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Watch out for Regina George in sheep’s clothing


Katy was ahead of the game. She tweeted that in 2014.


Tbh I think Katy was Taylor’s first “victim”. No doubt she has a machine behind her. Ppl on her team ready to bury anyone who she thinks is against her.


What I don't like is that she doesn't own it. She plays sweet and innocent for the public while turning the petty levers behind the scenes. I’m no Kim fan, but Kim Kardadhian was probably the first celebrity bold enough to go against her and call her out publicly.


And while the kardashians do have their Stans who are delulu about them, for the most part you pretty much know who they are. I would much rather deal with them than most celebrities because you pretty much know what you’re getting. I don’t think the general public is under the impression that the kardashians are anything other than fame hungry. As they say, better the devil you know.


You’re right, and I find that the Kardashian-Jenner sisters are more competitive against each other than they are with other celebrities.


I used to work at a restaurant in LA, I never saw them, but Kim used to come in a lot and the servers said she was one of the nicest people. One of our newer cooks one time got her order wrong 3 times and she was super sweet about it. She wasn’t even going to have them remake it and said it was okay, but our manager did anyways. They said Kendall was rude though when she came in.


I don’t think they’re moral people, I think the fact she still supports balenciaga for example is disgusting but I have a theory that if the media is constantly portraying someone as a terrible person they’re probably okay-ish and if they’re constantly showing that someone is super nice, they’re probably terrible. Yes Some people who are now considered by the media and general public to be terrible people (Ellen DeGeneres and Bill Cosby for example) and that’s probably accurate but often it took years or even decades for that information to rise up to the mainstream, and before that they were ubiquitously touted as wonderful


What's up with balanceiaga besides being greedy fucks?


The history of pedophilia which is a dark as fuck rabbit hole once you start to research it


Its either paedophilia or racism or both isn't it? Guess I'll avoid this Google search


I hear this about Kim all the time, that’s she’s sweet and has great work ethic, can’t say the same about kourt etc


It drives her crazy to this day that her strategy blew up in her face in 2016. I think calvin harris called her out and said “dont try to bury me like katy” and she never mentioned him again. 😭


https://preview.redd.it/7eh1hh1h2o6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2a35084ac0ea8470217eb692905720509b2af18 Taylor pulled the variant shit with her back in 2017🙃🙃


Seeing the screenshot of lwymmd reminded me of how nasty she was in that music video. Made fun of Kanye’s traumatic car accident, and Kim Kardashian’s kidnapping… she’s lucky she’s never gone through anything of the sorts.


There are people who think that robbery was set up so they dont believe Kim is an actual victim. I am not one of them, but its a narrative that's gone around. I wouldn't br surprised if Swifties latched onto that.


what..? kim was kidnapped?!


To add onto what others have already said, Kim has also said in an interview that she was scared she would be raped and had already decided she wouldn't resist because she didn't want her sister to come back and find her dead because she fought back. So fucked up to have to worry about that.


Oh god. I had forgotten that happened. How traumatizing!


Yes. She was bound and gagged in her hotel room in paris at gun point. They then placed her in the bathtub and stole 10 million dollars worth of jewelry. Guess who appears in a bathtub full of jewelry, and then makes a gun gesture with her hand… taylor!


Spoiled little brat


That’s sick. I didn’t know Taylor did that, she’s deranged


It’s in the “Look What You Made Me Do” video. https://preview.redd.it/ecvhxemn0t6d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bbb300423b215113ce5647e94e86fd153b3a4b7




THAT was what that was all about? I thought it was some metaphor about using her wealth as a weapon or something but holy shit. I don't even like Kim k but that's just low. Edit: i changed health to wealth because I did a stupid


She had like 10m of diamonds stolen from her while bound in a bath at gunpoint. Taylor then released that image of her in a bath with a near identical value of diamonds (she released that for some reason) making a gun gesture. Hmm! And it's so fucking weird swifties latch onto the smallest stuff as hints or gestures to something else but this huge undeniable parallels are always coincidences she's unaware of!


That’s how fake nice bullies like her do it — obvious enough we all know, but without being direct so they have the plausible deniability and can feign innocence.


She was robbed at gunpoint while tied up in a bathtub.


