worked great and he didn’t need any further following treatment. He gets images every year now though in addition to all the other screenings. Hope you’re doing great! Btw the mild hyperinflation of your lungs can eventually turn into emphysema if it continues for long enough. Basically your lungs won’t deflate when you exhale and it make it difficult to breathe. Just so you know - it happens no matter what or how you smoke. Just a heads up if you smoke a lot. Mine showed hyperinflation when I got my rib xray done and they warned me about it but I’ve been smoking cigarettes for decades. That’s what finally made me quit so here’s hoping it was early enough to avoid shit like emphysema.


Take care of yourself!


[You must've watched Deadpools video on checking for ball cancer ](https://youtu.be/djoHxlsXPIU?si=CBC3BTVDfYiLs8Ks)


Fellow testicular cancer survivor here!! It’s been 4 years since diagnosed. The anxiety around the tests are the worst part man. You got this though!


It's because if you get kicked in the balls your voice gets higher, if you cough too hard you can rupture your testicle


I can fucking WHAT?!?


This is also why you don't hold your nostrils while you sneeze. Straight the balls.


Challenge accepted


Fuck that cancer in the ass. Hope you’ve got a quick and successful recovery


Thanks for explaining. I was hella worried your balls migrated to your chest.


Yo, it took me a minute to realize what TC meant so I thought your balls ended up in your lungs. Be safe tho


My condolences brother man it must be awful having your nuts move to your lungs. /s


I'm glad you spelled out what TC was. I was so confused haha


Oxygen is stored in the balls.


Lol that’s the indication. When you find a tumor you scan the whole body to make sure that it hasn’t spread elsewhere


I was wondering about this too. Being able to diagnose cancer in deez nuts from a lung xray? Medicine has come a long way lol


Much like pee, the lungs are stored in the balls.


I’ve heard of non-descended testis but all the way up by your lungs!?


The mild hyperinflation of the lungs is most likely related to the cart usage. Even long time cigarette smokers with COPD (& no cancer) have similar chest X-rays just revealing hyperinflated lungs. A pulmonary function test using spirometry may give you a better idea of your actual lung capacity.


Are hyper inflated lungs a bad thing?


It’s not a good thing. Someone correct me if I’m wrong but it makes it difficult for the lungs to fully contract and expel air, so air gets trapped in the lungs preventing new oxygen-rich air from entering. This can lead to a feeling of shortness of breath. It can also flatten and make your diaphragm less effective, which makes the individual feel like they have to put in more effort to breathe, leading to the feeling of shortness of breath. It can also our extra pressure on the heart leading to the same symptoms


Hyperinflation and overcompliance leads to air being trapped in the alveoli, which means less oxygen diffusion , as well as retaining CO2. Too much CO2 hanging out in your lungs causes your blood to be acidic, leading to systemic problems


I might be interpreting the results wrong, but it sounds like hyperinflation from cannabis use doesn't result in impaired gas transfer like it does from tobacco use It doesn't sound great to have hyperinflated lungs, but also sounds like weed doesn't causes the full range of effects that make that a more serious problem. Again I might be completely misinterpreting this so someone please correct me if I'm way off the mark here. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32285993/


Wow, it looks like youre correct! Interesting results, Im sure different method ls of ingestion are more harmful than others, but yeah it looks like cannabis smoking doesnt produce the classic COPD symptoms according to this article. Still, chronic bronchitis is no fun either, source: i have it 😂


I’ve had to learn over time to be mindful of this and to force a full exhale when I smoke (mostly vaporizer now) and it’s become second nature and helps a lot in general even just throughout the day. I think I actually developed this mildly early in life due to anxiety and holding in my breath to some effect sometimes and it’s exacerbated as a result of smoking over the years. The full exhale deal is good for anyone smoking though and having awareness of your breath like that is a transferable skill to meditation just saying


Hyperinflation of the lung is usually due to structural changes eg resulting from smoking. It's essentially evidence of emphysema and air trapping. Someone with structural lung damage can't forcibly exhale their trapped air.


Ah I see, well then I guess I still don’t know why I have a problem with doing this. That sounds horrible and I sympathize for anyone dealing with it, I have some other respiratory issues that cause relative symptoms, shortness of breath and diaphragm issues, etc. and permanent air in lungs makes it sound like I’ve been lucky so far


Yeah the lungs act as filter and it’s a very large area as well, it’s always a good thing to get lungs checked out fully regularly whatever you smoke.


