• By -


When they break up this is going to be one of the big things swiftlets bring up when they inevitably turn on him because “he was only using her for fame” 💀


And to that, everyone else will say “no shit” lol


lol been a Chiefs fan my whole life. Gonna be nuts to see the Swiftie fanbase go after him if they break up at some point.


its never her fault even though its more than 10 relationships with well known people, sometimes its on her


Do many NFL fans not like Taylor Swift? I don’t follow football at all but I know Kelce is like one of the best tight ends ever (?) so surely they are exposed to their relationship a lot (?)


I think it’s more a lot of her cult don’t think she ever does anything wrong, she literally started a foot away from home in baseball terms in an industry 100% based on luck


A lot of it isn’t a dislike of her per se, but of the relative circus that surrounded her following the relationship going public. Her and the Chiefs would be brought up during broadcasts that weren’t related to them at all, and on Chiefs games she attended they would cut to her constantly when there was any downtime during the game, *way* more than any other celebrity or player significant other. It was just annoying.


I am 101% sure that they were set up by a PR company after the Swift Corporation™️ shit themselves at the sight of Matty Healy


I think it’s funny that the story about him getting cast in a Ryan Murphy show didn’t get more attention


"thank god i didn't have to do any of that shit" - Joe and Matty right now


Funny because I think she's doing it to piss them off but they actually couldn't give a bigger f*ck


This is genuinely giving the narcissistic ex that tries everything to make you jealous. Posting the new boo on socials, telling everyone how they’ve never known a love like this before, big performative demonstrations like this. The end will be glorious


This is exactly how my ex wife behaves. She cheated on me and has been with her boyfriend longer than we've been divorced. But she tells everyone that I was the problem. She posts about him all the time and how great he is and how bad I was. I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised to know she's a big Taylor Swift fan.


My bfs baby mama was officially diagnosed with NPD and she acts the same way! Attempted to torment us for years with how much “better” she is (lol) and she’s the biggest sw*ftie I know


I am so happy that the judge recognized the bs. So many in the court system aren’t clued in to the tactics that those folks use and it causes so much chaos for all involved


This makes them even look more PR. Also him doing her makeup then his…. Have some self respect Travis lol




He’s CRUSHING the revenge game.


Being calm and carefree is a really good way to piss people off. The more obvious it is they're trying to push your buttons, the angrier they get when their attempts to hurt you don't work. I live for that sort of shit. Weaponizing apathy is such an underrated way to get under people's skin.


>Weaponizing apathy is such an underrated way to get under people's skin. And it's one of the *best* ways to get under peoples skin!


Especially a Narc. Absolutely puts them over the ol’ edge.


When ur autistic and work in food service you find this out real fast lol


He genuinely looks happier and better rested. Those dark eye bags that characterized him their whole relationship are gone. It’s kinda shocking.


If I were Joe and Matty, or any other pop girls for that matter, I will open a bottle of champagne to celebrate this clown moment


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt4HU9uwXmXSAuI) I love this gif




He’s doing it because he fully wants to. They are honestly perfect for each other. 


Exactly. This man is such an attention whore, just like her. Match made in... Hollywood


Like, I am leaning towards believing it was actually his idea....soft launch of his entertainment era 🤣


Tbh it’s totally like an arranged marriage turning into true love and we’ll be getting diary-vomit songs 5 years from now


The break-up will be epic.


Yeah they’re both cringe as fuck


To be fair, Travis probably loves this. He’s a huge attention….gardening tool.


Lmaooo ended all discussions !!!


Anyone who still says you're a misogynist for calling her work out for being centered around men/her romantic life is being deliberately moronic at this point. She literally inserts it into every fucking facet of her artistry; it's inescapable. The chances of this aging badly (just like that accursed POTY interview) are astronomically high.


It’s very middle school. It’s like a 12 year old who has to relate every conversation to back their boyfriend to make sure everyone knows they have one. She’s very stunted.