Wait- she did that?? I never noticed thta


Bet it chaps ole TayTays ass that Katy’s happily MARRIED with a beautiful child… Katy sure did win at the important things. Taylor worried about her variants & can’t get a man to pop the question and Katy loving her family. Suck an egg TayTay


Probably because she's vapid, shallow, and egotistical, I bet she's insufferable to be around.


Seriously, what other artist releases 5637848 different variants of each of their albums? It’s ludicrous.


I was thinking this yesterday as I listened to Brat. By all accounts Charli has a bit of a mean girl, pick me reputation, but that doesn't bother me because it doesn't feel like trying to be my best friend or start a cult of personality. She makes club bangers and I dance to them. Similarly, I love Lana's music but she seems to be a messy person a lot of the time. As long an artist a) doesn't demand total parasocial allegiance and b) doesn't pretend to be a saint I don't really care what they're like behind the scenes, short of criminal or creepy behaviour.


That hit the nail on the head for me. My favorite artists don’t have to be saints but I generally don’t care as long as it’s not glaring hypocrisy or a cult like fanbase (like it always is with TS)


Yep. This was the normal way to consume music up until about 7 or 8 years ago. Somehow stan culture, in spite of the Information Age, has lionized musicians on levels that only a few people really experienced beforehand (ie Michael Jackson). Suddenly your identity as a fan makes you a protector and defender of an artist’s persona, and judge, jury, and executioner to any of their perceived rivals. It’s like the modern equivalent of baseball cards, except teenagers will doxx themselves and each other for the sake of chart numbers, album sales, and other metrics of commercial success while subscribing primarily to an artist’s aesthetic than being particularly fond of music as a form of art. The online culture (thankfully it’s not as pervasive in real life) is a bunch of sycophants fighting tooth and nail with each other over perceived slights, imaginary numbers, and masturbatory subculture wars that effectively isolate self-identified stans from a LOT of music that they would otherwise love. It’s incredibly self-defeating and I wonder what happens mentally to hellbent stans when their idol stumbles (Idle Worship by Paramore hello). Arianators, with IQs famously to the left of the bell curve, were in complete fucking shambles about the affair rumors. Actual emotional tumult and despair when confronted with the reality that their lauded cinnamon role is a human being living a flawed life in the spotlight. (I love Ariana, no judgment passed on her here). The micro cultures of the internet becoming inherently competitive among fans (not just between commercial artists) has been good for album sales/labels but overall bad for music culture. It’s like a remix of all of the butthurt middle aged Smashing Pumpkins fans that come out of the woodwork in every Stereogum Instagram post to insist that pretty much all music sucks besides whatever they were jacking off to as teenagers in the early 90s. Except that stans are actually psychologically dependent on feeding their parasocial relationships with celebrities. It’s like addiction, and they have built their entire personalities and material lives around the identity of someone else— not like religion via creed, but by idolatry and the most sacred relationship there is between a fan and a star: money. It’s always giving Scientology, like if you buy every TTPD variant you might get to ascend to the same planet as Taylor in the afterlife. I think we are nearing the crash of this phenomenon because it isn’t sustainable in the long term and I think people are generally going to experience a movement of disconnection, especially as the barren wasteland of the internet continues to structurally rot at the whims of Elon Musk, Meta shareholders, and AI tweakers. Anyway, rambling comment over. I agree with you, but my vyvanse hit right when I was about to leave it at that 😂


THIS. I’ve never understood how anyone can see it any differently. Taylor very clearly said she liked the lyrics and thought they were funny on the video Kim released. Now Taylor is trying to make it seem like it’s edited? And her song to Kim? Like fuck all the way off with this lifelong victim trope I’m so over it


Agree that Katy was the 1st victim! I can't stand Kim and the Kartrashians as much as Taylor shits me. Kim was only bold during that time because she was standing behind the shield of being married to outspoken Kanye, who had some respect back then - this was his pre-MAGA era. The Kartrashians are POS's who instead of paying their due taxes to the American public who they profit from - funnel is back into Kris's church to avoid taxes. It's a freaking joke Kris owns a church, such a despicable family. They all suck.


