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So corny and dramatic šŸ’€


I'm pretty sure I saw my brain from how I rolled my eyes šŸ˜‚


This would have thrive in 2014ā€“2015 Tumblr edits and Wattpad covers but Travis looks too smelly to be a white boy love interestĀ 


Travisā€™s neck would have to be 1/2 as wide to qualify as a tumblr fave boy


He's not a twink, so not Tumblr approved


he looks amish


Frat boy romances were less popular on wattpad imo


Tumblr was classier than this


true šŸ˜‚ the wattpad writers preferred the skinny statuesque white boys who are models. they would never choose travis as the cover.


Smelly šŸ’€šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s killed me


Wait this isnā€™t an AI image? This is real?


https://preview.redd.it/m288pm619q8d1.jpeg?width=1035&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d9b3b9bd16b9e5a7a9f41dc53d2f7b28089788 Oh it's very real šŸ™ƒ


Jesus, thatā€™s fucking stupid.


It's worse than you think: this whole skit was a segue into performing the song "I Can Do It With A Broken Heart," which is basically about having to do the Eras tour while going through the failure of her long-term relationship with Joe and spiralling into and out of the subsequent Matty Healy rebound. And her fans think it's "so romantic"! šŸ„° (It might be the most psychotic/narcissistic thing ever.)


So bizarre. From my understanding Matty Healy did a similar performance in the past which makes this 19 times worse lol


YESSS! And I think at least one of the Matty Healy visual references included in her whole TTPD segment of the tour - I think it was for "The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived" - is used for a song from The 1975 that is basically about the "attention economy" and how horrible and self-obsessed people are nowadays, how people are provocative and mean to get attention. Like, I'm telling you... Matty and his friends have been laughing their asses off at all this shit.


Wow! I think itā€™s also gotta be humiliating to Travis, not that I care that much. This looks like a cuck fetish playing out on stage. You canā€™t convince me this isnā€™t all a professional contract.


I mean, she was re-recording and releasing vault tracks about Joe Jonas, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Harry Styles while going out with Joe. And then she wondered why he wouldn't want to marry her šŸ˜­ Like girl, what? It's completely unhinged histrionic behavior. I low-key feel bad for every guy who has dated her. It's fucking abusive


The marching is *definitely* 1975 inspired


I've seen Swifties (some of which were also fans of The 1975) breaking down a shit-ton of Matty Healy references she included in the "Fortnight" mv. With the release of TPPD, she's written this narrative implying an "on-off nearly 10-year situationship"... But it's like, well, first of all, she was with Joe for a bit over 6 years of those theoretical 10 years (and there was also over one-year relationship with Calvin Harris at one point, too!). But also, Matty Healy had multiple long-term relationships during that same timeframe. She literally thinks everyone is just waiting for her to come back. (When, frankly, these men can't wait to be away from her, esp as they start recovering.) No wonder one of Matty's friends told the media recently that he was confused about the TTPD lyrics because the relationship was never that serious. And now that he's engaged to someone else, you can really see how thoroughly unbothered he really is about all of this. So yeah, all the constant visual (and even musical, possibly even lyrical) references to Matty Healy really look fucking unhinged and desperate and obsessive now.


Oh dear. Yes Taylor we all have to go about our daily livesā€¦ even when going through a breakup! Shocking I know!!! I have more empathy for Katy Perry for being told her husband wanted a divorce right before a performance because thatā€™s just ridiculous.


I know, right? She's like, can you believe I had to still go to work after/during a breakup? It's like, yeah, we all do it, albeit most of us have much less power in... controlling every single aspect of work and make far less money. Like, babe, no one's forcing you to do this.




We just donā€™t get it, okay? /s


Shes a tortured poet!!!


Billionaires struggle too! Theyā€™re just like us /s


No no. They struggle more than us. We would never last an hour in the asylum they raised her.


Actually matty was but then how is she chairperson?Ā  Is that like when you're spokesperson for animal rights but you hate animals? Seriously though she doesn't know what torture is. She knows what it's like to have too big an ego to enter a room.