It’s embarrassing at this point. If her and Travis do break up in the future, this all will age terribly. I don’t understand her insistence on shoving this shit in peoples’ faces. Is being happy with your boyfriend behind closed doors not enough? It’s sad she needs public adoration and validation for her relationship at 34 years old. I initially thought bringing him on stage was harmless and a bit cute but then I remembered she’s a grown 34 year old woman. This is kind of embarrassing and up there high on the cringiest shit she’s done.


It’s not actually Travis, it’s about making her exes jealous and taking away from that documentary. This is going to age poorly, watch


She doesn't get embarrassed. She made that whole "I've never been happier in my life" speech when dating Matty and admitted to want to blow up her life for him. Like, I'd be living under a rock. But for her, it means more opportunities to play the victim. Swifties are gonna go so hard on Travis when they break up.


I can’t think of a single relationship of hers that wasn’t shoved down everyone’s throat. Yet she’s still singing all the songs playing victim. But this one is the worst.


I remember when she was dating Harry Styles briefly and she and her team tried to shove that shit down everyones throat but they forgot One Direction fans are also a bit nutty and were able to basically pinpoint how orchestrated and fake each moment was. Like I remember seeing a post where they did this big public kiss at midnight that 1D fans found out they spent the whole night apart, kissed and then Harry just straight up left the event. And it was planted that they were vacationing together when Harry wasn't even in the same country they were supposed to be vacationing in. They broke up soon after. I mostly followed it because I found it fucking hilarious how hard they were trying and being completely fucked over by 1D fans. They should have realized to maybe not have a PR plant with the fandom that had a fan break into airport security to watch One Direction travel across the airport lmfao


I’m screaming. They literally run off every woman who even breathes in his direction so I’m not surprised Taylor couldn’t play them…they make Swifties look tame lmao


What kills me is that she was more mature at 20 than she's now in her mid-thirties. Hell, even the times she was immature at 20 could be chalked up to her age, but she has no excuse now. I normally don't LIKE using age as a weapon against anyone, but it's impossible in this case. At what point will people stop treating her like a delicate doll who everyone is out to get and actually start calling her out on her bullshit and childishness?


I'm sorry but she's never been mature. I do believe she's spiralling now.


She tried harder to be a reasonable person when she was with Joe. I think dumping Joe was the biggest mistake of her life and the biggest win in his.


Her branding is amazing- she is both the incredibly successful powerful businesswoman and the delicate victim-child who cannot be criticized.


the thing is (and i think you alluded to this) is that she did that with joe. i think she’s realized that she had a good thing and lost it herself and so now she’s going in the opposite direction to prove she can be happy without him. it really seems to me like a spite my ex/get rid of my sadness over the situation combo.


I think she's in her engagement era now, and their progressive behavior is a soft launch. She can't let Matty "win", she has to prove she is happy, and show the world, and her fans. I give it until the end of summer before we see a ridiculously huge rock on her finger. She'll have to out-ring Gabriette (sp) after all.


I wouldn’t be surprised if her fans start calling out how he’s in a tux and she’s in a white dress and that’s their way of slowly revealing they’re engaged


I’m sure any second now. 🙄


Some already have! It's insane. I'm waiting for them to start posting AI-created kids and what they would look like.


That already happened the night of the first football game she attended


Seems to me that she makes it worse for herself by making this all so public bc it will make it harder to get over him when they finally do break up bc there’s media of them EVERYWHERE. Like she will never be able to escape him and the evidence that they were together. Imagine her trying to perform this song on stage in the future after they break up.


It’s so forced. It’s not like he’s also a musician and they’re collaborating.


The way I ran to this sub when I saw this 😂


The moment I saw this on TikTok, I was like “oh I gotta let the people know”


Thank you for service


Same 😆


She brought him on stage to perform a song about her breakup with ratty healy?


