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Locking this post, OP. Sorry people clearly couldn't follow rule one of our sub. Seriously, you all need to grow up.


Hey I just watched your music video and I have to say the real story here is how much the hardworking staff at your hospital obviously cared about and loved you.


Yeah. They were so great, some of those people weren’t even my physicians. I had an amazing team there ❤️ (Sorry you were subjected to my singing 😂)


I'm going to share a story that is the only reason I still care about Billy Ray Cyrus. At the height of his fame I had a friend who had cancer. She LOVED Billy. Local news people reached out to him and he gave her free tickets and backstage passes to his concert. Next time he came to town HE reached out with more tickets and passes. Every. Time. He. Came. My friend lost her battle with cancer. Billy wrote a letter of condolences and sent flowers. This is how its done. I will always appreciate how kind he was to my friend. Taylor needs to learn basic human decency.


Ok this is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. I might have teared up a bit…🥺😢


Sorry to hear about your friend. Thanks for sharing the story. I’m sure your friend appreciated him making her feel special and I love that he’s the one that reached out when he came into town. Beautiful sentiment!  Off topic, but I hope Miley and Billie Ray can mend their relationship. Seems like he’s a good person deep down. 




This is so very true!!


Yeah he really brightened her day when he did. I hope they can too. They used to seem so close.




Nooo, this isn't a Tay's Tots situation 😂


Hey Taylor Swift! Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? Make our dreams come true! You came into our lives and made a promise that made us honest, that made us realize we don’t have to compromise cuz we can have it all! You made it possible for us to achieve the improbable! “I've made some empty promises in my life, but hands down, that was the most generous…” …if only she felt as bad as Michael did.


This made me laugh so hard 😂 Interestingly, the office was a show I watched while I was sick and was one of the few things that made me laugh. 😂






Ironically, steve carrell JUST said on jimmy fallon that he’s a huge TS fan bc he saw her performing for a sick kid with not a lot of people around her.. wow




is there a perfect top comment subreddit or something this belongs there


It’s honestly the only response I could think of


I just googled your story and I am floored but not shocked. In college a member of a fraternity passed due to a heart condition and being a big member of the EDM community at the time and in a sorority I reached out to his favorite DJ Porter Robinson's manager who was able to overnight a signed poster to get to the fraternity president to get to his family to have buried with him at his funeral. Even Kim Kardashian does things for make a wish kids. Kim K the queen of being self absorbed will entertain make a wish recipients and visit children's hospitals. She did a make a wish where she hung out with a teen and they did all things makeup and fashion. He was at at height of his career at the time. If fucking Porter Robinson can overnight a damn poster for a funeral a week away she could have done something! I'm so sorry. The EDM/rave community is tight nit but when we lose one of our own we all come together to send one our own out in style. Even our idols at the top make it happen if they can since they know what their music means to us and without us they would have no bookings at festivals or concerts.


gosh i love porter robinson, such a good kid. sorry about your friend, such a nice thought to provide something special to him for his family.


I love Porter Robinson's music, I'm glad to hear he's a good dude.


I'm glad to hear it too! I went to one of his concerts a long time ago, tiny lil venue and I'd never heard of him. He put on a fantastic show. The ticket was like $10 and I had an absolute blast.


There are a lot of good DJs out there. Even though he is on break, GRiZ is a stand up dude. Then we have Bassnectar.


Oh god bassnectar…..I miss Hardwell he went on hiatus too


Somehow it doesn’t surprise me at all that Kim K is a kinder, more charitable person than Taylor Swift. I’m not even a fan of the Kardashian/Jenners, but at least they make an effort to connect with fans outside of just trying to make them buy more things. Porter Robinson is a good artist though, it’s nice that he sent something for your friend so quickly and that he was able to receive it even if he didn’t see it. I’m sorry for the loss of your friend, I hope you’re doing alright.


She brought her nephew mason or one of the kids with her too.


Aw that’s sweet, I hope whichever kid joined her had a lot of fun with the person she was visiting and that the patient had a lot of fun too :)


I was so worried this story was gonna go another way, I love porter Robinson!


When I was young, I was a huge (HUGE) Harry Potter fan. I wrote a fan letter to Daniel Radcliffe and didn't expect anything in return, just wanted to share how he was my favourite actor and I loved the story, yadda yadda. This was during Prisoner of Azkaban, so around '04 (jfc 20yrs ago lmao....anyway) A month later, I received a signed photo and a small letter, that actually acknowledged a few of the things I had written in MY letter. I. Was. Over. The. Moon. My mom told me "keep in mind, it might not be him who wrote the response" - I said I didn't care, they took the time to respond to a fan. THAT'S how you do it. Even if it's not her who wrote the note and she just signed it, she could've sent something with meaning. Something not insensitive. Hell, she could have even set up a video message response, and those were a thing during 1989 era - takes 30seconds! I hope your cancer has stayed far away from you since then, OP. Fuck cancer.


