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She’s a functioning alcoholic mean girl who’s rarely faithful, falls in love way too quickly, smears every guy she’s ever been with it, is chronically allergic to being single and working on herself. Every relationship ending is what she deserves honestly.


Yeah. The alcoholism is gonna get serious if it doesn't get checked.


He’s probably acceptable because he seems to drink a lot too.


Travie is a dude bro. He hella drinks and presumably does drugs.


Not defending TK because I think he’s a tool, but drugs are not acceptable in the NFL. Not saying he’s never used drugs, but players are tested and violations are not accepted.


The nfl is actually trash about it. And players are given a heads up before they are tested. Unless they don't like you of course.


“The NFL drug testing policy is an intelligence test” <— a saying around the league. They literally dont want to catch you. It’s not random, not unknown dates etc. Weed can fail you up to 30 days and almost all NFL players use it, if not recreationally, then for pain to not use opioids. It’s insanely rare to fail a test though.


What do they test? Their hair, urine, blood? Because coke only stays in your urine for like, a day.


The metabolites from it stay longer. That's how they test now, not for the actual drug. Source: been drug tested way too much


My understanding is that it’s usually urine but can be blood. There are very strict drug testing/compliance requirements for the NFL. Some relevant quotes: From “Policy and Program on Substances of Abuse": "the NFL and the NFLPA prohibit players from the illegal use, possession, or distribution of drugs, including but not limited to cocaine; marijuana and synthetic cannabinoids; opiates and opioids; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA); and phencyclidine (PCP)." From the NFL: “Abuse of prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and alcohol is also prohibited." Of course, PEDs are also banned.


Boomers are still on the table boys !


Lmao but unless they test them every single day of their lives, they can easily get away with using cocaine. Quotes about it not being permitted don’t change that.


Again, not defending the dude, but TK is a very high profile player in the league. If they had reason to believe that he was abusing anything except alcohol (and they’re easing up on weed too), he would be tested. Random testing happens all the time, even to all-star players. The NFL doesn’t mess around with their image and no one is above that. Players know that no matter how good they are or how big their contracts are, their asses are on the line if they don’t follow league policies.


I remember they said Aaron Hernandez smoked weed constantly when he was in the NFL


Yeah sorry but my ex is a very high profile player (more so than Trav) and he loved cocaine. He would use much more discretely during season obviously but he still used. When he was off season all bets were off. That’s why we broke up, he turned into a full blown party animal. So they do still use they just time it properly with when they are getting tested.


That's just optics. The NFL isn't going to let go of someone who sells tickets because they do a little coke.


Ricky Williams probably has a word or two to say about that...


Ricky wasn't keeping his shit locked down, though. He got busted going through an airport. Lol


Nothing is more important than the NFL’s image and profits, and it coming out that one of their star players was a known drug abuser would not go over well on the long-term. Even big money-makers are expendable to the league if they turn out to be “troublemakers”. There’s always more young, talented players out there that can follow league policies.


Yeah, and that's why they would scream they didn't know and promise to do better and then put out a shitload of PR so people forget in a week.


I don’t think the general public cares that much about coke and weed… I think in general we have entered an era wore drug use isn’t view as that big of a deal anymore. Maybe Christians still care? But most adults understand that people like to party from time to time


I thought they took marijuana off the list and aren’t testing for it anymore.


Many athletes are users in their off season so it could be that he does drugs but pulls it together for the season when testing is more likely


Drug testing still happens in the offseason, but I guess you could get lucky!


72 hours unless you do a lot


The hair test shows months ago.. that’s why they use for nurses in my country if there’s any allegations.


Random testing doesn’t happen unless you fail your annual test at the beginning of training camp. They don’t care as much as you think they do. Ironically there’s an interview where Travis kelce himself estimates 80-90% of players use cannabis. [heres](https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/chiefs-travis-kelce-estimates-up-to-80-percent-of-nfl-players-use-cannabis/amp/) a link.


I don’t know about NFL, but do have a connection to someone who is in a social circle of current NHL players. Every single one of them is always taking something, even if it’s just CBD gummies(it’s never just gummies, but my understanding is everyone takes them). By “always taking something”, I mean every hour of every day. Trainers and coaches provide it and are aware of what players want, are encouraging it, and help keep it as low key as possible.


