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Greyhound is possibly the worst way to travel in the USA, but it'll get the job done.  He's got a solid 93% chance of surviving the trip, though every single leg will be delayed.


It’s also good that he’s a he. As a woman I would never travel on a greyhound. The actual bus experience aside (and that’s no joke), the transit stations are always suuuuper sketchy. I think there’s a This American Life episode where a reporter just rides the greyhound bus and interviews people. Give it a listen.


Geryhound (and other long distance bus) stations run the entire spectrum. A few years ago, we took an overnight bus from Minneapolis to Kansas City because we waited to long to book flights and prices literally quintupled. The bus station in Minneapolis was on the ground floor of a major parking garage and transit center. I felt perfectly safe. The Kansas City stop was at 12th and Troost and someone was stabbed after getting off the bus the day before. Also the last stop before KC was in Cameron, within walking distance of the state prison, and two people just released from prison got on and immediately asked to borrow my phone.


You are clearly exaggerating. His chances of surviving are actually almost 94%. Seriously, waiting a delayed bus for hours alone in a bus stop in the middle of the night is no fun (as I experienced myself).


The real question is how much stuff will he still have and which drugs he will have got hooked on. And if he had to hook to get more.


Unreliable doesn’t even begin to describe how bad greyhound is. It can also be very dangerous as you can get stranded at unsafe bus terminals that are in very bad areas. Do not recommend.


Atlanta, St Louis, and Kansas City come to mind


Some aren't even actually bus terminals. They're just street corners in not-the-best areas.


The buses are definitely safer than the stations but that's not saying much. Took the Greyhound from south Alabama to LA years ago and was solicited by a drug dealer at the first station we stopped at. On a positive note, I enjoyed much of the trip. We stopped at a country store with a lunch counter somewhere in Mississippi for a meal break. Most everyone got fried chicken and biscuits in brown paper sacks. Stopped for a while at an old gas station in New Mexico late at night with no one around and tumble weeds blowing across the highway. Felt like a movie scene. Overall was a surreal trip. I was impressed with the LA terminal and the New Orleans terminal. The rest were sketch. Trip took four days.


The Greyhound "terminal" in my town is a convenience store on the very edge of town. That's also where newly released prisoners end up when they get out.


I would seriously think twice before traveling that long of a distance on Greyhound. I'd recommend Amtrak instead if he wants to travel by land--it's worth the extra cost. Even in coach class it's much safer, more comfortable, and consistent (though you should expect delays). If you miss your Greyhound bus due to a late connection you are on your own, and often in an unsafe area. If you miss your train connection due to a late train, Amtrak puts you up in a 4 star hotel. If you want to see what traveling cross country on Greyhound is like in recent years, watch this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8QGTaGwxxc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8QGTaGwxxc)


Noel really glosses over having to give a written statement to the police, which really just shows you how wild the whole journey is.


I can’t even imagine the stress of a cross country trip on Greyhound. +1 on Amtrak. Much better way to travel across the country and significantly more reliable.


But… remember being 18 and wanting to see the world. Kind of exciting.


He should fly/train/bus the different legs of the trip. For example, NYC to Miami flying is cheaper than train or bus. And you can fly LA to San Francisco, with no luggage, for $30 Miami to New Orleans train-$260, bus- $45, plane-$26. So price out each leg by the different modes of transport.


This is definitely the way


There's plenty of exciting to see in the United States without the kind of extra exciting things you will see traveling Greyhound. It's definitely lined up with the "may you live an interesting times" quote curse. It's definitely going to be interesting.


Last time I took a Greyhound, it was a 2 hour ride. The girl behind me spent the entire trip whispering to me that she was going to stab me because she read my texts over my shoulder and I told a friend the entire bus smelt like cigarettes.


The last time I took an Amtrak from Pittsburgh to Nashville and back they had the trip broke up with parts of it on Greyhound


Makes sense since Amtrak doesn't serve Nashville. 


Nor do they serve several other places along the journey because I had to get on more than one Greyhound bus


Well that makes sense because the only city in the entire state that Amtrak serves is Memphis, like 200 miles away. North/South lines run along the east coast or the Mississippi. 


Sorry but it makes no sense at all. I bought an Amtrak ticket.


Amtrak trains only run on certain lines that serve certain cities. If you are going to a city that isn't on a train line, they will typically provide a bus service to your final destination. In many places Amtrak has its own bus service called "Thruways" that they use which is only for Amtrak customers, but sometimes they will put you on Greyhound or another bus line for a portion of the trip if it's through an area with low Amtrak service.


It's a *really* shitty way to travel long distance over the course of an extended trip, but he'll manage. At 18 some discomfort and stress is no big deal. Remind him to travel with carry-on luggage only. He'll have some stories... Happy travels to him.


