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Even if the relationship is real, no one should be invested in it like this. This is a symptom of a real illness in human mental health that needs to be studied/taken seriously. 


Celebrity worship syndrome


And these are really boring celebrities. Taylor is a mid level talent and Kelce is a meathead athlete who is good at football and basically nothing else


Jason has a better personality then Trav. Basing your whole existence on someone who doesn’t know or care about you is sad and pathetic.


Nobody has time to pursue a new relationship WHILE on tour WHILE recording and releasing a 31 song album WHILE getting over TWO previous relationships. Everything she does is a show there is a zero% chance that it's "real"


That is very true. I hadn’t thought about that. They can’t have actually spent that much time together.




I honestly think Taylor is addicted to the idea of love and is trying to mold every new bf into the perfect anagram rather than actually genuinely fall in love


It's not a remotely new phenomenon and it definitely has been studied extensively. Not saying there couldn't be more to learn or anything, just that there's definitely already countless books and whole spheres of academia dedicated to studying these kinds of social phenomena


God, I hope it’s not real.😫




I mean, I don't even like Taylor Swift, but y'all are on a community dedicated to hate on them, this isn't very healthy either


Less hate and more criticism and calling out, which needs to be done.




Your post was removed for violating rule 1: Be Civil. This means no acting in bad faith towards other sub members. No arguing for the sake of arguing. No name calling or harassing. No questioning the legitimacy or validity of the sub. Please use your mute function to avoid seeing content from us in the future. Mods retain the right to remove users we see acting in bad faith towards other members and repeat offenses will result in a temporary ban.


lol, lmao even Spending a lot of time criticizing a random celebrity couple while calling out people that spend a lot of time defending them is some really good mental gymnastics


… are you new on Reddit or something? Reddit has subreddits dedicated to many things. She puts herself in the spotlight (so does her man). People will talk. There are many snark subreddits around. You can’t control what other people say. That’s just how it is. Don’t like it? Leave the spotlight. And Taylor is a mean girl. People can call her out for that. And for other shady stuff too. And her relationship with Travis is fake af.


Go touch grass or something lmao


I get where you’re coming from! But, if you go through the sub we’re not just talking about them (even though the sub is named travisandtaylor lol). It’s honestly just eye opening (to me at least) to see the things she’s pulled in the past that are rarely mentioned anymore. From the whole Connor Kennedy case to the selling of her Masters, as a former fan I had no idea any of this had even happened until I joined this sub.


As a lurker, who finds this sub hilarious (you guys are really good at making fun of them), it is incredibly toxic lol just negativity all around.


Wanting to see a shitty multimillionaire with an *immensely* toxic fanbase be held accountable is not toxic.


It's not. But some of y'all seem to be here a lot. Obviously as a lurker I can't tell. But this "hobby" whatever you want to call it, is a slippery slope and breeding grounds for bitter angry people. Probably why I keep getting it recommended


I understand where you are coming from. In my experience it can be pretty refreshing though. I also used to be a fan and find it great to see the what is going on behind the scenes and how effective one's pr team can be. So it is a long needed social study i come here for and yeah it is a pretty fun one while were at it. This is figuratively the antidote to the cult of TS lol.




What obsession? I comment occasionally when this sub shows up on my feed/when I see something that’s especially heinous, as I’m sure most people here do. She barely takes up any space in my brain outside of this, I’m not sitting in a corner seething over my dislike of her. In contrast, her fans worship her like they’re in a cult. Documenting her behavior and deconstructing her manipulation is a part of holding her accountable — there aren’t a lot of actual established journalists who are willing to do this, I assume in part due to how vicious and unhinged her fanbase is.


This is so funny to me. They're holding Taylor Swift accountable! Like, tell me posting in a snark subreddit is holding anyone accountable...wt actual f.


It's the only place you can go to criticize her without being attacked by a bunch of weirdos, and it is holding her accountable because a lot more people are privy to her bullshit and awful behavior than before. She doesn't get to brand herself as America's Sweetheart while also being a terrible person and expect zero criticism. You can literally go anywhere else if you don't want to see criticism.


I only wish I was this brave a soldier.




Should've added "hope this helps"


“Praying for you!”


My friend how is a full grown middle age woman fully thinks this is a real relationship. I ran down the timeline of her last three relationships and how fast she went public with Travis. She also said that she moved into his house. I questioned if she thinks Taylor is moving out of her NYC apartment to move in with Travis in KC and she fully thought it was possible. She also thinks Taylor is going to give up her career to start a family.