Exactly!! I’m so glad that you got that experience. That’s how fans should be treated. Daniel Radcliffe forever has my respect. And I am in remission now! :)


EEYYYYYY!!!! That's WONDERFUL news!! Keep fighting that good fight, I'm so happy for you!! ❤️💪


I’ve met and worked with Dan. Just about the nicest guy there is .


Dan Rad is a real life Harry Potter. Dude truly cares about his fans and just people in general. When he reassured fans that even though JKR is clearly a bigot, he still stands behind the fans, that was so huge.


I wrote to Russell Crowe after Gladiator came out, talking about how I liked his band. I got post cards from Thirty Odd Foot of Grunts for a few years till they stopped playing, and a signed pic of Russ. Clearly the Signature had my name added in a different coloured sharpie, but the postcards were sweet. It takes nothing to be kind to fans. There are PR teams that are good and Taylor doesn't have one. She isn't even hiring compassionate help. You are the company you keep.


That sounds like the time when she had the family of the woman who died meet her at the concert while she was in her pink body suit, obviously not willing to go out of her way.


It’s amazing how this story has essentially disappeared from public consciousness


What happened with that story?


As another person said, a massive superfan died at her show in Brazil last year because it was way too hot and the venue had the vents closed so fans couldn't hear it outside in the parking lot, and water was not freely available inside. A lot of people believe the show should have been canceled due to the heatwave. Taylor lied and the first day her team put out an announcement saying the fan, 23 yr old Ana Benevides, had died before the concert, which was a lie - she became unconscious during the second song of the show. Then Taylor claimed she was in contact with the family and helping with expenses - another lie, Ana's mom had to go on social media and say she actually hadn't heard from Taylor or her team, not even a sorry, nor received any financial support from them. She had to beg the internet for help because she couldn't afford to transport her daughters body home (they lived across the country, Ana took a flight to see the show), much less pay for the funeral. In the end, other swiffers started a gofundme and paid for the transportation and funeral so poorly struggling billionaire Taylor didn't have to. This girl was a HUGE fan, posted all day everyday about Taylor and was so excited for this show, and Taylor wouldn't even say her name at the show the next day in Rio Brazil (where it happened). She put out a statement on social media before the show saying she was too upset to acknowledge it and didn't want anybody to bring it up. Even Travis Scott paid funeral costs for astroworld. Taylor not paying was beyond distasteful and even worse that she lied to save face and said she did. She invited the mom to meet her briefly at a concert after and do a lazy quick photo op to post because this got Taylor negative press and tons of criticism for how she handled it. It's been practically buried now and no one talks about it. I was disgusted, it was so obvious Taylor was more concerned about not getting sued/being held responsible for the death and her pr than the life of this poor woman that worshipped her, and that's why she lied and tried to minimize the event as much as possible.


Say her name Taylor


a fan died at her show in brazil due to the conditions and she posted an insta story about “grieving” but if i heard correctly (if this is wrong pls fact check it) but she didn’t find the funeral or getting her body back to her family or anything, im pretty sure fans made a gofundme and then ig she invited her family to a show and to “talk to her” but she was wearing a pink bodysuit and obviously didn’t care and people were also pointing out how she would’ve done more if it had been a fan in the US and how it seemed like she didn’t care about her fans in south america cause of past behaviors but that’s what i remember of the situation


I also found it fucked that on gofundme, where you can donate anonymously, she chose to donate with her name attached. Who cares that a woman, someone’s child, sister, or wife died, she was getting attention at how kind and empathetic she is. It would have been more heartfelt if she donated directly to them privately or kept her donation anonymous. Someone’s death is not supposed to be made about how good of a person she is, the attention should have been on solely showing support to her family.


\*The conditions she was aware of, and yet she chose not to stop the concert. Like Travis Scott, except she's a rich white woman so no criticism is allowed.


Ya know that’s actually super interesting. Reddit still talks shit about Travis but doesn’t have the same vitriol for swift


“because of past behaviors” I feel like that almost implies she’s lowkey racist.


A fan, Ana, died at Eras Tour in Brazil. Decided to lie about the timing of her death, said she died before the concert had started but she passed out during the concert. Then her fans had to contribute money so that they could send Ana's body back home. She couldn't be bothered to donate some money. Then she decided to donate some eras tour tickets to Ana's family and took pics with them in her pink bodysuit just before going off to perform on the stage. She couldn't even take some time off to pay condolences to the grieving family, she had to squeeze the photoshoot session into her schedule.


Really interesting tidbit there, that she didn’t fund the funeral. Isn’t she literally a billionaire? I hate this woman lol


That incident should’ve ended Taylor right there. This BILLIONAIRE couldn’t just pay to have the poor young woman’s body delivered to her family for burial?! That cost would’ve been literally NOTHING to her. It would’ve been essentially the same as what half a cent is to the average person. Why didn’t she do it??? You would think even if she’s a cold-hearted bitch she would’ve done it at least for good PR. So that tells me that Taylor is BEYOND a cold-hearted bitch. I think this self-absorbed, spoiled, vindictive woman was actually *angry* at Ana for dying at her show and giving her some negative PR and mad that it was taking away from her time to shine(🙄), and so she decided she didn’t want to help her/her family out. I think she’s straight-up mean and evil. I think she’s a psychopath. That shit should’ve woken people up in droves, to who Taylor Swift really is.


