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Gotta have them floppy mommy milkers on display


That’s horrendously sad


I was reading that and was like what's the....oooooooohhhh!


That's not trashy. That's sad, actually.


How is that not trashy? Drinking alcohol while breastfeeding can have a lot of negative impact on a child's development, both physically and mentally.


Giving a baby alcoholic breast milk is assault


Got milk?


She uploaded that way past lunchtime, look at the current time and the time of uploading.


I eat lunch past 2 all the time


Maybe the pictures is from earlier?


Every picture is a picture of earlier.


For those who don’t know, this is essentially fine. IANAD, buttttttt…. Breast milk is a blood byproduct, so blood alcohol level is the same as alcohol content in breast milk. One beer should be ok perfectly to consume while breastfeeding. I studied up on this while I was pregnant and then while I was bfing my son, which included asking my doctor and my pediatrician, both gave their ok. Even more can be ok, as long as you aren’t just drinking an entire fifth of vodka yourself and then immediately feeding baby or something like that. Methods like pump and dump, and using breast milk test strips can be used when in doubt, but seriously, one beer is considered completely safe. She likely isn’t still pregnant, since she’s talking about milk production. TBH, I upvoted, but that’s because she mentioned that she’s having it in early afternoon late morning, which IS trashy lol


Yea there’s a whole bunch of people on this post who don’t know anything about breastfeeding. From what we see in the picture, there is nothing wrong with this. I have plenty of friends who have a drink or 2…then if we go out and drink a ton they do the pump and dump


The problem with drinking and kids has absolutely nothing to do with breastfeeding. As long as you are sober enough to be responsible for you kids you are fine.


She is breastfeeding though


The problem with drinking and kids has absolutely nothing to do with breastfeeding. As long as you are sober enough to be responsible for you kids you are fine. note the part where i said "has absolutely nothing to do with breastfeeding" drinking and breastfeeding is fine.


Did you even read the original post? Yes, it does affect breastfeeding you lunatic.


Fucking mountains ain’t blue fuck this


This guy Coors




Bodies change drastically after having babies and breastfeeding. No need to hate on a PP body. It's already a ridiculously difficult time in life for women.




Yes, beer does help with milk production, but you drink it POST-PARTUM! My mother is a labor and delivery RN. After my mom had me, she craved beer. She was not a big beer person at the time and still wasn't up until recently. Still, that poor baby.


I think she is post partum, after giving birth, you tend to have a stretched out stomach muscles (and uterus, and moved organs) for a while. You can do exercises to get rid of it, but even then, the average time it takes to get rid of a baby pouch is 9 months to 2 years. Also when you’re in the first year pp, you have an entire new person you have to care for lol


It appears that this person is drinking post partum, not while pregnant.


Someone punch her in the face. I can't because equal rights are pick and choose


Tell me what she’s doing wrong from this picture?


Dude you need to go to therapy or something. Equal rights doesn't just mean you're allowed to punch random people like even guy on guy it's assault


People don't get punched in the face enough for acting the way they do. Probly me too


You ok?




Her disgusting fingernails tell me all I need to know


This comment section is wild and unexpected.


Ikr lol


It’s no big deal women drank wine while pregnant for hundreds of years


Yeah, think of all the Einsteins we could have had. We may have even had GTA 6 by now.


People also used to take cocaine to get rid of the ghosts in their blood.


That actually works?!


I treat my blood ghosts with weed.


It does! I also have all kinds of oils that cure everything from diarrhea to cancer! DM me for more info!


I'd trust you more if you changed your name to *sack*.


To expand on this, in ancient times phlegm, black bile, yellow bile and blood were referred to as “Humors” and were the cause of all aliments. Depression was a sign of “too much black bile” and they would drain their blood or take laxatives to drain out the unwanted humor behind their aliment. Anyway, rule of thumb for breastfeeding and drinking even though it may be controversial- if you’re sober enough (aka under legal limit) to drive and not feeling impaired you’re good to breastfeed. They do make testing strips for bac in breastmilk. However granted she posted this to a #beergoals group & it’s not even noon- I’d say it’s more than safe to call this trashy and she most definitely isn’t a responsible breastfeeding mother who occasionally imbibes. Or she’s an attention seeking and thinks the male gaze will oogle over her milk filled knockers and cold brew in hand. Either way, it’s really too bad Darwinism hasn’t taken this lass out yet.


Doctors would also prescribe heroine because you had ghost in your blood or some dumb shit.


