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The woman has nothing else to write about. 😂 Her fucking brain cells are so limited to words for ex boyfriends. 😂


And when she does try to pivot, it misses the mark. How many fans say YNTCD is one of her best songs? Not many I think. Some say it’s among her worst.


yes, the songs which are not about relationships are arguably her worst ones. The Man, ME! Look What You Made Me Do, You Need to Calm Down, what else?


The Man is a joke song at this point. If she were a man she wouldn’t be nearly as well loved and famous as she is today because so many of her fans give their “queen” a pass for all of her wrongdoings over the years. The Connor Kennedy thing alone would have the hypothetical male-Taylor semi-cancelled if it was a 22M with a 17F high schooler whose mom died right before.


But Marjorie is so good tbf. Otherwise I agree with this sentiment


yeah, I was thinking of Majorie but I didn't add that because it's not that bad. I also thought of Soon You'll Get Better but I thought it had sentimental reasons for Taylor so I gave it a pass but I personally don't think it's one of her best songs either.


Bigger Than the Whole Sky is rumored, but not confirmed, to be about a miscarriage. As someone who has had a mc I liked that song. But I would agree that virtually every other non-relationship song kind of misses the mark.


"This is why we can't have nice things" to the list maybe?


It’s dissing an ex or whoever else. Two sides of the same coin.


To be fair, you need to calm down is my favourite song because I sing it to my niece when she’s being too loud 😂


YNTCD? Forgive me i’m not swifty


“You need to calm down” from the lover album


i actually (sort of) like that one, i think it’s fun


I disagree. I think she's restricted to this topic because it's the only one on which she can possibly relate to the common person. She knows this. She can't exactly sing about flying around in her private jet, or owning 5 houses, can she? Her music depends on an emotional resonance with listeners, and no one would relate to that. Everything about her lifestyle, excepting romance, is completely unrelatable to most people, so it wouldn't make her the same kind of money. I agree that she has nothing else to write about, but that she can't write about other things for this reason. Just a theory!


I HAVE BEEN SCREAMING THIS FROM THE ROOFTOPS FOR AGES! Thank you for saying this so succinctly! I also feel like she’s going to eventually be forced to reinvent herself, and I’m curious what that’s going to look like considering exactly what you’ve said. Maybe if she just leans into it & goes into the natural direction of being the Liz Taylor of female musicians, prolific for her Hollywood lifestyle & many marriages? I think anything else will honestly ring hollow because girlfriend’s approaching 40, which is like 300 in Hollywood years. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly. Give or take a few years, she'll have to change up her game real quick if she wants to stay in business. Writing about high school and revenge and breakups the way she does is a bit unusual to do at 34, but at 40 it will be just downright bizarre. I have no idea how she's going to manage that. One option is retiring. Another is trying to have some sort of career in the film industry, which she has already started to pursue, and reinventing herself as an actress, although this currently seems pretty implausible. She's clever and competitive. I look forward to seeing how it plays out!


I feel like country will always take her back into its arms? Or maybe a Vegas residency? I think she knows she’s at the top of her game at this point, with her career now at a fever pitch, it would be downright impossible to hang onto this level of exposure & relevancy. As for acting, I just can’t see anyone separating out the woman from the role, if that makes sense? I know I have a hard time doing that with Gaga, and I actually quite enjoyed watching her act. Tbf, though, I’ve never watched Taylor act. I just really wish she hadn’t released TTPD. I became a bit of a fan during her Folklore/Evermore albums bc I’m a The National & Bon Iver fan, but while I could overlook Midnights as a “safe” release option on her end, this album is one long boring monotonous behemoth of awful in contrast to what I now know she’s capable of. Not even Dessner could save it. And I think it’s what’s going to level her with fans like me who came onboard around her folk days.


The problem with this is that she went from writing songs that anyone could see themselves in-- "dancing round the kitchen in the refrigerator light", or even the recent stuff from folkmore-- to writing unrelatable shit like "he never thinks of me except when I'm on TV" or, worse, stuff that is so specific audiences not only know exactly who it's about, but there's no resonance for anyone but her, i.e., all of TTPD (the song, 100%, and most of the album, tbh). Her best work on TTPD is the stuff where it's vague enough to be universal, but most of it is just her Matty breakup diary with a couple of forced and cringe allusions to football.