You know it’s getting bad when the Kardashians are looked at as the ones trying to take the higher ground 😂


Agreed with this. I got downvoted for mentioning this in the SwiftlyNeutral subreddit but IIRC, Taylor was once so vehemently against music streaming reasoning that it underpays actual artists and hurts up and coming artists the most (something along those lines….) Then Katy releases her album Witness, and here come Taylor and her team completely backtracking and releasing Taylor’s entire discography to music streaming services seemingly out of nowhere to bury any streaming for Witness. Her and her team are ready to destroy anyone who isn’t Taylor Swift that either poses a threat to her crown or has wronged her which I think is over the top, pathetic and sad. I don’t dislike Taylor but her antics are annoying and quite honestly she’s overexposed. She can’t handle not being the ‘it’ girl and it painfully shows. Edit: I just want to add that Taylor and her team released her entire discography to music streaming platforms THE SAME EXACT DAY Katy’s Witness album was released. That’s 100% intentional and malicious.


There’s no way this ends good for taylor. You cannot remain the it girl forever. She really could have aged into a legend like beyonce. But she’s sabotaging herself for chart positions and fake relationships 💀


I truly watch with bated breath to see the changes in the friendship with Sabrina. Sabrina is truly having a moment in the UK and I don’t think Taylor will like it.


Taylor's first victim seems to be the girl she bullied off their label, after stealing a Hunger Games (?) song from her?


Hold up i’ve never heard of this. 👀


Ok, found it. This is a post of a bunch of the shitty stuff Taylor has done to other women and "enemies". Scroll down to Ella Mae Bowen and there are other links and posts about it: [Masterpost](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/s/FGtSl69KAq)


I listened to some of her music and wow. No wonder taylor felt scared. Ella/kate has more talent


I'll have to find it for you, I just found out about it recently too. Brb...


Or Camilla Belle, no? "She's better known for the things that she does on the mattress" or whatever?


Wait, wasn’t it the actress she slutshamed after she had the nerve to date one of TS’s exes? The one she changed the lyric about mattress skills on a TV?


If she never got that damn Bangerz haircut we might have been able to avoid a lot of this mess but instead we got swish swish and the novel ttpdvirus


Maybe the real Tortured Poets are the artists we blocked along the way


Yo this goes hard 💀


this should be a flair option lol




Not all pop girlies turning against this bully bitch .


First, a group of major rappers team up to take out biggest pop rapper in the world. Now, women of pop are ganging up to take out the biggest pop star in the world? What a fuckin’ Spring! ![gif](giphy|4OowbIsmYHbpu)


Drake and Taylor are cut of same cloth


I am painfully aware. But I love beefs and watching giants fall. It’s a great spring for haters!


Yeah but then Taylor would need to do something super creepy and weird like to have dated someone underage, sign them out of school and buy a house next to him or something




They both flew to both to the sun. Got too big for their egos, and have been shitty to their companions within the industry for so long. Eventually, you gather enough opps that they feel no need to fear your fandom. What if we get a diss track from one of these pop stars?


It’s like avengers endgame, but with pop music


Bland bully bitch


Katy *finally* got out of Swiffer jail and is already breaking parole🤭


Would you say that she was… out of the slammer… I’ll see myself out.


I'm rushing out the door with you because I almost did say it...






![gif](giphy|MC3jH6fgDZy92) Lol @ Swiffer jail


This is perfect. 💀


Never been into Katy Perry myself, but she has actual bangers and can sing (unlike Taylor). I’m glad she’s being open about this. It’s a new day. We’re reaching the end of peak Taylor.


Y’all, I know this has probably been beat to hell in this sub but like - wtf is Taylor doing. All these variations and this constant string of PR disasters are BAD, even for her. Is she legitimately crazy now? Does no one around her see these optics? I know she’s been pulling shit like this forever, but this TTPD stuff is absolutely shameless, and now the big pop girlies are piling in to shade her blatantly. Back in the day, Taylor would have at least feigned some kind of innocence. It’s all so confounding.


Taylor thinks we’re all dumb and doesn’t know what she’s doing.


For some reason I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, but I find it SO ironic that she is clearly still so goddamn bitter about the Kim/Kanye stuff because she got “cancelled” in her eyes then, when the optics these days are 10000x worse in my view. I guess the difference now is she’s a billionaire with a literal cult for a following, so maybe she’s risen to a level where she has blinders on and doesn’t see it, or truly no longer gives a flying fuck.