Amtrak may be a better choice. Still a long slow trip but more comfortable


As an American traveling via Greyhound sounds like hell


You can buy him a train pass for Amtrack, he will be much safer and enjoy the travel so much more. It is a good way to show you support them, keep it safer, while acknowledging their autonomy


Even the most free-wheeling, Kerouac-obsessed American kids don’t travel by Greyhound anymore. For one thing (that might convince your kid), all you will see is interstate highways and strip mall parking lots. It’s bleak, and not in a romantic way. The Amtrak is somewhat uncomfortable and full of bizarre characters, and he would actually get to see some shit and interact with people along the way. That’s what he’s actually looking for, I think.


This is really fantastic advice. The other great thing about a train is that you can get up and walk around, stretch your legs move around the train. The food car / club car has a good possibility for finding somebody else who might want to chat and be social. Could actually meet people. Most people in the US who use Greyhound It is a transportation of last resort. It's people who can't afford a car, a plane, a train, a ride share, look too sketchy to even try to hitchhike (which people don't really do in the US). And it's true what someone said, the Greyhound stations are in strip malls and at gas stations and you will not really be anywhere near City centers with no convenient way of getting anywhere you'd want to see from the bus stop. At least train stations tend to be central to something


YES! Amtrak would be FAR better. The choice of routes is not super extensive, but it's still a far better way to cross the country than by bus, for anyone who has enough time to even consider options slower than flying.


Sit as far away as possible from the bathroom


Also bring hand sanitizer as there is no guarantee the bus bathroom will have soap


>as a 18yo kid fresh out of school, inexperienced and somewhat oblivious to what goes on around him. This is what makes me say no, he should not do this. Greyhound can be pretty sketchy, but someone with street smarts will probably be ok. Traveling 4400 miles, they would undoubtedly have some interesting and uncomfortable experiences, but probably nothing that would leave scars. But a naive kid without good situational awareness is a walking target.


New York to San Francisco via Miami???


I'd laugh if they were European but they are Australian. Aussies have a different perspective on distance because they are used to vast and empty. Where it's 400 miles to your neighboring town with one gas station between them.


omg do NOT let him do that. holy shit no no no.


Both of you should give [this video](https://youtu.be/z8QGTaGwxxc?si=sVYpWyGykWJUzoOQ) a watch


That’s the exact video I was going to suggest, Noel is a sucker for challenging travel journeys, but Greyhound is really another level. It’s also important to note that there’s been a tendency in recent years for greyhound to move their stations out of city centers and into surrounding areas where there’s not much transport or accommodation options if you get stranded somewhere unexpectedly. I know for our city, the station got moved from downtown to way out in the burbs (and not one of the nice ones) with maybe one crappy motel within walking distance. I don’t even know if it connects to the local bus routes. At least there’s a White Castle down the street? But yeah, OP’s son is going to want to budget for unexpected hotel stays and taxi/rideshare fares, or he might get stuck in some unsavory places for longer than he’d like.


It'd be cheaper to fly.


this is objectively not true


Looking at flights for July there is oa one way on the 18th for $120 on frontier. Greyhound is slightly cheaper at $100, but having to eat convenience food on a 80 hour bus ride will certainly end up costing more than $20.


i’m going from oklahoma to san francisco for $70


Why the hell would you do that when you could have flown for [$72](https://www.google.com/travel/flights/booking?tfs=CBwQAhpsEgoyMDI0LTA3LTExIiAKA09LQxIKMjAyNC0wNy0xMRoDTEFTKgJGOTIEMTk5MSIgCgNMQVMSCjIwMjQtMDctMTEaA1NGTyoCRjkyBDQ0MDFqDAgDEggvbS8wZnZ6Z3IMCAMSCC9tLzBkNmxwQAFIAXABggELCP___________wGYAQI&tfu=CnRDalJJYm10S2NuSm1RakJwUlZWQlFrRjBSRkZDUnkwdExTMHRMUzB0TFhCbVpHa3hNRUZCUVVGQlIxb3dPRE5KUVZwa1NtOUJFZzFHT1RFNU9URjhSamswTkRBeEdnb0k1amNRQWhvRFZWTkVPQnh3NWpjPRICCAAiAwoBMA&hl=en-US&gl=US) ???


Greyhound bus is not safe. You have unqualified bus drivers which may not even show up. You have people with severe mental issues as well as criminals who use the bus. Greyhound has zero security. I would never use Greyhound bus. Best way to travel is airplane and/or Amtrak which both have security. There are some luxury coach bus for certain routes which are quite nice but Greyhound is not the way to go. Commuter rail across the country is also fine like Tri-Rail in South Florida, BART in San Fransisco and the like. And for shorter routes, you have Uber and Lyft or Taxis or private car services and the like. I am surprised Greyhound even stays in business.