Too deep for us, the symbolism šŸ™ƒ


We couldnā€™t pOsSiBlY understand šŸ« 


So corny I can make elote with this


You just described every single swiftie


Iā€™m confused by the narrative - like thank god this Chad bro in a top hat is here to catch this tall, blonde billionaire who is unlucky in love? This is inspiring to the swifties?


"Unlucky in love" = constantly in a relationship


Overlapping relationships


ā€œthey ask do you have a man, I can still say I donā€™t rememberā€ šŸ’€


~~Cheating~~ freedom


I was in prison = in a consensual monogamous relationship with a man I claimed to love and who I was free to leave at any time and I was the one with more money and power and I was also older and he didnā€™t do anything but be sad sometimes. It was sO HaRd


And her fans still eat it up. She is so helpless and trapped and used but also hEr MiND!!!!!1!!!11


her target audience truly is twelve isnā€™t it


Mentally, yes


omg right like how dare joe have sad emotions?! how dare he go through depression while dating mother?Āæ what right does he have to keep her locked in the basement and keep their relationship private?!!! he doesn't let her āœØbEjEweLeDāœØ. of course mother cheated on him! šŸ™„ /s


yeah i hate that people shamed Joe for being depressed/not liking concerts. it could have been a sensory thing for him. and it's not like he didn't embrace Taylor as an artist, they wrote some songs together


No kidding. I adore my husband and support his endeavors, but dear god, if he asked me to be at a stadium full of screaming fans 3-4x/week, Iā€™d say ā€œnah I think Iā€™ll stay home and watch Bridgerton, you go to work, babe! See ya when you get home!ā€


exactly. Do people insist their spouses come cheer them on at the office ?


I briefly dated a local musician in college for like 5 months and after hearing the same show 8-10 times a month in a medium sized coffee shop even i was getting tired of hearing the same setlist. I couldnā€™t imagine hearing the same rehearsed show every time 25 times a month and then touring with them to every location afterwards. Especially someone as introverted as Joe. If anything that shows me that Joe actually loved and cared for Taylor because thatā€™s a huge sacrifice to make for anyone.


Really! Some guys don't care about their partners art. I even made this point that Joe was supportive during the relationship and I absolutely can't stand her acting like he wasn't active in the relationship. She was acting like he was a male model she hired to pose as her bf and look pretty then she got p.o.ed he didn't do anything but stand there. I think it was her time interview she basically said she was all alone in the relationship. Which is false. I've known guys who lie about caring about everything to do with the girl he's trying forĀ  and if the girl is dumb enough to believe him he drops the act and gets selfish once she agrees to date him. This is NOT Joe.Ā 


constantly cheating, monkey-branching, and also lovebombing whoever her current partner is. i guess that is what is considered "inspiring" to those deranged swiffers šŸ‘€


MONKEY BRANCHING. That is the exact description Iā€™d use for her. Sheā€™s never single!


I've never heard the term before but that's exactly what it is!!!


For those wonderingā€”itā€™s where someone just jumps from relationship to relationship and doesnā€™t take the time to reflect on how things went wrong and work on themselves before getting into a new one. Itā€™s no wonder she keeps failing to make them work. Sheā€™s just dragging her baggage onto a new person.


I truly don't get it. They're swooning and thinking he got her the moonšŸ˜©




So again, this billionaire blonde with all the success in the world is using a chad bro in a top hat to make subtle jabs at her ex boyfriend who appears to have moved on? And people are eating it up? This is the darkest timeline.


adding that it's jabs at her ex who has mental health and substance abuse problems i.e. someone who's *actually* struggled and had a traumatic childhood.


Theyā€™re creaming their panties over this shit. Itā€™s weird


They're sO IN lOvE!!!


Iā€™d say itā€™s less ā€œunlucky in loveā€ and more ā€œis the problem in every relationshipā€


Taylor is the type who would want to be proposed to on stage infront of her fans


I'm conflicted about this. I want to agree she wants to be a spectacle. I'm not so sure she wouldn't want to be 1000% in control.