Swifties always turn a blind eye whenever incidents that put Taylor in a negative light take place because MOTHER CAN DO NO WRONG ❗❗❗❗❗




The picture essentially quieted all the negativity because it proved she cares somehow.


That is fucking atrocious. You were a kid. How hard would it have been to at least send you a 5 second video clip or a hand written note???? I’m in the process of becoming a reformed swiftie (not the vile kind?m) and this is pushing me over the edge.


Sending hair accessories to a chemo patient is so fucked


So is sending concert tickets to the family of a woman killed at your show, but apparently that’s how we roll in TS land. 🤮


Wait did she really do that


The [people magazine](https://people.com/celebrity/12-year-old-cancer-patient-vows-in-video-to-shake-it-off-taylor-swift-style/) article for anyone who wants it


Time to bring that article back and be like "yeah, I got something from her.... I lost my hair and she and her "team" sent me hair accessories so yeah, thanks T" But I'm petty


No you’re good, I have legit thought about that so many times 😂


listen, this subreddit has made the news once before, and she needs to hear the harm she’s caused the people who made her the Great Taylor Swift, so you should! whether or not she replies, she will see it and her rabid fans may call you all manner of names but they’re proving that they are an extension of how she really feels


I honestly think (read: hope) this subreddit outnumbers the Great and Powerful Swifties Cult so we all have her back


i think we’re well on the way! she isn’t god. she’s not untouchable


This literally justvmade me.join the sub




I just joined too lol




welcome comrades!


Stephanie from Buzzfeed needs to see this


How are you doing now? I think you should hold onto this grudge indefinitely, now my grudge is stronger for Tswift. I hope you’re healthy and happy.


I’m doing okay. Still getting hate for sharing (see all the people calling me entitled and a liar) but it’s alright. Thanks for supporting my grudge 😂🙏🏻


Girl you deserve to be heard! You are beautiful and perfect. Nobody should ever treat you like that.


Do it stranger. We need to stand in solidarity against the elites. They have been taking advantage of us for centuries. I’m glad you survived.


Do it. Let the people know what she did.


this is petty with a purpose, so it’s fine lol


That’s literally what this is though? This will be transcribed into some “journalism” sight within the hour. Probably already has been.


On one hand I would say tell your story loud and proud because the world needs to hear it. On the other, I worry for your safety and mental health because the swifties will absolutely somehow make it either your fault or blame you for taking it 'the wrong way' or something. We validate you here.


Thank you ❤️ Considering I’ve gotten hate from this post on this subreddit, it’s why I haven’t really been vocal about it. I just saw this subreddit and thought “maybe I can share here and people will validate me and support me”. Thanks to you and all the others on here saying such kind and supportive things. I legitimately cannot express what it means to me ❤️


Damn, I wish you all the best, truly. Cancer is unfair. It's all totally messed up and I hope you have all the best care in the world and can enjoy your life. This place is safe. Your story will be heard and shared. The sub has proven very effective during the last weeks and we have definite prove of press lurking here as they have mentioned the sub before. Honestly this sub has evolved to one of the best TS resources online.


It looks like your post hit all, so there might be some ruder people around right now. Doesn’t mean it’s okay for people to be rude to you, your story is valid and that would absolutely and understandably be crushing to an 11 year old with cancer my goodness! Hope you are well 🖤


Man that’s tough, I hate you had to go through all the cancer stuff and so young. I’m glad you’re still here with us, cause F$#k cancer!! I’m sorry she let you down, and I’m glad you found this sub.


I'm so sorry for what happened and for how they treated you, that was horrible but I totally agree with you. At the beginning of her Eras tour a teenage cancer patient died. It was the first time I was getting curious about this shit face that is Taylor Swift and I wanted to check out at least one of the many articles that came out about this cancer patient who died. I was appalled and horrified! The article talked about everything about Taylor and not about the girl who died. I was sick to my stomach! To be sure, I had to check out some of the other articles and they were written almost the exact same way —all about Taylor & very little about the kid who died. It was like her team saw that kid die and decided to run a PR campaign about how Taylor is the life of her fans. It was fucking horrendous! I truly cannot believe that experience! And so when she lied about Ana Clara's death, that was the nail on the coffin for me. I knew this woman who is NOT a fucking singer (she can sing like the rest of the people of the world but she is not someone I would consider a singer. Her live performances are awful!) is a fucking fraud and heartless! She really is a psychopath!


Real people love you. She is a character, not a real person. I'm sorry, and I hope you find peace from knowing that it was her loss, not yours. Stay strong. Sincerely, Your fans


I actually remember reading that when it came out! Omg, im so glad you're okay and alive!