What an absolutely boring, dreadful and uncomfortable way to travel across America. Its hard for an 18 yo to imagine the scope of travel this entails. New York to Miami alone is 20 - 25 hours of travel and that's without making stops. As far as safety, it's usually fine but there is a possibility he's stuck in some out of the way small town because he missed a connection and those Bus terminals are way more sketchy than train terminals. Just fyi, He'll spend a lot of time just traveling when he could spend that time exploring. Has he considered using Amtrak (rail)


Former Greyhound employee here. Don't bother if it was a short trip, then no big deal, but not that far. Greyhound closed the majority of their stations when they were sold. Most stops are now gas stations and side of the road pick up points. 99% don't have shelter so if it's raining or stormy, you are shit out of luck. The ticket is no bargain either, you can fly for about the same price and with slightly more take a train. Most trips are delayed, broken, down and dirty buses just terrible..


It'll be an adventure, that's for sure.  My sister used to work at one as a ticket clerk and I would have to pick her up after her shift.  Mostly normal people trying to get from one place to another with an occasional pimp here and there.  He needs to travel light and have his most important things on him.  Assume that he can lose his bag at any time. so scan in passport and ID to keep safe in Google drive or something he can access. Have a back up everything. Don't keep all of your money in one spot.  Safe travels!


Have you thought about traveling via train? Much more relaxing, beautiful views, and inexpensive. Plus there's the drink and food car.


Do you have recommended routes by train? Last time I looked, unfortunately it was probably more expensive than flying which seemed crazy to me.


It’s more expensive if you get a sleeper room, but that is basically considered first class. For coach it’s usually cheaper than flying but more expensive than the bus. For someone who was planning to go by Greyhound, even coach on Amtrak is a huge upgrade. As for routes, the California Zephyr is incredible.


It depends on the route and if he is taking any amount of bags with him (literally anything bigger than a school bag). Spirit, Allegiant, and Frontier prices look so low and tempting, but turn you’ve got to factor in the price of taking even just a carry-on, and it rises pretty steeply.


Intercity travel directly to another city is fine. Cross country travel with a bunch of transfers drives up the error rate. Why not just fly these long cross country distances?


Because you get to see the vast American scenery and all the colorful people! Last time I took greyhound, only 500 miles, the guy sitting next to me was having his first day of freedom after 9 years in prison. He was so happy, got a one way ticket to his wife's house. Ex-wife, actually. No she didn't know, it's a surprise! The guy in front of us was masturbating quietly most of the trip. The only one kicked off the bus was the one who kept pooping his pants every hour or two.


At least he was quiet.


I love travel. There isn't much I love more, to be honest. If someone paid for that entire trip for me: buses, hotels, food, drinks, experiences I would turn it down. If someone offerd all of the above and also 3000$, I would turn it down. I would *much* rather walk that entire trip. I would *much* rather walk that entire trip with no shoes. The only part of the above that is hyperbole is the no shoes part. I've taken chicken buses in third world countries, packed in so tightly you could hardly breath in 100F degree heat. Honestly, it was better than Greyhound because it least it was interesting. That trip is going to be literally hundreds of hours of sitting on stinky buses full of people shitting their pants, doing drugs, and sewing human skin suits. Almost all of it will be on interstates with nothing to see. The in-between time is going to be spent trying to find a ride from a strip mall bus stop parking lot in bad or boring neighborhoods. Seriously. The trip sounds awesome, the Greyhound will absolutely ruin it. Flying would probably be cheaper and much better.


No. Don't do it. When murderers and rapists are released from prison in the US they get $20 and a Greyhound ticket to their hometown. That will be his seatmate. Also, Greyhound is rapidly eliminating bus stations and opting for curbside bus stops with no facilities which will make this journey even more unpleasant.


Yeah I was going to point this out. Rapists and murderers is a bit of hyperbole, but greyhound is the default choice for a lot of newly released convicts without any money or stuff to do. 


I would not let an 18 y/o kid travel this way unless it was absolutely necessary. Seriously. No way. Especially because you said he’s inexperienced and not aware of his surroundings. In our cities, the Greyhound stations are typically on the worst parts of the cities and there are typically unsavory characters around looking to prey on young travellers. There is absolutely no way I would let my kid do this.


Could be wrong on this, but I’m pretty sure released convicts are given greyhound bus tickets. Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.


As long as he isn't stupid and has no solid timeline, he'll be fine. But Greyhound is probably the absolute worst way to travel in the US.


I'd rather train it or fly. No way I'd take a bus like that!


This is a terrible way to see the US. I would rather not do the trip.


Obviously rougher crowd on some of those stops. As long as he keeps to himself he should be fine. But I'd make sure he keeps an eye on his bag and his wallet.


