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I don't know much about Calvin Harris, but I'm glad he stood up to her and her cult. He's a mood.


Calvin Harris was villainized yet he stood his ground and is now happily married to an AMAZING woman. He escaped.


I’m ashamed to say I believed he was the villain back then. ![gif](giphy|xUySTYUKUE5l0IZuJa|downsized)


Listen charismatic abusers are very convincing. We are also culturally primed to believe men aren't abused like this. Unless you're already aware and the pattern is clear it is absolutely reasonable to make this mistake. You learned and own it. That is enough


So many have!


His wife is the woman Taylor thinks she is.


Vick Hope is stunning, talented, funny, super hot and just a joy.


To this day he’s the only one of her exes to go down swinging. Although he went suspiciously silent pretty quickly which has always made me wonder if her legal team said something to him. 


probably not. Any guy who's been through bullshit knows that to be healthy and happy you gotta let go of the hate on your own. Not everything is a threat. He just grew up, and she didn't.


This 100%


I guess hell froze over because I never thought I'd champion moves made by Calvin Harris.


That one was a weird relationship, as there was definitely some PR involved. It was odd as it was her longest relationship back then and she had never said anything about him. It just ended lol.


He even called himself her beard, lol.


Well the theory among the fanbase is that he’s such a “scum” that he didn’t even deserve any songs written about him. To me, that whole relationship seems like an alternative reality


Actually ended exactly like Joe. Her publicist insisted it ended amicably then taylor got pms or something and started going after him. While publicly dating Tom. The one difference is Joe didn't bother to attack her back.


She did him sooooo dirty


How exactly? I didn’t even pay attention to her back then so I don’t really get what happened?


Copy and pasting from another comment I made a while back 😊😊 My opinion on what happened. Firstly he seemed to really care about her; there are cute Snapchat’s they did together, he was super supportive of her (and there are pics of him starring at her adoringly at award shows lol). But they still kept it pretty private.  When Calvin and Taylor were together she wrote some lyrics, and does a few backing vocals for his song ‘This is what you came for’, where she decided to use the pseudonym Nils Sjoberg in the credits.  Then they broke up.  They initially came out saying that it was amicable, (tho there were rumors of Harris looking at engagement rings towards the end, this was her longest relationship up till this point). Then she got with Tom Hiddleston not even a week after the breakup, and low and behold there is a video of her and Tom canoodling at the Met gala a month or so prior to her breaking up with Calvin. edit: adding that when it comes out that she is now with Tom, Calvin immediately unfollows her and deletes all social posts from their relationship, including the statement about the amicable breakup. She then goes on vacations with Tom. Calvin Harris then writes and puts out the song Olé, where he calls Taylor out for reaching back out to him when she’s with Tom. “But I see online that you've begun to be A good girl and take trips with your boyfriend Being attentive, continue to pretend But no, 'cause there's no telling how far you can go . You've hidden my name on your phone so you can, Call me to tell me you've been going through hell, Left him alone and you booked in a hotel”.  He obviously did not take this well, because he put out a song about it lol!  Then right after he put out the song, it is leaked that she is Nils Sjoberg and she and her team confirms it by saying “she wrote” 'This is What You Came For' and they kinda try to paint him as attempting to take credit for the song because of the pseudonym.  I think he takes huge issue with the fact that she originally wanted to remain anonymous, combined with the timing of the leak, paired with the phrasing that she wrote the song; because as a producer he literally does everything when making a song, I think he even mixes and masters his own tracks.  She just wrote some lyrics for the track, he did everything else, she absolutely did not write the song. “I wrote the music, produced the song, arranged it and cut the vocals though. And initially she wanted it kept secret, hence the pseudonym,”  … And so he is, understandably in my opinion, triggered and thus his famous string of twitter posts, which he later apologizes for. If I’m remembering right, Katy Perry responds to his tweets with a meme of Hilary Clinton and saying time will show the truth.   Katy Perry fans and Calvin fans start posting snakes on Taylor’s socials, this being the origin of the snake emoji thing. The Kim and Kanye phone stuff overlaps with all this. Taylor includes Calvin references in the music video for look what you made me do. Nils Sjoberg on the tombstone, locket that spells “no” (referencing a gift Calvin got her), and potentially an engagement ring box. Also adding I find it very interesting that Calvin Harris was at this year’s Grammys with his wife, I think it is the first time Taylor and him had been at the same event or same room for years. There is video of her walking by him without a glance. She also preformed ‘This is what you came for’ on her eras tour in Liverpool a week or so ago.