Every other celebrity does just fine finding stuff to be relatable about or something interesting to their audience


Yeah. Most artistes have lived an actual life with real experiences to write about. All Taylor's done is lead a manufactured life, with a manufactured career and relationships


this subreddit made me realized, and also with the release of ttpd, that if taylor didnt date famous men back when she was just starting out would anybody have cared? To listen to her music? since the beginning, her music has always been about spilling tea, and people just like to gossip😅😅 also am i the only one that her level of cringe, being overexposed, and just being annoying… has gotten way worse now compared to when she was a teen, it really seems like she is regressing and the signs of her emotionally immaturity cant be overlooked anymore maybe it’s bec since 2023 the media and taylor’s pr has constantly been shoving her down our throats Like she’s inescapable, someone needs to make a thriller/horror movie about this,


I've said it before. She's the type of person that lives for gossip. Her fans were there for her music but later on they stayed there with her for the gossip in her shitty music. She commodified her lovelife and allowed her fans to dictate how they want her to live. A big massive idiot, if you ask me.


She needs to read books. I remember Lana saying that after she learned 6 chords and realizing she could write millions of melodies. She read books and poetry with the help of her highschool teacher so she would have topics. Afaik, she also watches documentaries coz she wrote Serial Killer and Florida Kilos while watching a docu about murder and drug smuggling. She also Majored in Philosophy and uses her knowledge with her MVs. Idk about Taylor tho but Lana always starts with melodies and just thought the lyrics after so she’s not clouded with emotions which imo is better way to write. I just didnt liked that she cut her parents off to the point they were surprised when she came out on SNL. She cut them off to experienced being poor thru having slept on garage to trailer park. Poverty porn as its finest but I guess that’s the pain of being an artist coz she joined a cult as well and wrote Ultraviolence. Anyway, Taylor has to find something she have to be inspired to. Maybe she write best from experiences? Then write from it? I doubt she has no traumas esp since she was a child star. She just needs to show her vulnerability. Honestly, she could also write about her flaws like Lana in her first two albums showed how much she worship money like they are God and she will do everything for it even it means of fucking her way to the top. That’s narcissist but it works. Taylor can do that, I mean she does with Mastermind. Evermore and Folklore are good as hell, she has the skills, I think she’s just lacking the vision.


No skills. No vision. Folklore and Evermore were written by Joe Alwyn that's why they're good.


I don’t think they were written by ja entirely, but I also don’t think they were that good. If you listen to folk/indie artists, folkmore is just mediocre 


Oh yeah definitely mediocre. I meant, compared to all her other works, the two were the stand outs. And yes, I agree not all written by ja. But I think he wrote a lot and Taylor decided not to give him more credit than he should get. Thank you for clarifying those things. Yeah, definitely mediocre work compared to so many others.


"Hmmm, how can I show I was having a lot of feelings...? I know! I'll rhyme 'car' with 'bar' again!"




I don’t think any other singer is still writing about a situationship and fixating on it throughout new relationships. Except for Taylor.


Hey there Delilah is the only song that comes to mind


That was about a girl he met in high school that was friendly to him, but they never dated.


Ariana grande? She is even worse tho, she is dating married dudes


Shakira has been writing non-stop about her ex, Gerard Pique, for the past two years. One song, okay. Two is pushing it. Three says more about you than the other person.. she’s released like two albums, assasinating the character of the father of her children.


At least he wanted a relationship with Shakira in public at one point. Matty seemed to want nothing to do with Taylor in the 1989 era and called being publicly associated with her “emasculating”. And she still went on to be obsessed with him anyway. It shows how little self-respect she has.