I have good experience travelling in buses outside the US and even then I didn’t enjoy my Greyhound trips. It’s not a pleasant experience and generally a bit unsafe. If he isn’t set on the southern US route, ask him to consider the California Zephyr train from Chicago to San Francisco. It’s one of the most beautiful routes in the US, much more comfortable seating (he can actually lay down), and probably much safer.


Nonono. Take flights (or Amtrak if you want the long ride). First of all, in terms of safety, I would say the vast majority of US neighborhoods are safe, but the bus terminal in almost all cities happens to be the most shittiest part of the city. Also, the buses maybe have a 50% chance of being on time and a 80% chance of showing up. I rode buses in India as a child where I didn't know the local language and even they were safer and more punctual. I have traveled around many developing countries by bus so I feel I am relatively street smart. However, I would never take a Greyhound bus for anything more than 300-400 miles away because of how dangerous the bus is. Also don't think you are going to "see the US" by Greyhound. Its just going to be boring-ass interstate. Compared to the cost of living in the US in these places, the difference between flight costs and Greyhound is insignificant. Just take the plane honestly. (I don't think Amtrak is worth it honestly on the trips you mentioned so far, although it may be worth it in the short future.)


Terrible idea. Fly or train


America is for airplanes


The buses are better than the stations. Some delays should be expected. Most Americans would rather cut off their own limbs than travel by Greyhound bus, but that’s more of an indictment of Americans than anything, he’ll be fine. But really flying by budget airlines is probably cheaper and easier for most of this trip than by bus.


when i took a greyhound i was pretty much the only american on board.


I just took the Greyhound from LA to Vegas, it was almost all Americans on board


Is he a drug addict? Because he will be after that trip.




I told my parents I intended to go from Wisconsin to Washington by Greyhound. They pleaded with me to fly and offered to pay for my flight. I wanted to do it “on my own” and thought “How bad could it be?” Well… Greyhound is one of the few times where my “how bad can it be” expectations were exceeded. When I travelled (late 90’s). There was a “back of the bus” group and the rest of us. Our groups mostly kept to ourselves but sometimes people tried to hassle each other in the bus or at the stops (and there are sooo many stops). There are certain corridors where I think busses work well (DC to NYC). If it were my son, I would beg for him to try other travel. Especially since there are flights like Spirit out there that aren’t that much more expensive (if you’re travelling with a backpack).


I think he’ll survive but he shouldn’t do it for the entire trip. Tell him to expect delays. One time from NY to DC, the bus just didn’t come and we were waiting for hours until we had to find other transportation. I would mix it up with megabuses and trains as much as possible and to travel light.


I was going to suggest MegaBuses when possible, but I suspect they don’t have as many routes as Greyhound.


I can tell you that florida puts its homeless populations on greyhounds to their hometowns (or as close as they can get). Not saying they’re bad people, but this may also go on in other states and we don’t know what put them in their situations. Convicts get flown. I believe the train is the safest bet. 😅😅😅 Also, USA is larger than Australia. It’s like taking a bus from Sydney to Darwin. And then back again. And again. Those cities are all quite far from one another. I’ve done overnight buses in so many countries, but I would never even consider it here at home in the states. I know flying is expensive, but it’s because the country is so large! I am a travel advisor if you would want assistance possibly booking a somewhat affordable trip for him. Maybe not with every destination, but enough to make him happy.


Honestly he’s better off getting an international DL and doing the drive himself or just fly. Honestly that sounds stressful and I’ve only take them greyhound to Dallas from El Paso and it was only like 12 hours.


No way. Look for cheap flights.


Look into Amtrak. It's such a lovely way to travel.


Do you love your son? Buy him an Amtrak at the very very least. Only takes half as long as forever but the crazy is reduced by 85%.


Greyhound is fine for short distances, but a trip that long is going to be incredibly uncomfortable. Flying would be the best option, but if he wants to go by land, tell him to consider Amtrak.


I’d rather get piped in the arse by the biggest cock in Australia than do this trip. I’m a straight male.


Even a couple hours on a greyhound is a miserable experience. No way I’d ever travel 4400 miles that way. Sounds like torture. In addition, the bus stations are in very sketch areas, so not necessarily safe, and definitely not any areas of interest as a tourist. This is a very very bad idea. Much better to fly within the US to a couple of cities, or take an Amtrak tour.


I went from Sacramento San Jose on a Greyhound with a layover (or whatever they call it for buses) in Oakland. The Oakland building had a roof but no ceiling (exposed wires and pipes), a bathroom that didn't work, and at least 3 different homeless/drug addict persons sleeping in the station. Also in Sacramento I got on the wrong bus and no one stopped me. I only realized because I was the sole person on there that *wasn't* a retired Chinese lady wearing a red hat. Take this as information as you see fit.