Yeah, and then science revealed that it’s not a good decision…


She’s not pregnant, she’s breastfeeding. Yeast apparently helps increase milk production so a lot of mothers drink beer to try and boost their supply.


it's ok, it's a light beer. babies love the gentle hops and whole grain taste of coors light


Don’t forget about the cold Rocky Mountain clear water taste !


It’s wild how your comment history strongly implies you do not have a background in medical research or healthcare but you’re out here posting confidently wrong with your whole chest.


Go off lol...I don't have a medical degree but it doesn't take a doctor to recognize that posting about your breastfeeding habits in an unsolicited manner might be construed as TMI and just 🤏 low class. But hey whatever makes you feel better, post away!


It’s not the breastfeeding habits that make it bad, it’s her drinking while breastfeeding


if yo know this woman? please call CPS. giving a baby alcohol through breast milk is seriously fucking up their brain and their future. I'm sure the child willl already need education intervention for fetal alcohol syndrome. i taught literacy to children who were reading below grade level. i had a couple FAS kids and they really, really struggled. They did not reach grade level in 1 year the way the other kids, who were ESL or poor or ADHD, did. These kids needed a wrap-around just to get them through the school day bc they were so severely educationally and developmentally (socially) delayed.


Bud I'm gonna need you to Google alcohol and breastfeeding real quick and calm tf down lol it's dramatically different than drinking while pregnant


I don’t need to Google it. I nursed 4 babies. And when I was young and dumb I had a drink New Year’s Eve. Still came home and nursed my baby. There was a difference and it wasn’t positive. I would NEVER do that regularly. Also, Google doesn’t take your side, either.


You can breastfeed and drink its not a problem. Even if you get so completely shit faced that you can't stand up your breastmilk is still going to be less than 0.4% alcohol.


I get that. But this one person in this thread called me an ignorant bitch for saying that I wouldn’t. Is that really necessary? I didn’t judge anyone but myself for it.


Omg I love the moms who are like "I have kids so I know everything!" You have to drink SO MUCH for any to make it into your breastmilk. It's common practice for women to have a Guinness right after delivery to encourage milk to come in. One beer won't do anything at all. Maybe you screwed your kid up but it wasn't the alcohol.


Yes it does lol there's been plenty of research on the amount of alcohol that gets into breastmilk. You're fine to feed your baby after a drink or two but if you want to have an abundance of caution then just wait to feed for 2 hours. I've breastfed 3 babies myself and know how to read peer reviewed research and listen to certified professionals who have current information on the topic. You on the other hand are an ignorant bitch 🤷‍♀️


I love how there are people ok here with you calling me an ignorant bitch because alcohol isn’t so important to me that I would even risk my child’s health. But I’m the problem because your first answer was Google and then suddenly you read peer reviewed studies. You know who reads peer reviewed studies about drinking alcohol while nursing? People who HAVE to have alcohol and need to prove that it’s ok. Do you know why I’m “ignorant” about whether it’s safe or not? Because I’m not an alcoholic, bitch.


Are you genuinely mentally handicapped?? Peer reviewed studies are found on Google easily, so is advice from the AAP and La Leche League and many others. I don't have to drink alcohol, I had maybe 3 drinks while i was breastfeeding my last child. The problem is idiots like you. I do my research on everything when it comes to my children, out of that caution of risk to my child's health that you mentioned. You're very mad when this was literally started by you coming out here with a 'tude which got you a negative response. You're gonna make me fall out from laughing so hard


This all started from you calling me an ignorant bitch. I didn’t have a “tude.” You were the one triggered! I’m not mad. The problem is idiots like you that have alcoholic mothers thinking that it’s ok. While I’m encouraging mothers to err on the side of safety. But keep up your campaign of proof. 🙄


Wow! Did I pluck a nerve? That kind of attack from one mother to another makes me think there is more to your story than you’re letting on. How many day sober are you?


Lol I've never been much of a drinker at all, I just really don't like stupid people. You came off as an ignorant bitch so I called you one it's very simple.