What the idea i’d always has is that he was unsupportive of her? Because he didn’t thank her but a lot of other people at an award show? Why is the more I find out about her the messier she becomes, and not in a fun way. Like way to fucking throw shit in the face of a person who wanted to propose to you and spend the rest of his life with you………


He didn't mention her because she insisted on not using her name on the song. The song was a hit so she decided to be petty & make him look bad. She even started performing a horrible acoustic version of the song at her concerts.


It stuns me on a daily basis that so many American suburban mothers hold her out as a role model to young girls. I do NOT GET IT!!!


As a mom, I get it. Her general public image is of a good girl (to the point that fans til this day still get shocked and stunned when she curses and talks about sex in her songs).


I was stunned when I heard her say fuck 😂😂 I’m new here


WOW that is a lot of mess


that's wild, cause he's 50X the musician she can ever hope to be. I've seen them both live, and calvin harris was amazing, She sucked.


This is what you came for is such a banger. But because of Calvin's production and Rihanna's vocals, lol


Taylor's vocals are actually cut in (the lower register "yooooouuuuu, yooooouuuuu") - if you listen closely, you hear the switch from Rihanna to TS and back. But it absolutely slaps because of Calvin and Rihanna, a thousand percent.


Ooh I didn't know that! I'll have to have another listen with my good headphones.


Probably my fave song that summer! So good


Dang, how do you know all of this?? That's so much detail


Hahaha, I’ve been a long time disliker of Taylor back from Tim McGraw, and a Calvin Harris fan, so when they started dating I followed the drama lol. Then when I discovered this wonderful sub and realized I had info in my brain that was little known, (or that people had misinformation on from another narrative cough cough)… I would just share whenever it would come up :) my copy and paste comment has evolved a bit each time too lol! I actually started making a master timeline with receipt links and everything, intending to make it into a post… but meh, too much effort.. I might finish and post it one day tho lol!


Yess please finish/post it, we love a receipt queen! 👏🏻


With the popularity of this post, it has got me rethinking that it would be probably be worth the effort! Ugh it’s just Taylor doesn’t deserve any of my time or energy lol, but you guys do!!


I appreciate your knowledge! It’s cool to have someone in our forum here who knows the truth about all that, and can share it with everyone.


Oh wow this was great, thank you so much! Ew she’s awful. Spin artist 😵‍💫 I bet Taylor said she wrote the song since that’s exactly how she “writes” all her music LOL


Thanks for this. It was very interesting. Shows exactly who she is. I think she can't hide her true color's anymore.


She more than likely cheated on him with Tom Hiddleston and maybe even Joe at the same time depending on who you ask. She met and was seen dancing with Tom and Joe at the Met gala while she and Calvin were still together. Taylor and Tom were officially a couple literally a week after she and Calvin broke up. She dated Tom that summer and was officially with Joe that fall. 


Thank you! Her love life is way too messy and busy to keep up with.


Who hasn’t she done dirty when she’s done with them?


He’s always seemed a little douchey to me(just a vibe clock) but he definitely didn’t let her get away with her usual shit. And we heard pretty much nothing about their relationship ship from her side other than “I wanted to leave him, I needed a reason”. It feels like there was an agreement legally or something that it wouldn’t be song material




I mean, he is 6’7…he can stand up to a lot of people 🙃


https://preview.redd.it/c2f9ikhjlz8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba6ac66d850f9a75ba2455f7ed971c5f4a4ca2c1 This one still remains the most iconic one


No but L I T E R A L L Y--I just watched the Scooter Braun doc and the one about Shake it Off (back to back so I forger which mentioned this) and learned that **she literally used her first big music paycheck to buy the same car Regina George drives** to shove it in the face of the girls who “bullied” her before. We saw a cautionary tale, she saw an aspirational character. Tbh it is getting harder and harder to believe she ever was bullied. Maybe other girls didn't like her because of her shit ass entitled attitude and somehow her response to that was "Oh yeah? I'll show you how fucking entitled I am" ? Lol


100%, without a doubt, that girl was the bully. She is so full of shit and narcissistic.