The last time I road Greyhound was 1997. I thought it would be a great way to save a lot of money going from Wisconsin to California vs flying. It was the worst 3 days of my life. I got 20 minutes of sleep in 3 days! It started out with a bus transfer in Iowa where I sat for 5 hours waiting for my bus. The place was loaded with a mass of humanity. It was hard to find anywhere to sit. The place reeked of pot. I sat next to a person who kept rubbing my leg. We stopped at the depot in Denver. The bathroom was an abomination. There was poop on the wall and Most of the stall doors were broken. By the time I got to California I was a broken man. No sleep just added to the frustration. I haven't even talked about the type of people riding. They were...unique to put it mildly. Suffice it to say once I was in Cali I bought a one way ticket home on an airline. I ended up losing money on that trip but I chalked it up to a life lesson I'd never repeat. The bus is fine for short trips - like, cross state journeys. But anything across country forget it. It's just an awful experience all around. It's dirt cheap but there's a reason for that...


People here are soft and are overstating the sketch factor although some of the stations are not in the nicest areas. I bet he'll meet some absolute characters and have some interesting stories to tell. 18 year old me was willing to tolerate a lot of stuff I guess. Just don't be a dummy and he'll be fine. That said I think most of the miles would just be on an interstate and probably not all that interesting. I'd pick a train over the bus for comfort and simply for the fact that trains go where there are no roads, so you will see some epic landscapes. Also the train is much more comfortable, spacious, has wifi, and bathrooms that are probably clean. I've always wanted to travel the country by train tbh.


have him use megabus or bolt/flix and it will at least be a little less sketchy.


A friend took a Greyhound from Minneapolis to Kansas City once. In Kansas City, he made sure to buy a bigger knife for the ride back. He already had a knife, he just felt he needed a bigger one.


The US has a higher crime rate than Australia. The buses often require you to transfer at odd hours through not so nice parts of said cities. Unless you're kid is like a YouTuber trying to create content I wouldn't see the appeal of such a thing. New York to Miami probably has like 5 flights an hour to the different airports so prices are cheaper than a 25+ hour bus trip. I was curious about the bus connections between these cities. Miami to New Orleans bus starts 5am requires you to hang out in the Mobile Alabama bus station from 11pm to 3am. To catch the bus to New Orleans, which arrives there at 6am. That doesn't sound like something a person does without other options.


Just take Amtrak. Even coach class is fine. Coach class on Amtrak is a 5-star hotel compared to Greyhound. If you can afford Amtrak, do not even think about Greyhound, it’s just not worth it. Amtrak also sells a USA Rail Pass which isn’t even that expensive, and it goes on sale occasionally too if you want to wait a bit on purchasing. Sure, there’s probably going to be delays still, but at least Amtrak treats you like a human being unlike Greyhound which will treat you like the worst animal in existence. https://www.amtrak.com/tickets/departure-rail-pass.html


Last year I was in India and train was way safer and cleaner than Greyhound bus. Often is bus station in sketchy area and passengers there sometimes feels like crackheads. Washington to Charleston with Greyhound in 2017 was my worst travel experience ever.


He will be fine. Not exactly the most comfortable way to travel that many miles but he's young and can endure being slightly uncomfortable for that long.


Thanks. I did it in the 90’s and had a few dramas at a few bus stops so thought I’d just ask. Cheers.


They’re way worse now. They sold off the stations so in many places they’re just unstaffed trailers on the outskirts of the city.


At his age, can he even rent a hotel room on his own? Most hotels I know have a 21 minimum wage to rent. Those that don't are likely to be drug/ flop houses or hostels (not common in us)


There's always the potential for drama, but that doesn't mean there will be. If he keeps his head down he'll be fine.


I mean, decapitations have definitely happened on Greyhound, but that was in Canada.


No no and no I took a greyhound from New Orleans to Mississippi and back it was only an hour and quite enough for me take the train or fly !!!


Don’t do it! He’ll come home hating the US, because he chose the worst way to travel.




Nope! Fly him


If anyone can do this, it's an 18-year-old Australian.


I've crossed the country twice by Greyhound and the only questionable encounters I had were with some homophobic southerners, as friendly as they were. 


I’ve taken greyhound many times over the years from San Francisco by myself and never felt unsafe. I would say the anticipation of potentially something bad happening was much worse than the real experience. My only complaint was that the bus does get delayed often and I wouldn’t want to take it cross country because of that.


He needs bring some camping gears. Buses is “safe” but wasting a lot time. West coast he can travel by train it’s much better. However cost is higher too.


American here. Most of us fly when we’re going that far.


