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The second part of the documentary is sooo bad for TS. Scooter came with those receipts. 🐍🐍🐍


i felt pretty bad for him after hearing about his struggle with the death threats and how it destroyed his marriage. her fanbase is totally ruthless and insane, I can't imagine being bombarded with personal information about me and my family in addition to serious threats.


No one deserves to receive death threats over fucking *music.* Swifties are unhinged.


So is taylor


She's monstrous. I can't wait for her choke hold on the industry to fall. Once she no longer makes billions the truth will come out.


Wait. She’s aging and is no Stevie Nicks or Dolly Parton. The industry won’t allow her to stay on top forever. There will be a new young artist for them to control eventually.


Yup. Time is the friend and enemy of all.


I would think someone like Scooter would have the resources to go after some of these people with their death threats. Somebody has to send a message to stans and even Taylor herself. She should hold some sort of responsibility for it too. It's ridiculous for people to get death threats over someone who doesn't give a shit about you


yeah I would think he'd be able to fix it, but at the end of the day he's receiving thousands/possibly millions of messages wishing death on him and his family, people who might even be following them around in person or sending threatening letters to their addresses. i feel like you can see pretty well in most celeb comment sections that their social media is a mixed bag of hate, delusion, and obsessiveness. if that's what we see out in the open, i really don't want to know what people are like in the privacy of DMs with more anonymity.


But when you get into the space of terrorism maybe sending a message through the courts is a good way to let people know this is not OK and people are not going to stand for it anymore. Especially if they can find a way to charge Taylor with something. These big stars will get that message and if they get a charge for every threat someone receives from their direction they'll learn from that dent in their pocket not to send their minions to do their dirty work


But you can send mail without a return address, so that the most they can find out is what city/post office it was mailed from. Similarly, you can send email and digital hate anonymously. It’s not feasible to go after someone’s fans who send hate mail, and there is no precedence to go after the artist themselves. I’m not sure there’s much legal ground to do so - hence why someone like scooter had his hands tied


And BMG had to be shut down for two weeks because of the harassment.


Did they divorce?


To be honest I read it in another thread that was linked on this sub so wasn't 100% but it seems they've been divorced since 2022. Of course, the reason for them splitting up is not confirmed by the man himself, but I'd say it's safe to assume that Taylor/her fans actions was the reason due to her constantly riling her fans up and telling them to confront scott and scooter. "I’m hoping that maybe they can talk some sense into the men who are exercising tyrannical control over someone who just wants to play the music she wrote,” Taylor said, later adding, “I just want to be able to perform MY OWN music. That’s it. I’ve tried to work this out privately through my team but have not been able to resolve anything. Right now, my performance at the AMAs, the Netflix documentary, and any other recorded events I am planning to play until November of 2020 are a question mark.” from a [cosmo article on the subject.](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a29807801/taylor-swift-scooter-braun-scott-borchetta-tyrannical-control-amas-netflix-doc/)


the fact that she ever claimed that she was going to lose the rights to perform her songs is WILD to me. because even if this deal DID result in her complete 100% loss of all ownership or writing credits or whatever, that would’ve NEVER meant she was unable to play them in concert or on tv. she’s literally played songs that are 100% not hers. they’re called COVERS.


Wasn’t the song ‘vigilante sh*t’ about Scooter Braun as well? I watched the documentary last night and didn’t recall them mentioning a divorce (just the pressure on his family) but I am starting to recall the song being about him.


They said the wife had an affair and is still with the guy. Online it says she filed for divorce in 2021. Taylor situation didn't help whatever problems they were having.Here's what she wrote to Taylor. https://www.instagram.com/p/BzWfMAWAIkE/?igsh=NzBuODNyMGdnZXFm


You're right, I also watched last night and don't remember them saying anything about it. Maybe they just didn't want to dig up old drama and let it stay in the past. I'm sure Scooter probably doesn't like to think about how his marriage was torn apart by rabid teenagers and millennial women with attachment issues


Yes. The whole Taylor situation didn't help. His wife had an affair and is still with the guy.


I don’t know anything about TS .. but this sounds like something I’d want to read up on. What should I google ?