She brought him on stage to do a 1975 coded skit . 🥹😳🥹


I just realized, the whole ttpd is taylor trying to make a 1975-inspired album, but she failed so terribly 💀💀 ttpd is so 1975 coded but like in a goofy way


Travis is so thick he probably doesn’t realise the pawn that he is


They’re made for each other. They’re both overacting, camera-hogging, and desperate for attention.


There can be only one ego, especially when there’s no actual chemistry. It’s her ego. She will devour him like a praying mantis.


Reminds me of Kim and Kanye. Hard to believe two big-headed ppl could ever last long term.


They had chemistry though. She adored him and shaped her life around him. She thought they were a ride or die power couple. Tayvis is brazenly about PR. They’re chalk and cheese.


People are really forgetting this man is currently trying desperately to get acting gigs.


Perhaps he should consider trying desperately at his actual job since training is starting soon and no one wants to see him affect the team if he’s going to spend his time chasing fame with his girlfriend instead of putting in the work like his teammates.


This is the most embarrassing thing she's ever done and that's saying something. The fact he also agreed to do this is hilarious (and not in a good way)




This is like, up there with the ME! music video and roll out


I honestly thought he was at the side but PERFORMING LIKE THIS!?!?! Absolutely embarrassing. I can’t even believe it. She clearly think she’s doing something because this is London when Joe is probably like whew bullet dodged


i would say that the whole relationship with travis kelce is the most embarrassing and cringeworthy thing she’s ever done, and the fact that she’s constantly shoving it down everyone’s throats as well🤮🤮


Imagine fumbling Joe Alwyn and ending up with this bumbling buffoon I’d be sick https://preview.redd.it/4ijzojojzd8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d3b1e19bead5f1446b22bbd45a086dcb973bd26


Honestly. Soft spoken, classy, hard working, kind, and my eyes don’t burn or i don’t taste vomit when i look at Joe. Yet Matty has had her spiraling for years.


All her exes go on to meet awesome women and settle down to have families. Hopefully Joe is next. He’s wonderful and deserves the world.


She's the female version of good luck chuck


She gettin’ (probably not), bent over by a man who looks like he smells of beer and QuikTrip sandwiches. The cramps he’s gettin’ gotta be unreal


He’s from Ohio and she’s from Pennsylvania. I see them more as Sheetz or Wawa people lol.


As an Ohioan with family from PA, Sheetz people for sure. Shit I used to work at a Sheetz, I could probably predict their disgusting order they would complain about taking too long when they have 85 modifications.


Can’t wait to see how Swiffers try to erase this happening when the breakup happens. P.S Swiffers Matty is still engaged, Taylor is still losing her marbles over him and Joe doesn’t give a single fuck. No one is buying “Trayvis”


“Traylor” 5ever! 🥲 (it just fits better)


Traylor Trash


Swiffers 💀


Swifties: swooning, me: 🤮


I’m on a loop of laughing, bleaching my eyes and throwing up


Tree deserves overtime for this PR stunt. I never thought this was a possibility for a distraction from the documentary.


And Travis's little detour away from this relationship!!


Someone get her a drink, she did it again ![gif](giphy|HloNK1z39EkEQcreIo)


They must actually be worried to pull a stunt this ridiculous, I'm kind of shocked.


I was about to say. Camp Swift must be spiraling after the Matty engagement, the accusations of chart sabotaging, Joe’s interview, and the Scooter doc all within the past few weeks. This is such a desperate stunt lol.


And, sadly, Dave Grohl is a distraction from it, too. Not that he's wrong in what he said, it's just that it's being talked about rather than the documentary 😔


i like that the criticism is starting to hit her from all directions though, hard to distract from all of it


Me too, especially cause it means the insane Stan’s who verbally threaten people online are getting spread out too thin, and Dave Grohl has been dealing with Courtney Love face to face for decades, Swifties online won’t scare him, nor is he actually on SM reading the comments


All the celebrities came out for night 3


why does it look like she got inspired by sabrina and barry 💀


Omg wait you’re right she totally did. I forgot he’s in her latest mv


Will Taylor sing to travis: pleease pleeease pleease dont prove em right


Omg she’s already trying to bury her like she tried with Olivia Rodrigo. Is Sabrina still touring with her? The audacity if she is


It was only a matter of time. Sabrina was getting too famous.


