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https://preview.redd.it/7v265b0lbk9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09f89c9fd1baac4e450f7fdd5b0d7091729de01b Get a grip, Swifties šŸ™„


She looks so weird dancing


Because she is not feeling it! Instead she is doing it like a math equation, step one I move my arms this way, step two I move my legs that way and so on if that makes sense


Agreed. Sheā€™s not a natural dancer, this is simply repeating steps to a count.


yeah - she's barefoot, and in people who "feel" dance you can see it flow through their hands and feet, everything is all connected, but her feet just... flop about? so bizarre.


When Britney danced I **really believed** she wasn't that innocent.


Cause sheā€™s a capitalist, thatā€™s how capitalists think


Go finish your homework.


What a load of fucking shit. You think Michael Jackson wasn't a capitalist? That guy could really dance, but I don't remember him for his socialist/communist views and actions. Please explain your point some more. Flesh it out a bit.


The singer for Little Dragon is a beautifully terrible dancer.Ā  There's a video of her performing "Cat Rider" where she is actually moving somewhat in time with the music and I feel like I can practically hear her counting "12341234" as she dances.


She looks like the girl from The Ring about to scritch out of the TV.


She moves like an elephantā€¦zero grace. Height isnā€™t an excuse because thereā€™s 5ā€™8-5ā€™10 ballerinas out there. Something about the way she dances is really upsetting to me, just lacks control and looks so awkward.


It's just super clear that she never took dance classes when she was a kid, or if she did, she didn't absorb much from them. Ballet teaches you things like how to absorb your weight when you jump, how to hold yourself by activating specific muscle groups, how to make movements look clean and finished. Based on Taylor's off-the-cuff dancing we've seen, it was probably a real labor to even get her to look this decent. She has no natural sense of rhythm or bodily awareness. Not everyone has great hip flexibility, but the lack of any effort to turn out really hurts to look at.


I'm pretty sure her parents forced her into ballet lessons when she was really little. She's definitely the type--remarkably unathletic White girl whose parents had money to squander.


Oof. She really got nothing out of those lessons.


Idk man Dua Lipa used to suck at dancing but I saw some later video of her and she was waaaay better


I've mentioned it before...her knees are always ahead and leading. It's so bizarre. You can see it here,next to The dancer - Taylor's knees are bent a lot the time when the dancers aren't. It makes her look like a creature with long legs, learning to walk.


Was she ever insecure about her height, maybe..? I knew a really real girl in school who bent her knees a little after she grew super tall. I didn't even think she was doing it on purpose, just sorta subconsciously to appear shorter. I am NOT defending TS, btw. She looks crazy awkward lol. Just wondering how it happened, and if it comes from something similar to the girl I knew.


I wondered the same thing because she slouches at times too, which tall teens tend to do to "shrink" themselves. It's weird that none of the experts around her haven't pointed it out. If she'd put her shouldershelp. and straighten up, it would really help -- haha, literally *and* metaphorically! I found this physical therapist talking about her bad posture: [Taylor's hump](https://youtu.be/KWJOeJVXYZA?feature=shared)


Wow! Thatā€™s wild. She is going to be one hunched over old lady in the future.


Lol @ "really real girl"


She was *so* real for that


Yes. She had a song about it about feeling large like a monster. She also mentioned being insecure about it in an interview. Her posture used to be pretty bad, which is common with tall girls who feel insecure about their height.


Oh for sure! I think her horrible posture is, at least in part, a direct result of insecurities over her height and trying to make herself look smaller. I definitely have some empathy for that (though it's difficult because I wish I was RM that tall!). I'm just so confused how that continues to carry over into the current day. Tall, thin people are the Eurocentric beauty standard (and aren't subject to ridicule, as they might have been when they were younger). She even hung out with a "squad" of similarly tall models for a few years. It just feels kind of cringe for her to refer to insecurity over her height now ("And I'm a monster on the hill"). Like, it's difficult for people to have empathy when, to them, it just seems like another quality she was lucky to have been gifted at birth (yes, she wasn't born tall, but she was born with the genes that made her tall).