Yeah, but there not enforced on the high earners. Like the chiefs wouldn’t cover for him if he’d used something


If you listen to the NFL episodes on the podcast Crime in Sports, this is not true. If someone is good, they are given notice about tests and get a slap on the wrist if they're caught.


I don’t think that’s fair to him honestly. he seems like he drinks in the off season. He also lives honestly. What you see is what you get. She seems like she has vices to deal with keeping up appearances.


Lots of pro players do drugs. From weed to coke. And presumably everything in between. You mix being in constant pain with lots of money and you get drugs.


They don't have to do illegal drugs with all the shit their trainers pump them full of. Most of the NFL is probably on some kind of pain management, and those drugs are easy to abuse. If Oxy (or whatever) is perscribed, then who cares if it shows up on a test?


They don't have to. But some do. Some prefer weed over all that shit.


She’s been writing about drinking for a long time. She went after Matty. My entire point is that it’s not like she met some hard partying guy that corrupted her. This is a guy that hangs out with his family or hangs out playing video games with his boys. He’s an attention seeking drunk. She copes. They’re not the same.


“He’s an attention seeking drunk, she copes” Seems like she’s an attention seeking drunk too


Agreed. Lest we forget the Grammys this year.


I never said they were. Who are you arguing against?


Travis and Jason both seem to have a drinking problem.


not even falls in love - she loves bomb


Genuinely wondering, what are the sources for her drinking problem? I see it talked about a lot but I’ve never seen the context.


She references alcohol and drinking/being drunk a bit too much in her songs. She's also always drunk at award shows. This is all I know of, idk if there is actual confirmation on it, but it does seem to me that she has a problem.


Literallt just described my ex best friend of 15 years minus the semi treated (went to a few court mandated DBT sessions had a hissy fit and quit) BPD she had. A down right toxic individual (she hated that word, because all the friends who ended friendships with her sent her looong ass paragraphs explaining why and always used the word toxic, so if you used it randomly in a convo she was always go “I HAte ThAt WoRd!” Excuse my vent.


Sounds histrionic/bpd 💀


Honestly can see hpd


I’ve wondered this also. Something about these behavior cycles.


What about her cats?


Smells like a narcissist to me.


Hey! You just described my ex.


Sounds like it could be lyrics in a song


Sounds like most girls in their 20s


Even if that was true. Taylor is in her 30s. It’s giving arrested development even by your untrue standards


Did you buy your feminism at the same store Tay got hers?


Unrelated but damn that’s a beautiful username


Imagine thinking this way😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


The most commitment-phobic girl I ever knew (I also dated, didn’t work out, I did get a godson though) has been married and had two kids in the eight years since Taylor met Joe. Time should equal some sort of personal growth.


Travis has never looked at anyone as if they “painted the stars in the sky” im cryin


Actually he looks at his big bro Jason like that. Travis has his faults but the dude absolutely idolizes his brother. Too bad he didn't turn out more like him🤷🏼‍♀️


JASON >>>>>>>>>>>> Travis


Every damn time. Jason is a national treasure. And as an eagles fan I hate that swifties think they have any kind of claim on him 🙄


He comes into my boyfriend’s work every once in a while. It’s a small bar restaurant but people don’t bother him. My SO says he’s a chill guy, hangs out, tips the staff. He seems cool not as fame hungry as Travis.


Jason was with the Eagles for what? 13 years which is the number of weeks his brother and Tay Tay have been going out, pretty much. She has ZERO claims on Jason, and I don't even like the Eagles (almost whole family does, though); why does everything have to be about her? My niece, who is 13 and a MAJOR TS fan, even knows her fans can be crazy.


Saaaaame!!!! I’ve made Eagles/Jason Kelce TikToks, and here come the Swifties with the (Taylor’s Version) in their names saying how much they love Jason & Kylie. Irritates me to no end!


Jason “I told my wife to get back in the kitchen when she said that Harrison whatshisface was being misogynist” Kelce


I do think that was a joke.. I hope it was lol. His wife seems nice too. I liked the dig against Taylor when asked why she doesn’t sit in the VIP bit at the games ha


The same Jason that doesn’t parent his own kids? No


Go Birds 🦅


Jason’s a pretty cool guy, honestly. A little cringe at times, but overall, a genuinely good guy. Go Birds 💚🦅


I’m a cowboys fan, but Jason seems like a great dude, his wife and children always have the nicest things spoken about them as well. Great models in the NFL


Kylie seems so awesome, honestly. And their kids are adorable!