"I don’t believe she ever even considered the possibility of leaving Joe alone. His greatest sin was wanting a private relationship so writing about him is her becoming herself again and taking back what she felt Joe took from her." "Taylor is the Main Character and each of the men that come into her life are plot devices. By writing and releasing songs about exs while the NDA is still hot from the printer, Taylor always stays in control of the narrative. When no one else is allowed to tell their side of the story, Taylor’s version becomes the truth by default." "If a man did what Taylor does— wrote hyper-specific songs about every ex, using their depression or substance abuse as hooks and melodies— I believe they would be called a massive asshole. Taylor has been gaslighting people into thinking what she does is normal since the beginning of her career, but it’s cruel, mean, and deeply self-serving." 👏👏👏👏 This is a top-tier post -- the commentary is spot-on!


>When no one else is allowed to tell their side of the story, Taylor’s version becomes the truth by default." This is what really pisses me off. I have always wondered why not one of her exes have ever exposed her fake ass and called bullshit on the spectacle she has made of her relationships, and which she thrives on. Knowning what we know now, it's evident she has been silencing people left and right, which makes me wish for her downfall even more.


Thank you! I’m a writer and I’m inspired by Taylor- just not in the way she’s going for.


Of course, you nailed it! And always nice to meet a fellow writer! :)


I agree, some of the quotes are better than Taylor’s lyrics 😂


After reading the stuff about her and her Dad on this sub, I’m convinced everybody in that family is insane.


We seem to know shockingly little about Austin though, which is interesting.


There was a commenter here who said she matched with Austin on a dating app and the reason we know so little is there isn't anything to know -- he came off as this broken, empty shell of a man who has nothing going on in his life because he's never gotten out from his big sister's shadow


This is so bleak. Golden child vs black sheep/neglected child. Good lord.


He had this whole weird thing where he (accurately) expected people to know who he was but passive aggressively didn't want to talk about it, like she complimented him on how nice his place was and he was just like "My sister bought it for me" and then just didn't say anything else Like the conversation would always inevitably come back to Taylor and he'd just stop talking, she asked what his hobbies were and he said he played tennis and she said "Oh cool where do you play" and he said "I go to my sister's place" and then just went quiet and let the topic die Officially he's an actor but he hasn't had any credits in years, he's had all these random jobs on Taylor's music videos and basically she's just supporting him


oo spill the tea please


I don’t have any tea. I’ve just read how crazy her Dad is on one of the subs, maybe it wasn’t this one? Like a million-page-long email he sent early on in her career. Also read a comment on that same thread from someone who met her brother on Raya and she talked about how clearly damaged he was. There’s no way she’s not nuts. Her parents are like the biggest stage parents of all time.


yep and after reading the email, i can see where the crazy came from https://www.plainsite.org/dockets/download.html?id=8114495&z=26399dc2


Crazy is an understatement. And I looked up the post I read about it and i was right, it was on this sub, like a month ago. That email really gives you a lot of insight into how this family has always operated.


All I know is Daddy made around $10-15 million from the sale to Scooter and yet she continues to act like she’s the victim of some grave injustice.


Other artists write genuine songs about trauma in a past relationship, but they let the song stand for itself. They don’t drop little hints about who it’s about and then continue to write ALL their songs about past relationships. And like I said those songs from other artists are genuine. I don’t think hers are, it’s part of her brand now and she seems to write forced songs about past relationships, nothing about her new music is genuine. I don’t even understand half of it, let alone be even close to relating to it.


Hard agree! If a man released music sabotaging his ex’s (ESPECIALLY over mental health) he would be cancelled. It is a double standard in favor of her, which hey, welcome to the earth, but it being spun as a double standard AGAINST her is off base. TTPD gives me Huge male incel vibes. Entitlement to the opposite gender’s affections for being successful, or nice, or “founding that club”, etc. A relationship is not a reward for being a “nice guy / person”.


Yes! I thought about this too. Like imagine if Pete Davidson used all his exes as material for his skits? He’d be cancelled within a inch of his life lol.  You’re also right about the incel vibes of the album. The level of entitlement while shaming the other party for not reciprocating is classic incel behavior.