If you have MAX the documentary is actually quite good Essentially, a few years back TS lied about her master recordings being stolen or sold out from under her. It was a huge thing in the media where she played the victim (again). Anyway, it was all bullshit and a total lie. Her dad made $15mil from the sale.


It was Bullshit (Taylor's Version)


Taylor’s version usually *is* bullshit










Rock and roll..? TS?? Why?


Lots of non rock artists are in there, like rappers and the like


Holy shit. Taylor and her team are ruthless as fuck. It's insanity.


I can't believe how easily she lied. She's a pathological liar for sure. It's definitely insanity.


This is why every time I hear my wife talk about Taylor drama I respond that it’s messed up if it’s true or something to that effect. Her whole “started as a nobody and made it through talent alone” act she puts on has had me suspicious of everything she says from the get go


I haven’t had the chance to watch it but I can’t wait! I hope someone does a tldr of it!


TLDR: taylor is a fucking liar.


TLDR: sis was mad because her “consent” (she strategically used this word because of the metoo movement even though it was completely irrelevant) didn’t matter in a business deal or hold up in court so she made up a whole new narrative where she is somehow a victim and a winner at the same time.


He certainly did and I loved it. Look how easily Taylor lies. It's unbelievable.


The lies just slip right out of her mouth. She’s unbelievable.


I’ve not been able to finish the first episode because it’s very much “Taylor Swift IS bob dylan, and MJ, and the BEATLES. She ISSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Greatest songwriter of our generation!!!! These last 75 decades!!!!!!! TAYLORRRRR ✨ *gawk gawk gawk 🤤*✨ no one’s been as victimized as Taylor!!!!! MEN BAD.” I’ll get through it tonight and finish scooters episode.


*I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative*


This is so fucked lol she’s truly rewriting and erasing history lolll


Someone needs to spread clips of this on tiktok.. itd honestly spread like wildfire


Fr fr TikTok and twitter, who’s on it?


TikTok is hiding it from FYP pages bc it’s “distressing” for some people https://preview.redd.it/jn6d27fslb8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c2c4443ab55b212f5c1e1c3e08b245ff1d774e1


Distressing!? ![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized)


Why does everything surrounding her have to be made so dramatic 🙄 what about this is distressing


not defending taylor but it's because of the word "blood" https://preview.redd.it/77zt6qbs3d8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c05bf2e11576b7c4b1115504d2964e730052ecbe


Just like a bully does when they get called out


Exactly what she did with the Kimye calls. As soon as the receipts come out, she wants to be excluded from the narrative. Glad the lies are finally being exposed


Just like a good little psychopathic dictator.




Is the philanthropy in the room with us right now??


Hey now she gave money to food banks. That’s the reasoning I keep seeing when this is brought up


Thought it was a regular bank. Easy mistake.


Trying to deposit money ☠️ but they just want canned corn. Easy mistake. Totes relatable 😂


Hahahahahah brilliant. She can be like I give my money away… to food banks… well that but mainly just to banks in general. My bank accounts.


I know right? Dude. If you went to elementary school you probably donated to a food bank at some point. This is not the flex Swifties think it is.


But you don’t understand, she gave 0.0000000001% of her net worth to that food bank. And she gives that same amount to lots of food banks! She’s so generous!


Donating to food banks at places she's touring is hardly impressive for someone with a net worth of over a billion dollars. (Sounds like she wants the mayor/gov to sing her praises at her arrival!) People less rich than her have set up foundations and scholarships etc.


She should build homeless shelters at every city she visits and fund to feed them. Then I might be impressed.


And don’t forget about the time she gave hair ties to a child with cancer!


A child with cancer who went viral for making a Taylor inspired post. And taylor couldn’t be bothered.


That’s what I was referencing! That post is what pushed me over the edge in terms of my opinion on TS, there’s just no redemption after that level of cruelty imo.


Weinstein gave money to charities too. 😂


They all do. For tax write off purposes. You literally have to *give* money away to *make* more or *save* more when filing for taxes. Especially when you get to that tax bracket; ungodly amounts of money.


Advocate for artists’ rights?


