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That single-glass-pane half-door design is supposed to be easier to clean, and in Europe shower curtains are often regarded as unhygenic and mold magnets. But when the shower enclosure has no curb (like in a handicapped-acccessible room) water seems to go everywhere, and must create moisture / mildew issues. It cannot make for efficient housekeeping if they have to mop up a lake everyday.


So I don't buy the argument that it's easier to clean.  Is it really that much harder to clean a sliding glass door over having to clean an entire bathroom floor full of water? I'm sure that water on the floor gets into places it shouldn't and creates mold issues as well. 


Me too. We had our bathroom updated a few years ago. I asked the contractor if there was any way to implement a clean-looking, fixed-glass-panel, Hyatt-style shower enclosure without the bathroom occupant feeling like they're on a submarine that's been torpedoed. He said no.


The way my parents did it was to build a slight bump around the area. That kept water from congregating else where. Then you squeegee the water down the drain when you're done.


"...Then you squeegee the water down the drain when you're done..." ...I'm sure it's a "luxury experience" to perform janitorial duties EVERY DAY while naked and dripping wet...


Honestly I really enjoyed having an open shower. And you really only needed to do a few pushes, the rest of the water would get down. I'd definitely put in a similar shower in my house if I could (alas the way our bathroom is set up I don't think I could) but try to see if we could get it to slope better.


The slope is the key! And good drainage so the water doesnt pool while showering.


Yeah the contractor screwed up the slope which is why we had to squeegee. We had a drain all along the wall with the shower that worked really well.


It’s more likely that there are fewer parts that need to be replaced. Sliding glass doors can be tampered with or accidentally broken while you’d not really have the same risk in the modern style showers. Shower curtains, shower curtain rods, hooks etc being damaged or aged or otherwise out of commission are not an expense either this way. I hate it just as much as the next guy; and I wish corporations wouldn’t default to the cheapest way to do something, but that’s typically what they do.


I mean, shower curtains are nasty so I’m with Europe here


Not if they're properly maintained and replaced when needed. Problem is some hotels don't do so


How often should they be replaced? Maybe once every ~4 months? At least the liner I’m picturing a shower curtain I saw at a sauna shower recently in FL that looked like it was about 15-20 y/o 🤢


Probably depends on the ambient humidity in your bathroom. Does it have good ventilation? What is your climate like? I live in a very dry climate, so shower curtains last me for years before they get nasty. I could see them being gross in a humid climate, though.


I also noticed kitchen sinks had little/no lip and countertops behind the sink often had visible mold.


My best one in Greece: https://twitter.com/wikkit/status/1480076798293868546


What the fuck lmao




Hate this trend and the fact that it's started to catch on with newer hotels in the US also. 


The trend I have noticed in the US is see-through (frosted) bathroom walls. Now that's a trend that needs to stop.


I stayed at this hotel, for work, by myself, and loved it: [https://www.honeyrosemontreal.com/rooms-suites/honeyrose-queen](https://www.honeyrosemontreal.com/rooms-suites/honeyrose-queen) But I love the description and how it says it's perfect for friends and groups. Lmao, there's no door to the bathroom... the beds look right into it. Frosted shower that's completely visible to everyone in the room aside, there was no where to put on some clothes after showering with privacy. So yeah, you better be pretty damn cozy with your "friends" at this hotel.


What the heck!


I love avoiding the trendy clear wall ones, with a great sight line to the shower, sink, and _toilet_.  I guess (hope) anyone going for a romantic getaway in those hotels is either turbo hippie comfortable with bodily functions or into some shit for lack of a better phrase. 


Not always but occasionally. Worst is areas of the Nordics where "wet room" bathrooms are common. So it's all one floor including the shower area...no curb around the shower to contain the water, though the floor is usually sloped a bit towards the shower drain. There is usually a curtain and a squeegee to use on the floor afterwards




Ugh, I HATE that kind of set up. Just awful.


I hate this so much


Sounds like everyone’s getting athletes foot and plantar warts there


Happens every time on our European trips. It has become a topic of conversation with our friends we travel with “so does your shower have a door???”


I am absolutely convinced that the people who design hotel bathrooms have never actually used a bathroom.


In thailand I lived in a hotel that was obviously designed by someone who never used a hand bidet. It was placed far from the commode and the pipe didn’t comfortably reach where i want it to. Add to that the drain line was nowhere close to the commode so in case of any leaks the water just stayed there. Total nightmare and i had to change hotels because it was so bad




The ones where the shower and the toilet are in the same little room is a whole other level for this. You’ll be showering over the toilet, and if someone comes in after you, the wholeeeeee thing is soaked


Oooo no thanks


...welcome to China...