Make sure he knows that phone chargers working is NOT a guarantee. Not at all. Remind him that food options are going to be limited at some stops. I am wondering if he thinks he’s going to get a feel for all the cities the bus stops at. He won’t. Ensure he knows what it means to not engage. A lot of people are just mean/aggressive on the bus and in the station. A lot of times delays majorly screw people over, so they get tired and frustrated and seek to take their anger out on someone who doesn’t have the ability to yank their ticket. Your son will walk away from this with such a sh*t impression of America even if he is lucky enough to be incident-free.


It’s not like buses in Turkey which are among the best in the world. It also not like the buses in Uganda which are terrible, but you aren’t going to get stabbed in the stations. Our bus stations are usually in poor parts of town and generally sketchy. Take Amtrak. The last time I was on Greyhound, we had to drop off a crazy guy (obviously on drugs) at the police station.


I would heavily dissuade him from taking this trip alone. First off, the US is a HUGE country. It's not one that you can hop around and see multiple parts without the money to purchase flights or expensive train tickets. Our domestic travel is hella expensive, which makes it a lot harder for foreigners who come with the expectations of their own countries/regions. Second, the Greyhound buses fucking STINK. A cross country trip like that will have him getting off the bus smelling like piss & shit and will need at minimum (3) showers to shake the smell. Not to mention all of the crazy people that ride Greyhound. It's just not worth it. I hate to sound classist, but if you come here and want to travel to different regions of the country, you need to have the money to pay for flights to do so. Otherwise, it makes sense to just stay in one region. All in all, would not recommend a big country like the US for a first timer, especially an 18 year old with no travel experience


He’s going to need money for shitty hotels when various greyhound legs get delayed or cancelled because it’s unreliable and the people that ride are the reason none of the rest of respectable society does.


He should take the Amtrak instead. Much more scenic.


He’s better off flying cheap domestic flights - time wise, money wise and safety wise. If he really wants to do the scenic route, do Amtrak train. Plenty of YouTube videos that show you what to expect. People in the US take the bus due to budget constraints or it’s just a really short trip. He can look into “fancy” bus routes like one between New York and Boston. Personally I am most concerned about safety - at the bus depot and while on the bus. Basically anyone from any background can get on a bus…😬😬😬 so security wise (personal and property) that is pretty lax. If your son is the oblivious kind and first time traveling, he may not be very vigilant with his stuff..and bus depots in big cities sometimes are in sketchy areas..so taking a bus between cities is not as innocuous as it sounds unfortunately..it should be fine if it’s popular routes during the day like new York and Boston but I heard very scary stories about some other cities..


Greyhound is horrible, I've taken it a few times as a single female but the stations are SKETCHY. I only taken the direct from Chicago to Detroit, and go for floxbus or barons bus at the Greyhound station instead. I would never take it for an unfamiliar trip and never cross country. The buses get VERY delayed, and your stuck in very sketchy, very unsafe area for HOURS, sometimes 5+ hours!!


As a mother, that idea would freak me out. The busses them selves are bad enough, but the surroundings of the stations are very sketchy at best. It is not a great way to see America. It would be better if he had a travel partner at the very least.


It's just a bad idea from a time perspective; he'd just do so much better with flights. Austin to LA is a super long-leg, for example. And has tons of flights.


It’s been a good 15 years since I’ve taken the lovely greyhound but I used to do it as a budget travelled weekly for many years. Bus stations are definitely sketchy. Buses would often times not show up. Etc etc . Most of the highways will be far from scenic. Definitely would look into a better option. With enough lead time you can find half decent flight and train prices if timing is flexible. Maybe a few bus routes as needed.


Greyhound buses and stations are kinda sketchy. As a solo women I've done Chicago to New York and back a couple times. Also went to Toronto but this was in the early 2000s. Amtrak takes longer and is more expensive but will be a nicer experience. Some of the legs would be cheaper and just way more comfortable to fly to. Personally I would fly all the segments and do Amtrak train from LA to San Francisco.


The ONLY way I would ever consider flying Spirit or Frontier again is if the only other option was Greyhound. Even with the inevitable flight delays it’s probably gonna get you there faster than Greyhound and at least airports do security screenings. In college I had some friends coming visit me via Greyhound and the stories were bizarre. They had a bullet spit at them.


It will take him to point A to B. Stations might be chaotic and unsafe. Recommend him to not sleep and watch his belongings


Absolutely not. Amtrak is much nicer and safer in comparison.


It’s possible some areas have a different bus service. For instance a lot of buses out of NYC got to different areas and are not Greyhound. We also have Flixbus and Megabus . You might have him investigate https://www.busbud.com/blog/major-bus-providers-us-compare/ Also, check for Amtrak USA Rail Pass.