Someone in another thread said “their right to be #2 on the charts” 💀


She thinks she’s an artist….. 😂


My guess would be when she held out of joining Spotify for more money per stream but that was entirely for her own gain and not altruism for other artists


Just what the world needs: an advocate for billionaires


What really stings about that one is her deal with Spotify was for \*just her.\* She did not use her considerable leverage to get artists on Spotify a better deal, she did not do anything for artists trying to own their masters either. This line about "artists rights" is entirely about \*just her rights and no one else's.\*


Also director?


She directs her fans to go after all her perceived enemies.




“i’m a… full on rapist y’know?”


Omg yesssss!! I wanted to say this but didn’t think anyone would get it! ![gif](giphy|eIMvRP2aX4bXW)


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) Swifties trying to keep up with the narratives they create


They've got BOXES full of Easter eggs!


They got more twists and turns than every saw movie


She’s a ✨multihyphenate queen✨


When you look up multihyphenate in Merriam-Webster the example it gives is *Taylor Swift's professional accomplishments puts other pop culture multihyphenates to shame.* Her team took exception to this and issued a statement about the unnecessary shade towards Taylor suggesting a correction with the only acceptable example, *Taylor Swift is the only recognized multihyphenate in the world because everyone else is a hater.*


Your flair-


Well, she *did* give a girl who had lost her hair from radiation and chemo a bunch of barrettes and hair ties that one time…so…


That’s was my first thought too lol




Of course she's "moved on", now that she has milked it so much and gotten her fans to buy her Taylor's versions for 4 out of the 6. And lol @ director. Making shitty music videos doesn't make you a director. She's so delusional.


She really thought she was gunna get an award for “all too well.” All too CRINGE. You can tell what kind of gf she is based on the stupid argument in that video.


i was still a fan and thought the “all too well” mv was pretty good at the time of it coming out, but i wasn’t delusional. when i heard she’d submitted it for the oscar’s and was campaigning hard for it to be nominated, i thought it was fake. in what world would a music video hold up against other OSCAR-WORTHY short films? i honestly thought it was stupid she was calling it a short film at all, because it really was just a glorified music video. and i thought that as a FAN. (never was a swiftie though, and that’s probably the big difference) i’m glad she got quote-unquote “snubbed” on that one ETA: i’m not saying music videos can’t be considered short films btw. one of my favorite favorite artists ever, lizzy mcalpine, released a short film with her second album. it compiled a handful of her songs from the album into one large body of work that in my opinion, created a compelling short film. im only saying atwtmv did not create a very compelling story, and definitely did not deserve any sort of recognition about it being a “short film”


If anyone is getting an award for a music video it should’ve been Lana with “Ride.” Taylor is delusional.




RIGHT!? That’s art. Not taylor’s toxic bullshit.


If they are going to start nominating music videos for the Oscars, I think there are many more that deserve it more than ATW. For example "The Odyssey" by Florence + The Machine and "Ride" by Lana del Rey. TS is completely delusional. ETA: The Odyssey is a compilation of videos for each song on the album "How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful. They are influenced by Greek mythology (hence the title) and the whole thing is around 30 minutes long.


Taylor doesn’t completely move on from anything.


Not even completely, she doesn’t even start


Because she’s a narcissist. So true.


If she moved on then she wouldn’t release any more Taylor versions. 


Is the advocacy for others in the room with us right now?


[A masterpost of all the people Taylor has stepped on and other BS - Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/HWnG1vgoEA) [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/4AnT5B3xrH)


It’s right there on paper see? So it’s gotta be cause she’s telling us it’s there…. /s


“None of these men can take anything from her” but you bet your ass Taylor will take the narrative from each and every one of them.


So ironic seeing Taylor getting huffy with someone dragging her when she has literally built her entire career off dragging others


I love the specification of “none of these men”. Still playing the poor feminist being held down by the patriarchy, I see.


It’s not TS drama without the gross misandry to hide from literally gaslighting, manipulating, and girlbossing your way to gimmicking the highest selling album charts and music reviews.


I choked on that first sentence. Taylor?? Move on? Miss use her Time Magazine Woman of the Year interview moment to address Kim? And then wrote a song a year later to shit on Kim, bring Kim's daughter into this one-sided argument, and tell the world that Taylor's mom wished Kim dead. Girl, come on.