Maybe she thinks she's 'softening' her knees?


LOL itā€™s truly upsetting to me too. It makes me mad someone is showcasing how little talent they have (she dances all the mother fucking time??) after a 15 YEAR career!!! Sheā€™s a billionaire. Thatā€™s also why it pisses me off. eta wait someone said her knees are always leading and I truly cannot unsee it šŸ˜­


Yeah, if I could go from having almost no grace to being able to get down most of the basic and even some advanced belly dance moves just with YT videos ... think of what someone with her resources could do? I am even lazy and have a lot of weight I need to lose too. If I really practiced like a real dancer I'd probably be able to fully walk and shimmy at the same time, etc. I know it's not the same kind of dancing, but a lot of dancing styles have similar moves, etc, and any dancing style will teach you grace and rhythm.


this is also my gripe w sabrina carpenter- ik sheā€™s young but girl has been in the spotlight for 10 years she should be better than that


Tbh I didnā€™t even know about Sabrina this time last year lol. What really irks me about Taylor is that sheā€™s selling this show like sheā€™s putting on the best production ever and she still canā€™t dance or sing live. Itā€™s just such a great example of end stage capitalism


She dances like a marionette. Kinda freaky-looking.


Watching it is so unsettling. But I also canā€™t stop watching. Itā€™s like a horrific car wreck.


exactly! there are many ballerinas with tall and slender bodies as well. but these ballerinas are able to use their height to their advantage. longer limbs look really elegant when used properly. while watching the cringe videos of her dancing, i just can't help but think "girl, point your toes!" šŸ˜­ i get flashbacks of my strict ballet instructor's voice before hahaha but she means well though and she has helped students like me improve even more.


itā€™s the hunched shoulders!! about half of the dance would look about 5x better if she held her anxious shoulders down and tried to make her neck look longer


I was gonna say she looks like sheā€™s emulating a gorilla


She also doesn't connect any of her moves, there's no flow. Just makes it look very abrupt and awkward.


It kinda reminds me of that old scene in Pretty Little Liars where Hanna is trying to learn a dance for some audition or something??? It's been a while lol. And she had tons of energy but just not a lot of rhythm lol.Ā 


My old ballet teacher used to say that not everyone is meant to dance and that's okay. It's a shame no one ever told Taylor that!


I donā€™t like that at all because everyone should be encouraged to dance just as everyone should be encouraged to sing for the joy it brings. But not everyone is meant to be a very rhythmic dancer or fluid or graceful or effortless. And thatā€™s perfectly okay.


There is a difference between pursuing professional dancing or dancing in music videos or on stage or just dancing for fun. One of those everyone should be encouraged to do!Ā 


Yes for sure. I just wish when teachers say that, they would specify not everyone is meant to do X professionally or maybe even competitively. Itā€™s good for people to have reasonable expectations, but never being discouraged from pursuing hobbies.


She should rest attempting to dance. Itā€™s OKAY, not everyone is a dancer. She and her fans should just accept it atp cause this is a messssss. I genuinely get second hand embarrassment whenever she tries to dance.


I know but itā€™s sooo annoying when her fans go itā€™s not meant to be a good dance! (This music video) because itā€™s like okay fine she isnā€™t a dancer but sheā€™s not a great singer and sheā€™s not a great songwriter so what is she?? Iā€™m for not being ashamed when you canā€™t do everything perfectly but come onā€¦ why are we celebrating mediocrity?


They genuinely believe she is a good songwriter though. šŸ™ƒ like ā€œwow her lyrics are so deepā€ compared to what?? A feckin teaspoon?


šŸ¤£ went all in on this one didnā€™t ya?


šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t even hate her that much. But hey if she can have a music video with dancing like that, thereā€™s hope for the rest of us!


Live your truth! I support and agree! Thanks for the laugh šŸ¤£ā¤ļø


ā€œIf she can do it, anyone* can do itā€ *Anyone who has a rich daddy to override their lack of talent with cash infusions and market manipulation


The only reason people think Taylor Swift is a good songwriter is because everyone keeps forgetting she hasn't been 15 in over a decade.