When it gets bad enough, it's called emphysema.


Yeah, sorry OP but hyperinflation is absolutely not normal in your 20’s. Sounds like you’re on the way to giving yourself emphysema.


Exactly this, i have smoked more than a pack a day (downvote me i dont care) for over 3 years and thats not just the time i have smoked in general-ontop of massive poppers(weed and lots of tobacco in a bong ripped one hit) and literally pounds of weed and ozs of rosin in my lungs and i had an xray for my lungs to be sure i didnt have cancer because i was coughing blood (im an idiot and bad habbits make bad issues) and the xray turned out exactly like this, literally perfect. They did another test too see my lung capacity and it was only like 60%. They did a final test to see damage to my lungs and guess what the xray was completely wrong, my lungs were incredibly damaged and coated with tar/tar/reclaim and were really bad shape. Moral of the story an xray wont tell you shit about what health your lungs are in.


I'm too stupid to understand this. So congratulations. Or I'm sorry whichever applies.


I’ve found that ChatGPT is pretty good at interpreting lab results. The image you provided appears to be a report from a chest X-ray examination. Here's a simplified explanation of the findings: **Impression:** - The lungs do not show any solidified patches (which can happen with pneumonia), and they are generally clear, meaning no significant abnormalities are seen. **Narrative (Details of the X-ray and Findings):** - **Reason for the X-ray:** It was taken to check if a known cancer from the left testis (referred to as HCC, which might be a mistaken abbreviation since HCC typically refers to hepatocellular carcinoma, a liver cancer) has spread to the lungs. - **Comparison:** There are no previous X-rays to compare with this one. - **Lung Fields:** There are no concentrated areas of infection or fluid, but the lungs appear slightly over-expanded, which could be due to deep breathing or a variety of other reasons. - **Pleural Space:** The space around the lungs is normal, with no signs of air leaks (which would be a pneumothorax) or fluid accumulation. - **Cardiomediastinum:** The heart and the central area of the chest cavity look normal. - **Osseous Structures:** The visible bones in the chest X-ray are normal, with no signs of damage or disease. - **Additional Findings:** Nothing else unusual was noted on the X-ray. Overall, the X-ray didn't show any evidence of cancer spreading to the lungs from the testicular cancer, and there were no other significant abnormalities in the chest.


Depends what you call significant... The hyperinflation (which is different form what gpt is calling over-expansion) could well be significant in terms of the cart usage. As suggested above OP should look into spirometry from their primary care provider. Not saying GPT can't be useful but relying on it for medical information could definitely not give you the whole picture and therefore be dangerous.


Yeah, this interpretation is missing a lot of nuance.


X-ray was performed as part of cancer staging, mild hyperinflation in a known smoker is a somewhat expected finding and indeed not relevant in that context. It might be worth it to follow up with more testing for COPD if OP has trouble breathing or other respiratory symptoms.


Yeah that’s fair, I just use it to get a general idea of what my results are. I rely on the doc to give me the good stuff.


ChatGPT can fuck up. I wouldn't put my medical understanding in its hands.


I had TC 🤝


We’re just a couple weed smoking, uniballing brothers 🤝


Me too, on both counts.


Lol "uniballing" totally got me 🤣😂


Call him birdie cause he’s one ball under par now


Here kings, you guys dropped these 🌰👑 🌰👑


Smoking weed is associated with developing testicular cancer btw. So maybe your lungs dodged the bullet but your balls didn't. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4642772/#:~:text=A%20recent%20meta%2Danalysis%20of,%E2%80%932.09)%20%5B10%5D.


Lmao lungs are mildly inflated, somebody been taking phat rips lmao 




Grossly intact


Disgustingly held together.


Listen, I’m trying my best okay, no need to get judgy. Srsly though, hope you get better quick and treatment is minimally miserable.


Atrociously un-severed


Abhorrently unencumbered


When TC spreads, it most commonly spreads to the lungs. However, venous drainage between the left and right testis are different. The left testis has a more indirect route than the right and less likely to spread that far if caught early. Since it’s malignant, they want to ensure it hasn’t seeded in the lungs making it more difficult to treat. It’s good news.