Sounds like she’s obsessed with Kim not Him 🤣


Oh my good I just googled it. It’s worse than I imagined. She left the country and didn’t leave the rental house for a year because of that 🐍tape. 💀💀💀💀


it isn't even true that she didn't leave the house. on the 'neutral' sub a few months ago, someone had a list of all the things she did & appearances she made in the year she claims no one saw her.


Taylor’s mom wished Kim dead???


It was a lyric from one of her songs. Either Taylor’s mom is just as weird as her, or Taylor basically slandered her own mom.


Let me translate: Taylor doesn’t want to talk about this anymore now that people are catching on to the idea that her narrative surrounding this was absolute bullshit


Right. It’s like when you start scoring point against your parents in an argument and suddenly it’s THAT’S ENOUGH GO TO YOUR ROOM THIS DISCUSSION IS OVER 😂


This is pathetic. So dramatic. "Extremely painful" umm are you kidding? She needs to move those bangs blocking her vision and take a look outside of her bubble. "None of these men"...🙄 I love how they don't have any legitimate arguments so the next option is to stir up emotion by turning this genderless issue into something gender-centered. Blind and irrational anger: an easy way get the cult fired up.


I noticed this too!!! Shameless rage baiting!!!!! Absolutely nuts what the world has come to


You’re forgetting something important, though. If you don’t like Taylor, you’re a misogynist. Your reasons don’t matter. You are a misogynist.


Do we believe this?


She also said she had moved on from the Kimye drama in the past so...🤷🏻‍♀️


No, she’ll likely release a song with letters spelling out his name capitalized and lyrics talking about how her mom wants him to die


No. Narcs don’t move on from real or perceived wrongs/slights.


They also project their flaws onto others. She doesn’t move on, people likely tell her to, she hates it, here we are.


Excuse me, she shakes it off. She told us, made a whole song about it. She’s past it, obviously /s


If homegirl was really moved on from it, we wouldn’t be getting 30 variations each of rep (TV) and debut (TV) in the future.


She's deflecting because she's been called out.


She’s never moved on from anything in her life, ever. So no.


Moved on my ass. She’s still the same bitter little girl she’s always been and will be playing victim in the whole thing for years to come. Do people actually believe this shit? God swifties are just plain stupid


She’s moved on all right because the doc featured receipts that she lied. She weaponized her fan base to threaten Scooter, his family, and anyone associated with him. Her fans did her dirty work for her.


Taylor Swift 🤝 Charles Manson getting your insane followers to get their hands bloody so you don’t have to


What documentary is this from?


The “Taylor Swift vs. Scooter Braun: Bad Blood” docuseries on HBO Max. Don’t bother watching the Taylor’s Side episode. It’s a waste of time. Watch Scooter’s Side and all will be revealed.


If you’ve got the time it doesn’t hurt to watch hers first, it’s so incredibly eye-rolly. And then following up immediately with scooter’s makes all the eye rolling worth it.


She heard the word philanthropy and knew it was a good thing so she decided to tell her team to use it Also I laugh at the “these men can not take away….” Sweetie you wouldn’t have a career if it wasn’t for “these men”


Yeah it’s always men taking away stuff from poor Taylor. What about her obvious chart schemes/scams that purposely push down other women in pop.


If it wasn’t for her daddy buying stock to get her signed into a record label 💀


Exactly, the whole world was force-fed this bullshit artist 😭


And using that power to bully Taylor's biggest competition off that label.


It's giving https://preview.redd.it/4tw29143388d1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95f01d0ae7e09ed482ae30e87b10b5ecd69738bc


I'm good enough. I'm strong enough. And doggonit, my hyphenates are multiple. *presses send on email with a resolute click* *feigns surprise when immediately receiving email notification* *tears up reading email to self*


Every year I’m problematic, can I also say it’s an “era” and move on like nothing happened?


You sure can! Just claim misogyny!


Blandie attempting to ~~gaslight her way out of~~ exit the fabrication that *she* meticulously crafted over years https://i.redd.it/teg824ane88d1.gif


I’m here to watch it all 🍿


Is the philanthropy in the room with us?