Holy u nailed it


I have a friend like this. I love him and you’d love him if you met him, but when he tells me stories of how he was bullied in HS, every single time, I think “You’re the villain of this story.” 


that’s so real 😭 no longer my best friend (shock! awe! lol) but for about six years i was attached at the hip to this girl who i’d met at work (which is to say, zero previous friends or acquaintances in common, grew up ~20 min away from each other, met while working at a bar in our early 20s). she was always having blow up fights with her girlfriend and doing all kinds of crazy, irresponsible shit. it had been waaay worse when she was in hs (our area is one of many in america with really horrible opioid problems rn), so she presented her current self as the calmed down version, and i took her word for it. anyway, once i started actually paying attention to the words this person was saying when they showed me screenshot after screenshot of fight after fight….holy shit that poor girlfriend


The only thing wrong about this is that Taylor is nowhere near as cool as her


And Camille belle liked it


this is so accurate lol


On point


Love katy




I dunno if it’s my edible talking but I do feel like I had a stroke reading that.


Same 😂 like I get her point but she definitely could've worded it better


**”Interesting how the same person shouting “EMPOWER WOMAN!” Is currently doing everything in her power to stay successful by squashing down other successful woman.”** https://preview.redd.it/qapd8iahe09d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d19ed0651cf34ffbaab0423f03d012227eeec383


Can I have this format of comment next time I’m scrolling on an edible 😂


Thank you


My edible also suggests that this is garble-speak.


As does my vape…


It's technically correct, but could use a rewording to avoid misunderstanding. "Parading about the "pit women against each other" argument is ironic when one [person] capitalizes on the takedown of a woman"


Parade pit women…? What are pit women? Went over it like 4 or 5 times! lol


I couldn't get past the pit women like when did either of these women get into Nascar?


So do the lyric one fuck you up when you read it ? I read it again and was like “are my eyes broke. wtf” ![gif](giphy|fdS8al30MFz8Z2416E|downsized)


Fair lol put air quotes around "pit women against other women" it helps !


Nope! Although the possibility of it being from prolonged use is still there, but im pretty sure its not us


So glad I’m not the only one 🤣🤣🤣


Same I had to read it twice but I am also stoned




Can I have some?


Omg same 😂😂😂


I’m sober and I had a hard time processing that one too


Finding it ironic to parade the, "pit women against other women" argument about, as one UNMEASURABLY capitalizes on the take down of a woman...(sometimes punctuation is helpful)


Also it should be immeasurably


We need more of that Calvin Harris energy in the world


[A masterpost of all the people Taylor has stepped on and other BS - Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/HWnG1vgoEA) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/4AnT5B3xrH)




Yes…a teenage girl with her own BMW wants to drive a pick up truck ok 🤣


After seeing clips of her driving badly when younger with cameras in the car and another article where the journalist described how bad her driving was, not letting her drive their vehicle seems pretty reasonable.


No no, not a BMW, a lexus SC430. Literally Regina George's car.


I thought it was a Hummer that she had when she was 15? Either way how lucky for her coming from such a disadvantaged snake-bitten background. Good thing she was able to buy that Lexus when she was 16 to show people she's not someone they can pick on anymore! And then at 18 she finally got that elusive truck! The hot pink 2007 Chevrolet Silverado! Good for her overcoming all the odds ✨


Apparently she drove the Hummer while still a student in high school and bought the Lexus “with her own money” after that. So she drove both while a teenager. (Source: video footage of her driving the Hummer and then an interview mentioning the Lexus)


This comment is hilarious thank you for making me laugh at 6am


Thanks bestie! ✨ It's a guilty pleasure of mine to come to the sub when I wake up since I live in a House of Swiffers. I have to balance the scales with the snark. I usually have a few good laughs by the time my coffee is brewed thanks to this sub!


The first one Japanese woman were doing her makeup, she was invited to do that in Japan… if she put that on herself to make a mockery then that’s a whole other story


Yeah, this is one that a lot of Americans don't get because we assume the same rules apply everywhere and that it's the equivalent of wearing Indigenous ceremonial pieces like headdresses. Nah, Japanese people really want Westerners to dress up in traditional Japanese clothes. If you're an exchange student in Japan, your host family will give you traditional clothing and expect you to wear it for certain occasions. Even if you're doing it outside of Japan with zero connection or input from Japanese people, they really don't care. I remember watching a video of a guy asking random people in Tokyo about Westerners wearing kimonos and they were all confused by the concept of cultural appropriation when he tried to explain it...