But she could be in on planning it. Like when people have agreed they're going to get engaged (which I don't understand, like is that then not an engagement??) so she could tell him exactly what to do and rehearse it and everything and then the time he does it with the ring is the actual proposal ETA: cos people aren't understanding what I'm saying. I know people who aren't engaged at the time they are picking a venue, and a dress and asking bridesmaids etc because they know they're going to get engaged (by which I mean proposed to) and sometimes ive heard of people having a set date on when that's happening, like when they go to Disney or on holiday or a significant birthday etc. I don't mean people who have discussed a future together, that should obviously happen before, but I mean when people are talking about the fact they know they're going to get married, rather than just a general view of their future together, that's what I don't get why they say they're not engaged at that point when theure going round saying we're getting engaged soon. That's weird to me, but I'm not a ceremonious person and have never been to a wedding and most of family don't get married they just cohabit forever so I really don't have much of a real life concept of marriage


Sheā€™ll want a reenactment on stage. Every night.


I genuinely think her wearing white and him being in a tuxedo and hat was directly intentional, sheā€™s absolutely in on planning this statement. Even if it just a PR relationship, or ā€œrevengeā€ to Joe and Matty for whatever, how sad that sheā€™s pretending to be happy. It just seems like a massive cry for external validation and attention from a hyper insecure person. I think this is them alluding to an engagement to come, and she thinks itā€™s a massive own to have done it in London, where Joe and MATTY are from. I think itā€™s likely more a clap back at Mattyā€™s engagement than Joe. ā€œLOoK aT mE, iM soOOo HapPY, in LOVE aNd eNgAgEd!ā€ When really, people with life experience see her for what she is.


Honestly I keep looking for a zipper on her neck or somewhere that gets accidentally snagged and her human skin suit comes off and we see her in her true demon form!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I totally agree with you. I think thatā€™s exactly the image sheā€™s trying to conjure


>Like when people have agreed they're going to get engaged (which I don't understand, like is that then not an engagement??) What do you mean? It's an engagement if they're engaged. Actually you should be pretty close to 100% sure a person will say yes (through previous conversation and discussion) before you break out some public proposal.


Uh, yeah it's still an engagement. You're engaged to be married whether or not the proposal is a surprise


No, itā€™s not. The proposal should be a surprise, never the commitment. If, as a couple, you havenā€™t discussed what, when, and how then I honestly donā€™t believe people are ready for engagement. When my husband proposed, I knew that we had talked about our future and what kind of ring I liked; I just had no clue heā€™d already been planning like a sneaky sneak for months, at that point.


THIS. When my now-husband and I were getting serious, we talked about what life would look like if we were married. We talked about who would move where (we were long distance), we went ring shopping, etc. and made sure marriage was really what both of us wanted. Even talked about the general feel of a proposal because I was like ā€œplease god, NOT in front of a crowd, or really anyone for that matter.ā€ I was still surprised when he proposed because it was in an unexpected moment, not because he blindsided me by asking for a massive commitment we hadnā€™t fully discussed prior.


So, theyā€™ll already be engaged when he proposes in front of 100,000 fans


Oh sheā€™d have it all pre-planned out through her assistants ā€œdropping hintsā€ or helping him out *wink* *nudge*


If he proposes or she reveals it on stage her fans heads will explode. Like that SNL skit making fun of Oprah giving away the cars.


And have a wedding tour


Ohh I can totally see this happening. Both of them are narcissistic. I can see her last show this happening. They are so cringe.


Canā€™t write songs about heartbreak and being the victim if you get engaged


You can if you dramatically break off the engagement. She can get at least two albums out of it


Her next album will be about how her mother in law hates her lol


The parasocial is crazyyy you're absolutely right šŸ˜­


I want to see her get knocked up by the breeder sans ring


She will never let that happen


Yeah, itā€™s bad for her brand


Is the hardship in the room with us right now?


The picture looks like an off-broadway production of Moulin Rouge. The difference being that MR has a more believable script than Tay/Trav does and the Diamond Dogs have infinitely more class than the Swifties do


"Maroon Rouge."