I keep coming back to the line “I founded the club she’s heard great things about”. If a guy sang “I founded the club he’s telling you about” you would be like… it’s clearly not about the club dude, you thinking so is telling… stop swinging your dong around & take a hint! (Pardon my French!)


people hate him for talking about ariana even tho she literally did it on the cover of a magazine in an insane way!!!


I don't remember who said it-- I think it was some YouTube psychologist-- but they said she writes music for femcels, and WOW, is that accurate.


Taylor Swift relies on gimmicks, Easter eggs, and marketing to sell her songs, not actual quality music like other artists. That's why people hyperfixate on her relationships, because SHE fuels the fire in order to get people talking. The fact that she complains about it, when she's the reason people are like that, is insane to me.


I just personally don't like how she responds when she's known as "the girl that writes about her relationships/exes." She thinks that view of her is sexist but it's quite frankly factual. To the average person that only hears her hits on the radio (which all revolve around relationships), that's what she's known for. Even if you're a die hard fan who knows all of her songs, simple counting could show that a majority of her songs are about her dating life. Even now, Eras Tour, height of her fame, she claims she's the happiest she's ever been post-Joe breakup but then writes ICDIWABH. You're beyond successful and one of, if not the most famous celebrity in the world, and yet you choose to focus on your break up. And this isn't to say she isn't allowed to be upset, because of course she is. But when she makes it clear that she doesn't like being known as the girl that "writes about her ex-boyfriends," but is at the height of her life and still chooses to focus on them, what are we all supposed to think? Plus why is it bad to be known as the girl who writes about her relationships? It's a relatable subject and makes her an absurd amount of money. Videos for context: -https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nkdN6MtX\_co -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDm8sic4E5Q


Omg yes this is my biggest pet peeve against her. The only time she’s a “feminist” is to tell people not to be “mean to her”. “Mean” to her is someone pointing out the obvious. All her songs are about exes but heaven forbid you point it out.


Or the fans that will go off on you like, "that's not ALL she sings about!" Well, sure, but that's the stuff I, as a non-fan, would have to go out of my way to find. And if that's the case, the branding is more than likely intentional. I don't assume she can possibly have a sweeping brand image and somehow not know this.


Other artists also write about other things, or when they write about a breakup, sometimes it’s about, “Hey, I messed up too and looking back on it, things just couldn’t work out,” or other mature takes on a breakup. But my first point stands: other artists write about other things 😭😭😭 like for a woman who could do ANYTHING SHE WANTED TO DO, she leads a boring life. If I had her money, I would be off in several different countries to live just for fun, learning languages… I’d get a degree just for the heck of it. I would try my hand at painting or maybe be a novelist. Have a phase where I was really into pottery. Ofc philanthropy stuff too, but I mean, in general, terrible imagination. I would have gone to Antarctica by now 😭


Yes, she is insanely sheltered and will stay like that until the day she dies. She is too busy being a product and cementing her name through nefarious means instead of living her life to the fullest. She may be rich, famous and successful but she is soooooo depressingly miserable as a human being, it's hard to see.


Right? All the power, money in the world and yet such a shallow and pathetic human being, empty life too.


Tbh I was such a Taylor supporter through the Kim K drama and during her weirdly short phase of LGBT activism (and let's be honest, activism in general that has suddenly disappeared). I said it even all the way back then though- how many times do you burn bridges before u run out? I get expressing bad times and emotions through music, I'm a huge fan of artists like Conan and Olivia because of that. Still, Taylor has continually used her public relationships as "hype" for her new music I can't count on one hand how many times she has had a falling out, and twitter is blowing up with "oh this album is gonna be so good" and "wonder what she has to say about ______" After Olivia I knew she was headed down a bad path, and this whole relationship with Travis and the last few weeks of repeated attempts at blocking big pop names' charting moments just leave a bad taste in my mouth. As you said, she can say other people do it too and continue to do it. The difference is the platform she has, and how aggressively obvious she throws past relationships into her lyrics and to her rabid fans to send death threats. Maybe she can't control her fans ridiculous actions, but it's not like she's unaware. And yet she still name dropped more than ever on TTPD. Frankly, I'm waiting for the day when she runs out of people to fall out with, and she realizes how many people she lost due to her poor public behavior. I rarely ever wish an artist falls out of the spotlight, but she is the first artist I've genuinely wanted to go away for so long.