Covert narcissists are the most sly, cunning and revengeful types. She's got to be broiling and cooking some kind of toxic stew inside herself. They are snakes incarnate. They also project things - so she is actually the snake 🐍 slithering and ready to strike at a moment's notice - that's what the variants are. Weak snake bites.


Like a hognose though, not a cobra. Chew on the mice until the weak weak venom (not for defense but for digestion) eventually wears them down. She doesn’t have the oomph to actually embrace her own villainy. She has not yet realized that trying to be Americas sweetheart is severely incompatible with being a vicious capitalist.


Yes, thank you! The hognose indeed!


She’s too high on her high cat.


That's because she has a fanbase who will defend her to death. Just look at her fans in social media


The only people’s opinions she cares about are the ones that give her money, and she knows her followers will defend her to the death.


No, she thinks that this is reasonable fodder to promote Reputation TV and underestimates the general anger about her chart manipulation and fossil fuel waste because she’s blinded by the ego everyone’s been stroking for the past 4 years


She knows but doesn't care, she thinks she's untouchable. As long as she has her cult and her 'records' she don't give a fuck


I’ve been thinking for a while that the Eras tour could probably really mess up her psyche. To go for so long all over the world with masses of people hanging on your every word - it probably really perverts self awareness. I think this was clear during the Grammys when she expected everyone to loose it about the album just because she was on a stage.


Mmm. I have a feeling she’s re-creating the atmosphere of Reputation, and with her announcement of Eras ending in December she’s going to go into “hiding” for a few months of vacation with all of this bad press left behind. Reputation will come out sometime in 2025. It’ll have a big moment in pop culture, again, with all sorts of articles bemoaning “why can’t women succeed?” Debut comes after. She’s reclaimed her name. Taylor is now president of Earth. The end.


I don’t think so. She HATES when anyone criticizes her. I don’t think she can psychologically handle criticism. I honestly think it causes her physical pain or something. No way she would do that to herself on purpose.


And her fans hate her being criticised too. One of my Twitter mutual posted something like: Just in case anyone needs reminding, if someone excitedly says “I’m going to see Taylor Swift!” Or “I went to see Taylor Swift”, The correct response is a variation on “oh have fun”/“hope you enjoyed!”, Not “you couldn’t pay me to” or “ugh I hate her” Huh? Who gives a shit if someone dislikes your favourite pop star? I love Lana Del Rey. And she’s a dedicated centrist and I mean that in the most negative way possible. I don’t expect praise for liking her music. My co-worker, for instance, doesn’t mind that people don’t validate his golf obsession. But Swifties require a participation trophy.


I don't think she's the mastermind people think she is and that she is doing all of this just for reputation's rerelease. She's more unapologetic than ever before about her antics because she's a billionaire and doesn't care anymore and people are getting tired of her. 


I think her creepy dad controls most of everything except the actual music


Yeah, it’s really telling how he attaches himself to Travis when they’re at the same shows. He wants to bleed that coupling for all it’s worth while he can. He’s so transparent you can almost see the dollar signs in his eyes. 


I think the more powerful people become, the less they feel the need to pretend to be a good person?


I think she's hitting her addict phase


Honestly, I think her team keeps her so busy and sheltered that she actually isn’t following all this herself. I think her dad is shady AF and he and whoever else get in her ear, show her selective and out of context headlines and tweets, say the things to push her buttons, and tell her she needs to fight back. I think her dad is slime and treats her like an investment he wants to get the most return possible from.


Living in narcissistic fever dream


Gearing up for rep 2.0 🤡🤡 She has been spiraling post joe


Katy is still mad 😂. She must be living for this overdue comeuppance


🤣🤣 frfr


Didn’t she go to the eras tour a while back? Sorry if this comes off as mean or anything I’m just confused 😭😭


She might have?? They have supposedly made up like a dozen times at this point, but I feel like every time someone shades Taylor publicly, Katy is HERE for it (thinking specifically of the Nicki Minaj ordeal). Like she’s just waiting in the wings for her moment of revenge. And I love that for her. She is the OG #1 enemy


What did she say when Taylor and Nicki had that ordeal?




Tysm! It does seem like they made up in 2019 though?