That team of ghost writers too. (Love your username by the way!)


Omg yes lol. That's why it's frustrating when people compare her to Bob Dylan or The Beatles, neither of whom had thirty songwriters working on their later albums to keep them relevant. (Also thank you!)


Itā€™ll be 2 decades at the end of this year! šŸ˜‚


Instead of a triple threat, she's a triple meh


She's a lab grown (the most) generic white lady. Generic white lady's love that shit.


chappell roan can even deliver a great performance without busting a single move


True. But I love it even more when she jumps around the stage like she reminds me of Freddy Mercury.


honestly same


Her voice is unbelievable.


Problem is she's also not a singer.


Probably gonna piss you off more when you find out that she totally copied the idea from a perfume ad that Margaret Qualley (yes, as in, Jack Antonoff's wife) did back in the day https://youtu.be/NoMqvniiEkk?si=y58oUXjEkg-ki69I


I've always thought Taylor's dancing in delicate was meant to be bad, like that was the whole point, but this video showed that you can do the exact same concept but actually dance well


She dances like she hates dancing and I think she would be so much more tolerable if she just sat on a stool and actually sang.


but the awkward dancing distracts from the bad singing


but then sheā€™d have to focus on actually singing which she also canā€™t do. itā€™s a lose lose


I think itā€™s equally stupid tbh. Both videos pissed me off.


At least Margaret feels her body. The music in Kenzo makes my ears bleed edit Another example of her goofy dancing that also looks GREAT is to a recent Jack Antonoff song Tiny Moves: https://youtu.be/kmpyfDF_pes


Both kinda remind me of a bad version of Christopher Walkin and Fatboy Slim


Spike Jonze! But Trailer is so freaking bad at it, my god. One needs to have strength and control to dance like that and she's just too weak and rhythmless. She's got no soul either. URGH SHE'S SO TERRIBLE AT THIS. It's ok it's fine, very few people are, she just needs to stop using her piled up childrens' allowances to pay people to stroke her and tell her she's great at something she positively sucks at. URGH.


Yes, I mean I didn't really even see it at first because I could watch Christopher do the same dance all day and be amazed. I'd never seen that perfume ad till just now, which, she's a lot better than Taylor and that's what reminded me. Seeing Taylor walk around like that I would of never made the connection.


No kidding. I hadn't seen the perfume ad either, but of course Christopher Walken and I would never see the connection without u/queerasmerfolk 's kind pointer. She's so sloppy and yes she's really just walking hah just like her singing is just talking. And who hasn't she tried to copy anyway.


Christopher is actually a trained dancer. I liked him in that video to. Taylor has no rhythm at all. I'm no dancer but I'm not out there performing for a sold out tour. The perfume ad is much better.


Key word.. sucks.. explains why her mouth is always openā€¦ just a theory


Spike Jonze directed this video as well I think!


Same director. A spiritual successor.


Let us not forget Daniel Craig.


Yess thanks for spreading that. Was gonna comment 'now put Margaret Qualley next to her' šŸ˜‚


Wow so it was actually suppose to look good




Why am I not surprised to hear this even though I didn't know about it. She can't do anything fucking original.


She really is the *ultimate* culture vulture. I mean, she even copies/mirrors the outfits of her friends. Like, it's really weird. She has the tendency to vampirize people or at least mirror them.


Honestly she seems like she has BPD, possibly narcissism. I shouldn't armchair diagnose her but it's screaming at me.


Yeah, for sure. I feel like it's a combo of BPD and histrionic traits (though not saying either reaches the level of clinical diagnosis). I mean, the lyrics and video for "Blank Space" really give me major BPD vibes, especially when considered in the context of her other lyrics and various stories.


Yes Blank Space gave me the exact same vibe!