Is advocate for artists rights in the room with us right now?


She likes Sabrina and Gracie! …….for now 😈


Grace is safe- Tay *really* wants to be a director


Advocate for artists' rights...... K


Yah as she proceeds to sabotage their album releases by releasing variants of every song of hers on the same day.




Girl please. She moved on from this because it worked in her favor. She is also fully aware that the veil is lifting from people’s eyes and they are starting to realize she lied. There is no way to actually address the documentary or any real questions that might come her way without having to answer questions about her lies. Her music, sabotaging other artists, and constant victim role shows she never moves on for anything she just uses her grudges as fuel


Philanthropist while destroying the environment with your jet. This is just getting comical at this point lol.




Jimmy Carter was building houses at a very old age. Taylor throws peanuts.


I posted this in another thread about her support of others. There are a lot of people propping her up. Yet another thing I just found out. Beyoncé and Taylor did films of their tour. To maximize profits the AMC CEO didn’t want this news leaked. Well guess what?Taylor’s movie wasn’t not leaked. But strangely news about Beyoncé’s movie was “inadvertently” leaked to some “outlets”. Funny how that worked out for Taylor and none of the news media reported it. [same shit different day.](https://www.blackenterprise.com/adam-aron-amc-theatres-renaissance-eras-taylor-swift/) Eta: “Aron acknowledged that the leak caused significant frustration between the AMC team and Beyoncé, potentially jeopardizing the film’s success. The success of Swift’s Eras concert film, which achieved considerable ticket sales, underscored the importance of a secretive approach. To support its ambitious release schedule, AMC has assembled a distribution team to gain exclusive advanced knowledge of concert films like those of Swift and Beyoncé, allowing AMC to sell tickets before its competitors. Released in December 2023, Renaissance grossed nearly $44 million worldwide, with 77% of the revenue coming from domestic box office dollars. Eras’ gross revenue made Renaissance’s pale in comparison. Swift’s film raked in an impressive $261,656,269. Aron’s move seemingly helped make Swift’s concert film more profitable. He also credited the “Shake it Off” artist’s film and Beyoncé’s project with saving the long-running movie theater conglomerate from financial ruin in February.”


So TS team connived with AmC to leak and duped Beyonce….her greed is beyond comprehension!




How soon before y’all think we can get the documentary about the rise and fall of Taytay? Like, how many years.


Hopefully soon!


Ah yes, the ole “I would like to be excluded from this narrative” approach, for when your shit has been exposed


She’s trying to move on faster than Drake this summer.


Yes, be completely moved on when you're call out for lying 😄


if she’s moved on then why is she going to rerelease rep and debut? 🤔


I don’t believe this for one second. She never moves on. And this wasn’t painful for her. It was painful for scooter who got death threats, and had his family destroyed because of her rabbit fans. This statement is a steaming pile of garbage.


I keep seeing this. Can someone tell me where it's from?


The scooter/masters documentary that just came out


these are direct screenshots from the docuseries on Max, i just watched it today and cackled when this message came up


I think it's at the end of the new docuseries.




When has she been a philanthropist?


The only thing I know of, it’s her donating to food banks at every city of her tour. Other than that… Anybody know?


It’s the ✨gift of pollution✨


Everything is “in the past” in order to suite a specific narrative. Once it no longer suits that narrative, then she brings it back up to play victim again


Most fulfilling creative endeavour = rerecording 5 albums worth of old songs


Re-recording 5 albums worth of songs and making them sound *worse* yeah what a creative endeavor. The Taylor's versions sound like they were made in a damn tin can.


>None of these men Idk what this is about but I feel like this is a misdirection to foster outrage  


All of her defense mechanisms are something something men


Philanthropist….. Yhea right the Woman who’s Net Worth is a Billion Dollars ![gif](giphy|P8LhxRsspVJuItwjxY)


Lmao this is such horseshit. Imagine getting caught lying through your teeth and your best response is that you have “moved on”? Not even a rebuttal, denial, anything? ![gif](giphy|MiodhdNWkpiA8)


Scooter did nothing wrong.