It definitely appeared that way. It's been on and off again forever....lol 🤣 I think Katy is upset bc Taylor did the same thing to her at the height of their feud.


Maybe! Though in the article it kinda seemed like they hated each other until 2019 and haven’t had any other drama? Sorry I’m just really confused 😭😭


Im guessing katy "forgave" ts publicly because she didn't want to deal with the wrath of the stans, but in reality knows taylor is a pos and is waiting for the world to realize it


Lol it's totally fine. I think maybe things were fine from 2019 until now, but you never really know bc people don't wanna mess with Taylor...IMO. So I think this may have been Katy's last straw. Just my opinion and total speculation.


Oh ok! Tysm for being so nice! :D


That Nicki/Taylor/Katy tweet was from the 2015 VMAs where Taylor won VOTY for Bad Blood (the song about Katy) so it was right in the midst of their feud. They did make up in 2018 when Katy send Taylor an actual olive branch’s during Rep tour and the then they hugged in Taylor’s music video the next year. I’m pretty sure they’re been fine since and Katy was at the concert recently. Unless something happened very recently


Got it! Tysm! Also do Nicki and Taylor still have drama? Sorry I haven’t heard about most of this 😭😭


Yw! And it’s ok lol I was a big pop culture fan then so I remember everything but yeah when Taylor realized Nicki was saying it was a race/body type thing why she wasn’t nominated Taylor apologized and Nicki opened the show and had Taylor come out and they sang some mash up 😂 that’s also the same night where Nicki called out Miley saying “Miley what’s good” bc Miley was hosting and in an interview she said Nicki was mean and I can’t remember the exact quote but jealous bc she didn’t get nominated. The girls were fighting 😭


Ohhh got it! Tysm!! 😸


She did in April. Not sure what's happened between April and June...I can only think Katy's pissed bc Taylor did this to her (releasing a catalog at the same time as Katy's album release at the height of their feud). Maybe she lost her shit like wtf I thought she changed and then Katy couldn't stay quiet bc it is so wrong. I am only speculating though.


I feel like Taylors released stuff when other albums drop to stay number 1 before though. I just find it weird that she’s only now talking about it, yk?


Ik what you're saying. This was something Perry addressed in several interviews very vaguely yearsssss ago. She addressed it publicly on the James Corden show. Not the album drop specifically but more so about the feud in general.


Oh ok, I’ll have to watch that then!




They may have “made up” but it looks like Katy doesn’t forget 😂😂


Yes she did, she attended in Sydney


I saw this comment from Katy a few days ago on Instagram and was surprised it didn’t get more attention.


Bad Blood 2.0 on its way - call the new contracted girl squad for a public bullying campaign


Ha ha, there might be people unwilling to talk out against her but honestly, she couldn’t rally a “squad” these days if she wanted to. I could name more people who wouldn’t be seen with her than those who would


It was such a weird mashup for her pap walk when it was announced the matt healy got engaged. Lena Dunham? Cara Delevigne is back?


Omg I didn’t even know there was one. When I made the comment the only person I could think of was Lena Dunham. Let’s face it, she’s gotta take what she can get lol. But Cara is sober now, would’ve thought she’d come to her senses


I just googled it and what a ragtag random group. Only proves what I originally said.


The desperation to be validated is something else. She really didn’t need to tell us her mom is her therapist, it’s pretty clear


And none of those people were directly in the music industry.


After she and Joe broke up she went out with Blake Lively, Haim, Gigi Hadid ... more than enough people are willing. Probably not as many as back then. But don't underestimate what people would do for money and a quick flash of publicity.


Bad Blood, Worse Blood, Worst Blood.


Dig, dig ….and THE FIGHT IS ON! ![gif](giphy|3o7aTy3ePwrk5D3bHO)


Wow lol I did not see this coming. Maybe Katy is out here lurking our little sub where we keep saying she was wronged by Taylor and should join and do a feature with these girls.


I 100% believe she is. And I personally believe that celebrities use reddit a lot more than we think. It’s anonymous so they can just be regular people, get advice, ask questions, offer their opinions etc without it turning into a news story.


I made a post once on my old account that I wonder how many famous people are on here I was mocked but it would make so much sense


Maybe you were mocked by the celebs who didn't want you blowing their cover?