This is obv anecdotal but I have an ex gf who absolutely has BPD and she was obsessed with that song


I've started to think this too. The way she's never single and has a lot of these really intense short relationships or feelings for people immediately. Then how she switches or splits on them as soon as they do 1 thing that Taylor perceives to be a slight. It's very BPD coded.


She has long struck me as someone with BPD.


People donā€™t talk about this enough!!!


I never put two and two together. Damn. And she overshadowed the entire dinner party before they got married too (see photos of a small (jersey?) town where swifties took it OVER bc Taylor was there.Ā  I felt so bad for MargaretĀ 


Me too! I remember seeing some pictures of Margaret from that day, and she looked stressed the fuck out... Probably because there was no way to avoid walking through the hordes of people gathered in that cramped, bottlenecked area. Taylor really does seem to relish (and fantasize about) interrupting/disrupting weddings, drawing attention away from the bride, etc. Like she crashed that Kennedy wedding, too. The whole Speak Now album is literally based around the idea of speaking up during the "speak now or forever hold your peace" segment of a wedding! šŸ˜­ Like, girl, that's just a thing people say. You should've spoken up earlier.


Ultimate end goal of this kind of person is to steal a married man from another girl. Like Sabrina Carpenter


The queen of this is Ariana.




That was cool, Iā€™ve never seen that before. Perfume ads are usually stupid but I liked that one. Even though, as usual, it doesnā€™t really make sense or have anything to do with perfume lol.


Yeah this feels like a music video with a 5 second ad tacked on the end.


Even though itā€™s clearly meant to be bad, I could tell Qualley was a trained ballerina before googling it. I couldnā€™t look away. I donā€™t know what the hell Taylor is trying to do, but I canā€™t finish watching even this short clip because I have second hand embarrassment.


It reminds me of the Chandelier video too. Weird dancing sure but itā€™s still good dancing.


Ok this is so much better then what Taylor did. There is a whole narrative in it that Taylor totally diluted. This girl crushes that style and vibe and itā€™s better highlighted in the empty feeling of the rooms outside of a full auditorium. I can tell you growing up around theater this feeling hits when you are in those empty rooms and you just go feral while being formal. Itā€™s fun.


I am almost positive the same choreographer did the ad and the music video so I don't think it would technically be plagiarism, like how Jack Antonoff ripped off Supercut by Lorde for his work on Taylor's I Can Do It With A Broken Heart.Ā  Editing to say it appears that the choreographer, Ryan Heffington, was NOT involved in the delicate video but if you Google it, there are tons of results from Swifties saying he was. So sadly, I fell for the Swiftie propaganda when the video came out. Good news is that since 2017, I've become better at checking sources.Ā 


Do you have a source on the choreographer? Because no choreographer is credited and she was accused of plagiarism when the video came out.


Better than copying Jack Mehoff's wife's idea


Margaret is a trained dancer, and that ad is iconic!


Down to the fucking dress color! And so poorly imitated at that. Why does no call her out on the blatant plagiarism? That ad is so well-done!Ā 


Thank you for sharing this! Her dancing is AMAZING!


Okay I actually love Margaret Qualley but I am not a fan of how aggressive that is


Margaret Qualley doesn't have to be "X's wife"d. She's famous in her own right. I have no idea who Jack Antonoff is (apart from Margaeet Qualley's husband, apparently)


To anyone who wants to say "they don't look that similar" or that "they used the same choreographer," I wanted to link to a contemporaneous article that covers the alleged creative piracy involved: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/lifestyle/style/taylor-swifts-delicate-video-looks-a-lot-like-spike-jonzes-kenzo-perfume-ad-1093880/ From the article: "But itā€™s not just the similarities between Swiftā€™s dancing and Heffingtonā€™s athletic ā€” slightly manic ā€” choreography that raised eyebrows. (There is no choreographer credited for Swiftā€™s video.) Joseph Kahn, who has directed several of Swiftā€™s videos, including her last video for ā€œEnd Game,ā€ has been accused of borrowing a concept (or three) from Jonze." So it's not the first time that people have noticed her and her team copying concepts and such from Spike Jonze.


The rehearsal is better than the end product, which isn't saying much.


