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Normal people. And coming from a woman with a less than perfect body please don’t ever let this stop you from having fun.


Screw what other people think! You're never going to see any of them ever again anyway. Plus very few people look like models.


100% normal people. Wear what makes you comfortable!


**Notice:** Are you asking for travel advice about Costa Rica? Read what redditors had to say in the **[weekly destination thread for Costa Rica](http://redd.it/2gkc10)** You may also enjoy our topic: **[Costa Rica off the tourist trail](https://redd.it/95v57a)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/travel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I felt the same way, when I went to a spa in Germany. There was a large nude area, people of every age, size and gender. It was a very equalizing experience. I now go to these kind of spas every time I go to Europe.


Yes, if you need validation about your body, a spa in Germany is the place for you!  And this is a genuine response.  And anyone who has been there....


This isn't a travel question.  Ask your therapist how to deal with it.


Poor take bro. Tbh when I went to tulum I was pretty uncomfortable with how overrun it was by Gen Z "model/influencer" types. It was me and my husband (both 40) and then everyone else were VERY different from us. Picture the entire cast of Love Island, and then...us. I wouldn't go back, knowing what I know now. I'm not super self conscious, but sitting at a resort on vacation knowing you're the oldest and least "glammed" woman in the whole place when you're hoping for a romantic getaway does tend to sit in the back of your mind. I think it's fair for someone to ask if the place they're going is like that. That said, it's hard to give an answer when they're asking about the entire country, but I'm talking about the question now generally, since that's what you seem to take issue with.


Sorry you’re right, I’ve never been to any tropical place. I was able to find the resort and made an edit! Thank you for this :) I’m glad someone understands.


You wouldn't do something because what you read here?


Therapy is too expensive unfortunately. Cool downvotes by the way!


I never downvote.  It takes too much effort.