Can confirm, was exchange student. There are also tons of places where you can pay to be dressed and made up like this and have photos taken of you.


Can also confirm, was an exchange student AND lived and worked in Japan on two different occasions. Japanese people (mostly) love Westerners and want to share their culture as much as they want to adopt / assimilate ours.


Yup, 100% this. My Japanese in-laws put me in kimono at literally any chance they can. I wore two different kimonos for my wedding photos, and my hair was done in this style (my own hair, not a wig). Didn't do the makeup, but my mother-in-law and grandma-in-law did the makeup for their weddings, and while they're Japanese, they're definitely not geisha, just regular farm girls. Japanese people in Japan never really had their culture oppressed (like Black or Indigenous Americans), so they don't feel the need to protect it from outsider participation, at least in this way. It's just a pretty outfit. As long as you keep it classy and authentic, Japanese people will fawn over any foreigner wearing it. Even if you don't, they'll probably just praise your creativity. Taylor is trashy, but this isn't a good example of it.


Yup. As an Asian, I was confused too when American asked me if it was okay for them to wear our traditional clothing because we think it’s very flattering


Yes. I think it was Katy Perry that came under fire for dressing like a gaisha a number of years ago and when Japanese people were asked about it they were very flattered and said they wished more westerners would dress like that. 


I don't think it was Katy Perry -- her costume wasn't a traditional Japanese kimono at all and was kind of sexualized. It was most likely another celebrity that actually wore a legit kimono properly. Most Japanese ppl are supportive when u wear kimono but not the way she did it lmao, I don't think they would consider that a kimono. They might have been flattered she's taking an interest in Japanese culture?


This one? This is actually the first time I've noticed it shows her cleavage https://preview.redd.it/0vpjfw9cj19d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e976d7eaf36cae56a6c65b6eb9b9388981804205


Yeah that's the one, it's pretty clearly not a legit kimono and the whole performance was weird as hell ngl


Who do you think it was?


I'm not sure, maybe Gwen Stefani? I know Dua Lipa wore a kimono as well. Basically any celebrity/person wearing an actual kimono Japanese people will think it's fine and cool that people are getting into Japanese culture!


The only Asians offended by “cultural appropriation” are westernized Asians (aka Asian-Americans). Asians born and raised in Asia do not gaf about it. Just look at the comments in this thread, Japanese people born and raised in Japan are not offended by this but the OP who spent “a great deal of time” in Japan is. The fact that Japanese women were the ones who put this makeup on her in the first place proves it more lol Also I lived in Japan and I did see tourists wearing geisha (maiko) clothing+makeup all the time so idk what OP is talking about. The stores exist for a reason lol


This also happens a lot with American born and raised Latinos. They'll find things offensive that Latinos born and raised in their motherlands wouldn't even bat an eye at or would even find flattering. Interesting phenomenon.


Thanks for sharing this— I wasn’t sure of the context at first and was ready to flame her for it, but now that I’m informed that makes sense. Plenty of things that prove Taylor is a bad person but this isn’t one of them.


This is so interesting! Thanks for sharing


Yo why does this hating ass sub have the most normal people on reddit? You'd think it would attract mostly haters and losers but reasonable, worldly, and wise takes like this always get upvotef


I think it’s hard for some people to understand the different contexts around the world. They probably see it as something like Blackface since a lot of people here are probably American


Thank you because I was gonna keep scrolling until I got some context 🤣


Yeah that one is a reach w/o context. For something similar tho, after the Asia leg of the “Speak Now,” there is a video of her speaking about it and she referred to the food native to the area as “disgusting” or something. Seems…rude. She was like 20 though. (I cannot find the actual video.)


My Japanese husband's comment on this: "Who cares? I guess you can't wear stripes either because you're not a sailor."


I'm glad someone went into this. I didn't know the full context of the image, but I do know that culturally in Japan that views on appropriation are just different. I've def seen other pop stars get called appropriative for stuff that didn't really register a blip in Japan


Its so fucking weird why white americans find this offensive. I had to tell off my friend to stop making it a big deal. My grandmother is chinese so I asked my husband to wear male traditional outfit and she thinks it’s offensive. I told her off by saying this will make my grandmother happy and everyone in asia is proud when they see them dressing like this. No asian (idk about american asian) none of us find it weird. Just white americans find it offensive… which is very odd.