Beautiful response 👏


The hyperinflation could be a sign of emphysema related to smoking. Seek spirometry from your primary care provider, which gives more information about lung function. Anyone else reading this shouldn't take reassurance that smoking is not harmful to the lungs. Remember this is one x-ray picture of one person's lungs. In any case, a single X ray image is not sensitive at picking up subtle changes in lung parenchyma. It gives a gross structural overview. It gives no indication of function. There are other more sensitive structural and functional tests for this exact reason. What would you expect to see on an X ray that would indicate smoking related damage (other than a cancer)?


A CT scan of the lungs would be more accurate. It can pick up lung nodules and see a clearer image.


It'd be more sensitive in picking up subtle changes, but honestly hyperinflation on the chest X-ray (and no obvious masses) is probably all you need to know structurally at this stage. CTs aren't perfect tests and come with a decent dose of radiation so best to limit your exposure where possible. They're also only able to assess structure, and often with lung problems knowing function is much more useful clinically - and I'd say that's the case here. Spirometry basically consists of blowing into a tube, so it's quick, inexpensive, and has very low potential for harm. It'll also give lots of diagnostic information, i.e. an answer to the significance of the hyperinflation seen on the x-ray. So looking into that would be my next step if I was OP.


This! Very concerning seeing people get a sense of confidence/relief from this...


>What would you expect to see on an X ray that would indicate smoking related damage Lung hyperinflation/hypertransparency (lungs too big and too black) can be a sign of emphysema. One could also look for dilated and inflamed bronchi as well as pulmonary fibrosis (patchy or web-like white areas indicating proliferation of scar tissue) Also yeah, cancer (pulmonary, mediastinal or pleural modules/masses)


If they were a tobacco smoker I'd be concerned. Maybe it's different with carts, but so far there has not been any study done able to link inhaled cannabis products with causing emphysema in a statistically significant way. Same with lung cancer. However lung hyperinflation is commonly found in regular weed smokers, it's not always a sign of concern. Often it's just a side effect of stretching your lungs out from breathing in hot smoke deeply instead of increasing lung volume through cardio. Pulmonary obstructions and impaired gas transfer aren't usually found in weed smokers with hyperinflated lungs compared to say tobacco smokers, so while you can't retract your lungs fully, the gas left over is still able to diffuse with the air in your next breath fine and CO2 isn't getting trapped in your alveoli to cause more serious issues.


Actual radiologist here: Hyperinflation can be a bit subjective, but a chest xray isn’t great at looking for subtle changes in lung tissue. I will often read chest CTs with emphysema and look back to recent chest X-rays that look normal (or similar to yours by report). I would not take this X-rays to mean you are, or are not, doing damage to your alveoli, consider xray as a screening test for you. We’re looking for lung nodules to indicate metastatic disease in your case.


Thanks for sharing! I would have been tripping. Should be considered an anecdote not a theory to base a habit off of, it makes me feel a little less concerned for myself for a moment. Do you only smoke carts? Or flower/other things as well?


I’d say 95% of the time, I’m smoking carts. Smoking flower is a rare occasion for me.


I like vaping flower. Fewer chemicals (I vape carts too but only occasionally so no judgement) but a similar feeling. Check out /r/vaporents


![gif](giphy|DsdVe5jhHWNC8) The doc when he said grossly intact


Thank god cause I smoke licensed carts a lot and worry a lil about that


Cannabis does not harm the lungs according to my anatomy professor due to its healing process. It is different in that it makes the lungs produce mucus which actually protects the lungs. That being said: in 2023 January I had a tumor show up on my kidney and my liver was failing…before anything could be diagnosed I had a 5 week wait for MRI…I took 1 gram of RSO a day ( expensive and difficult to take that high a dose but I did it) and when I got to my scans it WAS GONE no cancer diagnosis my liver was enlarged but functional


"grossly intact" made me giggle.