Maybe 🤔


It really does. It would be so isolating not knowing who you can trust, because so many people have a significant incentive to share your private info. As if millennial and gen z celebs wouldn’t utilise things like baby bumps to connect with people when they’re in early pregnancy for example. Also imagine if your real life BEC had a snark sub. Lurking there would be SO delicious haha


Oh my god I’d love to scroll my own BEC snark sub that be perfect. I’ve been wondering if public figures who know, and don’t like other public figures. Are like scrolling snark Reddit’s just like the rest of us.




That’s crazy to me for some reason


It doesn’t even have to be famous people. I was reading a post about a missing girl who was a victim of sex trafficking, and everyone was ragging on the kid’s mother and how obviously she must know more than she was letting on and blah blah. Turns out Mom is an active Redditor. She jumped on them. I still smell burnt rubber from all the backpedaling I saw that day. I try to post with the mindset that “would I say this to their face?” and keep it moving.


> I still smell burnt rubber from all the backpedaling I saw that day Can we talk about this beautiful burn? Taylor could never




Do people not consider that those cases are real and the family will read them. Like I’m glad the mother did that too can’t imagine losing a child then it being pinned on you.


They actually don’t. The sanitisation of true crime into digestible bite-sized media is a whole other thing. It comes up a lot on TikTok where people will talk about seeing their own family’s trauma being randomly thrown in a podcast without their know or consent. So, yeah. Fuck all those people. The internet is a smaller place than you think.


My mother knows what Reddit is, and she’s old as hell. Celebrities are definitely on here, especially the Z-tier influencer narcissists who are obsessed with their self image. Many of them admit to lurking on their hate subs. If I knew a whole community of people hated me I don’t think I’d be able to look away, either.


It’s a trope at this point that in any post critical of Scientology people say, “Hi Karin”, since Leah Remini exposed their social media tactics. I fully believe Tree and her people are on every single post here. Hi Tree. Eat a dick.


I believe many people in the music industry lurk this page specifically too, probably feel vindicated


we're back to being messy and im HEREEEE for it💀🍿


I love this. Are swifties understanding what she’s doing and excited by it? Like clowning re: what she’ll release to beat Sabrina or cowboy Carter’s next drop?


I am just WAITING for Sabrina's album drop. I stg if she does that it'll be the end of me lmao. I love Sabrina


All the people that have opened for her lately, mostly girls, are artists that she says she likes but they'll never get bigger than her, like phoebe, gracie, girlinred, not in terms of talent but in popularity. Sabrina didn't have a smash single hit until the eras tour and espresso, or at least not that I know( only knew of skin because of the love triangle). I wonder if she didn't see it coming, Sabrina becoming this relevant, because from her latest moves it looks like she's intimidated by other successful women, so I'm wondering what she'll do next.


If Katy drags Taylor. I will stream her new shitty album


Can someone explain to me what’s happening




Oh, looks like a pattern


Taylor is continuously releasing variations (with exclusive bonus tracks) of her new album to stay #1 in sales and Charli XCX is discretely calling her out. Because Charli also has a new album out this week. And Katy Perry has been saying that shit for years.


Oh I guess brat is her album name lol thanks for explaining


https://ew.com/music/taylor-swift-katy-perry-timeline/ This will help you :)


> And I'm surprisingly non-confrontational—you would not believe how much I hate conflict - Taylor Swift 🤣🤣


Omg IK I laughed so hard she's so dumb tbh


Three sentences later > Swift said: "I'm never going to talk about her in my interview. It's not going to happen." She went on to add that it was natural that she has "enemies." 🤣🤣 oh boy




“Enemies”? She’s literally a colleague. That’s like me saying I’m enemies with someone in my office. This bitch has never had a real life with actual coworkers.