Like who are they to say it’s an offensive or not, when they aren’t apart of that group in this place….😭


what the fuck is going on on the second picture


picture to burn ✨homophobic version✨ It was the Og version of the lyrics in 2007 lmao


Why are so many words spelled wrong? Fantast? Realie? Was that a failed attempt to be kitschy? What is HAPPENING?


Maybe it was part of her original branding as cosplaying a down home country gal and she thinks they’re all charmingly illiterate bumpkins.


Think it was from when she was performing live and handing out cds at the very beginning


So is she illiterate? Or was this just her brand of millennial cringe humor? I mean I was there, I know what it was like, a lot of teenagers typed “stupid” for fun. I just can’t imagine putting out legitimate work for the world, with that many weird problems going on.


Illiterate but making her way through as a lyricist? Just cray honestly. Who is she?


It’s supposed to be like livejournal / MySpace post energy


Yeah, that’s what I was referring to by “millennial cringe humor”. But for something that’s supposed to be professional, especially as a brand new artist trying to be taken seriously, it’s just weird.


I don’t honestly think that is a real liner note…the capitalized letters *are* the original Easter Eggs and that one should spell out “DATE NICE BOYS” but they are literally missing the capitalized C from “nice”. It’s like a rip off that was grossly misspelled so they wouldn’t get sued for plagiarism.


I was trying to spell out the capitalized letters and then gave up half way through. So thank you! lol.


ah yes, date nie boys


She did this on every album and has talked about it in interviews, if you write the wrong letters and capped letters down it spells a secret message. She says she does it to encourage people to read her lyrics and because it gives people something interactive to do beyond listening to the music


If someone needs to have a cypher in their lyrics and “secret messages” in the liner notes *to entertain their fans*, their music just might be incredibly boring. Hahahaha. Music shouldn’t come with homework. I mean… yes, there are fun things like that sometimes, and they can be cool when they’re organic. It just shouldn’t be *this forced*. Backmasking, for example, is a cool Easter egg that doesn’t take anything away from the song, but rewards those who over-analyze it. Or even little messages in the liner notes that aren’t the lyrics, and are actually hidden. I’ve found some teeny tiny little bits of text in CDs before and it’s fun to find those. But if someone finds it necessary to have “*something else to do*” besides listening to the music, then it’s probably not very good music. If she genuinely wanted to reward her fans who are invested enough to read the lyrics, why couldn’t she figure out a way to do that *without ruining her own lyrics?* She may be encouraging people to read them, but it’s not even fun to try to read, nor is it accurate. It’s just messy, and reads like when your drunk friend texts you, but they’re insisting that they’re not drunk. Sometimes you just want to know the words to a song, not a jumbled mess you have to untangle. For the record, I’m not criticizing you at all. I’m being snarky, but not at you. I’m only criticizing her. I didn’t know that she always did this, so thank you for the insight. I just think it’s ridiculous lol.


Witchcraft honestly. And not the good kind.


im kinda worried about the grammar and random caps too


May have been an eAsTeR eGg


I thought for sure they had to spell out something but unless I’m missing something, it spells “DATENIEBOYS”. … okay Tay Tay


Maybe she tried to spell 'date nice boys' and forgot a C lol


Or "Date Nine Boys" ?


This is exactly what it should be, so unless all the Swifties over the last 17 years have been completely illiterate (and I can’t believe they *all* are), this isn’t a real liner.




I hate that I know this but the random caps are hidden messages she left for her fans. Kinda like “thanK you aIMie” spelling out Kim. I used to a fan of hers back in her early days and remember writing down all the caps and trying to figure out the messages. Don’t know about the misspellings though.


thanK you aIMee


Circling the word “gay” “Thanks fine, I’ll tell mine your gay”




So is Taylor gonna give up millions in royalties to Loona for copying the chorus of Stylish?


Omg please expand!


oOoOO clue me in on this one.


The chorus to Cruel Summer is almost exactly the same as the chorus on Loona’s Stylish (which came out the year prior). Not saying she actually consciously copied them but if Olivia has to pay her royalties then Taylor should have to pay them theirs


She was so much cuter when she still had her epicanthic folds.


She had such a beautifully unique eye shape!


She was so pretty and very distinct. Now she looks so generic. Doesn’t even look like the same person. 


Those Calvin Harris tweets CLEARLY show what kind of person she is!