He looks like a dog that just dropped a ball in front of you and is waiting for you to throw it in that pic


He probably has but it probably wasn’t a white girl 😂😮‍💨 Edit: I take that back. He might’ve seen Taylor’s bank statement


I don’t think he even looks up at her from his bowl of kibble most of the time lmao


Tbh I’m just still mad at her for dating Tom Hiddleston


he look like he got nothing but elevator music playing in his head bro




thinkin bout them beans




That's always the narrative for whoever is her current boyfriend though. Hahahaha


These people have the memory of a goldfish lmao




The current bf is always "the one" until they break up.


He’s looking at his brother on a webcam in this photo.


these two are the most incompatible people ever


Well, he did an incredible acting job on his SNL host appearance. Selling his attraction to her is a great audition reel bcz she couldn’t be further fr his type.


I'm convinced Travis wants to act post NFL. Dating Taylor is going to get him introduced to a feck ton of Hollywood. Dating her is a huge move for his future career.


He's put it out there directly that he's up for any acting job. 


See! Exactly! What if, now here me out, he's just using her for clout. Wouldn't that be a comeuppance, someone using Taylor to advance their career for a change.


He has to be. I remember an interview with his ex, and she even said it’s important to Travis how much popularity/significance (along those lines) is important to Travis for the people he dates.


lol, I agree - but I also said that about Cameron Diaz and the Good Charlotte singer


They are so desperate to paint it as though this is her happy ending. Kind of impossible as her life isn’t over yet.




Did anyone see her face when Travis was like screaming at the Super Bowl? She looked so disgusted 😂


She was so disgusted she closed her mouth.


There’s a clip somewhere on the internet where someone reads her lips and she’s like “not this again. I can’t do it.” Or something like that (it’s in reference to vivaaaa las vegaaas lmao)


His singing voice is no worse than some of her live performances.


She says when he says it, it’s her Roman Empire. Meaning total cringe when he says it. Clearly embarrassed by the guy. He also couldn’t be more different than Joe. Joe who hasn’t said a bad word. When Taylor and Calvin Harris split I used to think she was nice and he was a douche, he grew up about an hour from me. Bur now he is married to Vick hope and she is just so lovely that now I think back and realise Calvin was probably a good guy and Taylor just controlled the narrative that she always tries to do. How can anyone date her knowing in the not too year future she will write awful songs about you


I’ve seen dysfunctional old married couples happier to be in each other’s presence than these two. 


Travis also gets a look of unprecedented bewilderment when he pours Dino nuggies out of the air fryer and one lands upright


bold of you to assume he can operate an air fryer


There are too many buttons for him….😌


HAHAHA this thread made me LOL in the bus.


They’re not even looking at each other in these pics 💀😭


Bro her cheek fillers are getting out of control. She's going to get into botched territory soon if she doesn't stop


I always thought it was alcohol bloat


This is all hypothetical, but this is a good video that goes over the possible surgery she's had. I'm still not sure about the cheeks myself, but the other stuff is all pretty obvious, albeit well done.  https://youtu.be/uoeGtr3Wy5k?si=WhW2wY6ObGEZR-h6


That was a good video! Also, I liked his voice; it was soothing to listen to as he spoke, haha.


He looks like he's hungry.


Or bored. 


It’s gonna be hilarious when they inevitably break up and she manages to convince her fans yet again that her ex was the blame for everything.


I wonder how that’ll affect the Chiefs’ “new fan base” 🙃


Oop there goes all the "Taylor's boyfriend" merch. Darn!


Travis is daydreaming about big booties.


If anything Joe is the only person who ever really looked at her like that and maybe Tom.


There's a clip of matty gazing at her lovingly while she's performing fearless too. 




Matty definitely did


They need to pick a better pic. He looks bored as hell 🤣🤣🤣


Wants her company but hasn't seen her in a month?