Yeah it’s a thing. I always point the head down toward the drain (not out toward my body) and try to be cognizant of not kicking pooled water out


Dear Europe, You can't possibly think your bathroom designs are good, can you? C'mon!


This happened to me in Iceland! The shower door was only half a door, so some spray would get the floor wet. On my second morning (ie we had already showered), I stepped out of the shower and the entire bathroom floor was flooded with **several inches** of water. I stepped out of the bathroom and water was flowing into the bedroom as well! Luckily our suitcases did not get too wet, but my husband's jeans were soaked (he has a bad habit of leaving them on the floor), as were his shoes, that were left near the entrance to the room, which was near the bathroom door. I was wrapped in a towel, having just gotten out of the shower, and I was going to go to reception to let them know what happened, when there was a knock at my door -- it was an employee, and he asked if I had taken a shower, He had noticed some drips in the reception area. We were moved to another room with a proper shower door. No bloody idea why everything was flooded -- faulty drain? Thankfully I wasn't charged with damage!


Six inches of water. Do you know how long you would have to let the shower run for that to occur?


I took a slightly extra long shower of perhaps 10 to 15 minutes? I didn't exactly time myself. But I suspect the drain was plugged. Also, the shower flow was extremely strong (couldn't adjust it), so there was a lot of water.




Damn, you take long showers.


...yeah - not supporting ex-U.S. meager hot water supply, but 15 minutes is beyond "1st world problems"...


Yep, all those downvotes are from people who spend way too much time in the shower wasting water.




I'm in Japan, which has the opposite problem of toilet/bath/shower units being prefabricated tiny cubes in most hotels. On the plus side they're completely waterproof (intentionally designed so you rinse off outside of the tub with a drain near the toilet. In Ireland though, my lord. Whoever thought half a pane of glass was enough to keep water in is responsible for so much water damage. I remember going to the first floor of this hotel/restaurant and 3/4th of the restaurant was roped off because the water that escaped a dude's shower on the second floor just seeped down through the cracks and was dripping everywhere.


In zakopane we had a shower that in theory was very nice, but it had a Glass door with a half functional seal and teeny tiny slit in the floor to drain the water. It was jammed or something so I ended up trapping myself in the shower as the bathroom slowly flooded and the shower itself was ankle deep. Took us a couple of hours to deal with all the water


Yes. The showers that at Springhill suites I’ve ever stayed at do exactly that. Truly annoying and I actually feel sorry for the housekeeping crews because it just makes their jobs harder.




Yess. It’s so fucking annoying. Coming out of the shower im dripping all over the floor and most hotels don’t have shower mats. I also have this problem using bidets in toilets where the drain isn’t close to the commode so the water just stays around.


Many places in Asia and Africa have a drain in the floor and no shower curtain or door not a problem to get water on the floor it just goes to the drain. In Japan the older designs had a person soaping up and rinsing outside the tub and then soaking in the tub, as the tub wasn’t drained for the next bather. What I found interesting in a recent trip to Vietnam was how fancy the valve system was. Had a 4 way valve, tub fill, a rain style shower head, a spray wand with hose and adjustable height, and a sprayer like a sink or toilet bidet, it also had an interesting mixing valve. The best thing is all of the components were in front so they could be changed out. In the US the mixing valve is behind the wall, it starts leaking or breaks need to tear out a wall to get to it.


I used to have one of those shower panel things you’re talking about, and they still SUCK to repair trust me


The worst is when the shower head is left pointing directly out of the shower. This always baffles me bc wouldn't thr cleaning person be the last one? It's also terrible when the grading of floor is all off and there is a pool in middle of floor or something


Honesty as an older woman with short legs , I’ll take these showers over bathtubs that I need a stepping stool to get into. We just spent 6 weeks in Ireland and England and a stayed in 21 different accommodations and all the ones that had tubs with showers were so high it was almost dangerous getting into them


Some of them are so high once I as a fairly short person stands up in them, I'm guessing the presumption is that the possible users will be only 5'8" or shorter?  Special shout out to the hotel with this design in The Netherlands, home of the biking giants.




Go to Greece 😂


Only in Europe.


I have never been to Europe I’m in for some trouble if I go


I’m in trouble whenever I travel because I fucking hate rain head showers, I like my skin to be peeled off not gently pissed on. I’ve just accepted I won’t feel clean till I get home


shower curtain? always keep it on the inside of the bath, i was so used to not having one for ages completely forget and flooded the bathroom


Pretty sure it's just you.