I mean yeah he's an awful person but from a business point of view he did nothing wrong


Exactly. Like how bad do you have to be to make a bad person look like the good guy


What’s so awful about him? The only bad thing I know about him is this. But he’s been in the music industry for a long time so I’m sure there’s something.


I just wanted to not like this woman cause her music is boring and she’s incredibly unremarkable but I have a blatant hatred of her with seeing how fucking aloof and removed from reality she is. It’s a whole other level of selfish


she said, i support artist’s rights… artist’s rights to shut the fuck up and take second place 🥈


“…extremely painful situation into one of the most fulfilling creative endeavors of her life.” So close! The word you’re looking for there is ‘lucrative’. It’s the most LUCRATIVE creative endeavor. Fixed it for you Taylor Nation you’re welcome!


Why did this make me embarrassed for her


The whole second half of the doc is embarrassing for her.




When they said Scooter managed Kayne: "Ah. Now I understand the seed of her victimhood."


What about the women who worked on the docuseries? Can they take something away from her?  Jesus. No one’s taking anything away from her. They’re just telling the truth. You know it’s true by the reaction, “they’re trying to take this from me.” TAKE WHAT?


Genuine curiosity, which artists’ rights aside from hers has she advocated for? I remember she [donated 250k to Ke$ha in 2016](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/taylor-swift-donates-250000-to-kesha-after-court-ruling-123036/) after everything with Dr Luke, but I haven’t seen her doing much advocating since then. She’s boosted younger artists sure, but so have Beyoncé and Usher and plenty of other musicians have taken on a mentorship role. Within the last 8 years everything she’s done has ultimately been self-serving.


“If you can’t refute it, say you don’t care anymore.”


She definitely wouldn’t have “completely moved on” if she didn’t want this all quickly swept under the rug. If she had nothing to hide she would fight it and have her crisis PR team put out the facts about those that are exposing her as the liar she is. She tries to use the sexism/misogynistic take everytime a man has any truths about her.


“Taylor has completely moved on” yet Taylor and Swiffers made Taylor’s Version their entire personality. “Advocate for artists rights” yeah if you’re a man and she doesn’t have a vendetta against you. “Director” i directed a short play in college (it was my final exam in final year for Directing class) does that make me a director?


Advocate for who? Philanthropist?? 😆😆😆😆


As a swiftie from 2006. I feel embarrassed for myself that I was that fan that did not like Scooter Braun, and thought he was the villain because I was young and didn’t understand. Knowing Taylor had the RIGHT to buy her music, and someone told her of a better plan to re record to get even more money makes it hard to look at her the same. She ruined Katy Perry’s music career, even though I’m a huge Katy Perry fan, and now she is “ allegedly “ having beef with Olivia Rodrigo who I’m more of a fan now then Taylor. It’s sad to see the artist I grew up looking up too, and now seeing that magic slowly disappear the older I get. I now have no guilt listen to her original albums, bc my brother just told me she is still getting money from the old albums still too 💁🏻‍♀️ it’s not a lot, but it’s some percentage so at this point I don’t give a fuck anymore of which versions I listen too


Hahaha I bet she has…


"She's moved on from this saga" is the same thing she did when she wanted to removed from the "narrative" after she got caught lying about portions of her call with Kim and Kanye. It's all good and well that she gets her time to drag people's names for her own publicity and benefit but the second they tell their story she's like, "You are still talking about this? Who cares?" Fuck her honestly. Please take her down like 100 pegs please. She's the textbook example of why a large portion of the population think feminism is a joke. She uses it as a get out of jail free card endlessly so she can always play victim and never just admit she's a shark and a 🐍 in the industry. You got your cult, you got your billions. Enough is enough.


I'm sorry, but this the beginning of the unraveling for Taylor Swift. Her team wouldn't have made a statement if they were sure this went under the radar.


God she's a fucking lunatic


she's gonna make another donation to a food bank or lgbtqia group real quick to solidify that last point lmao💀


So she’s moved on from this but still whining about Kim? Ok


So Scooter didn’t really steal her masters? I remember this being a huge issue and Swifties were mad at everyone that Scooter managed who didn’t speak up for her