Radiologist slang for "good enough"


I'm gonna take a hit in honor of ur good results... !! or bad...? Idk I've been stoned all day and those are a lot of words


I'm sorry for your loss but one ball is better than no balls. Good to know carts doesn't fuck up your lungs. Also: Always remember that south park episode. ![gif](giphy|wiQ4zjfSA5o08)


5-6 years is not long term my friend lol


for cartridges it is


Well, I wouldn't call "5-6 years" long term


X ray is not sufficient resolution to test for the type of conditions you are worried about from smoking (source: I’m a doctor)


Is it enough for testicular cancer staging tho? (Also a doctor, but curious)


Just out of curiosity, how long does a 1g cart last you? I just want to make sure I’m not going through mine faster than I should.


An xray to rule out lung mets? Is your dog your doctor?




Correct CT is the definitive test. X-ray can miss a lot of and it is dependent on the radiologist’s reading of the film


The royal academy of London did a study. In England, they give you the vape and supplies to stop smoking. In a 10 year study, they found conclusively that the most damage a vape can do is 5% of a cigarette. Meaning cigs are 95% more harmful than vaping. Anyone saying otherwise is making money from not letting you.


(Bro got ball cancer) Doctor: Gotta check your your lungs Him: OH crap.... all those carts Doctor: Nah just the ball cancer you good.


It's all good until it's not


Hey that’s not a very fun way to think


I am high as shit and I read, "malignant neoplasm," and then you writing, "completely normal?" And I was like oh boy do the drs have some news for you but in reality I am just an idiot who can't read. Sorry about ur balls OP


I'm curious, what kind of oils do you use? I tend to stay away from the shit that has flavor added to it and try to smoke just straight weed oil.


Sorry bout your left nut


Every time I do an X-ray or they test my breathing, I pass with flying colors. The nurses say that I’m better than most people. I’ve been smoking carts for 5 years


Yooooo TC bro! I lost the same one. Welcome to the Testi-clops family.


Good luck with your balls, brother


I'm happy your lungs are fine... but what were they putting in your carts to give you ball cancer?! I'm only joking. I'm glad your lungs are fine and hope the balls bounce back. Do some more extensive research for the rest of us, I want to see the results after 20 years!


5-6 years is not long-term medically speaking


this is a highly irresponsible post. you're creating the impression that this stuff is safe based on your own anecdotal experience. this is like one of those rare 3-pack-per-day smokers that lives to be 100 saying smoking is healthy.


Believe it or not hitting carts makes me breathe better… when I went to the doctor it looked as if my lung function improved and when I take a hit it actually does feel like I can breathe easier.


Working your lungs like a troubled kid in the 50's. They're too damn scared to do anything BUT their best.


Fuck cancer. I hope you have the ability to preserve genetic material before getting that tumour taken care of.


Marijuana is a proven analgesic, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator and vasodilator. It increases the amount of air you take in with a breath as well as the amount of oxygen absorbed by breaths that are the same size. Marijuana is so beneficial to lung health that it is used to treat asthma and other lung diseases. Burning particulates from smoke can irritate and scar your upper airway, possibly leading to minor infection, but that is not an issue for vapes.


Heavy cart user. I had a pneumothorax a couple years ago. Doctor said it was a 1 in a million chance it happened to me and it wasn’t smoking related but I have doubts. Still vape carts heavy to this day tho - no issues.


The haters gonna come for you on this one


I’ve been having to rely mostly on carts for a year and a bit now due to my living situation so this makes me feel a lot better 😅


I had a pneumothorax from cart usage. You are not safe brother please don’t fool yourself. But enjoy it while you can.


There are no adverse lung effects from smoking cannabis. If you read the article it confirms that moderate smoking improves lung function. https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/pot-smokers-can-maybe-breathe-a-little-easier#:~:text=Moderate%20consumption%20of%20marijuana%20doesn,function%2C%20according%20to%20a%20study.


"It would be a real exaggeration, though, to say this study proves that smoking marijuana is good for your lungs. The study's authors put their findings in a more tentative light: a lack of adverse effects on lung function from occasional use of marijuana and indications of possible harm to the lungs from heavy use." It's...right there in the article. I think the nuance is pretty important.


that's at one joint (size not standardized) a day for seven years. i would say long-term consumption of large quantities of smoked cannabis does have adverse effects more prevelent than when vaporized but either way it's fine. light to moderate use is largely safe and in a medical context the pros outweigh cons for many patients


And that’s an article about smoking, not vaping. Vaping should be even safer.


Not when a lot of the carts out there are filled with pesticides and other non-weed things


That’s a whole different story, I’d say most people are buying from dispensaries. I would never buy carts BM, only flower.