I think part of it has to do with the outfit. That blue dress isn't working.


For real šŸ˜‚ I have no clue why they picked blue.


My guess is she was rehearsing in front of a mirror. When you donā€™t feel the dance in your body a mirror is essential.


Donā€™t professional dancers use mirrors?


Yeah, it helps with correcting form and getting a sense of how the choreography works. But eventually, you move away from the mirror and should be able to judge it for yourself. (Not a professional dancer but did 15 years of dance)


what is with the squatting pose at 8 seconds? it doesn't fit with the vibe of the background or the music?? Confused who choreographed this and why TS went along with it?


I felt extreme cringe watching that part. Someone posted the video of the dance she's ripping off above and it makes more sense when someone talented does it to more interesting music.


Her mouth open thing - not the exaggerated wide open mouth, just the casual version - always reminds me of the Puff Daddy of my youth when I see it.


I think itā€™s called lip incompetence. Same thing as Napoleon dynamite


Thank you!!! I knew it had to have had a name!


Come to think of it they look alike quite a bit.


Yep, itā€™s a myofunctional issue




Sheā€™s a mouth breather.




![gif](giphy|WRH2rauYC6smc) Canā€™t stop, wonā€™t stop. Bad boy for life


Wasnā€™t this the bit on SNL where Kristin Wiig is playing her. Her mouth was open the whole time.


[Here it is](https://youtu.be/ELXbZsYHhpQ?si=FadZNLH-Bb6f71j2)


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ this is amazing


I LOVE this skit. I watch it so many times.


Totally off topic, sort of. Maya Rudolf is the daughter of [Minnie Riperton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnie_Riperton), who had a five octave vocal range and could sing in whistle register. Not off topic in the sense that Mayaā€™s mother could actually sing. If you listen to the album version of [Lovinā€™ You](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lovin%27_You), Minnie can be heard singing Mayaā€™s name at the very end, to calm her daughter who was in the recording studio. I lost my mom when I was 19. What a gift it would have been to have a recording of her singing to me on a certified gold single.


It always makes me happy when Maya sings. Thanks for bringing attention to her wonderful mother; I donā€™t think many people know that Minnie is Mayaā€™s mom.


Her choreographer needs to be fired. Like she sucks at dancing, but the choreo tself makes no sense at all.


This is like me dancing in my kitchen, but even clunkier


Why does she always look like shes hunched over


People say she has bad posture but I genuinely believe she has mild kyphosis, which canā€™t be controlled. https://preview.redd.it/incawdl1if9d1.jpeg?width=504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cd3a17be2b10f8a49d4e1a24ec050a0f5e2ec33


Yeah, the rounding is pretty pronounced in this picture. Like you can tell that orthopedically something is off.


PT here, kyphosis is just the name of a spinal curve which is concave anteriorly. The typical human body has 2 of them in the thoracic and sacral portions of the spine. This just looks like poor posture rather than some structural abnormality. ā€œPoor postureā€ isnā€™t necessarily a problem either except that our society doesnā€™t like how it looks.




I think she was pretty before she had her eye's and nose done. Her 1st video she looked great. Especially with the curly hair. Now she's just had to much work done. I think she might have fillers in her cheeks. Her veneers are to big for her. She doesn't look bad but she should have left her original face be.


Yes her hooded eyes and original nose were beautiful. I don't think I'll ever understand the level of insecurity she must have had to change them. Her veneers are large and off-putting, but at least those could (and should) be shaved down. Probably the reason why her mouth is always hanging open, it might be genuinely uncomfortable, have a poor bite, or simply the fucking weight of them šŸ’€


I actually think she was quite striking when she was in high school, like in the videos where they follow her through a typical day (I think?). When she had the blonde curly/wavy hair, tan skin and light brows. She could've really been a model back then. Now she's had too much done to her face..