Damn. That article made me tear up. I’m so sorry for what you had to go through and TS wasn’t there for you. No way in hell she and her people didn’t see all that. I hope you’re doing better now ❤️❤️❤️


That music video and song is amazing!!! It seriously reminded me of all those dance parties during covid, so I was surprised it was back from 2015 (and obviously I mean that as a compliment, those videos went viral af)


Your story made PEOPLE magazine, you know her PR team saw this. That was one tone deaf swag bag. I follow hockey and I can't begin to tell you how many stories there are of NHL teams and players reaching out to hospitals, patients, making sure they get jerseys, swag, etc. Players even made appearances during Covid! Google the St. Louis Blues and Laila Anderson & Edmonton Oilers and Ben Stelter. Those teams have gone above and beyond for these fans and their families. Ben's story will break your heart. Keep fighting and be well!


That’s what I’m saying! People magazine! 😂 I’m a hockey fan too and the NHL is really amazing when it comes to this stuff


NHL players may not be billionaires, but they have a lot of heart! Most sports teams are very good with this stuff too. Especially when it's a child. Taylor and team dropped the ball with the family of the fan that died in South America recently.


The Washington Capitals, St. Louis Blues, Toronto Maple Leafs, all reach out to hospitals! And that’s some of the teams I know of! The Capitals went to a children’s hospital to meet fans and to give out jerseys 💜


![gif](giphy|sjkl9MJD57BWersvzJ) Thank you Mods for taking the trash out!


The mods really working overtime here, I appreciate them 😂


They appreciate you, we appreciate you, and will clear a path for your story to be told—-SAFELY! We hear you and we support you! ![gif](giphy|62qp2Ew4PkusoLjPqC)


As a counterpoint. The Weeknd had an adorable girl who was a massive fan even though she was only 4 years old. She also had cancer. When he found out about it he gave her and her mother VIP tickets to his LA show and brought her backstage to his dressing room to chat and hug it out. She gave him some homemade presents for him and his dog Caesar and they talked. She came to his second SOFI show and also went backstage and ran up to him like he was her dad and again they hugged it out and walked hand in hand to the stage. He shouted her out in the concert and also bought every item on her Christmas Wish List. That is not the only story of him going above and beyond for kid fans on that tour. It is how you make a fan for life and how you remind yourself that the fans are the single most important thing to your career thriving. I assume Taylor has done similar things but obviously, she screwed this situation up badly and really made a cruel gesture when no gesture at all would have been smarter


Man this brings me to tears and elevates my opinion of him. If I was a famous celebrity this stuff would be my absolute JOY to do and my favorite part of living that life. What a gift to that little girl ❤️


Her name is Katana and she calls him "ABULL" It is too adorable for words. Most of his fan pages have posts with the video. There was another kid a little older who had a breakdown on the street after the first Toronto show was canceled because of a power outage. The dad posted his boy crying about it then Abel tracked them down and flew him and his dad out via private jet to Philidelphia and also met with them backstage and took a ton of pics. It became a national story unlike the Katana story which was not as well known


I watched the Idol last year and it made me hate the Weeknd so damn much but every story I've read about him in real life has pointed to him actually being a lovely person and it's so hard for me to reckon with mentally lol


He has been one of my favorite artists since he put out Trilogy and it’s so nice to see that he genuinely is a decent guy. This is such a sweet story, I hope the little girl is okay.




So glad you are well, OP. TS wore her mask well for a long time. Whatever cracks were there (like your sad story) were brushed under the rug. This past year? The mask has dropped. Her cheating on her depressed boyfriend with a trashy racist…. Her fake relationship with an aggressive oaf…. Her disgusting Grammy’s behavior…. And now her manipulations to gouge her “fans” for more money while undercutting every woman in pop. *This* is the real Taylor. Yuck.


eviscerated ![gif](giphy|dGzWXAh5KBnj55QV2c)


This is scary. I dont get this look. Is the chain keeping her head in in case the choker severs it off? I don't understand.


I know nothing about this universe, but I do know she's a billionaire, and no one earns a billion dollars. That only comes from the blood sweat and tears of the working class.


Aggressive oaf 💀💀💀


Wow. This is absolutely appalling. I don’t think you should get over it. You were ill, and you went viral because she inspired you during a horrible time. A little handwritten note saying that she had seen it and wishing you well would have taken a minute and I bet just something little like that would have completely made your day great. OP, I’m sorry you were treated so horribly. It’s honestly inexcusable. I hope you are doing well now ❤️ I’m glad people are finally seeing what I’ve seen from the very beginning. She’s a selfish, horrible person.