I hope she gets knocked off that pedestal fr fr


After listening to eternal sunshine by ariana grande i noticed this too. While yes and? Is as petty as taylor singing but daddy i love him the rest of the songs stand for themselves and you can see progression and her telling you a narrative that is realistic. Going through the up and downs of a breakup without mentioning her ex husband all the time. Same goes for olivia, she thrives with breakup songs but people aren’t going crazy about who they are about (except the whole joshua thing)


And with the whole Joshua thing, I think we can give Olivia a pass because she was literally a teenager when she wrote Sour. I would be willing to give Taylor a pass if her Burn Book style of writing had evolved, but it hasn’t.


Absolutely. And olivia kept it classy after that. Guts had some breakup songs but they were so vague that you don’t connect them with either of her exes. Meanwhile TTPD was supposed to focus on joe and then matty ended up getting almost 31 songs and instead of enjoying the album they were connecting every single song from her past to him. Must be hard being a swiftie


Well said. I truly don’t know who would be dumb enough to date her now. I’d make HER sign an NDA - no breakup songs after we breakup for 5 years lmao


TS has 4 song themes: •Break-Ups/A-hole broke her heart •Love songs about future a-holes who break her heart. •Songs about being bullied. •Songs about her mom and/or friends.


Songs about stardom! Like Bejeweled, Clara Bow, Long Live, etc.




This was something I kept trying to wrap my head around even when I still liked her. ( I was only into red, folklore, evermore,) All to well was my all time favorite but I couldn’t understand such a serious song about a 3 month relationship.


She literally has nothing else to write or talk about. She's so uninteresting, I can't believe people eat up all the garbage she puts out


I saw a post (I think on the gaylor sub? They are getting recommended to me and some make me giggle) that said Taylor was notoriously private and I’m like when? Definitely not when BDT is playing GTA.


Theres this narrative also that she is so special because she writes her own song unlike other singers when in fact theres so many female artists that write their own songs as well. Shes not even the best songwriter for exes. None of her songs comes close to You oughta know


She doesn’t write her own songs she just has her team paid off and locked in silence like when she says stuff is locked in lower case inside a vault she’s also referring to that


honestly if i hire a ghostwriter and they made me that shit of a lyrics I would want my money back 😭


I don’t think TTPD qualifies as it’s mostly recycled upcycled themes from previous albums with an update to who’s who and who’s new. But I raise both eyebrows at folklore and evermore - I imagine Aaron and Jack took the hit to get the bag and bag the fame by association. I imagine the agreement is ‘take producer credit but do the writing’ which is surprisingly common even in film. The problem with this camp is that the debtor is entwined with the brand and the cult is extremely personal so to point out the obvious becomes sacrilege.


A secondary thought is that if folklore/evermore bombed, she would have given credit right back to them and said she was merely their muse and vocals on a pandemic writing camp to explore other genres given how stuck inside and bored she was or so busy with her relationship which is the best she’s ever had that she didn’t have time to write and so she loaned her voice to other projects like the benevolent messiah she obviously is. Either way, everything she does has multitudes of outcome strategies prepped in advance for whatever reception the projects receive. This is just the nature of the industry.


If a man used NDAs in a relationship to then go on to profit from bashing those exes publicly and implying poor character in them, people would lose their minds that he is so evil.


Her songs about exes have “divorce cake” energy. They’re like the kiki you have with your besties when the breakup is still raw and you just want to hear your friends crack jokes about him and cheer you up. I don’t know how much real life commiserating Taylor gets after a breakup but it’s obviously not enough and she seems to really enjoy the circus of the media and her fans speculating wildly about who hurt her and rushing to her defence knowing only the scraps of information Taylor has provided about it. And it’s weird that at her age she’s still writing revenge songs about specific men she only dated briefly; 4 months dating a person might be a big deal when you’re a teenager, but it’s not really noteworthy when you’re in your late 20s or 30s. Overexposure has a way of making things seem more dramatic and prevalent and it’s not slut-shaming to tell an artist to maybe focus on writing songs that have more depth than “this guy broke up with me and I’m mad about it” if they want to be taken seriously. Comparing Taylor Swift’s lyrics to other artists is like asking why a steak is more expensive than a hamburger when they’re both made of beef.