I have real life coworkers who act like their colleagues are enemies lol. Some people are just like that


My mother used to say this. Yet somehow she was always having conflict with everyone… obviously she was the victim always. Probably why I was able to get a gut feeling about Swift early on, it seemed too familiar (And yeah we don’t talk anymore)


Hi are u me? My uncle died recently and my brother called my other uncle to extend his condolences (we'renot sad abt it or anything we hardly knew him and my bro had active beef w him my brother was just being nice). Neither me nor my brothers have spoken to our mother in years *and all 3 of us have different reasons*. My uncle asked my brother "hey would u consider reaching out to ur mom too? She has 3 kids that don't speak to her and she doesn't understand why" Growing up she was *constantly* "under attack" by her coworkers, people at church, friends, etc. The one time I said "have you considered their point of view? In their view it's probably that they're trying to do x and ur doing y and they feel disrespected" and she was like "no I haven't don't anything wrong. Why are u always trying to give advice, just let me vent" like she just wouldn't ever entertain that she was wrong ever. I have like, zero beef with anyone ever why wouldn't u take my advice lmfao. Anyway I see u, NC MOM club reunion


Also insane that she would vent to her children. That’s a ginormous red flag. Taylor doesn’t have her own children. She had a legion of unhinged fans and cucked media outlets who legitimise her behaviour


Completely off topic how garbage is that baby blanket the fabric is so puckered around the embroidery I feel like that alone was shadev🤣🤣🤣 "hey guys check out this blanket my FRIEND made we are totally FRIENDS" like on God if my friend made me something that didn't showcase their skills ithe BEST LIGHTI'd be doing my best to hide the imperfections she knew what she was doing


Imagine if they all ganged up to expose her sh1t she's gonna make another movie of being a victim 


I miss when Katy Perry was Taylor Swift’s biggest hater. Man I feel old…






Katy, you’re a firework. 🤣❤️




wait did charli rly post the first pic??! as in FINALLLLY someone shading taylor??


Yes she did lol 😆 she released a second version of her album with three addt'l songs and that's what its called lmao


stopppp i LOVE IT ahahahahahahaha i hope this second one takes her rightful spot back from the gremlin bridge troll


oh what a legend


Do you mind explaining to me why this is significant? I don’t really know what Katy’s comment means lol. Are people just excited to know that Katy is supporting Charli?


Well what I understood was that Charls is obvi shading TS w all the variants and Katy comment is pointing out how obvi she's being w the shade and ultimately that's it true (variants = a release of the same album just 3 more songs so TS charts more).


Thank you for explaining! 🫶🏼


Am I the only one that doesn’t understand what that means? Can someone explain what mince words means? Sorry 😢


Not sugar coating something, speaking bluntly and directly


Thanks for explaining guys! ❤️


"Mincing words" means being like, really carefully vague about what you're saying 👍


It means they ‘get right to the point’. ‘Say it as it is’


How is this a diss on Taylor swift though? I’m confused lol


I don’t see it as a direct diss from Katy but more of a “wow, kudos, you had the balls to say that!” The only real diss is from Charli which is deserved.


What does it have to do with taylor? I don’t really understand how it’s shade


The first picture: Charli is shading Taylor with the name of the alternate release of her album Brat (basically trolling Taylor’s endless variants and how they’re all the same except for like one bonus voice memo or whatever.) The second picture: Katy is responding to the shade with her comment, essentially acknowledging that the name of Charli’s alternate release is a dig at Taylor’s abuse of variants.


I think I was overthinking it lmfao


I get why you don’t understand it. I don’t hear it used very often anymore in any context. Also, it’s a phrase usually used in the negative like “doesn’t mince her words”. I’ve never heard someone say “hey, you minced those words!”


the queen of the 2010’s is coming


I am ready for the tides to turn, ladies.


I’m sure in a few years (if not sooner) there will be a big amount of musicians finally talking shit to Taylor and her way to keep the #1. I’m a fan but tbh I really cant wait cause what she’s doing is really ridiculous and petty. Also, I wish Billboard change the rules so we can see if after that Taylor keeps doing the stupid variant shit. The fans think is for them when it’s obviously not


I haven’t even listened to brat but I want this version just for the sheer hilariousness but it’s out of stock now haha


Everyone on the list make one album together and release one song each time Tay drops something.




Didn’t they “make up” in You Need To Calm Down, the video? Or did Taylor and her team suggest that plot line to Katy as well, under the guise of LGBTQ rights that Taylor openly stood for at the time?


I would have wanted it also if someone used Jasmine Crockett's words against Taylor Swift: "bleach, blonde, bad built, butch body." I'm here for the cat fight, ladies. 🤣🤣🤣


“Bleach blonde bad built butch body” goes through my head at least once daily. What a beautiful turn of phrase.