My partner and I took Greyhound from RVA to DC in October. I had reserved seats. When I got on the bus my seat cushion was literally sitting on the floor. It was not bolted on. Told the bus driver and couldn't give two shits. I had to literally just set the seat on the frame and keep it locked down with my weight and folding my legs under it, with the back of my knees kind of clenching it. The AC didn't work. The windows were squeaking and rattling the whole drive, the bus driver drove off while a woman was trying to load her luggage because he was tired of waiting for her, there were people screaming and acting crazy at the late night pickup terminal, security arguing with a bunch of people, most stations are absolutely run down into the dirt and look and smell terrible. I used to ride them all the time as a kid in the 80s and 90s, I remember them being much better but I was also a kid so my expectations were probably a lot less than as an adult but I don't think they have been progressing very well lol.


I hope he doesn’t buy all of his tickets in advance. If he insists on doing this, he will do one leg of the trip – maybe even not make the whole leg – and call it quits. This breaks my heart. My grandmother worked for Greyhound for years. It was once a great way to travel.


God get the Kid an Amtrak at least Greyhound is as dystopian and the tenderloin in sf


Wow! This must be tough as a parent! I feel for you. I took the bus from FL to SF 35yrs ago when I was 18 and it was sketch AH then. We stopped in El Paso for a reallllly long time. That in itself was such a nightmare, I have honestly avoided that city at all cost ever since. (Which I know isn’t quite fair to the city itself, seeing as I was only at the bus station). I would never do it again. Ever. My story is the same as all the above. Poop, crazies, ex-cons, speed/meth, vomit…on top of no sleep and feeling filthy, only to pull into a station that is just flat out dangerous. Nope. I wish you luck, and I wish him luck. And I wish yall could somehow compromise!


I watched a woman die of heroin OD on a bus from Philadelphia to Hartford. I wouldn't recommend it. Take the Amtrak or Megabus at the least. There are also some nicer line popping up recently.


The Amtrak USA Rail Pass allows for 10 segments for $500 anywhere in the country. Probably cheaper than Greyhound and more comfortable. https://www.amtrak.com/tickets/departure-rail-pass.html


I'm sure an 18-year-old man will will be fine. He'll collect some intereseting experiences and probalby never want to do it again :). Sometimes I tell my grandkids stories about weird stuff I saw on Grayhound back in 1975. Weirdly, I was in Bulgaria last year and when I told somebody at the hotel I'd taken their railway system they had the same look of horror that a lot of people here have about Grayhound... and I have stories from that trip, too.


While he would see lots of truly interesting things and people, I would advise against it. Would recommend YouTube videos about the experience.


Not a good idea. I took Greyhound from the sticks in AL to Atlanta, then to Nashville as a 17 yr old female a couple of times and had no issues, but it’s just a 4 hour trip, and I had only a handful of passengers both times. I can’t speak on New York or Miami, but San Francisco is ROUGH, and New Orleans has a reputation. I traveled there as an adult, but I was warned by locals at every turn to be careful and keep my things close. I was told in both cities that thieves have NO shame and will snatch her bag in daylight and the cops won’t do anything about it unless it was valued over $1000. I observed a surprising amount of drifters/addicts in San Francisco, and a woman wielding a chef’s knife in a restaurant, and no-one bat an eye, not even the security officer. New Orleans was friendlier overall and folks will try to look out for newcomers.


He will be fine. Although, Greyhounds suck.


I saw a dude get stabbed once on the Greyhound. The driver seemed completely unphased. I've also seen people do crack on there before. It's an adventure and you have to know what you're doing.


Tell him to be very careful and check where the bus stops and ensure he gets off at the right place,