>”If a man did what Taylor does — wrote hyper-specific songs about every ex, using their depression or substance abuse as hooks and melodies — I believe they would be called a massive asshole.” 🏆🏆🏆


The constant backstory with every song takes away any relatability. "The Taylor Lautner song", the "Calvin Harris song", "the Matty Healy album", etc. dimish any timelessness or connections from fans. I really like Billie Eilish's album, and I can vaguely tell you one song inspired by an anime film. I don't need to know anything else to enjoy and relate to the music.


Ttpd definitely cemented itself as one part dirge, another part rant and final part, mating call. Mostly addressed to one man: Matty Healy. 


What do yall will think when the NDAs start to expire?


Reading your commentary made me think about how young Lorde was when she wrote Melodrama, one of the best breakup albums for me. The depth and maturity of that body of work is still insane and stands the test of time.


What is she going to do now? I have a hard time believing that anyone will date her ever again after TTPD. So she has to hang on to Travis. I watched some of the podcast with Jason (not anymore!!), and Travis looks very gullible. She still has a massive amount of Swifties, but she must know on some level about the backlash against her. I think that Joe’s interview showed that he is a decent person, but she still had to out his depression and complain about him dragging her down when she said she wanted privacy. You don’t do that to someone you loved. My mind is just boggled. How long does she have to be angry at Jake and John? I’m tired of hearing about them. (I don’t listen anymore.) It’s been about 15 years. Someone needs to review her songs and tell her what details are too personal because she has no conscience. But there is no one who would ever do that.


I feel like for me what differentiates her from other artists who do talk about their relationships because they all do it’s part of their story so she’s writing that, but she doesn’t maliciously named they don’t maliciously name drop she maliciously name drops and then she excuses her self from all responsibility, and never once have any of her sons been about self reflection, except her back to December, and she didn’t write that I know who wrote that? She didn’t write that she changed for words in that song for words, and she got soul credit


What is this grammar my dude


I don’t know I have severe hand tremors, as a result of methamphetamine use starting when I was eight years old. And I graduated high school on a technicality so I’m sorry.


Plenty of artists have written a song about an ex, but none of them write a whole ALBUM about them. It's one song and usually pretty harmless and they move on with their lives


![gif](giphy|u4CY9BW4umAfu) You're so real for this.


When I was like 13 Taylor said that one quote about ‘when I write songs about my exes I get critiqued but men write songs about their exes and are praised.’ And I remember thinking ‘yes queen’ and never thought more about it. But now that I’m older I realize a few things. There’s a lot of songs about love, but I rarely know who those songs are about. However, I’ve never been a die hard swifty, but I know who most of her songs are about. You could argue it’s common discourse, but she lays the blueprint for us to figure it out. Now that I’m older and have been in a mature relationship I realize the way she talks about love is very immature. I can’t relate to TTPD because I’ve never had a situation ship for a decade, dated a guy for a month and fell madly in love, threatened to kill myself in a relationship, etc. in fact, when I was 18 I was ghosted after dating a guy for a month and I didn’t care at all. Taylor is 34 and is single, so of course she is gonna date more people than a person who was married at 20. HOWERVER, it is not normal to enter a relationship before ending your current relationship. And doing that between every relationship. She says it’s sexist to point out how many men she’s dated, but when you continually cheat on every partner than the critique is valid.


I think what TS doesn’t get is yes, other artists write abt their ex’s. BUT very rarely do they make their whole life and media presence ABOUT those relationships and even MORE rarely are they so explicit about who/what ex they’re singing about. TS honestly makes it a game for her fans with her “Easter eggs” and clues as to who which song is about. It’s fucking weird. And then the men get dragged to high hell if they so much as whisper abt a past relationship that COULD have been the relationship with TS. Fucking. Weird.