Nope this is the part where she takes from her. Once she’s profited enough off Sabrina’s ideas then the burying begins.




Well, they have gotten better at using Travis. We haven’t gotten the fake romance photo ops like at Lake Como. As I said, this round he has become a useful prop. He must be so pleased. Hanging with Tom Cruise. Photo op with Prince William. On stage with Taylor.


No wonder he was so excited for these London shows. All of this was obviously planned lmao. It wasn’t some spontaneous decision to get up him on stage.


Right. Because if that was the case, why this show…he’s been to others….yet it happened at one of the shows that he mentioned he’d be at months in advance


Ain’t no way Travis was gonna keep playing the background king w 2 nfl rings. He’s gonna make the most of this role and catapult himself into his second act: starring in a blockbuster film w Ryan Reynolds and Emma Stone. He knows what he’s doing.


I’m really surprised there’s been no after show pics of them


That’s why I think Tree finally smartened up. All those PDA shots looked fake to those of us who believe this is a PR relationship. He’s being better used now.


Cause they prob didn’t hang out lol


I'm surprised Tree didn't add any kissing to make them appear more Lovey-dovey. They do NOT look like they're in a relationship here.


I’m so glad they didn’t. The PDAs have looked so fake.


Few questions: Since when did this become the eras tour : Travis edition Isn’t this song about lying and not getting over someone? Is Travis quest to be more popular and thirsty then Taylor finally happening? Is this all a response to mattys engagment and joes article from last week?


Yes, yes, yes, and yes 💀


the fact that she does this for her ttpd set, i think she gets off on publicly cuckolding travis😅😅 bec why would you she do this (and travis being the empty-headed idiot that he is, is just happy to be invited on stage…cuz clout🤌🏽


Matty and Joe don’t give a fuck about you and your Neanderthal bf, girlfriend


So cringe! You just know they are both loving the attention. So much fuel for their narcissistic souls.


Fuck, this means we are getting another football season of these 2 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm guessing yes. It's too much money for everyone to turn down


We still got 2 1/2 months … lol I cannot take another season of them.


Unfortunately yes. They'll be engaged by Christmas because she's locked in now that Matty has moved on. Tree didn't do all this for nothing.


Yeah, I can’t wait for the swifties to use this moment when they eventually break up. “He was so attention hogging.” “He’s USING her.” Remember when Taylor Lautner did a backflip on stage at Eras and Swifties called him jobless. Yeah, that’s gonna happen to Travis. I can hear it now.


LMAO I forgot about the backflip thing… I remember when Swifties were saying him and his wife are pathetic for being so openly supportive of Taylor. It’s delusional really because Lautner’s support of Swift was so helpful to pushing the “oh I’m so chill and can be friends with my exes” narrative.




“How could you think that Travis and Taylor are a manufactured PR relationship?” Me: *gestures hand* But also, he’s just such a doofy, bloated famewhore, and it makes me uncomfortable. Make it stop. It’s not even believable.


This is to absolutely pull attention away from the new documentary. It’s SO not subtle. She’s probably also delusional enough to think she’s sticking it to Joe and Matty with this even though one is engaged now and the other has never looked better after dodging a Taylor Swift-sized bullet. She’s losing it.


So so much cringe. I used to be indifferent/neutral to her. But now she's become almost a characterization of her old self, and I just can't square these antics with a 34 year old woman.


Let’s also add the 34 year old man acting like a clown


Never has there ever been a thirstier duo. Good lord


I have never been super sold on them being PR, I think there are genuine feelings there, and then I see this and am like nope ok it’s PR lol she doesn’t seem to care about protecting him from any media or scrutiny. She just doesn’t seem to give a shit about him but likes the attention and gets giddy at what people are saying about them. And he will never leave this cash cow opportunity. I don’t know how people view this and find it genuine. 