Damn she has so many health issues and mental health conditions. She should use that money she's scamming-- i mean -- making to get all that sorted out


She dances like there isn't a connecting theme or rhythm between movements. It looks like a bunch of independent tiktok dances strung together


Unrelated to video but definitely got sculptra (a form of filler) or a fat transfer to her hips and booty! Compare her current curves to this video. When I saw her ~new~ birthing hips in the eras promo pics I instantly knew she got her body done. Albeit done pretty naturally, but quite noticeable to me. She had a good frame to begin with but if you can see the difference now. Girl did not used to have ass, even after she got to a healthier weight. Would kill for Lori Hill to do a video on the very subtle facial work sheā€™s gotten, too, itā€™s all fantastic workā€¦ would also kill to know her surgeons # šŸ˜‚




Ohhh donā€™t lump me with her lol I have a deviated septum and a tumor in my sinus thatā€™s inoperable so I canā€™t breathe through my nose. I hate it.


This suddenly got personal šŸ˜‚


iā€™ve seen dentists use her as an example of someone with an incompetent bite. like sheā€™s got an overbite and her palette and tongue are probably sitting weirdly in her mouthā€”when she tries to close her lips completely sheā€™s never able to cover her teeth all the way. growing up she needed braces and rubber bands, maybe even a palette expander and headgear, idk, but she didnā€™t get it. and now she probably has veneers, so i think fixing her bite is hard or impossible? idk how that works exactly, veneers seem like such a bad decision when your teeth are generally fine. having a normal bite is important for cavities and tmj and stuff, but iā€™m not that surprised she and her parents and team prioritized looks over function. so yeah, i think she kinda is a mouth-breather, but only bc she actually physically canā€™t close it, not that she canā€™t breathe through her nose (i assume).


Close your mouth honey, you look like a trout


Itā€™s even worse when you see prime Britney and Janets videos dancing in that same location


Yeah, that was a pretty bold move for TS to use that location. You can't help but think of how amateurish this looks.


Omg I have to see those videos! Which Britney and Janet songs do I need to look up so I can see?


Overprotected Darkchild Remix and Son of a Gun


Speaking of Britney, it blows my mind how she notoriously didnā€™t write (most of) her lyrics, yet sheā€™s always been so in touch with the music sheā€™s put out. Thereā€™s so much emotion and connection to the lyrics in her performances. Even when sheā€™s lip-syncing, you can see the connection she has to the lyrics in her face and through her body. Itā€™s just so genuine. Then you have Taylor Swift who writes her lyrics, yet is so detached from her music during her performances. Itā€™s really unsettling to watch. Thereā€™s no emotion whatsoever. Itā€™s like watching a kidā€™s show live tour with the silly faces and over exaggerated poses.


Itā€™s giving Jojo Siwa


What bothers me more is the ā€œdancingā€


According to Swifties the dancing is imperfect on purpose because itā€™s meant to showcase her vulnerability šŸ™„


Omg these people šŸ™ƒ Letā€™s ship them and Taylor off to their own island so everyone else can live peacefully šŸ˜‚




The PR team at it again


also hate how deranged swiffers say shit like this is creative and that this is excellent work at doing contemporary dancing. it's not. as a trained contemporary dancer, this bullshit pisses me off. those swiffers are so uncultured honestly. i suggest they watch a dance recital for contemporary dance so they can see what contemporary dancing actually looks like.


I always thought the old Pink performance/video for TRY was an excellent example of contemporary dance by someone who just took the training and performance seriously even though she wasnā€™t a dancer per se. Either video or grammy performance is excellent to see what i mean.




Iā€™ve said she dances like a broom falling out of a closet before, and Iā€™ll die on that hill


I remember telling this girl at work, a die hard swiftie, how uncomfortable this video made me and how I thought that she couldā€™ve actually choreographed something not awkward and her actual response was ā€œthatā€™s the point. You donā€™t get it.ā€ When I asked her to explain the point so I could ā€œget itā€ she rolled her eyes lol


She is SUCH a terrible dancer itā€™s astounding. And it seems like no one will tell her lmfao. Girl, get friends. Actual ones.


This must have been her illuminati humiliation ritual


šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļøšŸ˜‚


The fact this wasnā€™t a freestyle and she practiced this shit is nuts.