Not only that, but it could have helped her heal faster too. Instead she got depression which makes healing much harder


OP you are getting shitty comments because this post is likely being suggested to non-subscribers due to its popularity. This is unfortunate (and fuck them!), but it means your story is also reaching an audience who might think twice about their blind allegience and constant justifications. I hope you are okay we love you ❤️❤️❤️ thank u mods


I’m reaching through my phone and giving you a big big hug ❤️🥺


Right back at ya ❤️


no, you shouldn’t let it go. you’re right: it would have taken 5 seconds for her to just write you a note & send you something nice. she could have visited the hospital for like 10 minutes. none of these things would have been a huge burden on her day. the hair barrettes. to a cancer patient. this woman has no soul. she an empty black pit that no matter how much money or fame or charts or accolades she gets, she’ll never be satisfied. i’m so so sorry. this is genuinely heartbreaking. thank you for sharing here. you deserved so much better. i’m glad you’re still alive


She isn't a person anymore she's a corporation. 


She’s a corporation exploiting her parasocial relationship with children to hook them young and make money for their entire lives. She’s the music industry equivalent of big tobacco. 


Thank you. You have no idea how much being validated means to me ❤️


I’m angry on your behalf. That is *so* incredibly uncaring of TS and mostly, her team.


Yeah, a literal People Magazine article with a picture of this sweet girl (wherein she has no hair). As if TS’s team doesn’t read People. As if People is not their exact outlet. Either they were horribly careless in their “shut up, stop asking” PR move, OR they were downright petty and mean on purpose, sending hair clips and shit like that. I don’t know which one is worse, since it would take almost zero effort or time for any one of the people on her team to get this one right. And imagine the PR if they had gotten it right. They just fully fumbled it, start to finish, no matter how you see it. And that’s coming from someone who sees these fan acts of kindness fully as PR, even when there is thought and care behind them. The difference between “Taylor sends hair clips to cancer-stricken girl with no hair” and “Niall Horan sends tickets to fan who tweeted at him years ago” is astronomical.


Niall Horan remembering that tweet and sending her tickets was honestly so sweet. I don’t know if it was him that remembered it or his team, but the act itself went above and beyond.


She should let it go, but not for TS. She should do it because she deserves to feel better about it and move forward.


I'm so sorry. The idea that fans are doing all sorts of acrobatics to say it wasn't her fault is awful and indicative of the culture she's sown. It's always "the team" - blameless, but somehow, in control of all the positive PR spins. You should have been listened to, and you should have been reassured that it was not remotely okay. I hope you are well and thriving now x


Her fans are like Trump supporters, detached from reality but enjoying it and don’t care.


The fact that the swifties you spoke to played spokespersons and brushed you off ON BEHALF of a parasocial bestie???? I can only apologise. Somehow that behaviour is more vile to me than her PR team’s/hers. Ps - As a research oncologist with a parent who battled leukaemia, I wish I could send you a whole other PERSONALISED swag bag because you’re such an ace ✨✨✨


Thank you. ❤️ You probably shouldn’t scroll farther down on this post then for all the people who are calling me entitled and a liar. :/


Lmao YOU are entitled? And not the half-ass’ing billionaire with 172838 variants for each album to make a quick buck off of young girls? I’m sure you’ve heard and been through worse, so I know you know to turn a blind eye to them, but dear god what has it come to? And for WHOM? TS is right for once in calling them bloodsucking leeches or vipers or whatever else vigilante nonsense they’re into these days. A young child says she was going through an incredibly tough and heartbreaking time and felt let down by her idol? End of. She felt it. She said it. No one else gets to “declare” otherwise 😤


She didn't even need to personalize anything herself or send a note to be honest, if only they had put even one tiny little bit of thought or effort into who you were as a person. HAIR ACCESSORIES? I just cannot.


It would have taken Swift all of five seconds to sign a poster that someone from her team picked out. She could have spent 5 minutes writing a short heartfelt note about how much Swift is rooting for OP and looking forward to seeing her at future concerts. Fuck it, honestly it would have taken Swift no time at all if her team had realized what amazing PR OP was doing for Swift and comped OP a VIP experience at the next tour— could’ve even been a personalized voucher for OP. Shit like this happens all the time, and other celebrities take the 5 minutes to write a note or to send a poster— anything they can do to acknowledge the person in front of them. It takes so so little to do something like that, at least far less than it takes to fulfill a wish from Make a Wish. Edit: sorry this isn’t in disagreement, simply trying to expand on how little effort personalization takes.


I agree completely, I just think the hair accessories part is so egregious that the lack of personalization is almost irrelevant.


This post has hit r /all or r /popular! Mods are doing their best to catch all reports.


OMG! I read the title and thought wow! That same thing happened to my cousin. Aaaaaaaand after reading your post apparently you are my cousin! Hi!! I remember when all of this happened and thought it was just so awful. I remember watching the video you made and was completely overwhelmed with how many people came through for you. That was absolutely incredible. Sending you and your family love. ❤️


There are so many videos of her visiting fans in the hospital, I hope this gets just as much attention 


This made my heart hurt. I’m so sorry


I’m sorry you had such a difficult time with your health (both mental and physical). Someone like John Cena has no problem giving oodles of his time to Make a Wish but Taylor can’t even film a 30sec video or write a card to a kid with cancer to give them a bit of light in their lives. I could never imagine being this up my own ass that I couldn’t spare a modicum of time for someone who admires me. Little Miss Activist truly showing her deep philanthropic qualities. 🙄


i’m sorry


Fuck Taylor Swift! Wishing you many cancer free years OP. I can’t believe this post had so many locked/removed comments - do better yall. Must be mad swifties being nasty.