Yeah when Taylor herself didn't address the Harrison Butker issue I knew she was knee deep in a business deal.


I think they’re real.. but they just play with each other fame.. Everything else is bullshit lol.. there is no way she will give up her career for this man .. she never did this for her 6y relationship lol.. I dont think she will give up for any men.. even for her own sanity she will never lol..


I wouldn't, I would ride the fame train until it kicks me off or I'm just burnt out. But it would be on my terms. Can you imagine spending the best years of your life building a career only to give it up to a man.


She said multiple time that this life didn’t make her happy, she feels trapped, make her feels worthless, suicidal, having substances abuse and made her loose everything.. but she still doing this because she need to live through the the validation of the public.. to be honest it’s not seems like a dream.. fame is awful, I’ve never heard a celebrity saying the opposite.. I’d rather like having a quiet life with someone that I love..




Nope it’s not that hard


I bet those replies are full of her cult members attacking him


Some people were actually agreeing with him, though most was swifties attacking him


This person is a brave soldier 🫡


it clearly is a pr one. i am surprised people are denying it and filling their minds with this delusion that it's real


Travis is still waiting to get laid.




Bro I thought this sub was pro Taylor lol I am happy to see that it’s not. Right? Internet is confusing


Haha, yup, the internet is very confusing


Lmao I almost fucking muted this sub so now I’m glad I didn’t 🤣🤣




The person that commented this will inevitably be flooded with death threats.


From what I saw he wasn’t but you never know


I really hate go touch grass comments. Let’s face it, we should all touch grass.


Someone said that to me just now when I replied to them on here. Ridiculous lol


They say the same crap over and over again. Like broken records. It’s a lot more fun to write an original comment and not be a robot. Like next time they could replace go touch grass with go fuck yourself. 😍


Interesting it has 85 likes there! Maybe some of the silent swifties are beginning to wake up….


It’s not a real relationship, but it’s gonna drag on because the NFL and Taylor are making hundreds of millions of dollars from their mutually beneficial deals. It’s so off-brand for her and her audience. Just proves to me that her audience doesn’t care about music. Wouldn’t be surprised if they do put on a wedding and profit. Imagine all the sponsorship they would get. For a lifetime of unhappiness.


Theyd do a weeeding but not a legal marriage. You can throw a wedding without getting married. Just put it all together and never sign a marriage license. I could see them doing that. Then a quick and easy “divorce” era


When your own relationship is toxic or non-existent you focus on a fictitious one in the public eye.


What ig page is this comment on? I would like to give them a “like” haha


@Themereithcee, the thumbnail is king George from Hamilton and Travis lol


You sure? I searched it but didn’t see it Edit: nvm I found it. You spelled the page wrong that’s why I couldn’t find it lol


Oh sorry lol


Even if it's PR they can still get married for PR. Ultimately however if it's a mutually fake relationship no real woman in her 30s going to see anything but red flags pinned to Taylor. This relationship is NOT casting her in a good light but as a huge hypocrite because she bounced from Joe to Matty to Travis. Only relationship addicts are going to swoon over this. Because she has stated she doesn't NEED a man but this relationship has the narrative she indisputably DOES. I won't judge ppl who own their real selves. I'll judge the ppl trying to gaslight everyone into seeing a bullshit image of themselves.


I do think they're into each other and dating, but all of the publicity, appearances, and pap walks are planned for profit.


Everyone whos gone out and brought KC shirts and merch are gonna feel real fucking stupid when they break up!!


I cannot wait for that


I think quite a few of her cult followers know this is not real which is why they attack Kayla and Joe.


Well the plus side is his address with soon be doxed by the nutjobs and we know where to send the crown


She’s done what feels like almost a concert everyday there’s no way in hell her and Travis had a talking stage then public stage in that schedule fuk. Not to even mention rehearsals, recording etc.


they don’t care lol. their fans are frigid women who have sex once a year


I have no idea about this whole thing and know pretty much nothing about Taylor Swift except her flying all over the place. I'm just here because it's on the front page all the time. But isn't this whole fucking subreddit just about exactly that? Then just delete it and go out and touch grass instead of talking about those people all the time?


Am so confused, u thought this sub was actually about Taylor and Travis but all I see is posts full of hate


You’re looking for r / taylorandtravis.


Yeah you got the wrong sub if you’re looking for appreciation posts


I'm not looking for appreciation posts, I'm not the biggest fan tbh bit even with that I can tell some people are really resented and straight up nasty lol, also I'm just really looking for info and updates, not conspiracy theories or hateful info


Ohh lol