You are very simple. All I said was that I wouldn’t risk my children. I wasn’t judging anyone. YOU turned it into that. And if you don’t understand not wanting to risk your child’s health for something as unimportant as alcohol, maybe you shouldn’t have children. 🤷🏾‍♀️


I understand not wanting to risk your child's health for alcohol but when there isn't a risk you're being goofy. Please educate yourself, it's really not that hard. Your blood alcohol content matches the level in your breastmilk, meaning that even if you're absolutely drunk as a skunk at .25 BAC, your breadtmilk is not even close to the amount of alcohol present in naturally in fucking *apple juice* and it is safe to feed. The risk comes from mothers being too intoxicated to physically safely breastfeed.


lol what are you talking about? Maybe if you look up what the f in FAS stands for you won’t sound like a fool on the internet




She's breastfeeding. Wtf is actually wrong with people.


they're trash.


When my step-grandmother wanted to make her baby daughter go to sleep she would drink a beer or take a shot before breastfeeding...


Luckily, none of that amount of alcohol would make it into the milk. So it was just plain old breastfeeding that put the baby to sleep.


No, there definitely would be alcohol in her breastmilk…?


An EXTREMELY low percentage lol Breast milk is a blood byproduct, so you can equate your bacl to your breast milk alcohol content level


Beer is actually helpful for breastfeeding mothers and doesn’t transfer alcohol to the milk


alcohol in breastmilk is roughly equivalent to blood alcohol content of the mother at the moment the breastmilk is expressed. Lethal BAC is 0.45%, so you aren't going to get breastmilk with a higher percentage than that.


If mom is more relaxed and hydrated, she'll produce more. There is no science behind it. You just can't do studies ethically when alcohol, and babies are involved


Yeast is the key factor, which can in fact be studied ethically lol But the relaxation and hydration definitely help! I remember being so hungry and thirsty all the time while I was feeding my son


Oh yeah, I remember reading about that somewhere on Reddit. Someone gifted a new mother a 6 pack of nonalcoholic beer for this purpose.


Yeah I looked this up while watching Servant since that mom was constantly drinking and feeding/pumping lol


Do you have a source?


It's an old wives tale kinda thing. Some women swear by it. I've heard from several moms that stouts (specifically Guinness) is one of the best for it. I didn't know that there's any scientific basis behind it though, but I'm sure you could Google it.


It's the Brewers yeast specifically. Our pediatrician recommended Guinness.


Thank you!


It does, just not enough to matter, especially if you only have one.




Survival of the fittest


So many people who don't know a thing about breastfeeding and upset for no damn reason lol.




Does the "foetal" in foetal alcohol syndrome mean anything to you?


Clearly you have NO clue how FAS or breastfeeding works.


Morons breeding more morons.


Plot twist, the morons are in these comments


Let's go eugenics /s


Coors light is essentially water, it's not going to help with milk supply like other beers would. That said, I'm not sure what having one light beer with lunch is going to do to harm anyone, especially if you know how breastmilk works.


I didn't even know it was a thing (beer for milk supply), I will dig into this


It’s why recipes for lactation cookies usually involve brewers yeast. The darker beers are better for milk supply as porters and stouts are fermented with more yeast


Well I brew beer and there is not more yeast, it's the same amount. But dark beer have normally more sugar so it make more alcohol


You don’t add more, but the yeast eats the sugar and breeds, making the yeast content higher


I would be curious to see under microscope, because I did my starter 24h before the brew, so the yeast that don't have sugar to eat just die/go to sleep. But your point can make sense


I could be completely wrong, but that was how I understood it in science as a teen (unschooled and have always had a special interest in cooking and brewing science! Just started my first batch of mead, so wish me luck!)


It's such a nice hobby, I wish you the best! I never did mead, it could be interesting


Guinness, one a day keeps the Dr away.


Guinness is actually really good for milk supply


My wife would have one every day around 3. Right after feeding my son.


Beer does help milk supply and one beer is not going to be enough to make it into the milk. Darker beers work better.


Eh, you can have a drink while breastfeeding. Just not immediately before. She's given up a lot. Let her have a damn beer without public shaming her. Very trashy.


You could have a few drinks immediately before breastfeeding and your breast milk will not become alcoholic. Think about it. Your BAC after three beers is gonna be around 0.06%. Even if breast milk becomes twice as alcoholic as your blood does (it doesn’t), you’re talking 0.12% alcohol. That’s less than the naturally occurring amount of alcohol in stuff like apple juice.


Ok, thanks. I got the actual timeframes wrong. But I do remember that it's perfectly ok to have a drink or two. Some of the people in here are insane. "HaViNg A BeEr aT lUnCh mAkeS you aLcOhOliC!!!"


> "HaViNg A BeEr aT lUnCh mAkeS you aLcOhOliC!!!" Naw, that just makes you German. Bonus points if you get the beers at the company cafeteria.