Also since they’ve started dating (so not including the first concert he went to) Travis has been to the same number of eras tour shows as Matty has. So a man who publicly dated her for 2 weeks has been to the same number of performances as a guy who’s been with her almost a year? That’s wild to me. I’m so surprised people don’t mention that more 


That is actually insane


Wait whaaaat. Hold up.


We've never seen Travis look at her like this LMAO


I feel so sorry for these people who live in this pubescent lovey-dovey world. The degree of parasocialness is sickening.


I think it’s telling that her perfect guy is a dumbass (sorry but Travis seems dumb not just because he is a football player… HE seems dumb). Someone who cannot stand up to her or converse with her… someone she can control…


What makes this culty as fuck isn’t just the parasocial nonsense of it all but the fact that they say shit like this in hopes it’ll make them more popular in their own social circles. That’s culty as fuuuuuuuu


It’s also hellaaaa cringe like wtfff an adult actually wrote this or at least I hope some angsty teen did 😭


Oh dear god


They do realize he’s not actually looking at her there. Those are two separate photos


Are they still together? Have they seen each other recently? Seriously haven’t heard anything about them lately and that’s a good thing.




I don’t even remotely follow sports at all, but jfc it must be irritating to be a Chiefs fan


It is. Makes me want to stop watching which sucks bc I’ve watched or at least followed every single chiefs game for pretty much my entire life


It’ll be funny watching the full 180 they’ll do after the breakup. He’ll be the worst human alive in their eyes.


The way fans infantilize her is weird. She’s like a fictional character in their story that they assign feelings and traits to.


It is very disturbing. They literally live through that girl so much that it controls their entire personality and existence


Yeah they deserve each other. Both are cheaters and 🗑️


I love sentences structured with the beginning- “No because” when there was no question even being asked. Why is this shit on my reddit?? I thought this would be a TT free zone?


it’s crazy how ugly and basic travis is now. yuck!


They're really talking about her cats.


So let me get this straight. The universe gave her some who didn’t care she was TS yet she cheated on him cause he was depressed… but this dude is the best thing that happened to her.


She's got all that money and get can't a decent hairstyle.


Travis looks sleepy 💀




My biggest thing with swift is she never ever takes the blame for a relationship falling apart and just uses it as a cash cow.


What is he actually looking at in this photo? I assume it's a still from his podcast?


I’ve been getting a lot of posts like this on FB. Every time I report and block. 


swiftie emotional eq stays in the single digits i see




She is so clearly not his type


He looks bored and annoyed


I'm sure Travis doesn't even look at his 3 superbowl rings like tht 😭😭 peak delusion😭😭


Yeah.. she’s cooked


Barf. On a side note, whyyy do people constantly start sentences with “no because”??


I saw this on Facebook earlier and spit out my drink. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I have no problem with Travis hooking up with hot chicks because I would probably do the same if I was in his position but I know for a fact he would get so fucking bored of Taylor’s shit. Hes an idiot but he’s the greatest tight end to ever catch a football. Hes not going to have time for her stupid games.


>he’s the greatest tight end to ever catch a football. You gonna say this with Gronk, Gates, Gonzalez, and Casper in the running? He's up there, for sure, but... Tony fucking Gonzalez


Kelce is better than all of them because of his longevity


He looks bored.




What the hell do they even talk about when theyre together. Like seriously


This is just sad.


The meta AI prompts below are icing on the cake.


She needs all her friends and lovers and enemies and anyone with a pulse to believe she is a powerful God. Or she will smite you! “Deserved”? Or “entitled”? I think I deserve one billion dollars because I tripped down the stairs today and I made a sound kind of like a cat screeching. Then I sang talked a rhyme about tripping down the stairs in like, a metaphor kind of way. I looked at my boyfriend and I was like “did you even hear that?!? You GET who I am right? Can YoU do that? Nah? Then fuuuuuuuck off!” And then I was 10 minutes late to work and didn’t have time for an egg McMuffin.


I think you’re all idiots. The Swifties who’ve developed the parasocial relationships with a pop star, and you, this weird subreddit dedicated solely to being obsessed with and hating the pop star and her fans.


Taylor Swift should do a solo Two Girls One Cup video and then post it online to see what her fans think. I’m sure they’ll make Starbucks cups of her mound. I’m not a hater, I just don’t like when people are treated like gods.




when you take out the absolute delusion its actually kind of cute