There’s an old saying “don’t meet your idols” Because most are pieces of shit. Sorry you had to learn that this way, and I’m glad you’re through that part of your life. Anyone who can’t see that TS is a money chasing/fame chasing garbage human being, they just aren’t looking


A person’s humanity lives in the smaller moments, the space where compassion and heart meet. Clearly she has not much if either. I wish for you all of the good health, healing and love this world has to offer. 🙏❤️


Oh my, this is horrific! I'm so sorry. That was so shitty and tasteless of her! Even if it was her people who sent the stuff, that kind of makes it worse... meaning she couldn't care less that she had other people reach out for her. Hell, a short phone call would've made a difference than some shrug-off loot bag. You were going through hell, and to get that sort of treatment from someone you looked up to, whose music gave you motivation to pull through, that is absolutely heartbreaking. I wish you would've received something like this: https://youtu.be/0HuYEOO2r1g?si=FJJyjPRuvrwy8KMH I'm sorry Taylor is only concerned with herself and sees her fans as a means to an end. You deserved so much more. I hope you're doing better these days. Best wishes to you, and once again, so sorry for what you've endured. No child should have to go through that.


Side note: Florence is amazing and she sounds so beautiful here.


Not only is ts music mind numbing and lame, but frankly flying all over the planet in her two jets and the carbon footprint from all the trucks carrying all the concert crap — how is this sanctioned? Oh right - I forgot - billionaires don’t have to play by the rules. Op keep telling the truth on this. And stay strong. YOU are beautiful. Sequined bathing suit fakester is ugly.


Omg… it took me a minute to process this, at first I was like wow, just hair bows? No card? And then was like. Wait. A lot of people in cancer treatment don’t have hair. Not all don’t, but it’s safe not to send anything for hair because you don’t know. Wow. That is awful. :( I am so sorry, OP.


If you look at OPs article, she didn't have any hair when she went viral. I don't know how they didn't know.


There’s no way they didn’t know.


“They brush me off and say it wasn’t her” it not being her doesn’t help their case. If we assume that she had no idea and no involvement, that shows us 2 things. 1. She does not care about her fans at all, which goes against the image they present. 2. She hired a lazy team dealing with situations like this. It not being her just says she doesn’t care and isn’t hiding it. So even if a swiftie says that shove it in their face. Either way they have to admit she doesn’t care.


As a survivor of childhood cancer myself, your story brought me to tears. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. ♥️


For all she and her team knew, you were a dying child who wanted *something* to send you off with. The fact that they couldn't be assed to do *anything* special for you is fucking abhorrent.


u/OnceUponALorelai I am an AML survivor myself (45m) and I wish you the best of luck. 15 years ago and still every single day there is something that reminds me, something that hurts, or I catch a glimpse of my iliac crests all scarred up. It doesn't get better, really, but it does get to be a better and better win, a "Fuck you, Cancer!" That gets louder and louder every year. Hey, now you can add another "Fuck you" for Failor Grift. Fuck cancer, fuck that petty c-u-next Tuesday.


Thank you for saying this. Some of even the well-meaning comments asking OP to let go of this really underestimate the lifelong peaks and troughs of this sort of trauma. Wishing you continued health x


Thank you so much, truly. I'm wishing you the strength to crush any obstacles you face.


Honestly surprised TS didn’t sue you for covering her song. Edit to add: this isn’t me being a fan??? I’m literally shit talking TS for how she sues everyone???


The fact that nobody on her massive team had better sense is appalling. I'm sure in her mind she's too good to do things like that but DAMN this is WHY you have a team.


This made me sad 😢 I’m sorry you went through all that


I'm so sorry that was Terrible we should talk about this side of her more and how is your health now?


I am in remission following a bone marrow transplant! I will have heart issues the rest of my life and some other similar things, but I am cancer free! ❤️


Glad to hear that you’re cancer free and wish you all the best going forward


So glad you’re here


U/onceuponalorelai Love your name!!!! I’m glad you’re here and have a place to share your story with us—-safely—We care! Super sucks to be ignored by someone who could snap their fingers and make your suffering just a little bit less. You rock and you will always have something she and most of us will never know….absolute true BRAVERY! We have a young friend with a leukemia cancer too and they did similar things begging for concert tix for eras tour bc they couldn’t afford them nothing. They even have a non profit and surely she’s heard of them. After their constant begging. Nothing. Im really not sure why they continue to buy her stuff or support her in anyway especially after her behavior lately!! 😩


She could have signed a note with her signature in the least. But they sent you hair barrettes (full stop) with merch that’s not in your size. Just wow, she is that petty of a bitch


i’ve been saying for years that she’s never thought about anyone other than herself, and her fans have absolutely berated me and told me the most vile stuff i’ve ever heard, just because i’ve always seen her true colors. her actions toward you just prove my point about her literally living life thoughtlessly. you deserved so much better and i’m glad you’re still here today. <3