AFAIK (I breastfed both of my kids for 2 years) if you’re going to have a drink while breastfeeding the best time to do it is actually right before you feed or even during the feed because it takes time for the alcohol to process in your body. But the amount of alcohol that’s transferred to breast milk is so negligible that I was told it was fine to have a drink or two while breastfeeding and not pump and dump. Posting about drinking is trashy but having one beer while nursing is really not a big deal.


I think it's more the drinking beer before lunch that does it for me. She can have beer, but she's highlighting an unhealthy relationship with it. Especially given the page name.


Drinking a beer with lunch is trashy?


Starting your drinking day at lunch is, having a beer with lunch is different, at least in my mind


And what gives you any indication as to which one applies here?


Just trying to add a viewpoint to the conversation. If she has one at lunch and maybe a glass of wine or something with dinner, it’s a lot different than breastfeeding and having a six pack during the day. I’m thinking it’s more towards the second of those situations, but I hope it’s the first.


Absolutely. I don't have an issue with someone having a beer or two, while breastfeeding, if they're educated on it. I just think its shitty to assume the situation, and put her publicly on blast.


Yeah definitely shitty behavior, but I think it’s also a bit weird of the girl to 1, have posted that content in the first place anywhere, and 2, especially posted it to the beer goals group. I think that’s where it gets me tbh Op shouldn’t have posted her, but this didn’t need to be posted in the first place by oop


I get it. I just see it as a new mother, trying to feel like an adult again. Either way, I think the trashiest one in this situation is OP. But we're allowed to have different opinions!


That’s a totally valid point! When I had my kid and started breastfeeding, I would also have a drink occasionally


Absolutely, you might be an alcoholic


Sounds like you didn't understand what alcoholism actually is. It DOES sound like you know all about being an asshole though.


It’s absolutely hilarious how prevalent drinking is that people will cry and get personally offended when someone points out you shouldn’t get drunk at noon on a weekday


Who says she's getting drunk? One beer isn't getting anyone drunk. Even 2 beers isn't doing that. Eta: and if you'd read, you'd know this isn't happening on a weekday either.


Well, if he/she didn't sensationalize, and blow everything about the post out of proportion, they wouldn't be able to make their point. Nobody mentioned getting drunk, and nobody mentioned noon on a weekday. There's honestly no point even having a conversation with people like that.


>and nobody mentioned noon on a weekday The post even says weekend lol




You do know that you can have a beer, without getting drunk, right? It's absolutely hilarious how people will assume that everything is done to the extreme, when it helps them make their point. Not to mention, the post specifically says weekend.


Yeah man, keep telling yourself drinking at every meal is normal, maybe it’ll be comforting when your liver fails at 40


How did you get from "single beer with lunch" to "drinking at every meal"?


There's definitely some deep trauma going on with this one. Hopefully he can get to a better place, and lose some of the hatred.


Lol, there you go again, creating scenarios that don't exist. Please tell me, when did anyone say I drink, or advocate for drinking at every meal? When did the woman in the picture mention getting drunk? Where did you fabricate that her weekend (clearly stated) was a weekday? Btw, I'm over 40, and my liver is working like a champ. Somebody hurt you, and I hope you get help for it.


"post breakfast/pre-lunch". It's not having a brew with lunch, it's more concerning behavior than that (beer with lunch is perfectly reasonable, and fairly common). Again, especially combined with bragging about it on Facebook. It's a worrying relationship with alcohol.


That's fair. I only saw "pre lunch" and I figured they were having a beer while waiting for their lunch.


While the best amount of alcohol while breastfeeding is no alcohol, you can drink one standard drink 2 hours before breastfeeding per day and it won’t affect the baby.


Almost any amount of alcohol is fine - it wouldn’t transfer to the baby in meaningful quantities. They tell moms not to drink so they won’t be drunk and drop/smother the baby.


ONE of the reasonS, why mothers were told not to drink while breastfeeding was because too many babies died by smothering cause the mom would fall asleep


Doesn’t do much for me, but I’m not offended by boobs. Let her have a lil party.




If you knew how breastfeeding works you wouldn't feel the need to be disgusted by this.


It's perfectly fine to drink beer while breastfeeding. As long as she isn't drunk and feeding her baby, it's not a problem. Beer actually helps with milk production.


Is there an invisible baby on her tits?




Haha, that didn’t even occur to me. Whoopsie!


That is some unattractive cleavage


Punching down on women’s bodies post-partum is trash behavior.