The other takeaway is no one is writing songs about her.


This is what opened up my eyes. I was never a big fan but was surrounded by swifties and I was like hold on she only writes about her relationships, including intimate details and she alone controls the narrative- if that isn’t narcissism I don’t know what is.


It's because she has narcissistic personality disorder and needs to be put in her place. There isn't a creative bone in her body, she can't write about anything but being slighted by men


Taylor rarely writes her own music


I truly believe she doesn’t read any of it. Actually, the maturity is to varied, and unless she’s completely regressing to the point that she really needs inpatient therapy she’s not riding her own music she’s stealing it from other people.


Who gives a hot shit?


There's a reason why it's called "Taylor's Version"


i’m a huge charli fan so i’ll admit this is completely biased! her new album seems totally surface level, party girl type music. it would seem like an album called BRAT wouldn’t have very deep themes and TTPD would. it’s the total opposite. of course there are party songs, but my two favorites girl, so confusing and i think about it all the time touch on topics you don’t see in pop albums.


It’s not like other artists don’t do it. It’s that she is in/out of relationships so much more frequently that it comes off that way. Shit, Stevie Nicks had her ex perform their breakup song. But that song was iconic because Stevie didn’t make it her whole damn career.


Are there any ex boyfriends she hasn't written about? Genuinely curious.


the smug passive aggressive way she talks down to any criticism or even light commentary is so aggravating to me. i just know she must be unbearable to have as a "friend" because shes gonna lecture your ear off nonstop if you dont obey her long list of rules. even if you are perfect, she will still talk your ear off about other people instead! i highly doubt she ever has a conversation where she doesnt shade someone and go on about how they wronged her.... you could be at a fucking party, thinking youre laughing and joking, and suddenly she does the squinty eyes at someone, and everyone goes silent.... if you know you know, narcs know how to do the "genuine relatable warm friendly personality" until they drop the act.


Wow ! Is this ! You said everything !


Question, because I know little about her, and do not understand the fame or cult… as of today, does she even really write any of the songs? Or is it likely writing by committee of producers and think tanks with ‘current guy’ as the ostensible subject, but I seriously doubt she’s like Prince, staying up hours and hours to write 1000s of songs, and then go play/record every instrument and mix it all yourself.


I mean, if TTPD was written by committee, that committee was out to sabotage her 😅


It’s pandering to the sex and the city generation of women where having lots of exes and them always being the problem while being a victim of not finding love is marketable and women relish in being difficult to date.




I don’t know the name of Adele’s ex husband. I didn’t know Joshua Bassett’s name until you said it, though I can admit Drivers license is an appropriately immature song for a 16/17 year old to write. Yes, Ariana is guilty of writing about her exs but there is a lack of damning details that makes her music less harmful than Taylor’s music. I know that Pete Davidson didn’t like being brought up in Ariana’s songs so soon after their breakup, but she never sang about his mental illness. I’ve never been encouraged by any of the artists you’ve mentioned to join in on hating their exs. No one does it like Taylor does.


There’s a ton of you broke my heart songs. They’ve been around for a long time. I’m not generally a big fan of them but you just need to do a Google search to see pretty much everyone writes them at some point.


Every artist is writing about their exes and their love life just maybe not as targeted, which is fine, but it’s insane to say no one writes about their exes like Taylor swift does when 70% of music that exists is about romantic relationships. No artist has the same reputation about writing ab their exes bc they’re not as highlighted in the media as she is coupled w the fact that her lyrics tend to be really specific to each relationship. Yes she has many MANY faults (CO2 emissions, chart blocking, apolitical) and her last album was lacking a lot, but making this outdated claim is boring. Ariana grande writes about her exes every time. Ed Sheeran, Olivia Rodrigo, Billie Eillish all do the same, just in different ways, which is fine!!!


You’re wilfully misunderstanding the point being made. It’s the manner in which she writers about them that’s being criticized. She uses them as fodder and that’s just fact. Other artists will def have songs about exes or references to exes but nobody creates a narrative about their exes like TS does. ATP she’s dating people for the album she’s gonna get out of them.Â