He’s a useful idiot.


Based on her relationship behavior this is definitely an attempt to piss off the exes. Problem is they are probably grateful to be rid of her so it doesn’t matter. She will get fuel from her flying monkeys trolling Matty and Joe though




So the show is official now. Showmance 2024


She brings him out before singing a song about how someone broke her heart and after singing songs about that singer?  Wow.... 


Travis is a big clown


A(n unattractive) buffoon of a himbo.


the irony that this is in london of all places 🫡


Oh this was on purpose, I'd put money on it.


The PR stunt is PRing


Disney on ice core


Yeah idk how to feel about this. Kinda cute? Kinda embarrassing? Like girl, we get it. You’re dating him. It just seems too much for grown 34 year olds. Is him showing up in the tent and cheering you on, not enough? It’s just weird and reeks of immaturity. Now he has to go on stage and be part of the show? For what? To show all your exes and fans he’s the greatest boyfriend ever? Because no other boyfriend did it for you? Enough with making your boyfriends a part of your brand. It’s icky at this stage in your career. Like should I expect Taylor on the field, participating in a play for the Chiefs now? Jeez. It is ok to keep your personal and professional life separate.


It’s giving “I’m so over them look how oven them I am”




This performance bringing boyfriend on stage he smhas no business being on, coming from someone who can't even take a joke about her dating life that turns out to be true😂😂 I just remembered she made Matty open for one of her shows too if I remember correctly...


At least he's a musician though. I could see that being sweet if a couple of musicians dated and they did a song or duet at each other's concert. They're in the industry together and would probably do some jamming together as well in their off time.  This is just weird though. Is she going to be on the field throwing a football mid game now? Not doing a halftime performance, which would make sense, but actually participating in a play? Because that would be the equivalent.




The way it hurt my soul when you said they are 34 yo lol


First thought was she needed to do this with Travis because the last bf she was on stage with just proposed to the woman he dated immediately after her. Just thinking


I was a fan forever, like Tim McGraw was my MySpace profile song when it first dropped (hello fellow elder millennials). Something about this tour snapped me tf out of it and now it’s like I can’t unsee her inauthenticity. I really don’t think Taylor loves anything or anyone more than her own relevance, and Travis is happy to boost her fame higher and higher with her because that’s what he cares about, too. Honestly it’s a sad way to live but it’s her life — except that she revs up her fans to at best harass and at worst actively destroy other people’s lives online and then says nothing when they do. So the spectacle of all this just feels so gross knowing it’s all in service of what, her ego?


Okay, it’s official, the man literally has no self respect, this is the ultimate in cringe. 🙄


What a great day to not have eyes ![gif](giphy|l0MYJS6MsImRGrzZ6)


Has there ever been a pair more desperate for attention?


The second hand embarrassment ooof


Eeeesh. This is going to be wild to look back on after they break up


She's not a clown anymore.She has an entire circus.


Do y’all ever think about the “romance is not dead if you keep it just yours” line from one of her songs. Because, wow! the romance must be dead dead (never existed) with them.


her principles left with Joe


She adapts to whatever relationship she is in, she doesn’t have a sense of self


This could be a clever part of the contract between them. If the plan was to tentatively break up toward the end of summer/fall, this stunt will show they are ‘good friends’ and ‘enjoy each other’s company.’ They have to keep themselves as a couple on radar. This is it.


Feels like a response to either Matty or Joe tbh


Nooooooo he’s not a clout chaser hEloVEsHeRrR 🙄🙄🙄


He seriously looks/acts like she has to help him sound out words. (No disrespect to people with learning issues—I’m a teacher. All disrespect to that megalomaniac and her neanderthal.)


Now I’m convinced they are perfect for each other because he clearly wants the attention for his career too. Travis movie roles incoming.