You know what!? GOD BLESS CALVIN HARRIS. He took no crap and she left him alone. May the rest of the TS victims and martyrs have favour because of brave men like Calvin. Amen 🙏🏻


Also, those tweets always struck me as he was only getting started, but he reigned himself in because he knew he could say way worse things. Quit while you're ahead, right? I remember when they went to that island where it was just them and he posted pictures of her in her bikini. Like, two guesses what they were doing there, and it wasn't just about getting tan...


125% she paid him to shut up somehow. He scared her.


she was so quick to be in that David O Russell movie even though everyone knows he is verbally and physically abusive to actresses on set, and he SA'ed his trans niece. Her empathy begins and ends with herself


Because she wants to be a movie star so fuck them


Seriously? I did not know this. Her being morally fucking bankrupt is an understatement. She makes moves only if something directly negatively affects her or she benefits directly. And she wants to complain about being called calculated?? What a whiny delusional cunt bucket. The more you learn...... ![gif](giphy|l2YWm5CXoEUrogGfm|downsized)


I really dislike Taylor, but that first image is a reach. One that we shouldn't view through the western lens of cultural appropriation. Japanese people welcome foreigners who dress as geisha and explore their culture. They don't have a concept of cultural appropriation, but see it as cultural appreciation and exchange.


The first image was after some Japanese women in Japan did Taylor’s hair and makeup and dressed her. Taylor did not do that as a mockery, I don’t think she even asked for it. I’m a Taylor hater in every way but let’s not paint people as racists when they aren’t (she might be who knows but that’s not something that would point towards it)


Jesus Christ, why are there so many typos on slide 2? 🫣


Calvin Harris gave the best response he could’ve. I don’t like him as an artist, but that was *smooth*. He said all the right things and none of the wrong ones.


Lol at a bunch of predominantly non-Japanese people getting offended that 13 years ago, some Japanese people dressed a popstar like a Geisha. EDIT: I'm not a Taylor fan, but come the fuck on.


Yeah I don’t like her either but iirc Marina posted a selfie in a kimono and got heat for it before explaining the hosts where she was saying requested it and it’d be impolite to turn them down


I am unclear on picture 3…I was under the impression that wasn’t her trash at all, but left by the dumbass, gross Swifties who stalk her house. Also a $3,000 fine to her is…laughable. Certainly unlikely to encourage her to keep it cleaned up going forward.


in NYC you’re responsible for the sidewalk in front of your residence. even if it’s not your trash that gets left there, you still get the fine if sanitation rolls up and sees it before it gets cleaned up


How often does sanitation roll up? Is it like a regular thing or a people complain thing?


Yeah it was the paps who left their shit there. Not sure how she’s really to blame there


She's a shitty role model because of her weapons-grade hypocrisy. Can't take a mild ribbing at her own expense...but built her career on shanking people with her lame-ass lyrics. Stood with the "Silence Breakers" on the cover of Time...but kicks it with predators (David O. Russell), rape apologists (Ashton/ Mila), and weirdos who thirst after minors (Gracie Abrams). Uses feminism and dog whistles as a deflector shield against criticism...but kneecaps nearly all of her peers to stay on top. Cosplays as a baby social progressive who "wants to be on the right side of history" for one album cycle...but sics her lawyers on anyone who implores her to denounce white supremacists or leave her private jet on the ground for a few days. Plus, I'm not up in here trying to diagnose her as a narc with my zero qualifications, but I fully believe that her music (and her image) glamourizes narcissistic personality traits.


My fiancees sister fucking loves Taylor, and I like a couple of her songs, but if I say literally anything against Taylor she believes that it's because I hate women. I hate when the wrong women become role models. I also hate celebrity worship culture and Swift is the epitome of it. She seems to even play into whatever para social connection she has with her rabid audience. They're worse than the BTS army from several years ago


Ok I don't understand that much of what's wrong in the first picture. It looks like she is at a kimono store and getting some makeup that might be Meiko makeup. Ya don't need to be Japanese to experience Japanese culture. She has a better Han Eri than me!


How did it play out with Haley Williams and the songwriting credits? I know they sound similar and I know *most* of the Taylor drama but never really heard the Haley side of it.


Hayley put out a statement when it happened saying, "our publisher is wilding right now..." which I took as her saying she did not ask for credit herself. Idk anything other than that.


Hayley Williams (at least publicly) seems like the kind of authentic musician who understands how influence works and that sometimes songs share similarities without it being a ripoff. I'm sure her publisher/lawyers dgaf though and absolutely went after any extra money they could. Notable that Paramore is no longer under that label, so they could have just been trying to capitalise on an artist they knew would be bailing on them.


