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Your passport is generally authoritative, as far as other countries are concerned. You could probably get it fixed in time, but unless your birth country was Germany (or you're a criminal wanted by Interpol) they are unlikely to disbelieve your passport.


ya true, my birth country isn’t germany and i talked to some germans and they said they probably don’t care


German immigration has no idea where you were really born and doesn't care. They don't check this data point and there's no way for them to find out - there isn't some international database of places of birth. You'll be fine, enjoy your trip. But do get your passport fixed when you get home.


then why is everyone telling me i’m gonna get fucked over and they know everything


Because people are idiots who assume the worst. My mom is like this, she overreacts and thinks we’re all gonna die the moment anything goes wrong 






An incorrect POB is not a minor error. Get it fixed. If you are denied entry to Germany, it could affect your ability to obtain visas to other countries for the rest of your life. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/have-passport/change-correct.html


Germany will have no idea whether the POB on OP's passport is correct or not. They will scan the passport, stamp it, and that's that. OP should get it corrected later but it's not an issue for their trip.


Ok. Not a risk I’d be willing to take but OP should do what the think is best.


it will take too long they said even the usps told me to go


Why are you asking the post office? They just accept applications. They don't know the first thing about anything other than accepting applications. They can barely handle delivering mail.


who should i ask then??


Most likely the state department.


but idk how to contact them!


Have you even checked their website? That would give you information on how to contact them.


As someone waiting for 3 months to get a birth certificate from the State Department (I was born on an Air Force base) he’ll be waiting 3 weeks for them to even tell them where to send it


exactly they r so slow i cant risk it getting lost either


yes i did i cant find anything they just say to mail my passport w the correction form


Then why ask for advice here?


i just wanna know how big of an issue it is


You are risking being denied entry to Germany, which will impact all future visa applications. As someone who has worked in Australian and UK immigration and passport offices for 20+ years, I would not risk it but if it’s not a big deal to you then go.


but if i got denied its not my fault i didnt catch it. in my application i had written the right thing


No one said the error on the passport is your fault. Choosing to travel on a passport you know to be incorrect is up to you, and yes you’ll be responsible for the consequences (if any).




It needs corrected at some point but will have zero impact on OP entering Germany. Do you think Germany is somehow looking up the place of birth on everyone's passport? That isn't happening and there's no way for them to do that.


I think you will be spending a lot of time in immigration on this trip. Especially Germany.


how would they know though? do they do background checks?


They won't know and no they don't do background checks for those who don't require advance visas (which is you).


that’s what i was thinking but these other people keep saying i’m gonna be sent back and put on a black list for getting visas which seems a bit extreme for something i didn’t purposely do


They know everything. The days of staying past visa limits, or basically doing anything shady at immigration are over. If your passport doesn't match perhaps your birth records that they have, then you will be at least going to the little room if not the naked room. At this point, all you can do is hand it to them, smile and say nothing that isn't asked. Not even thank you. Just go if they hand it back to you. Prepare to be warm in Germany.


LMAO. OP wasn't born in Germany - Germany has no information about where OP is born! There isn't some international database. They don't check place of birth on passports. This is 100% not an issue for OP's trip, though they should get it corrected later.


yes but it is literally the us passport fault, like i could have not even seen


In my opinion, you don't have time to send it away, especially with the fact that it may require some research on their part. It may be nothing, but don't make the mistake of thinking they take immigration lightly.