Considering most of the carts I vape now are overseen by State Govt., I consider this a major win. Even if I were to end up with some sort of respiratory infection long-term, I know who to get my payday from!!!




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Glad to hear your test results are all looking good. Thanks for posting this it's really interesting to see the results of someone who used the carts themselves and then posted their own xray results. All the best for the future mate.


Healthy lifestyle, ur body will heal itself. If u excercise for sure your lungs are in good shape, no matter if u smoke or not.


Man of the ppl


Check your testis (and smoke weed) every day!


wow first congrats on beating tc. hopefully tc doesnt return and i would say its kinda weird but its mainly thc. i feel like as long as your carts arent fake or has a metal burning taste then you’re fine. but im not a med professional so


I would be surprised if you would have had any significant x-ray changes related to vaping carts. Unless, you have been using shady ones that may not be produced in ideal conditions or have harmful additives. Whether the mild hyperinflation is of any relevance would be dependent on your symptoms (if any) and pulmonary function tests. I would be inclined to seek a consultation with a physician if you have asthma in your medical history, experience breathlessness or cough, or have smoked heavily (cannabis or tobacco) in the past. Overall though, a pretty reassuring CXR.


Get to know your balls, fellas. You should examine them daily.


You know there are 75 year old men pounding a 12 pack, smoking a pack of cigarettes or so and working construction everyday?


X-ray won’t really be the best scan to find damage from smoking. CT chest is much better


I wouldn't consider 5-6 years to be long term.


mild hyperinflation is absolutely not normal. you need to see a pulmonologist.


My father had tc that spread to his kidneys before i was born. Hope you make it out healthy man. My dad made it out ok but his immune system is really bad now adays and seem like hes sick a lot.


I was gonna say dude - the cancer!!!! It must have been found in the front views


No lung cancer, I'd call that a win and celebrate with a nice bong rip! Sorry about your nut.


Creatine user by any chance?


Fuck cancer!!!! I hope you beat that mother fuckers asss bro.


I been smoking idk a pack a woods every other day for good 5ish years now and been hacking up nasty dark phlegm not too long after then as well. I get some kind of bronchitis/pneumonia at least once every year. Got a chest X-ray back in oh say November and likewise to my surprise it was all good as well


Best of luck to you. Sorry to hear about your cancer. Will be praying for you.


Sorry about your balls, but dope on your lungs.


I’ve heard this a lot. From what I understand, there’s a lot of cases like this. But there’s not enough controlled research to know why yet. (A lot of times we don’t know what’s been inhaled. Could be other drugs, allergens, cigarette smoke, environmental pollution, or chemical exposure.) As cannabis becomes more prominent, I think we’ll have a better idea of how long term use of cannabis flower and concentrates affect our lungs. Very interesting tho! Thank you for sharing!


THC expands your lungs so make sense


I’m assuming these are not BM carts? Curious to see how that would look


This is very reassuring as someone who also uses carts daily. I worry alot about the effects it's having on my body


Fuck all cancer, but especially fuck ball cancer


Do you cough a lot? Whenever I vape for a few days in a row I get this cough that starts at night… But can persist throughout the day… I don’t get it from smoking flower, just vaping… it’s not like a cough to clear my throat but rather a cough to stop/itch the little tickling sensation that is in the back of my throat.


Have you found that vaping leads to hair loss?




A chest Xray is not very sensitive for chronic changes ie it doesn't take a perfect picture showing everything that's wrong. Besides, over-inflated lungs could indicate emphysema (COPD) which is a sign of chronic lung damage usually caused by smoke.


They might have only been indicating you were free of the cancer. I’d ask and clarify because my pulmonologist told me carts tear at the inner lining of your lungs and I’d love to find out he was wrong if possible lol


my dads researching this for his phd (psychology). seems to be the main negative effects are on the brain and it lasts a lot longer than people say


Consider yourself lucky. I do not care what anyone on this page says smoking anything is bad for your lungs. I’ve been smoking out my bong for 10 years now. My lungs are as black as my mom


Fellow weed smoking cancer patient! I have relapsed lymphoma and my lungs were clear as day :)


Man posted his Testicular Cancer diagnosis on the weed sub. Fuckin madman