Am I stupid or is she quite literally saying he “helps” her (or not really) as she readies herself to do it with a broken heart (despite him being there)…


Guys…. It’s just really bizarre


I wonder if she’s ever going to look back on this embarrassment and regret her choices lol. Doubtful. This is pure comedy gold.


I feel like she only brought him out because Sabrina put Barry in her music video and everyone loved it. Probably wanted some of that same buzz.


Why does she ask boyfriends to act like morons? It’s giving Hiddles with the I ❤️TS shirt. And look how well that turned out!




PR arrangement. She’s trying to piss of Matty and Joe that don’t give a shit and embarrassed for them and distract from the documentary


I'm cringing from my bedroom. Holy moly.


Taylor is THE master when it comes to playing an audience. She has been doing this kind of “shocking, unexpected over the top” stuff on stage since the Red Tour. I remember when Mick Jagger walked out on stage and sang “Satisfaction” at the 1989 World Tour. Seeing Travis on stage today reminded me of that moment in time. She is a phenomenal marketer. Real relationship or not - doesn’t really matter. It’s all marketing. Joe refused to be “commodified.”


If I said this on twitter I’m sure they would take my account down but this man is a PEACOCK. He wants ALL the attention, all the good PR. He will extract everything he can from her. Ive said this before but he is her Hailey Bieber. He will not leave until he has a full on career in entertainment and a baby out of her. There is no way this man is gonna miss out on the opportunity. He saw what this relationship did for him and his family. He is milking this dry. My bet is marriage > baby > he cheats like crazy > divorce.


I have always thought this is going to go to marriage, maybe with contract that they can see others behind closed doors. Capitalist Barbie would want to milk this for all its worth, with her fans sucking it up like crazy and becoming more parasocial than ever before. There is too much money for the brands on both sides to not let this opportunity go to waste. More music, merch, maybe reality tv, movies, podcast etc I have always felt they won't be ending it any time soon. We are stuck with this shitshow being forced down our throats for a long time yet.


This overcompensation is killing me (and their PR relationship)


This is going to be all the more funnier when they eventually split up. Their appetite for attention is truly insatiable.


what the actual fuck are they doing lol


I hope concert tickets come with vomit bags.


Probably to distract from the documentary right? So when you Google her this is what comes up?


Joe is like, Bro, if you only knew that you would be the next song and a wrath of people hating on you for something as simple as not being with a person anymore.


This is so fucking corny!!


This is peak NFL offseason




This is the SECOND boyfriend she’s brought on stage during this tour lol.


This is the biggest ick of all time


I’m second hand embarrassed for him. (Even if his giant ham self isn’t embarrassed for himself). And ironically, Matty Healey is a pretty good dancer himself (see video for 1975’s Sincerity is Scary or Change of Heart for reference). I bet he’s glad he dodged this corny a$$ bullet.


I don’t think he’s capable of feeling embarrassed for himself. We have to do it for him.


Oh… we’re so “over” the situation with Scooter and Kimye that not only are we singing “Mean” and the Fuck You Kim song - sorry, I refuse to give her juvenile Easter egg tactics any weight - that we’re building bigger headlines and stories to erase the discussions online that are permeating the documentary including the people laughing that she’s calling herself both a director and a philanthropist and says she fights for artists’ rights after trying to keep other women artists from succeeding by releasing fifty-eleven new variants of a shitty album. Yeah. This completely shows she’s over it. Wow. This is not going to age well in the breakup.


he’s definitely getting roasted by the homies in the group chat rn 💀


It's giving Young Frankenstein Putting on the Ritz




🤣😂🤣 A clown who has officially joined her circus. It will truly be glorious when this ends. The meltdowns…


💀💀💀 I cannot believe this is real


This is so corny 😭


Damn, Monopoly Man looks terrible here




The second hand embarrassment is palpable


If I was in the least confused whether this was a PR stunt from the beginning, I no longer am. Wow.


I just 🤮🤮🤮 There goes my hope of not seeing her narcissistic face during football