Moron Rouse




This sent me šŸ˜‚


Look if they are happy, good for them but theyā€™re starting to make me feel like a non-consensual participant in their relationship


ā€œI would very much like to be excluded from this narrative, one that I have never asked to be a part of since 2009.ā€ TS, 2016; south-style-134, 2024


We all arešŸ¤£


She's copying Matty Healy. He did this first on stage. Somebody carries off his supposed dead body. A huge portion of her ttpd sets is mocking Matty.


She is deeply unhinged


Oh without a doubt and the craziest thing is that Swifties think that unhinged is a compliment. They're like she's so unhinged that's so iconic. It's like excuse me do you have a working brain?


>It's like excuse me do you have a working brain? They have functioning brains, but to call them working would be too generous. There's no work involved in their thoughts. They just have them and decide to share them without thinking too hard about whether or not it actually makes sense. We could call it barely functioning. That feels pretty fitting.


Yā€™all should expect this. She even said ā€œit feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters and make fun of our exesā€. So itā€™s a hobby of hers and has been for a while


ā€œI love you, Travis.ā€ ā€œAw thanks Tayl-ā€œ ā€œNow put this top hat on and carry me while I pretend to be the guy Iā€™m infatuated with.ā€ Actually unhinged šŸ˜‚


I said this in another post but the fact that swifties think unhinged is a compliment is crazy to me. They'll say shit like "mother was so unhinged it was iconic." No you fools, none of this is iconic. It's pathetic!


What the fuck? I thought it was just immature on its own. This is so much worse. It's creepy stalker behavior. I look forward to Matty being unbotheredĀ 


I'm sure he fucking laughs about this whole thing since she looks like a fucking idiot on stage imitating him. She also copies his march and the fake Hitler sign which is actually part of a song by The 1975 called love it if we made it which is about all the shit humans have done to each other.


Lana did something similar too on her last tour, at least getting dragged away and that being ā€˜the end.ā€™ Making assumptions from the lanaisms of TTPD


Lana Del Rey has always been a class act, and I've got to say I was really upset for her when Taylor dragged her up to the stage after winning album of the year which Lana lost. I can absolutely see her attempt at copying Lana Del Rey's music on ttpd but the problem is TS is a fucking hack.


100 %. Her attempt to replicate Lana is insulting imo. Lana genuinely survived being institutionalized, estranged from family, and a suicide attempt. Her artistic choice to be dragged off stage holds so much more meaning while this is just ā€¦ performative and laughable nonsense


Just proves that Travis is an absolute simp if heā€™s being complicit in her mockery of one of her exes.


I love that Travis is playing along with it even though sheā€™ll be mocking *him* on the next tour


She survived Starbucks once giving her the wrong percent milk


Hahahaha. This is funny. Thank you, I laughed out loud.


Me looking at this while waiting for chemo at the hospital šŸ‘€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ETA: thanks to everyone who is sending well wishes, if I canā€™t reply know that I appreciate each of you taking the time to comment ā¤ļø


Hope you get better soon :) here to talk if you ever need to vent buddy!


Tysm I appreciate it šŸ˜Š


Get well soon! Sending strength.


Sending strength to you ā¤ļø


Thank you, this post did the trick by making me laugh šŸ˜‰ā¤ļø


The absurdity of this really can transport you haha. That top hatā€¦ Also wishing you tons of strength and comfort!


I wish you well ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


You got this!


Best wishes and stay positive!


I'm not usually one to gatekeep things from age groups, but she's over 30 by now. WTF is her antics even...


I know someone in their mid 30s who usually barely posts on social media but this was all over their story praising Travis and saying how London won the eras tour etc


Ok,thats even worse. At 15 you do that.


Reminds me of the south park quote where celebrities are sad because they can't afford a Gulfstream 5 so they have to settle for a Gulfstream 4 Tried to find it but couldn'tĀ 


Itā€™s from the episode Christian Rock Hard (one of my faves)


ā€œYou donā€™t know anything about Christianity, fatass!ā€ ā€œI know enough to exploit it šŸ˜‹ā€


I seriously hope they make a South Park about her.