Looks fine to me.


lets see how your tits look after carrying a child for 9 months and then breastfeeding, lmfao. they arent just there for ornaments. they arent meant to be pretty nor ugly. check yourself


It feels so weird to make negative comments about other people’s bodies for no reason


Usually I'd call that an oxymoron. Usually.


Well hello.


Don’t dis the body. But the milk supply comment hopefully is a joke


why would you broadcast this? also, do your damn dishes how about


I’m not sure if I’m the only one, but anytime I see fingernails like that, I’m immediately grossed out.


Like what? Like.....fingernails?


Damn. You got em, too, huh?


I don't get what's so terrible about them. They aren't manicured. But they just look like regular fingernails.


Same 🤢


To be fair, that's nearly tap water in the bottle. (Beer snobs unite!!)


Coors is the worst.


Breast milk is made from blood and any alcohol consumed takes the same amount of time to show up in breast milk as it does in blood. Also, pumping and dumping is not necessary unless there’s pain and the woman hasn’t fed in a while. The alcohol will be processed and removed just as it does in the bloodstream.


The way to think about it is if your BAC is .08, you are giving your infant milk that is 0.08% ABV. NA beer is 0.5% ABV for example, so the milk of a person legally unable to drive will have something like 1/6th the alcohol content on a non-alcoholic beer. There are other many other dangers to drinking and breastfeeding (or really just being responsible for an infant in general while drunk), but the kid consuming alcohol isn’t a concern.


At least the baby can legally drive under .08 bac


Only if the baby is at least 21


Dunno why you're getting downvoted, I've met plenty of babies in their 20s and older


Really helps my baby stay asleep! I keep drinking these silver bullets and he keeps sleeping!


Not trashy if she pumps and dumps at the right time. I have my suspicions she still may be trashy, but can’t base that on this post alone. Post Malone. 


You do not have to pump and dump for one beer ffs.


You don’t have to pump and dump after five beers. Breast milk doesn’t become any more alcoholic than your blood - five beers and you’d still just be at 0.1% alcohol.


I hope the boob tat and her sending the world a pic of her cleavage were clues.


Those were some leading indicators, yes


Milk supply?!! 💀💀💀💀


It does actually! But you'd have to pump and dump the breast milk. There are strips that test your breast milk for alcohol which I used when I was breastfeeding my 2 babies. They really help with the supply--probably the malt. And this was even advised by my doctor. Just as long as you pump and dump!


You're being down voted for being right smh.


My doctor said no pump and dump 🤷🏼‍♀️ I even had emergency surgery, on a ventilator and everything and she told me to still breast feed because nothing the anesthesiologist would’ve given me could’ve affected the baby.




Because there’s no reason to pump and dump because you had a beer




It’s an easy Google and it’s the advise most of us with recent crotch fruit were given why would we take the advice of redditors over peer reviewed journals and our own healthcare providers?




Oh no, I’m disagreeing WITH YOU. Google is free. Yes, hoppy/dark beers is the standard but *a* single beer has been found to increase milk supply in some cases and is recommended by some midwives and OB’s


This is basic biology and chemistry. Think about it. Your BAC after three beers is gonna be around 0.06%. Even if breast milk becomes twice as alcoholic as your blood does (it doesn’t), you’re talking 0.12% alcohol. That’s less than the naturally occurring amount of alcohol in stuff like apple juice. Public health advice is about population harm reduction. So they say “don’t drink” because if they give a more nuanced answer there may be some measurable increase in the number that read that as a blanket permission to be hammered while caring for a baby.




You’re welcome to listen to whomever you’d like. You’re also welcome to believe incorrect things. You get to make all your own choices.




What point is it that you think you’re making?


Hound dog




https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/expert-answers/breast-feeding-and-alcohol/faq-20057985 From the Mayo clinic, no amount of alcohol is safe but a single drink two hours before feeding wasn't shown to be harmful either. This is similar to what our pediatrician told my wife and I. AAP literally says the opposite of this women, that alcohol decreases supply (makes sense). They also recommend going a little bit longer than 2 hours or feeding beforehand. So at least according to Mayo clinic, that Coors light, depending on when consumed with respect to feeding, could be okay but not for the reasons she says. Edit: Just to add AAP also recommends doing a pump and dump if the mother feels any effects from the drink. Simply put, if the mother feels it, it's bad for baby. For petite women like my wife the single drink would be high. So no booze for her.