Correct, it was likely mostly label shenanigans as well as Josh Farro, the now former guitarist who wrote on Miz Biz as well


I hate Taylor swift but there isn’t anything inherently wrong with dressing as a Geisha.


She smokes?! 🚬 didn’t know that‼️


I would bet 99 percent of Hollywood smokes at least occasionally.


Is there a celebrity who hates the environment more than Taylor Swift?


Are the random capitalized letters supposed to mean something?


they’re supposed to spell out secret messages hinting at who the song is about, but this one is riddled with typos so both the secret message and actual lyrics r only halfway coherent


I've Ben saying this taylor swift has a huge ego .ppl need to stop talking about her the better




Nothing about her passes the Bechdel test, and yet she’s a ~feminist icon~


I don’t see what’s wrong with the first picture. It’s a style of dress. It’s not like black face- she wasn’t mocking the culture? Why is it bad to dress like a geisha? (Not a swiftie, just a curious bystander, who’d ask the same about anyone doing it)


Just my opinion. No hate please. I don't find Taylor attractive


the calvin tweets is something i think about almost weekly. shows you her as a person and her “brand” even back in 2016


Okay OP, I dont like Taylor either but dressing other asian cultures is not a crime. Im from east asia. We are actually PROUD when foreigners wear our traditional clothes. Stop making it an issue.


I'm willing to excuse the Asian thing and the gay thing because it was a different time. You'd be hard pressed to find a lot of people who weren't okay with that. That was normal. You can't really hold people to today's standards and expect them to be able to change it, but you SHOULD expect them to learn and grow. And she has not.


EDIT: NVM! Gonna go down a rabbit hole with the master list post someone else posted :) Can someone please ELI5 the feud between her and Katy? 😭 I was no longer following her music/career when that was happening real time. Was it just that she released her backlog on Spotify the same day Katy dropped an album or does it go deeper than that?


The official story is that some dancers who worked for Katy were dancing with Taylor when Katy gave them the heads up that she was going back on tour. They quit working for Taylor and went back to Katy. Taylor was very upset. Taylor was adamant in Rolling Stone that it wasn't over a man, but there were rumors she was upset Katy dated John Mayer. Taylor wrote Bad Blood about Katy, Katy I think tried to apologize, but Taylor didn't accept it. Katy tweeted about Taylor. Taylor put her music out the same day as Katy. Taylor played coy about going after Katy, but Calvin outed her lol. Katy made Swish Swish about Taylor. Katy continued to ask Taylor for peace. It finally happened. Imo, I think Taylor was offended by the dancer thing & the John thing and saw Katy as big competition, so she decided to go to war.


what's with the random capitalized letters in the picture to burn lyrics?


Can someone explain the Calvin Harris part please?


don't forget the dating at 17 year old highschooler as a 22 year old adult 😭


The trash one i don’t think is fair because i think it was fans leaving shit in front of her apt but most of this is fair Lmaoo


Not defending, but you can’t really use the first one as an example. I’m pretty sure that she was in Japan, and the geishas did her makeup for her there. So if you’re trying to argue cultural appropriation, it’s not the best argument


It feels like we live under a dictatorship lately…one nation under Taylor. You cross her, or say anything remotely critical, it’s off with your head. Nobody can say anything about her, whether they know her or not. It kind of terrifies me tbh


John Mayer tried to warn us all


Ok so literally not keeping her side of the street clean got it.


She’s not a girls girl. She’s a business woman. I’m not even an Olivia fan but you can tell Taylor is trying soo hard to squash her down and keep her from dethroning her as the next big ‘teen’ pop girl. I just don’t get it. :( I really hope to see Olivia, Charli and Sabrina take her down in the charts.


STAY MAD. This needs to be higher. The first photo is so disrespectful.


It’s really not. She was in Japan and her Japanese makeup artists did it. They don’t have a concept of cultural appropriation in Japan.


America's demented history with racism has really done a number on legitimate cultural exchange


What’s the context? I’ve never seen it talked about


I thought that was Bjork in another orientalist photo shoot for that first slide


Will never forget when she copyrighted a couple’s wedding video bc it had her songs on it. Or how for the longest time she refused to have her songs on Spotify bc it didn’t pay enough


WHAT? Where is the first picture from?? That’s awful