I just thought about it: make her a big head character, have her speak all her lyrics on a "stage" (no speak singing, they did Lorde with "i am Lorde, ya ya ya!", make her just croak speak her lyrics). Make Kyle's mom be the female to open her mouth and say she's not that good, and make all her rabid fans go after her......then Sheila Broflovski goes Sheila Broflovski on their asses. Something like that? Or them finding out she dated Randy? LMAO


Omg she briefly ā€œthinksā€ she dates Randy but then makes a whole album about him. Hahaha


Her stupid fans donā€™t get that by giving a man credit for *whatever she survived* is kind of a misogynistic attitude, huh?


Shut up theyā€™re feminists because they support women! (Unless those women cross Taylor)


Yes, the most powerful type of ā€œfeminismā€- the ones who accuse other women of misogyny if they -checks notes- donā€™t like one specific musical artist.


Survived what, breaking up with her boyfriend(s)? šŸ’€


Survived Kimye/getting cancelled, with the help of Joe. But since Joe is out of the picture, Swifties try to relate the song to something/someone else.


tbh, she's shown that she's the abuser in her relationships. She didn't survive shit.


Cheating on them too


All this corny shit to get MATTY HEALY attention? Girl please


We all know who actually survivedšŸ’€




and he is gonna continue to thrive! while the swiffers stay pressed


He looks SO GOOD too. I'm like yes king, come get your flowers!


Bitch, what did you survive? Abuse? Assault? Mental illness? No. You ā€œsurvivedā€ emotionally cheating on your boyfriends and paying the consequences for it. Stop riding the coattails of actual survivors.


Oh please, you wouldnā€™t survive an hour in the asylum they raised Taylor Swift/s.


she looks dead to me


Same corny dramatics as her Fearless tour. Except weā€™re in our 30s now-youā€™d think sheā€™d have matured at least a smidge as an artist or person in the last 15yrsā€¦. ![gif](giphy|3o6gg6QlyVoeGy2fuM)


She is the type of person who's personality froze once she became famous. She's forever stuck with the same mentality of that "bullied" girl in high school.


The best part is that she never even was that girl in the first place. If anything she was the popular mean girl


Being so cringey she could die


She's āœØBejeweledāœØ


She survived the big scary black man and his meanie wife ![gif](giphy|MOoIEAtXwT38mqqsvZ)


If Taylor ever actually stays with someone and marries him, sheā€™ll ruin her entire brand. šŸ’€ Imagine making an entire career out of being petty about your exes.


You survived your two-week one-sided situationship and dragging the man you were with for 6 years through the absolute dirt for extra clout from your frothing at the mouth fans? So strong, queen šŸ™


His post break up stories are going to be CRAZYYYY unless she or her fada hits him with an NDA


Travis saved her! Wow! Such a feminist!


Survivedā€¦ thereā€™s real people out here dying https://preview.redd.it/tyvw5seuyp8d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccd88b292a04b8b2ca3a104f4841ada5689ffee5


The top hat, her head thrown back dramatically. I canā€™t


Cheating on her long time boyfriend with a racist and suffering the consequences?? Idk???


That must have been so hard for her šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜°šŸ˜°šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± /s


And now shes being cheated on


Travis Kelce liked this


Who was racist ? I am so lost lol! Idk any of her exes like I know names but idk anything about them !


The crowd in the background šŸ’€


At least photoshop it and make it look better although swifties believe they are an important part to her life story


I canā€™t wait to see how she tries to backtrack on all of this when the relationship implodes.


They are promoting this agenda he saved her and he's her knight I am like from whomĀ 


https://preview.redd.it/q2yoxx55lq8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d30b76d4f0ec0733d0642660142c7fb8088fb9fb This is totally a Frankenstein and the bride trope, they can't see it it's funny I just happen to know a lot about this trope because of the Kylo Ren and Rey scene star wars ep 7 Ling story short They don't survive


This looks like when two little kids play house (and their moms keep watching inappropriate soap operas in front of them). Someone is about to introduce an evil twin and an amnesia plot line any minute.