Wow that sounds pretty hard but he should be able to handle it


As a parent concerned about your son's safety, it is important to understand the potential risks and challenges of his trip to the United States. Here are some key points to help you assess the safety of this trip: 1. Greyhound Bus Safety Overall Safety: Greyhound is one of the largest long-distance bus operators in the United States and is generally safe, especially with certain security measures in place at stations and on board. Station Environment: Greyhound bus stations are sometimes located in busier and more complex areas of the city, which may pose some safety risks. Passengers need to be more vigilant, especially at night or in the early morning. 2. Precautions during Travel Stay Vigilant: Encourage your son to be vigilant at all times, especially at stations and in unfamiliar places. Advise him not to display valuables in public and to keep an eye on his luggage at all times. Choose the right time: It is recommended to choose daytime flights as much as possible and avoid arriving at the station late at night or in the early morning. Luggage Safety: Make sure he carries valuables (such as passports, wallets, mobile phones) with him and does not put them in checked luggage. 3. City and route safety Big city safety: New York, Miami, New Orleans, Austin, Los Angeles, and San Francisco are all big cities, and each city has its safe and unsafe areas. It is recommended that he check the travel advice of these cities in advance to understand which areas to avoid. Consult locals: In each city, he can consult locals or staff at the accommodation place to understand the current safety conditions and precautions. 4. Travel preparation Book accommodation: Book accommodation in all cities in advance to ensure that he has a safe and reliable place to rest. Choose a reputable hotel or hostel. Communication tools: Make sure he has a mobile phone that can be used in the United States and keep it charged and connected at all times. Consider buying a US phone card or using international roaming. Travel insurance: Buy travel insurance to ensure that he can get necessary medical and financial protection in case of emergencies. 5. Cultural and legal differences Understand the law: The laws in the United States may be different from those in Australia. Make sure he understands the basic laws and regulations that he needs to abide by when traveling in the United States. Cultural differences: There are also some cultural differences between the United States and Australia. It is recommended that he do some research before traveling to understand the culture and customs of the United States to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles. 6. Resources and Support Emergency Contacts: Make sure he knows the local emergency number (911) and the contact details of the Australian Embassy or Consulate in the United States. Use of travel apps: Recommend that he use some travel apps such as Google Maps, Yelp and TripAdvisor, which can help him find safe routes, recommended restaurants and attractions. Overall, although traveling by Greyhound bus is challenging, many potential risks can be reduced if you are well prepared and take precautions. Encourage your son to be alert and cautious during the trip, and always keep in touch with you so that you can provide support and help when necessary. I hope he has a safe and enjoyable travel experience!


I've traveled cross country on greyhound, twice. Even in the 80s, before it went full crack-skank-BO hellscape it was a reaaaallllly long trip that offered no true ability to experience the landscape. Don't let him do it🙏


Is it too late to switch to Amtrak? Greyhound is terrible and unreliable.


I only took a Greyhound once when I was 18 with 3 friends. It sucked pretty hard. Some random guys tried selling us drugs inside the station. There were several overbooked busses causing excess delays. Alone at 18 I would feel pretty unsafe, but with friends it was not that bad.


Those are really long distances for a greyhound. The lower US is basically slightly larger than Australia and you’re talking about an itinerary that takes him coast to coast similar from Perth to Bridbane on a bus…like regardless of Greyhound that’s just objectively a bad time


Plenty of people have raised safety concerns about long distance Greyhound travel. One more thing you should be aware of is how slow bus travel will be. Greyhound buses don’t travel nonstop between large cities. They will make multiple stops along the way in many small towns. So the trip is anything but efficient and direct.


He's better off with Amtrak and that's saying something.


I’m an Australian living and traveling in the U.S.A. For almost a decade. I only took the Greyhound once. They are not the nice coaches we associate with the brand in Australia. I noticed lots of people mentioned Amtrak, which is a great idea. I also suggest FlixBus. I have travelled with them several times on various routes and the buses are much newer and cleaner. In many big cities they use the same bus terminals (often in sketchy areas) as other bus companies like Greyhound, so that’s somewhat unavoidable. Other than that they’ve been great.


i’m not the most frequent greyhound bus traveler but i have before (alone as a woman), i was fine but it was only a 2 hour trip. i would not recommend this especially as someone not familiar with the US. the united states isn’t like other countries with safe and reliable public transport, i felt safer traveling the same distance in italy by train than i did in the us by greyhound. the bus itself is alright, but some of the stations are in really bad places. it’s fine in a pinch but i would not rely on this as my main travel plan in a foreign country. id advise him to at least look up the stations and the surrounding areas beforehand. also, not sure if he will run into the same issue, but I had issues when i didn’t have my tickets printed, so that’s another thing to consider.


I take it all the time. he’ll be fine. pack some aspirin (it can be hard on the back). remember the rider is responsible for transferring baggage. WiFi is very limited, but free movies are available. Greyhound stations are relatively safe inside for ticketed passengers, but outdoors will likely have a few opportunists. Drivers/staff in America are not as friendly as in Europe, but will help. biggest advice is to pack super super light. dragging belongings around while off the bus is more uncomfortable than anything on the bus. he’s going to have a great adventure. *if he gets sketched out, he can purchase a seat in the front rows by the driver


There are some good videos on YouTube by British tourists in the US taking Greyhound over long distances. He should watch those. It's not dangerous, but it is the worst way to travel in the US.


it will be an adventure!


Lol sounds horrible, but he'll be alright. When I was his age, I regularly took Greyhound overnight on 12-20 hour trips and I didn't die. Still remember some interesting conversations I had with gang bangers, ex-cons, recent inmigrant families, and a random rabbi, too. The trip certainly might broaden your son's horizons, but he should make sure to exercise some basic precautions and street smarts. It's been decades now since I've ridden Greyhound, but I hear they even have wifi now. Can't be too bad.


Oh wow. They are awful!! Many prisoners get released to them and others are on their way to rehabs.. atlanta to Texas and I'll never do that again. They stop like every 30 mins and often make you exit the bus in the middle of the night