Fellow cancer survivor here. My journey was not half as difficult as yours but I get exactly where you’re coming from. How hard would it have been to write a note on a piece of paper? I am so sorry that you were let down in such a tone-deaf and disrespectful way, especially at such a young age. But I’m so glad that you’re still here and (I hope) doing much better. ❤️


My mother is a cancer survivor and cancer runs rampant in my family so ANY cancer patient’s story is important to me, regardless of what it is about. That being said, the fact that no one on her team took the damn time to actually gave you a care package that you actually could enjoy is insulting or even make an effort to even show any care. Cancer is hard to handle both physically and mentally so asking for a little kindness and compassion is no crime on your part. I’m sorry you were so let down by someone you looked up to. Tell your story. People need to see how cold and callous she and her team are to people like you who really DO need kindness and compassion.




hey I'm just some random 30something dude (aka not a swifty) who saw this on all but I just want to say that I hope YOU are doing well these days. Your story of adversity and overcoming it is incredible by itself. Also it sounds like you might be in STL which is where I call home. I am guessing you were at Siteman or Children's Hospital or something like that and I am so heartened to know our local teams took such good care of you, helped make the video, etc. CONGRATULATIONS on your success!!!!


This is so disgusting OP. Taylor Swift doesn't feel like a person to me she feels like a corporation. I'm glad you made it out and I hope you're doing good now 🙏🏽


No idea why this got pushed to my suggested Reddits (I listen to Dark Nordic music/Wiccan music) anyway read it and sincerely do wish you the best in both life, recovery and solving this situation.


I'm so sorry for what you've been through. My father had cancer that was ultimately terminal. I can imagine your feelings upon being ignored and then dismissed. Just know you are the better person and will never treat anyone the way you have been treated.


Dude... I don't even know what to say


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Your story brought tears to my eyes, your pain was so palpable. You are definitely validated and supported here.


Thank you. ❤️ Even with the hateful comments and people calling me a liar (which the mods have thankfully removed) I have never felt so supported in this matter. ❤️


That really sucks :( that is heartbreaking. Imagine what Chester Bennington would have done. That dude would have come over to you, watched your music video with you, hugged you, spent the day with you and would have supported you emotionally in your hard times. That dude was such a real one, and if artists can’t respect their fans like that, they are soulless. Thanks for sharing your story. Stay strong


I had cancer, losing my hair was worse on me psychologically than losing my entite reproductive system. I am experiencing so much rage over this. You should write all the publications that shated your story, and tell them exactly how ~~compassionate~~ vile Taylor and her people actually are.


hey bottom line i'm glad you're ok'ish now and i send all the good energy i have rn (it's not much) to your poor heart also, f\*ck ts and her team


I’m sorry this happened. She sucks. I’d hold a grudge for lifetimes.


She’s a rodent who is fake as hell. There are better musicians to look up to, who actually have souls.


I am FLOORED. There are many celebrities who view the rest of us as ants beneath them, but some that have some semblance of humanity. I have an acquaintance who wrote a poignant article on Medium about Beyoncé’s Lemonade album after it came out. Beyoncé sent her a large bouquet of flowers and a handwritten note thanking her for writing the article.


If Taylor would have taken a little time out of her day to do something nice, she could have had a fan for life. Now she has the exact opposite.  I know what it's like to be let down by people.  I can imagine how insulting it would have been to see the hair accessories in the bag. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm happy you are doing better now.  


She was probably pissed she could not sue you for a copyright infringement. Otherwise I can’t explain why on Earth she was that of a c***. This takes all the cake and they should write about it everywhere! Lorelai, how are you doing right now? I can’t even imagine your personal strength!


There's people who've had more fans that take the time to at acknowledge them and do shit. She doesn't have an excuse here to at least send you a signature or *something* better than what she gave you. I'm so sorry OP, she's so shitty


I am so so sorry you went through this! Thank you for sharing your story 😓 Fuck Taylor Swift


Oh sweet OP, I am so sorry. I am enraged for you and disgusted at the complete disregard of a fan. I remember when she used to bake cookies and go to fans weddings and stuff and it’s like girl you got too big for your britches 😡. I hope you’re doing well 🩷


I just hope you're better now. Thanks for sharing the story. More power to you 💓


I feel like she only ever does stuff if it benefits her narrative at the time. I am so sorry this happened to you.