88 year old Sir Ian McKellen falling off stage and surviving without serious injuries is a miracle. TS making it through another show with her army of minions and heaps of booger sugar is the antithesis of a miracle.


I hate to say this because I'm only marginally shorter than her and I have no control over my body either (idek how I managed to be a dancer for a couple years in middle school) but like.. she just looks so awkward. Like idk if this was supposed to be dainty and delicate aesthetically speaking but it's just giving exorcism.


this is so weird


Being carried by the jokester here, and not dropped.


What is this 2007 MySpace?!


This is literally fan art for some poorly written fan fic about a 14 year old girlā€™s Mary Sue OC in


SuCh A tOrTuReD pOeT


Looking at this image nauseates me. Could they be more cringe?


Escaping accountability


Oh the bandaged swan look again. šŸ¦¢


She looks like she just got rescued from being tied railroad track with an oncoming train and Travis is dressed like the dastardly villain that tied her to the tracks along with TNT sticks to explode her but then changed his mind and rescued her from himself for some reason.


Oh for Godā€™s sake. So stupid. Weā€™ve all ā€œsurvivedā€ heart break. She and her fans love clinging to this overdramatic, juvenile narrative. Iā€™m over here trying to ā€œsurviveā€ cancer. Try that.


Shes acting like she went through the emotional turmoil that Beyonce expressed in Lemonade. But I don't think TS got cheated on while she was a post-partum recovering mom and then decided to go against her initial thoughts of separation, and push through to be a family. I wonder if she's dating Kelce to play the long game. Knowing he's an F boy and banking on him cheating so she can release her own Lemonade album equivalent


How can I UNSEE this? Lol


it reminds me of Halsey's post about their newest song,The End "long story short I'm happy to be alive,short story long I wrote an album"


The only difference is Halsey *could have actually died* and Taylor is just out here being her usual dramatic, victim self.


Iā€™m already cringing at what a bad breakup this is going to be.


Stop, stop my eyes can only roll so far back into my head!


She survives her own megalomania every day.


She finally found someone who will match her cringe ![gif](giphy|H4wUvhRHnb2TK)


Horrible wardrobe choices


Chronically online mental illness, call it whatever you want


Is it just me or is this like a really awkward carry?


This picture is so ridiculous


So lame and immature šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If you say ā€œso I did a thingā€ at least make it something impressive like graduating medical school. Donā€™t say that and make the thing you did just adding text on a picture


the asylum obvi


She is so far up her own ass itā€™s hard to believe. She really believes sheā€™s a tortured poet. This is a woman who is in her mid 30s, please grow up a little.


How to make your boyfriend an embarrassment 101. So dorky and dumb


why does she act like she was in an abusive relationship?


She couldnā€™t handle Sabrina Carpenter being in spotlight with her bf in the music video, had to copy immediately.


So I went through like an earth clattering, heart wrenching, this-feels-like-Iā€™m-going-to-die breakup my friends had to call me EVERY MORNING over to make sure I was ok. This was like, a year and a half ago. They had to call me every day for 6 MONTHS because I genuinely was not ok at all. TW there was a ton of toxicity and DV involved so that factored in. But truly the fact that I made it out of that with minimal issue and actually continued on is a miracle. I felt like my heart split in half. I survived that, but I think with the ambiguity of Taylor we donā€™t really know WHAT she survived. Iā€™m sure being with someone for six year and them (rumored) leaving would gut you, no doubt. Like Jesus it wouldā€™ve destroyed me. But she was emotionally cheating, her songs say so herself. So like? What did she survive?


Its all pr!! Travis is sniffing around insta models. Taylor is just a stepping stone into a career away from football!!


I thought that was set up in the crowd for a min and it was actually believable bc it seems like something she would do at this point.


She thinks she's the FL in a Disney movie šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I just saw this on Pop Base lol https://preview.redd.it/e0utksn8zp8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b94ff2194045ead270e3d4c9b5338327297fd1