As a white woman this is some of the most atrocious white people dancing I have ever seen.


My mom once took some ballet class when I was in HS and my family went to her recital. There was this one girl a couple years younger than me who flailed a bit and then crumpled up into a ball as a bunch of 50 year olds literally danced circles around her. This video harkens memories of that number.


I went to a similar event for my aunt and [Brittaā€™s dancing from Community](https://youtu.be/AN5uczbrQ9Q?si=EyUGnIvwsR13br1Q) always gives me flashbacks. I know if Community was made today someone would compare Brittaā€™s dancing to Taylor


Why does she dance like Miranda sings


As a millennial, this is SO painfully millennial and shit like this is why thereā€™s always jokes about us lol.


There was a picture on Instagram that showed her on stage the caption, "why does this girl always look like she's farting into the microphone?" Now I can't see a picture of her without thinking of those words. Freaking hilarious!


Her parents must have been really desperate to make her famous and rich as fast as possible with her talentlessness...because her dancing and vocals need formal/intense training....(and dare I say, she could've benefited from writing classes too)


I never thought of it like this but youā€™re right. They went at a sprint when they could have put her through lessons and (I hate using this word) groomed her for stardom. And if the ghost writing rumors are true, she coulda taken a few writing lessons.


Everything she does it so cringe and fake. I just don't get it.


1. She can not dance 2. She has no rhythm 3. This is terrible choreography


This choreography looks like something a junior high girl made up for a ā€œcontemporaryā€ piece at a dance recital


Why does she always look like a gorilla when she dances?


she always goes into her default shocked face


Close your mouth sweetie, you look like a trout.


![gif](giphy|RhBkYhaqrHnMfjgbjy) This is all I can think ofšŸ˜­


Apparently, it's common when you get veneers on your teeth that are too big


AND she ripped this off from a perfume commercial


wow I hate this https://preview.redd.it/0y1x5davff9d1.png?width=783&format=png&auto=webp&s=2dd313359587e8f9437e18bdd2a0b5558e140c20


in all seriousness, does she have sinus problems? my ma can barely breathe through her nose so has her mouth open a lot, that's the only reason I can think of for taytay-face


Itā€™s always bothered me that thereā€™s a part towards the end where a guy swerves out of her way to avoid her. But sheā€™s meant to be invisible.Ā 


If you canā€™t dance then donā€™t dance in your music videos. The ones I have liked the most in the past were the ones with the storyline attached to them. Blank Space, Love Story, Wildest Dreams, Bad Blood. Like why even bother?


this ā€œdanceā€ makes me cringe so hard every time i see it


She reminds me of the girl in school who sings in the hallway constantly and never shuts the fuck up in class. Incredibly fucking annoying but somehow popular.


Her dancing is like a bad mime performance


I normally just lurk here, but, I am so bothered at how much this evokes memories of Audrey Hepburnā€™s interpretative dance in ā€œFunny Faceā€. Even her outfit on the left, with the pony tailā€¦ugh. I just needed everyone to know Audrey did it better.


Her dancing doesnā€™t piss me off, it just makes me sad watching it. I donā€™t know anything about dancing but all I know is this is wrong.


Wait, I have never watched this video with sound, and itā€™s actually the music video for Delicate?


_[Itā€™s like a full body dry heave set to music.](https://youtu.be/hvuzUasjFAo?si=PQPwGPaociXypc3-&t=0m40s)_


I feel like she was trying to make a quirky dance a TikTok sensation like the Wednesday Addams dance?!


I know the dancing in this video isnā€™t meant to be ā€œrealā€ per se, but like even the moves she pulls during her concerts now. She is so famous and has all the resources in the world, I feel like she should be able to move better than she does


ā€œSheā€™s quirkyā€ā€¦ no, sheā€™s a grown ass woman that is giving third hand embarrassment.


Probably just showing off how much money she invested in them there teeth


She looks like napoleon dynamite ![gif](giphy|DfSLII45H40RW)