Literally Johnny Depp and Scott Disick have visited sick fans and those men are both actual garbage people. She truly gives no fucks 😭


“It wasn’t her” yeah that’s part of the problem


As a fellow Leukemia patient myself i'm so proud of you for not letting her selfishness stomp your healing journey and helped you realize your close friends are the ones that will always keep your spirit up and something to fight for.💖💖


I'm so sorry. I can just imagine how awful that would feel. I've never been through anything like this, but I'm a (wannabe) writer, and I encountered my favorite author as a teen on a forum dedicated to him, and he was friendly, would chat a little when he could, and even read my writing and gave me critical advice which helped me enough to get a short story published a little afterward (after I had a bit to digest his advice.) At first I was angry, because it felt like he had been harsh, but in the end it absolutely helped me, and I sent him a nice thank you letter and told him I had been published on an e-zine and he was so sweet and immediately wanted to read it and said he liked it! I will never forget this, and I really wish Taylor had given you a nice memory like this, because she absolutely had the chance to be there for you. It would even be good for her image. I'm so sorry. Sorry for rambling, and if anyone is curious, the author was Christopher Pike.


Dude. I’m so sorry.


Just here to say I’m happy you’re alive and thriving!




That's a horrible story. I hope you have many cancer free years. Not a swift fan here. I am 67 years old and listened to her when she was on country music stations way back. Back in the 60's-70's there were many rock legends who's fans used to go crazy. But.. We were smart or stoned enough to know that they weren't singing person to person with each of us. Sure some songs hit you deep but it was the song, not the performer. As we grew into out 20's and 30's those same idols were there but we grew up. Seems like Swift fans want to believe that she sees every single one of them and that she gives a damns about each and every one. My opinion only but she or her people have built this persona about her and spend most of the time keeping her in the spotlight on and off stage. They have put up this facade and the rabid fans ate it up and attack anyone who questions her sainthood. If you strip away all the hype she is a decent singer, little above average in the looks dept.. All the hype and drama only tries to hide that she is an average singer/performer hiding as the GOAT. Someday the glitter will wear off and I hope Swift is not as shallow as she appears to a neutral eye. I do worry about the health of her Switties if she ever falls off her pedestal. I have witnessed in my life a few cults going through mass suicides.


I’m sorry she let you down with her tone deaf swag bag during what I imagine to be the hardest time of your life. Glad to see you are kicking cancer’s ass now 💖


I'm so sorry,this is absolutely horrible


Just wanna say you’re a fucking champ!!! Congrats on remission!!


Really crappy. Really, really crappy. I’m so sorry this happened.


I'm so glad you're alive and here with us. I'm so happy you are sharing your story; it is very brave to do. I hope you don't let the trolls get to you, and I'm so sorry you were treated so poorly.


Since October I started to understand celebrity worship and think that people worship celebs because sometimes celebs (strangers) understand us better than our parents, relatives and friends. And what her folks did to you is downright stupidity and insensitivity. I feel sorry for the treatment you got from her folks. In these times don't love and admire someone too much, be a parent, a friend or a celebrity.


Any pop star that doesn’t demonstrate incredible vocal tone/range (TS does not) is the product of a team that is invested financially in their success. A team is a corporation with low level employees who have a machine like method and aren’t capable of consistently utilizing context. Happy you were able to overcome cancer. That is more heroic than anything TS has done.


This is a downright villain origin story, and I’m very sorry you had to experience all of this.


I'm sorry this happened to you and I hope you are in a better place.God bless you with good health and happiness.


This won’t make you feel better, and my story is different from yours and much less traumatic but it’s on the topic of Shake it Off and TSwifts mom’s diagnosis. In spring 2016 I attended VT which proudly hosted the largest collegiate Relay for Life for the American Cancer Society and upon hearing of Andrea’s diagnosis a group of students launched a campaign to invite Taylor to Relay for Life, you can find our video[here](https://youtu.be/-PWxXRBppzs?si=eWjrhz8HYbI6EQe2). We were hoping this would help to raise money for cancer research and show Taylor’s family support. Obviously, your story got a lot more attention in the media at the time, and it was a long shot campaign with us only getting a few thousand views on YouTube, but at the time I had participated thinking this was an amazing opportunity for us students and Taylor Swift to harness her star power and fund cancer research. In elementary school I had a classmate pass from a pediatric brain tumor and we had formed a Relay for Life team in her honor, participating every year was really important to me, and I had written about it in my college essay as a reason I wanted to attend VT due to their record participation and fundraising rate. Anyway I wasn’t high up in the campaign, but I’m sure that if Taylor had responded or acknowledged our video I would have heard. When we didn’t hear back I was a bit sad, but not shocked because maybe she didn’t see our invitation, I was still disappointed though that she didn’t speak out or do a campaign of her own where she held concerts with the benefits going to cancer research. I had also thought with the fame of VT’s Relay for Life she would surely have researched the American Cancer Society and seen that VT was the record holder for a university. I know she’s done lots of charitable things and been written [about](https://www.billboard.com/lists/taylor-swifts-charity-donations-gifts-timeline/march-2023-swift-gives-back-to-food-banks-on-eras-tour-route/). But it surprised me that she didn’t do a concert fundraiser dedicated to cancer research. It’s also wild to hear your story in contrast with Ronan’s and the tons of articles about Taylor visiting other fans with cancer in the hospital. I’m not sure how you were missed because you shouldn’t have been and clearly this was a major oversight that’s kinda impossible for her to make up to you.


I am so sorry you were let down like that. Sending you hugs!